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5% Sauron in game of thrones / Chapter 1: regret of a dark lord
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Sauron in game of thrones

Author: jonas_karel

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: regret of a dark lord

In a cold dark keep surrounded by dead forest and sick trees.

There amidst darkness Sauron dwelled, robbed of his physical form weakened after the destruction of his ring.

His seat of power destroyed, his efforts rendered useless.

He lost again having to flee to Angband, just like when his master Morgoth got banished from middle earth.

The once powerfull maiar had lost his spark.

His grand plan thwarted by a mere hobbit, Olorin(Gandalf ) just had to use a hobbit to stop him.

"A HOBBIT!!!!"


Flames burned in Sauron's eyes,

A plan spanning era's was destroyed by a oversight.

The Valar and maiar loyal to Eru lluvatar didn't know the true use of the ring.

They never did, thinking the only function was enhancing his powers and ruling the other rings.

No no no it was more than that, so much more.

Sauron learned all there was to learn about the workings of metals and creating artifacts from Aulë.

The ring was never made to rule the others, the connection was there only to activate the ritual.

Some elves too smart for their own good found this connections, thinking it was used to influence the other wearers.

That was only partly why I made that connection.

The ritual would start once the last elf would leave middle earth.

On the brink of the age of man.

Then using the instability in the song of reality, he would use the rings to connect to the void holding Morgoth.

Not to free him, oh no but to consume him.

He served him all this time to be able to backstab him and devour his spirit.

The power of the rings would hold him and slowly break his spirit down.

Channeling all that pure power into Sauron.

Transforming him into the greatest of Valar. No longer a servant to these pompous false gods.

It's not like he wanted this outcome.

Sauron just wanted to help creating the world but they just had to include him in their schemes.

Aulë wanted to use Sauron as a sacrifice for his greatest creation, thinking he wouldn't overhear it when he discussed it with his fellow Valar.

Are they mental?

Then Morgoth comes along offering Sauron servitude and power.

Did the Valar really think he would not betray them!!!!.

While Morgoth may be the lord of darkness, he is at least not thinking about turning him into a piece of equipment.

Well it doesn't matter anymore, Aulë can be here any moment to finish his project.

Taking the last and most important ingredient, his spirit.

If only he had control over the old dark creatures created by Morgoth, like the dragons, or held sway over the balrogs his fellow maiar.

The outcome would have been a lot different.

Lamenting his fate, Sauron was already brooding and thinking of a new plan.

Even if this set back disheartened him greatly.

He couldn't just wait to die.

But it was too late, Angband trembled under an heavy impact.

NOOO Sauron screamed, before being hit by a bright light.

Aulë stood above Angband together with his wife Yavanna, and fellow valar Ulmo.

"Is it really worth your time to come here Aulë?" Yavanna asked her husband

"Sauron is nothing but a maiar not worth much of our time." Ulmo follows up

"You don't understand Ulmo, I trained him in all crafts and forced him to exceed me even in crafting so that I may use him for my greatest creation."

"The box of creation, a tool capable of crafting the most powerful artifacts simply by putting in the materials."

"Give a outline of what you want created, and after some time, a finished product comes out."

"But for it to work I need a craftsman's soul but not any soul would work, I would have to use the soul of the best craftsman on middle earth."

"And that is where you come in Sauron, but I guess you already knew that."

"Otherwise you would not have fled so fast to Morgoth."

Sauron was looking up in hatred and sorrow.

He worked so hard and fled so far just to end up in the same position bowing before the same Valar.

Sauron's eyes dimmed seeing no way out.

Deciding to give it one last shot he called out a name he had long forgotten.

"Eru lluvatar "

"What are you doing!!"

A shrill female voice demanded a awnser.

"Shut up Sauron, accept your fate"

Aulë shouted to Sauron.

But before they could even act a bright light shone over Sauron.

Aulë could only look as his prize disappeared before his eyes.

" lluvatar why are you interfering!!"

" You took your hands of your creation leaving it in our hands why interfere now!?"



A mighty voice thunderd trough the heavens and thunderstorms gathered.

Aulë fell to his knees shivering because of existential dread.

A mere thought and he would be no more.

Not daring to look up to the heavens again.

He kept his head down, his face planted in the ground.

The storm calmed after, leaving a lasting tranquility.

Taking with it the last of the dark Lords of middle earth.

Amidst an ever expanding light Eru lluvatar was seated on his throne looking at the comatose Sauron.

His eyes held a fatherly love for his creation.

"Your task has not finished yet Sauron, like Gandalf you will be sent back."

"But this time to a new song, a song of ice and fire."

"I hope you can find what you have been longing for my child, I will ensure you keep a connection with my old song."

"Giving you a edge against my rebellious children over there."

"Now be on your way I look forward to what kind of instrument you will play and how you will fit into this song."

Zapp and Sauron was sent flying off into one of the many motes of multicolored light sprinkled throughout the white expanse.

[Planetos deep in the bellows of qohor forest.]

A tall pale man was laying on the moist moss surrounded by gigantic trees.

His hair was snow white reaching down till his shoulderblades, while his eyes were like those of a cat with burning flames surrounding them.

His back was adorned by two enormous black angel wings.

His skin was pale and bloodless like wax,

And he stood at a staggering height of 9ft2 or 2,8 m

Sauron opened his tired eyes taking in his surroundings.

Slowly getting on his feet he noted that there was something different in this world.

The trees were bigger and the air fresher.

No the air was not fresher there was magic on this planet.

Sauron opend his eyes wide only now getting what is happening, he feels different. Feeling power he thought he lost forever.

"Where am I?"

He asked himself

"I am definitely not in middle earth anymore."

"While we can preform magic there it is only available to the strong, mostly maiar valar or high elves."

"The magic has to be taken from personal power but here it moves freely in the air."

Having finished taking in his surroundings he focused on himself.

"Why do I have my wings back?"

"They have been taken from me for Milena."

Sauron thought back to when he was clipped by morgoth to keep him in check.

" But how did I get my wings and power back?."

"Right there can only be one who is strong enough to safe me and even return my wings to me "

"Thank you father for your mercy."

Thunder rumbled after he said this

Sauron almost couldn't keep his smile from forming.

Feeling all this power, the power he used to forge the rings returned to him in full he couldn't help but make a weird crackle of a laugh.

But then he returned to his surroundings remembering he was as naked as the day he was created.

And even back then lluvatar provided him clothes.

I should get a look of the surroundings.

Sauron stretched his wings, unfolding them in the small clearing he found himself in.

His muscles looked anything but mortal giving him a inhuman physique any warior would dream of.

Coupled with his Hight he looked fully like a fallen angel.

What he was in a peculiar way.

Boom with a explosion of air, he disappeared into the sky.

Breathing in the fresh oxygen rich air as he ascended into the heavens.

"Freedom at last." Sauron felt relexed, free and finally unchained of his impending doom.

Taking in his surroundings while he flew across the enormous forest, Sauron started searching for life around him.

Seeing if there are any settlements around.

Flying trough the air, the fallen maiar had the time of his life.

Looking down he saw new and never before seen species.

Spotted bears, great Elk bigger than he had ever seen before.

And even a species of lemur known as little Valyrians because of their silver pelt and purple eyes.

Flying over the mistbound forest on the early morning, Sauron was detecting a hotspot of magic far into the distance.

It should be about 600 miles or 960 km away.

Sauron was flying at about 200 km p/h

So it would take him about 5 hours to get there.

Sauron decided to fly for 4,5 hours until he came close to the source, but far enough to be safe.

He would rest for now and get accustomed to his new body.

Sauron weary of the long flight not physically but mentally searched for a good resting place.

Coming across a big river, Sauron followed it downstream, until he came upon a giant waterfall.

There he noticed small traces of magic underneath in a cave behind the flooding river.

"This should do" Sauron said to himself.

Diving down Sauron headed straight to the waterfall, until he went straight trough it.

Finding behind the waterfall, a big grotto luminated by the luminance of some cave dwelling mosses and mushrooms.

Coming down in a graceful landing Sauron slowly walked deeper on the uneven wet rocks.

Small creeks of water made their way inside past the wet and moss covered rocks.

Sauron moved with caution, so he would not stumble and fall.

That would not make a pretty sight for the acient dark lord.

Going deeper he can feel the magic in the air gathering towards the depths of the grotto.

Then he came to a clearing it was one of the most beautiful sights Sauron had ever seen.

The small creeks went down big boulders filled with vegetation and fruits.

The Walls were surrounded by ivy with white flowers blooming from them.

While the clear water from the creek flowed around a small island with one tree growing in the middle.

With one peculiar detail, a acient corpse laying against the tree surrounded by red roses like they were his spilled blood.

But that was not what piqued Sauron's attention no it was what lay behind the island.

A corpse of a dragon, a giant one.

One thing that was peculiar was that neither the corpse of the man or the corpse of the dragon were bones or rotting for that matter.

But Sauron was certain they were acient for one simple reason.

The armour of the men had all but rotted away only small parts of iron were left behind.

All the leather straps or Woolen linings were gone.

Sauron walked closer a big smile plasterd on his face, "finally found it" he announced

Directly walking past the man he made his way to the dragon.

The dragon was green with orange like a poisenous frog.

Let's see what you can do Sauron said with a malicious grin.

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