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Back To The Surface

(Main Protagonist's Pov)

"Captain, who are those people over there, waiting to get on the ship?" asked Pankraz as he stared at someone who seemed to be waiting.

The captain followed the gaze of my dad and eventually noticed them, the captain looked surprised with a smile on his face.

"Aha! Isn't it Mr Briscoletti!" exclaimed Captain.

The captain made some space to let them board the ship and I saw a man who was strangely smiling a little more than average rate.

Just as the man was trying to board the ship, a little girl who was about my age ran quickly as she jumped on the ship.

"Move aside old man! You are in the way!" exclaimed the girl.

"Hey! What manner is that?" I was a little angry and spoke my mind.

"Abel, calm down."

"But dad!"

"Please Abel, won't you listen to your father?"

"Okay dad, if you say so."

The girl stared at me with a slight irritation and it was, perhaps, I made her mad or something.

"Huh? Who are you? Hmph! Anyway I don't care. I am going." She immediately left after saying that and was probably headed towards the room.

"I wonder what's her problem." I thought.

My attention suddenly turned towards the man who seemed to be still smiling.

"Did he hit the wall?" I muttered as I looked at him.

"Hm? Did you say something Abel?" asked my dad, confused and wondered what I had said.

"No nothing, it's nothing. Hahah." I replied, laughing in awkward manner.

"Sometimes it is hard to understand what you are upto but if you say so then I must have been imagining." said dad as his attention was focused on the person who is still smiling.

The man boarded the ship at last while his smile never seemed to disappear from his face.

"It's been a while Mr Briscoletti since we last met." said Captain.

Mr Briscoletti turned his attention to the Captain and said.

"Yeah, it does look like. Let me introduce my daughters- or perhaps only one daughter since the other one was being so rude now. Anyway, Nera my beloved daughter come here to papa."

"Um, yeah..."

She was trying to board the ship but she was struggling a little bit.

"Oh, you seem to be struggling a little bit. Here let me help you there to get on the ship." said dad as he helped Nera board the ship.

"A kind traveller I see, nice very nice of you!" exclaimed Mr Briscoletti as he seemed happy.

"Thank you sir." she thanked my dad.

"Nera, I believe you are tired since you have been travelling so much but now you can rest." said Mr Briscoletti

He looked at one of the crew member and said.

"Hello gentleman, I would appreciate if you could show my daughter the way to the room so she could rest."

"Yes sir!"

The crew member showed the way as lead Nera to the room.

"And now about you kind traveller. Its nice to meet you." Mr Briscoletti, with respect, thanked my father.

"Haha, it seems like Mr Briscoletti is so happy today." said Captain.

"Thank you captain for taking care of us." I thanked captain.

"Don't mention it, it is our duty after all. Anyway, I wish you goodluck in your travels boy." He replied.

"Yes!" I nodded.

When I saw my dad, it seemed like that Mr Briscoletti properly appreciated my father for being helpful and talked for a little while with him.

"It was nice talking to you, even if it was for few minutes. Goodluck in your travels!" said Mr Briscoletti.

"You too." replied dad.

"Okay then, I hope you two have safe journey." said Captain.

"Yes, I also wish you goodluck for the safe journey. Now then, Abel, let's disembark the ship."

"Okay dad."

When we landed on the ground, I felt so good as if I'm experiencing it for the first time.

"It was really a tiring but exciting journey through the ship at the same time."

We saw the ship going, leaving on the new journey.

Then we turned our backs and started moving but suddenly a person came as he looked quite surprised.

"Oh! If it isn't Pankraz! It's been two years since you left and now you are back again! Good to see you!" exclaimed the man in joy.

"Yes, it is indeed been two years."

"I hope you were doing pretty fine."

"Nothing can wore me down except for food or some drink, hahaha."

"Is that your son? He is grown a little more now."

"Yes. Abel, I want you to go and play for sometime because I have some business with this person. Don't go far away or hurt yourself okay."

"Okay dad."

"Good and yeah, I almost forgotten."

"What is it dad?"

He took something out of his pocket and it looked like a map.

"Take this map and take good care of the map."

"Ah! So it is really a map after all."

"Haha, what did you excepted. Anyway, go and enjoy yourself a little while I will try to finish the unfinished business." said Dad.

"Okay dad."

I left them both to give them some space for whatever they wanted to do.

I went outside on the plain area, filled with small grasses on the grounds.

"The usual scene of the world...hehe." I was feeling very good to be able to be on the ground and move freely.

"I think, I should move a little more and it's not a big deal! I will not get in trouble so easily. It is just a little bit far and that's it! Hehe." I was excited that I couldn't resist but move around.

"Dad won't scold me if I am not hurt or anything after all."

"Hm? What is that? Woah!"

I noticed three slimes who violently rushed towards me and changed their body form to spiky ones to pierce me.

I had successfully dodged the attack but it was still dangerous.

"Hey, what do you think you are doing little monsters! I will teach you a lesson!"


To be continued...

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