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Chapter 75: Chapter 75: Dark Witch!

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Flitwick gave a chuckle, "I'll leave you to it then" he said before he went to join the other professors at the head table.

As soon as he was out of earshot Magnus grinned to Andromeda, "that was brilliant, Snape looked like he wanted to hex you." He chuckled to himself.

Andromeda smirked, "I wish he would have tried, it would have given me ample reason to kick his arse all over the great hall, never did like him even when we went here together." She mused as she began to fill her plate from the food on the table.

Meanwhile, up at the head table, the sounds of Snape complaining to Dumbledore could be heard as he began to go off on a private tirade about how insulting it was to have another potion master teaching here as if he wasn't good enough.

Only for McGonnagal to cut him off mid-rant, "Oh would you give it a rest Severus, you have no one to blame but yourself. It's not just Filius but myself and Pomona included who have gotten numerous complaints about your teaching methods over the years."

"If you didn't want someone to come in and do a better job than you, you should have stepped up, as far as I'm concerned it was only a matter of time until this happened."

Snape looked furious at the insinuation and stood up from the table with a scowl on his face and with a final glare at McGonagall and then at Andromeda turned and left through the back entrance the door banging shut behind him.

Andromeda smirked and glanced to Professor McGonnagal and raised her glass, a gesture that the Scottish woman returned both smirking.


By coincidence, it just so happened that the Ravenclaw and Gryffindor first years had potions class later that morning.

So it was no surprise when each and every one of them turned up outside Andromeda's classroom door on the second floor of the castle.

Magnus was already waiting outside with Daphne and Tracey when the Gryffindor students began turning up. He smirked when he saw Harry and Ron coming down the hall, "Hey cousin, you skipping out on Snape too?" He joked.

Harry gave a smirk, "Are you joking, of course, I am. Your Aunt is bound to be way better at teaching than Snape."

Magnus smirked, "true, though she might be my aunt she's your cousin, once removed remember."

Harry's smile grew at that remembering the long chat he and Magnus had the day before, he had been extremely happy to learn that he had way more family than just the Dursley's.

Ron, on the other hand, seemed to scrunch up his face, "what are you on about Black, you two aren't cousins!"

Magnus rolled his eyes, while Harry sighed, "yes we are Ron, my Grandmother was a Black before she married my grandfather and became a Potter, that's how I'm related to him," he explained.

"So yes Weasley Harry and I are related," Magnus added, "and although it pains me to admit it so are the two of us."

"What!" Ron said wide-eyed, "no way I'm not related to you!" Sounding completely scandalised.

Magnus nodded, "we are, your grandfather, Septimus Weasley, married Cedrella Black, that makes us related by blood, though thankfully it's distant like second cousins once removed or something. Though I'm not sure if it still stands seeing as she was disowned for the act of your grandfather."

Magnus explained and looked to think for a moment, 'hmmm perhaps that would be a good way to make House Weasley an ally, if I were to welcome back Cedrella back to the family, if she's still alive that is,' he thought to himself, 'I'll have to ask Andy about her,'

Ron looked to be getting redder by the second, "she was not, my grandmother wasn't a dark witch, take that back!" He yelled.

It just so happened that the next second the classroom door opened to reveal Andromeda standing behind it, not looking impressed in the slightest.

"I will have you know Mr Weasley, that my great aunt Cedrella was a very dark witch, one who cared about family dearly even though she was as dark as the rest of us, and it broke my heart when she was disowned for marrying your grandfather, but she was content with it."

"It was she who offered me aid when I was cast out of the family for marrying my husband, a muggle-born, and I still to this day meet up with her twice a month to have tea and catch up." She stated firmly.

Magnus smirked, 'well I guess that answers that. I'll have to send a couple of letters later then,' he thought to himself as he looked at Ron who was reaching a new shade of red.

"My grandmother was not a Dark witch! You're all liars!" Ron yelled before turning and stomping off angrily, the other first-years moving out of his way as he went.

Once Ron was out of sight Andromeda just shook her head, "I swear Molly has ruined that boy," she muttered to herself before looking to the rest of the students, "well what are you waiting for, come in and sit down, two students to a cauldron," she instructed.

The students were all quick to obey and filed into the classroom which Magnus could see had been well outfitted on such short notice.

There were many desks set up in five rows of four, with two cauldrons on each desk, meaning that the classroom could manage up to forty students at a time which was more than enough space for everyone.

One of the walls had three large windows that were open wide that left the room floor with light, as well as let a crisp breeze in from outside to vent the room.

Andromeda quickly made her way up to her desk which was to the left of a large blackboard with a large trunk under it.

Andromeda tapped the trunk with her wand and it opened up as stacks of bound parchment came out of it followed by many cardboard boxes, way more than the trunk should have been able to hold, showing that it was expanded on the inside.


If you want to read ahead by 22+ chapters from here you can visit my Patre-on.

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