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48.96% Lord of Mysteries: My Identities Echoes Across Time / Chapter 141: Chapter 142: Lynn Prepares to Reveal His Smurf Account

Chapter 141: Chapter 142: Lynn Prepares to Reveal His Smurf Account

But if the other party is really a "member of the Temperance Faction," why would they appear here?

Klein suddenly thought of something and instinctively furrowed his brows.

Backlund was not typically the activity area of the Rose School of Thought. If a member of the Temperance Faction really appeared here, could it mean there were other members of the Rose School of Thought around? That would be a significant problem.

Klein had read some materials about the Rose School of Thought, so he knew this secret organization was not a harmless academic group. According to the intelligence recorded by the Nighthawks, the Rose School of Thought was divided into the "Indulgence Faction" and the "Temperance Faction."

If the members of the Temperance Faction could still be considered normal Beyonders and mostly harmless, the members of the Indulgence Faction were, in a certain sense, as dangerous as Beyonders on the Abyss Pathway, belonging to the extremely perilous category.

"If it is confirmed that the other party is a member of the Temperance Faction, I should report it to the Sword of the Goddess to prevent the Rose School of Thought from plotting something..." As Klein thought this, a flash of inspiration struck his mind, "Wait, I just randomly chose a gathering to attend, and I coincidentally met a member of the Rose School of Thought's Temperance Faction?"

Klein felt he might be sensing the plot.

Such a coincidence—could it be another script written by someone?

Thinking this, although Klein wasn't entirely sure, this guess undoubtedly made him pay more attention to the man in the vest by the bar, and he instinctively started to think.

If it was indeed the work of the angelic fellow, what was his purpose this time?

Could it be that the Rose School of Thought was planning something big in Backlund?

Recalling the various bloody sacrificial rituals recorded in the materials about the Rose School of Thought, Klein furrowed his brows again.

However, out of caution, Klein still didn't take immediate action. He continued searching for Kaspars Kalinin's location. After finally spotting him, he walked over.

Maric, who was sitting at the bar, glanced in Klein's direction as he left, looking thoughtful.

The glass on the bar in front of him faintly reflected a shadow at that moment, seemingly of a golden-haired girl, but the image was fleeting, almost like an illusion.

Even Lynn hadn't expected Klein to meet Sharron and Maric before he arranged it.

Perhaps this is what's called a fateful encounter!



On the second floor of 16 Minx Street, Lynn, holding 0-08, had just opened his notebook to plan something for Sharron when 0-08 suddenly moved on its own.

This wasn't 0-08 writing its own script but describing events that had already occurred, like when Ince Zangwill wrote about Klein and the erased parts automatically corrected themselves.

Once 0-08 included certain people in the script, it gained a real-time monitoring ability of sorts.

This wasn't strange; otherwise, how could 0-08 promptly correct its script? The writer couldn't just keep staring at the characters in the script all day.

After reading what 0-08 had written, Lynn's expression became somewhat peculiar.

0-08 naturally wouldn't detail the psychological thoughts of the characters involved, only summarizing briefly. But even so, since it didn't specifically involve Sefirot and transmigration, some of Klein's thoughts were recorded truthfully by 0-08:

"...Although puzzled about the relationship between Lynn Sotos and the Angel of Secrets, Klein, still unable to reach a conclusion, decided to attend the upcoming Beyonder gathering first. Before finding Kaspars Kalinin, his gaze was drawn to Maric at the bar..."

To this, Lynn could only say: Oh, come on!

He wasn't intentionally trying to peek into Mr. Fool's thoughts, nor was he planning to arrange anything for him. He just intended to indirectly push Klein to meet Sharron and Maric, as usual.

But Lynn hadn't expected that with just the beginning of his script, Klein would give him such a surprise—not only meeting Sharron and Maric ahead of schedule but also pondering some strange things.

"Puzzled about the relationship between Lynn Sotos and the Angel of Secrets? Tsk tsk tsk, Klein has noticed the close connection between Lynn and the Angel of Secrets, but it shouldn't be close to the point of revealing the identity..."

Lynn pinched his chin, reflecting on the only psychological description about Klein on the paper while also deducing Klein's thought process.

Although Lynn might not excel at intrigue, he was indeed adept at understanding people. Otherwise, he wouldn't be so good at persuading others. So he quickly figured out most of Klein's thought process.

"Klein must have realized that his meeting with me was more of a deliberate arrangement by the Angel of Secrets rather than just by Libert. But how did he get close to discovering the true relationship between Lynn and the angelic disguise? I haven't given him any such hints and have been covering up my disguise all along. As expected, Klein is a coin-flipping master in training..."

Lynn pouted, acknowledging that ordinary people like him couldn't outplay these masters of fate. He then started considering how to keep his disguise intact.

Klein was undoubtedly on the verge of testing his disguise, only refraining from doing so because the idea of Lynn being the Angel of Secrets seemed too illogical and counterintuitive—after all, Mr. Fool couldn't imagine that Lynn's friendship was purely for amusement.

"But even if he logically denies this guess, the seed of suspicion has been planted in his mind. Before this seed blossoms, I must divert his attention and mislead his conjectures..."

As Lynn thought this, he slowly curled his lips into a smile, "In that case, let me be the one to reveal that Lynn Sotos and the Angel of Secrets are the same person first!"

Of course, what he meant by "same person" was the kind of "same person" described in his script, involving the split between humanity and divinity.

Lynn hadn't expected the script to unfold so quickly. His original plan was to reveal the script after the Backlund fog incident concluded. But since things had progressed to this point, he had no choice but to push forward and reveal the script ahead of schedule, steering Mr. Fool's thoughts in the wrong direction.

(End of this chapter)

IHaveNoNamingSense IHaveNoNamingSense

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