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25% Plants vs Zombies the third element / Chapter 3: a bunch of dubious creatures getting up to mischief

Chapter 3: a bunch of dubious creatures getting up to mischief

Author here just a quiiiiiick question, is the image cover a pvz pic for this fic? It seems to not change and I keep trying to use different pictures but none seem to work and wanted to check if it's just on my end -<-

Also a heads up! I will be heading to college soon to gain some more SMARTS *echo echo* so my uploads may eventually slow down a bit, I'll do my best to be consistent but shit happens you know? Now back tooooo our usual channel .^.


Jason awoke eventually a few hours later into the day, letting out a yawn as he stretched to loosen up his muscles as he heard the satisfying sound of multiple pops as when he twisted his body around and then his neck.

"Man why is it a nap feels more refreshing then getting more hours of sleep?" He yawned out, getting out of bed and went to his window. Opening the blinds a bit to see through it while remain hidden behind it, Jason would see that the sky was significantly more dark outside than when he first woke up.

"God damn, I over slept in my nap." It was way brighter outside but now the sky was shade of orange while the sun started to set, it then hit him as he felt excitement rise in his being as he quickly left his room. Of course bringing his trusty shovel with him for a means of protection and rushed down the stairs all the way out the front door of his house only to skid to a halt upon what he saw outside.

Out infront of his lawn was twenty four sunflowers and thirty six peashooters. This may seem a lot but it seems less to Jason, seed packets usual hold around a few dozen to hundreds of seeds depending on the plants.

"I feel like I've been cheated by Bloom and Doom" he said softly, staring in awe at the living and breathing plants before him. They was cartoonish as well, much like himself. He ignored that detail in hopes that he was just dreaming and that he'll be back to his old life, then again he didn't have much worth going back too besides family and friends.

When he spoke the plants of course heard him and turned their bodys around best they could, another thing that surprised him when seeing it in person. They was very expressive, sunflowers easy to tell with their happy cheerful smiles that make you want to hug them.

He was more caught off guard with the peashooters, considering their mouths is a circle thing. He couldn't properly give a detail but honestly if you played the games then you know what a peashooter looked like.

The peashooters eye smiled or half way closed their eyes. One even waved his leaf side to side!

Another thing that just pulled at his heart strings is that the plants made noises, for the sunflowers the sounds they made sounded quite similar to the one they made in GW2/Garden warfare 2. The same could be said for the peashooters but the potted variant.

In summary…..these guys was cute as hell, would definitely plant more for the sake of more cuteness.

Jason would approach one of the sunflower and crouch down before her, he assumed she considering well. It sounded feminine, looked it as well so Jason assumed all sunflowers was a she unless Crazy Dave said otherwise. So he's not going down some deep rabbit hole over a dang plant.

The sunflower was around waist height, much smaller then its garden warfare counter part. The sunflower ever present smile on her face seemed to brighten even further, she even went as far to do a little wiggle.

"You all are just too dang cute, can't resist….cutness!"

Jason was too weak to resist the adorable sunflower charms and proceeded to pet her gently, which the sunflower liked a lot from the way she pressed her petal covered head more against his hand.

"Petals feel like a, well. Petal. No surprises there, who's a cute little sunflower? You are! Yes you are!"

He would proceed to spoil his newly grown plants with attention, they was surpingly needy for love and attention but not overly so like a pet with separation anxiety. They just loved feeling, well loved.

He could understand that, being loved and appreciated felt nice. As he rubbed a peashooter head next, he could easily spot that the plants overall mood seemed to brighter considerably.

Another thing he noted was how weird feeling a peashooter was, not in a bad way just in a way of feeling a new sensation similar yet foreign.

It was smooth yet also….he couldn't find an appropriate word he was looking for but he would go with that the peashooter also felt slightly rough?

His musing and observations was cut short as he then heard the iconic line uttered by the zombies. "Brainnnzzzz…"

It was a bit high pitched, he didn't even notice a zombie was approaching from how distracted he was giving the plants attention. Which in turn the plants was distracted by the attention they received, but hearing the zombie speak caught their attention.

Jason was surprised how serious the plants became, even the sunflowers who still had their smiles on their face and moving their bodies side to side had a bit of tenseness to their movements.

The peashooters eyes narrowed as they stared down the zombie that was shuffling its way slowly onto Jason lawn, the zombie looked like your average basic brown coat zombie with now hair, one big eye and one small eye, two holes where his nose should be, one leg twisted slightly making it drag everytime the zombie moved, red stripped tie

This zombie didn't have anything on his head either, it was just your average jobber zombie. The zombie didn't even get far as once he got too close for the peashooters liking all thirty six peashooters fired upon the zombie at once before Jason could even do or say anything

Jason eyes widen comically as he watched most of the pea rounds missed the intended target, but it didn't matter considering the rest hit the zombie dead center being his head, arm, chest and leg.

The zombie was sent flying off his legs by the hard force of multiple pea rounds hitting him as Jason could hear an audible sound of bounds cracking where the zombie was shot at with his head popping clean off that went flying into someone else lawn across the street.

"Holy shit, you guys anhilated that zombie!"

Jason said in surprise, he wasn't surprised by the damage. A single peashooter in PVZ isn't strong by any means, later on in the games they just get outclassed by other plans that are just better in every way like a repeater, Gatling pea, eletro pea, fire pea, or even kernel pult. There definitely more he could listen but you get the point.

A single pea shooter isn't much, enough for basic zombies and even cone heads. But multiple? That line zombie didn't stand a chance, especially if all the peashooters landed their shots.

"Damn guys…good job" he praised, his bewildered look still on his face. The peashooters took his praise well, their serious expressions displayed on their face before went away once the threat was neutralized.

They seemed quite pleased with the compliment, one of them even looked smug somehow.

"Though we're going to need to work on your aim a bit guys, your aim was pretty bad" he said which made the smug looking peashooter deflate comically with a 'womp' sound that he had no clue where it came from. "I guess that makes sense….their new to the world and this was their first encounter with a zombie. Their aim wouldn't be perfect since they have no experience shooting till now."

He mumbled to himself while petting a peashooter, to him it made sense why most of them just missed. Having no experience in combat, can't expect a random civilian to shoot like a trained soldier with no prior training.

He would then he looked at the zombie corpse that was made back into a usual bone moving corpse killed by peashooter firing line. His curiosity got the better of him and got up, he would approached the zombie corpse that was laying side walk opposite to his house.

He wanted to see the damages on what it was like getting hit by a fast moving pea round, he would let out a whistle while observing the corpse.

The zombie right leg was bent inwards to the point it would've snapped right off if it tried moving it in the slightest, both of its arms was mangled and mishapened because of the blunt force trauma. Opening the zombie shirt would reveal bones from the ribs poking out the body.

Looking at where the zombie head fell, he could see from where he was standing that the forehead was caved in, seeing the brain matter mixed with bone and pea made Jason gagged as he looked away. His curiosity was satiated and so he quickly returned to his lawn to his waiting plants who greeted him cheerfully.

Only for them to get serious once more as they heard the sound of 'Brainz' in the distance, down the street there was a small hoard of zombies shambling aimlessly until they noticed Jason on his lawn.

-POV change to the zombies-

Jerry was supposed to come back after scouting up ahead, then again he always forgets to comeback. He's not that smart like us, see we're independent thinkers, he's from an older batch of zombies.

It's no wonder his batch got wiped out by the an angry looking plant that blew up his fellows leaving a hole in the floor.

He was the only one to survive the failed attack on the Boss hated enemy, Minion 21 doesn't know how the boss brilliant plan failed that day. It was genius from what minion 21 was told, and he had to agree it was brilliant! Send in wave after wave of zombies and send a sixth final wave that Jerry batch was part of at the dumb looking human house.

Minion 21 still for the life of him can't understand how Jerry and his group failed, maybe they was just too dumb to not say Brainz enough.

Saying Brainz with his group made him feel good, motvader? No that wasn't the word….moronic? Maybe that's the word, he'll go with that!

Feeling moronic always lifted minion 21 spirits, another reason why Jerry group failed was because they picked names. Dummies, who picks a name? It's asking to be blown up.

And now monion 21 and his group has to look for Jerry. Which wasn't hard seeing at he was dead up ahead, that didn't matter when they could see fresh juicy brains well kept inside the walking container standing behind a bunch of plants.

Yuck, oh well Minion 21 is no complainer. Brainz is Brainz. "Brainzs!" He would shout out shuffling forward as he alerted his group to the lawn that had juicy Brainz waiting for them!

Minion 21 would take lead, to inspire his brothers who followed him into battle as fast they could move. While two brown coat zombies stood in the back following, only to stop watching as minion 21 went flying off

And the other zombies in the group started loosing limbs as pea rounds went flying

-pov switch to GREG the zombie-

This does not look good, that's a lot of peashooters. I was certain we was going to win especially with 21 fearless charge onto the lawn. But seeing his head fly off his body made me reconsider continuing on, I then proceeded to grab Paul arm and tug him back as I made him move away from this lawn.

It may seem strange that we have names, when you been a zombie like me for awhile. Made from a vat by the boss, you pick up a few things in your month long service and onwards. Like a name, it ain't much but it's better than having nothing.

I'm a simple zombie, I like the boss, I like his plans. Hate plants, their mean. But what I love the most? Being alive to eat Brainz another day and right now as I'm watching my fellow zombies loosing heads and limbs from a barrage of plant shots, this Brainz ain't worth it.


I told Paul we needed to go as I pulled on his arm, this attack was going to fail. He was perhaps my closest thing to a brother, well the others are my brothers but me and him? We're close and I care about his well being like he cares about mine.

Paul blankly looked at me, he wasn't that bright but he's family and you look out for family when you can. I wish I could do the same for the others but their even slower than Paul. He was just letting me pull him away as the sound of a pea round whizzing over heads was easily heard. We was able to get out of there fairly easily.

I'm just wondering how I'll tell the boss on what happened here, maybe he'll send more brothers here to take this Brainz.

-Back to our protagonist-

"It's scary how strong your pew rounds are"

Jason said to the peashooter he stood behind with a shove raised, ready to defend his plants incase any zombies for too close comfort.

He didn't need to do anything in fact when thirty six peashooter rounds flew in the air every direction at nineteen zombies that shredded their bodies launching arms, legs and heads in every direction.

The zombies didn't stand a chance at all. Jason would reach down to pat a peashooter head who let out happy sounds of enjoyment from the petting. Only for him to let out a sigh, a mechanic he wished carried over in his arrival.

Which being corpses vanishing like in usual video games, now his lawn was littered with zombie body parts. At least there was no guts and brain matter, yet.

"Better get started before the sun goes down fully….*sigh*"


Phewwwww another chapter out and I hope it was a good one! Please have a good day everyone, I'll see if I can double upload today, it's maybe but keep an eye out in case

Until next time!^^

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