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35.71% Working as a private detective in the fictional world / Chapter 7: Summer and Chase

Chapter 7: Summer and Chase

"Oooh summer theme killer," Jaxon said as he couldn't help but let out a small chuckle, "I am sorry, it's just this killer of ours seems to really love the whole summer theme, it's kind of weird if you ask me."

"How can you laugh at a time like this?" Julie shot Jaxon a disbelieving look, "And what do you mean killer..."

Julie began processing the information but before she could completely do so Jaxon replied, "I am 90% sure, that the person you kil- I mean your friend ki- not that as well? anyway, the person who died in the accident wasn't David."

"I believe the person that offed him, was the person you guys ran over and threw underwater, and now he's mad, so he plotted his little scheme till the moment you got back home before he began his plan."

Julie's eyes widened in horror as she processed Jaxon's words. "You're saying the person we ran over survived?"

"Yeah, most likely" Jaxon replied, leaning back in his seat with a wry smile. "And now he's madder than a hornet in a Coke can."

Julie covered her mouth with her hand, her breath hitching. "This can't be happening."

"Oh, but it is," Jaxon said, his tone almost too casual for the gravity of the situation. "And trust me, this guy has a serious flair for the dramatic. All those letters and threats? It's like he's auditioning for a soap opera."

Julie looked at him, exasperated. "How can you be so nonchalant about this?"

Jaxon shrugged, his eyes twinkling. "It's a coping mechanism. Besides, if I didn't laugh, I'd be crying with you right now."

Julie sniffled, a reluctant smile tugging at her lips. "You're impossible."

"That's what my ex said," Jaxon quipped, "Anyway, I believe I have lightened the mood a bit, and the fact that you probably ran over a murderer should make you feel less guilty and even less guilty knowing that he survived."

"But luckily, you have something new to be worried about so you know, you can keep on your usual sad face."

Julie shook her head at the guy before her, she had seen so much, and all within a single day at that, from his nonchalant expression to his money-hungry attitude, the serious attitude he had shown before, and the funny guy he was currently. She wondered who the guy really was behind all those masks.

"I know I am handsome but we need to focus Julie." Jaxon said, "We still have a killer wanting to kill you and your friends, remember? You should call your friends and let them know what's going on."

Julie nodded, her mind still reeling from the revelations. "Right, of course."

She reached for her phone, fingers trembling slightly as she dialed her friends' numbers. With each ring, her anxiety grew, but she pushed through, determined to ensure their safety.

With the call failing, she looked back at Jaxon, "I think they're already asleep."

"Well, nothing we can do about it." He shrugged, "Contact them tomorrow, and stay in groups from now if possible. I'll take you back home for now then,"

Julie nodded, grateful for all he had done for her, "Thank you, Jaxon!"

"Don't thank me, after all, I am getting paid." Jaxon said with a little chuckle, "And don't forget my other services-"

"Yeah! Yeah! You offer protection services and the charge would go up to 50$" Julie shook her head, "Maybe I should hire you,"

"Hey, for you, I'll give a special discount," Jaxon winked, a playful grin on his face. "Only 49.99$!"

Julie rolled her eyes, but couldn't help but laugh. Despite the gravity of the situation, Jaxon's humor provided a much-needed reprieve from the tension.

As they drove back to Julie's house, the weight of the night's events settled upon them. Julie couldn't shake the feeling of unease, knowing that a dangerous killer was out there, targeting her and her friends.

Jaxon, on the other hand, seemed unfazed. He tapped his fingers against the steering wheel, lost in thought. His mind raced with theories and possibilities, his thoughts kicking into overdrive.

Then out of nowhere in the midst of their silence, Julie's phone began ringing, a bit startled at first, she picked up her phone, "Hello!"

Jaxon watched as Julie's eyes widened in horror, "What- calm down, Helen! I'll be right there."

Julie's voice trembled as she listened to Helen's frantic words on the other end of the line. Her heart raced with fear as she tried to make sense of the situation.

"What's wrong?" Jaxon asked, his eyes narrowing with concern as he glanced over at Julie.

"It's Helen," Julie said, her voice shaking. "She's... she's in trouble."

"Where does she live?" Jaxon asked before Julie could make the request and turned the car around racing to her house.

Without saying anything to each other any further, Jaxon drove as fast as he could, due to it already being so late the roads were clear so he was able to push the speed limit without much worry. The streetlights blurred past them, casting fleeting shadows in the car. Julie kept the phone pressed to her ear, trying to calm Helen down as best she could.

Jaxon who was focused on driving, kept noticing a pair of headlights through the rearview mirror, getting closer. He frowned, as he tried speeding up further but the car seemed to keep its pace following them.

Noticing a turn coming up, he took it as the car drifted sharply, hoping to lose its tail but the car behind them seemed insistent on following them,

"You took the wrong turn." Julie clutched the armrest, her knuckles white as the impact of the turn made her jerk forward.

Jaxon gritted his teeth, the nonchalant facade slipping away as he glanced in the rearview mirror. "Not exactly the wrong turn, more like a necessary detour," he said, his voice tense.

Julie shot him a confused look as Jaxon continued, "We're being followed."

Julie understanding the weight of the situation, asked Helen to stay calm and stay cooped up with her sister and hung up the phone.

"How could it be?" Julie said tensely, "Helen, told me the man ran away just a while ago, how could he be behind us?"

"Not a clue," Jaxon said driving at an even faster pace. "But I'm not taking any chances."

Julie glanced nervously at the headlights in the rearview mirror. "What do we do?"

"We lose him," Jaxon replied, his voice steely with determination.

Jaxon took another sharp turn, the tires screeching against the asphalt. The car chasing them followed suit, maintaining the distance. The streets were a blur of shadows and light as they raced through the deserted town.

"Hold on," Jaxon muttered, his grip tightening on the wheel. He spotted an upcoming alleyway and veered into it, the narrow space barely accommodating their car. The pursuing vehicle hesitated for a moment before driving away.

Julie clutched the seatbelt, her heart pounding. "Are you sure about this?"

"Nope," Jaxon said, "But it's the best shot we've got."

As they barreled through the alley, Jaxon noticed a sharp bend ahead and took it without hesitation. The alley opened up into a larger road. Jaxon floored the accelerator, hoping to gain enough distance to lose their tail.

He looked behind through the rearview mirror and they were finally in the clear, taking a deep breath both of them tried to calm their nerves, finally reaching their destination.

The house was surrounded by cops, as Helen and her family seemed to be giving their statements.

Julie ran over out of Jaxon's car and rushed towards Helen, who had a huge gash on her forehead and was visibly shaken. Helen's eyes were wide with fear as she clung to her sister.

"Are you okay?" Julie asked breathlessly, wrapping her arms around her friend.

"He... he broke in," Helen stammered, "I woke up due to your call and he was there..."

"Did you tell the cops?" Julie asked as Helen shook her head, "I told them it was a burglar breaking in."

Julie bit her lips as she felt sour at the fact about how much their lie had affected them, even now when the cops could help them, they still had to lie.

Making her mind up she decided to tell everything that she talked about Jaxon to Helen and those two idiots as soon as possible, and maybe they would finally listen and speak the truth on the matter.

Write_and_Zen Write_and_Zen

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