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53.1% Lord of Mysteries: My Identities Echoes Across Time / Chapter 153: Chapter 154: Playing with Cats is Truly Enjoyable

Chapter 153: Chapter 154: Playing with Cats is Truly Enjoyable

The Angel of Secrets left.

Just as He had suddenly appeared, He didn't leave any means to contact Him, only saying, "When you are ready to act, I will naturally appear." With that, He casually opened a spatial door and departed from 16 Minsk Street.

After He left, Sharron and Maric naturally chose to bid farewell as well.

However, these two members of the Temperance Faction left contact methods and addresses for Klein and Lynn. They were very polite, asking what kind of compensation Klein and Lynn wanted before leaving, clearly indicating they didn't intend to have them help for nothing.

This wasn't surprising. After all, Sharron and Maric were not the type to take advantage of others and expect them to work for free. Especially since Klein and Lynn seemed to have a close relationship with a certain Angel of Secrets, Sharron and Maric would naturally choose to maintain a good relationship with them. Appropriate compensation would be prepared.

As for the certain Angel of Secrets, Sharron would try to write to her teacher about His help and suggestions. If her teacher was still alive, all future decisions would naturally be up to him, whether it was cooperation or the compensation for the help provided.

Sharron knew that this was the result the Angel of Secrets desired.

After Sharron and Maric left, only Klein and Lynn were left in the living room on the first floor of 16 Minsk Street.

At this moment, Klein seemed to finally stop suppressing his emotions, showing a complicated expression.

Obviously, although the Angel had left, His impact still lingered deeply.

At least Klein felt that he might not be able to sleep tonight.


Just then, Klein suddenly heard a sigh. He turned his head and saw that his partner, Lynn, was showing a similar expression, clearly feeling just as complicated.

Of course, what Klein didn't know was that Lynn's complex emotions were not entirely the same. His complexity stemmed from the immense joy he felt from playing with cats, which had nothing to do with Klein's turmoil.

Not only that, but even at this moment, Lynn couldn't help but continue his act of playing with cats.

Lynn sighed deeply, looking at Klein with a complex and wistful expression, speaking in a voice just loud enough for Klein to hear: "Sherlock, do you know that ever since I met you, in just a month, I feel like my whole life has been reshaped."

"My past ten or twenty years of life experiences don't compare to the richness of these past few days."

"Are you toxic?"

Klein: …

Klein's mouth twitched, his complex and wistful feelings dissipating a lot. He glanced at Lynn, saying irritably, "This isn't my fault. Blame the Angel of Secrets… I'm a victim too, just like you."

"True, thinking about it, we're both quite unfortunate…" Lynn nodded in agreement, then looked at Klein with a sudden interest, saying: "So, your real name is Klein, right? What's your full name, if I may know?"

Yes, the Angel of Secrets was not only unashamed of his cat-playing behavior but also decided to strike first.

Klein was taken aback, almost instinctively feeling guilty, even though he knew Lynn had already figured out that Sherlock was a pseudonym.

"Ahem…" Klein lightly coughed, slightly turning his head to avoid Lynn's sharp gaze, saying, "My full name is Klein Moretti, but it's better if you keep calling me Sherlock. For some personal reasons, I can only use the identity of Sherlock Moriarty for now."

At this point, Klein naturally wouldn't continue hiding his real name.

However, he thought it was best not to reveal his identity as a Nighthawk to Lynn… Klein thought silently, even though Lynn seemed friendly towards the Evernight Church, revealing his identity as a Nighthawk would indirectly expose that he approached Lynn for a mission.

Although they both knew their meeting was a result of the Angel's guidance, Klein still wanted to hide this "truth" that could cause a rift.

Otherwise, he was sure that while Lynn probably wouldn't mind, with his petty nature, he would definitely "retaliate" later.

"Klein Moretti, got it." Lynn nodded in satisfaction, then looked at Klein thoughtfully. Under Klein's increasingly nervous gaze, Lynn smirked, saying, "Don't worry, I'm not interested in probing into your past. Compared to your secrets, I'm more curious about the other world you mentioned. What kind of world is it?"

"Mind telling me? Maybe your descriptions will help me recall some old memories."

This was naturally a lie, as Lynn hadn't lost his memory. Even if he had, it wasn't about this topic.

Lynn brought this up to further strengthen his connection with Mr. Fool and reinforce his identity as an old acquaintance, and because he was genuinely curious.

What was the Pre-Epoch of the Mysteries world like?

Lynn wanted to know, and learn more about the Pre-Epoch from Klein would help him when creating future personas.

Hearing this, Klein's gaze softened, memories of his old hometown flickering in his eyes.

Several seconds later, Klein snapped out of his reverie, nodded at Lynn, and asked, "No problem. What would you like to know first?"


"Pre-Epoch, huh? I wonder when I'll be able to create a Smurf account in that era…"

While Klein recounted stories of the past, Lynn's secondary personas, which had been idle to avoid CPU overload during his act, came online. The persona who had been "sleeping" in the ship's cabin suddenly opened his eyes and lazily stretched.

Lynn glanced at the window. Through the small opening, he could see the sky lighting and the faint silhouettes of buildings in the distance.

"Hmm, finally arrived?"

Standing up, Lynn heard a knock on the door. Mr. Door's meticulous voice came from outside:

"Libert, the ship is about to dock. Have you rested well?"

(End of Chapter)

IHaveNoNamingSense IHaveNoNamingSense

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