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72.22% That Time I Got Reincarnated As a Naruto!! / Chapter 13: Chapter-13 (kakashi shocked! naruto rocked!)

Chapter 13: Chapter-13 (kakashi shocked! naruto rocked!)


Naruto was eager to show off his new genjutsu to Kakashi. He got ready and went to Kakashi's house, knocking on the door. Kakashi opened it and asked, "What do you want now, Naruto?"


"I want to show you my newly learned jutsu," Naruto replied.


Kakashi sighed, "Naruto, I'm busy. Please come another time." (Kakashi just wanted to sleep since it was early morning.)


But Naruto kept insisting, and after a few minutes, Kakashi relented. "Hey, Naruto, did you pass the graduation exam? With your jutsu, you could graduate in no time."


Naruto replied, "Well, I don't plan to graduate now. I just want to enjoy academy life and keep learning."


Kakashi looked at Naruto and asked, "Does anyone know that you've learned the Shadow Clone Jutsu?"


"No, only you and I know. Maybe the Hokage knows too," Naruto replied.


They arrived at the training area, and Kakashi asked, "What kind of jutsu are you going to show off?"


"It's genjutsu," Naruto replied.


"A genjutsu? Who taught you that?" Kakashi asked, surprised.


"Kurenai-sensei. I kept insisting she teach me ninjutsu, so she taught me genjutsu instead," Naruto explained.


"Really? Did she really teach you genjutsu?" Kakashi asked. "Naruto, did you use this jutsu to bully other kids?"


"Huh? Why would I do that? I just want to learn ninjutsu," Naruto said.


Kakashi asked, "Then did you master Wind Style: Gale Palm?"


Naruto nodded, "Yes, Kakashi-sensei, I already mastered that technique."


"That's good. Looks like you're a genius, Naruto! Now, show me your genjutsu," Kakashi said with a smile.


Naruto summoned 100 clones, surprising Kakashi. Kakashi thought, "Wow! Look at this, he mastered these kinds of jutsu at such a young age and even learned genjutsu."


Naruto and his clones started to use genjutsu simultaneously, trapping Kakashi in a powerful illusion. Kakashi was impressed and tried to perform a genjutsu release technique, but Naruto's clones kept casting genjutsu. Kakashi thought, "Well, it looks like I don't have a choice." He lifted his eye mask, revealing his Sharingan.


Naruto, surprised, closed his eyes. Kakashi easily broke free of the genjutsu and put his hand on Naruto's shoulder. Naruto thought, "That was definitely the Sharingan's ability. He easily repelled my genjutsu."


Kakashi told Naruto, "Naruto, you're awesome. At that point, I couldn't even get out of your genjutsu. You've become so strong."


Naruto replied, "But that's not enough. You easily broke through my genjutsu." He got sad and thought, "How did my 100 clones' genjutsu not work against his Sharingan? He easily repelled it. Maybe my proficiency in genjutsu is still low; I need to practice more."


Kakashi then asked, "Well, Naruto, show me your Gale Palm."


Naruto said, "Kakashi-sensei, I combined it with my Rasengan and Gale Palm."


Kakashi was surprised, "What did you say? Did you combine two chakra natures?"


"No, no, I didn't combine chakra natures. I just combined Rasengan with Gale Palm," Naruto explained.


Kakashi sighed, "Huh. Naruto, don't confuse me. Just show me your jutsu."


Naruto nodded, formed a gun-shaped hand, and created a mini Rasengan at his fingertips. Kakashi was already surprised when Naruto created the mini Rasengan. Then Naruto shot the Rasengan at a tree, piercing through it. Kakashi was in shock and thought, "How did he manage this jutsu? If he targets any vital point on a living person, they could be dead."


Kakashi asked, "Hey, Naruto, how did you learn to shoot Rasengan? Did you use it on villagers or anyone else?"


Naruto immediately replied, "I didn't use it on anyone. Only you and I know about this jutsu."


Kakashi took a deep breath and sighed, "Naruto, you've created a deadly jutsu. If you use it carelessly, it could kill someone. Please be careful."


Naruto nodded, "Okay, okay, Kakashi-sensei. You don't have to worry about that."


Kakashi asked, "So, you don't plan to graduate yet, right, Naruto?"


"Yes, Kakashi-sensei. I want to be like a normal shinobi and don't want to show off," Naruto said.


Kakashi thought, "Kids these days are so talented. Who would have thought he could learn this jutsu?"


Naruto then asked, "Sensei, I want to ask you something."


Kakashi replied, "Now what is it, Naruto?"


"No matter what I try, my Rasengan is so small. What do I do to create a big Rasengan?" Naruto asked.


Kakashi replied, "Well, it's just chakra with high-speed rotation, but you have perfect control over your chakra, and you're limiting your chakra to a certain extent. So, pour as much chakra into the Rasengan as you can, and it will become bigger."


Naruto suddenly thought, "Yes, that's right. Even though I'm creating Rasengan with a high amount of chakra, I'm still limiting the chakra. So what if I pour as much chakra into Rasengan and control it?"


Naruto formed his gun-shaped hand, and Kakashi watched. Naruto poured more chakra than usual, and the Rasengan grew larger, becoming a normal-sized Rasengan. Naruto thought, "Wow, it takes a lot of chakra, but I have more chakra, so I don't have to worry about that."


Naruto targeted a tree and suddenly shot his Rasengan. The tree fell down with a "doom" sound. Kakashi, again surprised, thought, "I'm not going to be surprised anymore. He just easily grasps any technique. I just have to warn him about ninjutsu."


Kakashi asked Naruto, "Did you feel tired? How many times can you create this Rasengan?"


Naruto said, "I don't know, but I'm confident I can create more Rasengan."


Naruto created another Rasengan (not a mini Rasengan) and shot it at a lake. It blasted into the water, splashing both Naruto and Kakashi. Kakashi warned Naruto, "Naruto, don't take this as a plaything. It's still a dangerous jutsu. Don't use it on others."


Kakashi sighed and said, "Time to part, Naruto."


"But I want to learn more jutsu from you," Naruto protested.


Kakashi replied, "Look, Naruto, what have you done to my clothes? They're all wet! I'm going home. Come tomorrow and meet me."


After saying that, Kakashi went home. Naruto went into the forest to practice his Rasengan. He created 10 Shadow Clones, and they started practicing Rasengan, shooting down trees one by one. Naruto poured as much chakra as he could into the Rasengan and managed to create 20 normal Rasengan, shooting down trees with a "doom" sound each time. But something happened—Naruto suddenly fainted due to overusing his chakra.


When he opened his eyes, he was in his house. Naruto thought, "Well, it looks like the Third Hokage knows what I'm doing." There was a letter near him. Naruto read it: "Naruto, meet me in the Hokage's office."


Naruto sighed, "Well, I'm going to get scolded by the Third Hokage. I even fainted and caused trouble in the forest with all that noise."


(Normal anime Naruto was able to create one Rasengan when he first learned it, but this Naruto created 20 Rasengan at barely six or seven years old. Because Naruto continuously trained and pushed his limits, and due to Kurama's chakra influence, his chakra replenished easily. Now his chakra had grown enormously. He had more chakra than the normal Naruto. Due to his overtraining, his chakra unknowingly grew even more. In the future, his chakra might grow even higher than anyone else's.)

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