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13.68% HP: In The Magical World As An Extra / Chapter 13: Chaptee 13: Metamorphmagus!

Chapter 13: Chaptee 13: Metamorphmagus!

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I nodded and did as I was told to, sitting down on the chair to wait as I rubbed at the detection ring on my right middle finger, currently it was the only ring visible on my hand, my heir ring was currently hidden from sight so as not to show off who I was, a hand trick Ironclaw had shown me before I left Gringotts, the last thing.

I needed right now before I could sit down and think about things for a while was for someone to realise I was from the house of Black, who's sons are notorious.

Sirius for his apparent betrayal of the Potters and my father for being a death eater, no one else bar me and those involved knew the truth, and while part of me wanted to go right to the DMLE and get Sirius released, I knew I couldn't do that.

it would mess up the timeline and then I wouldn't know what was happening, not to mention I hadn't the first idea how to go about it, as I highly doubt that Madam Bones was just going to take the word of a child who wasn't even out of nappies when it happened.

No I needed to plan, but for now, I would go with the flow until I had time to sit down and make one, I had a whole month before Hogwarts to do it in, plenty of time.

Once she was finished writing down whatever it was in her ledger behind the front desk making her way over to me with a pleasant smile, the kind you give to children not to frighten them, I guess I would have to get used to that for a while.

"Well dearie, come along let's pop on into the changing room so I can take your measurements for your robes," she said as she gestured to behind a large curtain to the right of the chairs.

I nodded as I stood up, "Yes Ma'am, but I'm actually here for more than just my school robes today, I need to have a full wardrobe made up, I've only recently joined the magical world but my parents left me an inheritance so I am able to look after myself"

I saw Madam Malkin frown slightly at that, "I'm sorry to hear that dearie, but don't worry I'm sure we can get you sorted out," she said before pointing to the stool, "now just stand up there and I'll have your measurements taking and then we can discuss what all you need, we'll focus on your Hogwarts robes first and get them out of the way" she smiled.

Nodding once more I moved to the stool and stepped up onto it keeping my balance as I did, which I found was actually a little harder than it normally was for me, which I think now is just more than me not being used to this body, and more to do with my being a Metamorphmagus, Tonks was always clumsy wasn't she, I'll have to try and think of some way to fix that, it could get me killed if I'm in a fight and I trip up when it's most important.

No sooner was I stood straight on the stool Madam Malkin tapped the long measuring tape that was over her shoulders and it zipped right off her and started to encircle me, "Hold your arms out dearie," she instructed, I did so and the measuring tape went to work measuring my limbs and torso.

Right about now I had wished that I had taken some time to learn how to use my metamorphic abilities, changing my measurements mid-measure would really throw her off.

"Um Ma'am it might be important for you to know, I'm a partial Metamorphmagus, I haven't learned to control it yet though so, that might be relevant to my clothing," I told her as I continued to watch the tape take my measurements.

Madam Malkin looked at me and blinked, "Oh I see, well that is very fortunate for you dearie, and I can easily factor that in with your clothing, some resizing charms can be put onto your clothing so that it will grow right along with your body when you do change" she told me as she watched her quill write down my measurements.

That had been the opening I wanted, "Um, what other charms can be put onto my clothing, and do I have any choices about my Uniform, materials and the like?"

Madam Malkin smiled, "Yes dearie we provide a selection of fabrics for you to choose from to have your uniform made from, as well as a selection of useful charms that can be applied, the better the fabric and the more charms the more expensive it will be though, how much can you afford to spend on your uniform and other clothes"

I smiled, "Money isn't a problem, my inheritance was rather large, my parents wanted me well looked after," I could practically see the twinkle in her eyes when I said that and I went for broke, "Do you sell just robes here or do you sell muggle clothing as well, I would like to be able to go out into the muggle world as well so I'll need muggle clothing as well, again money is not a problem"

Madam Malkin looked like she wanted to burst out into joyous laughter at my words and I can tell that I had just made her one very happy with.


About two hours later I was finally coming out of Madam Malkin's my order placed for a full wardrobe or robes for all my needs from formal to casual wear, and my Hogwarts robes.

I was told I would need to give her at least a day to have them all made up, I had ordered the very best, I could practically see the galleon signs in her eyes when she rounded off the total and I paid for it all before leaving.


If you want to read ahead by 17+ chapters from here you can visit my Patre-on.

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