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47.05% HP: The Achiever / Chapter 5: Chapter 5: The Unveiling

Chapter 5: Chapter 5: The Unveiling

Author's note:

Hello readers,

This is regarding the updates of new chapters. Due to exams, I am unable to update on a daily basis so the scheduled of new chapters will be:

Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays

Till 9th june, after that chapters will be updated daily.

Thank You



Chapter 5: The Unveiling

It has been almost 3 years, since Leo came to this world. Leo would turn seven this year, but unlike any other kids of his age, he was already preparing for high school. With his exceptional intelligence, it allowed him to skip middle school, and most of his education now comes from home tutoring by a series of retired university professors, who after finding out about his genius came forward to teach.

During this period of time he utilized most of his energy and time into achievement stacking as per his plan and made huge progress.

{Achievement Unlocked:

1. Encyclopedic Mastery

Description: You are a miniature library. Encyclopaedia (5/5)

Reward: Photographic Memory

2. Linguistic Prodigy

Description: Language Mastery (5/5)

Reward: New Language Mastery Boost 50% (Permanent)

3. Fitness Freak

Description: Do 50 push-ups, 50 sit-ups, 50 squats for 365 days

Reward: 15% Stamina Boost (Permanent), 10% Strength Boost (Permanent)

4. Mathematical Genius

Description: Solve more than 1000 math problems, of above 10th grade level.

Reward: 60% Analytical Skill Boost (Permanent)

5. Elite Reader

Description: Read 50 books with minimum pages of 100 and above.

Reward: 15% Memory Boost (Permanent), 25% Reading Speed Boost (Permanent)

6. Minor Scholar

Description: Read 100 books with minimum pages of 100 and above.

Reward: 30% Memory Boost (Permanent), 50% Reading Speed Boost (Permanent)

7. Half Marathon

Description: Complete a half marathon

Reward: 20% Stamina Boost (Permanent)}



Currently Leo was packing his luggage for the upcoming family vacation. As Leo was going to join high school this year, his parents decided to go on a family trip along with his grandparents before he became focus with his studies.

Bang! Bang!

A series of odd knocks came from his door. Leo immediately recognized the culprits and opened the door to find two little devils, Emma and Ethan, his younger siblings. The twins, about to turn two, often crawled up to his room, seeking his attention. Emma, with her golden curls, grinned mischievously, while Ethan, with his dark hair and intense blue eyes, looked up at him with curiosity.

"Leo! Did Ethan and Emma go to your room?" his mum's voice called out from downstairs.

"Yep, both of them are here," Leo replied, smiling down at his siblings.

Leo loved his little siblings dearly and as a reincarnated man rather than siblings he treated them as his Godson and daughter.

"Want to play, Emma, Ethan?" Leo let them inside. The evening passed joyfully as he played with them until dinner.

After dinner Leo came back to his room and after a while started to meditate. He had been meditating and trying wandless spell casting for the past years but there has been still no results.


Hearing the familiar voice of the system achievement he immediately looked thorough it with hope, only to get disappointed.

{Achievement Unlocked:

1. Novice Monk

Description: You can meditate and focus like a monk.

Reward: 30% Focus Boost (Permanent), Mental Clarity (Skill)}

Mental Clarity; just like the name suggested it allowed the person to remain calm and regain clarity that helped in making rational decisions and also heightened his senses organs ability.

"Atleast I got something out of it" said Leo with a defeated smile. But it was the first time he had got a skill from the system.



September 1st, 1984

The Shelby family had just returned from a vacation. As their train pulled into the station, Leo's excitement bubbled over. Today might be the day he finally saw real wizards. He talked to his parents about a station tour, something he has always asked whenever he visited any station, making an excuse as he was fascinated by trains and due to his academic achievements they gladly compiled thinking it was his hobby or something.

But today he saw a little hesitation in his parents when he asked about the station tour, his father finally agreed, "Fine, you can go for a station tour, but you will stay close to me and we will not spend much time like the previous ones." "Sure, Dad" Leo replied.

Walking around the bustling station, Leo's eyes darted around, searching for any sign of the magical world. For a long while, he saw nothing unusual. The station was filled with ordinary travelers rushing to their destinations. Just as he was about to give up hope, he noticed a few people pushing carts laden with large trunks and accompanied by owls, cats, and even a frog.

Leo stood still, stunned. He watched them intently, his heart was racing. As they approached a particular section of the station, heading towards a set of pillars, something strange happened. His mind began to blur, avoiding paying attention to them. He felt himself unconsciously starting to move on, but then something inside him clicked.

Mind Clarity, activated. His mind cleared, and he regained his focus. He realized that he had almost missed this crucial moment, and the weight of his earlier doubts crashed down on him.

'Maybe I'm not a wizard,' he thought, the realization hitting him hard. Even though he had prepared himself for this possibility, it was still difficult to accept.

His father, Robert, placed a hand on his shoulder. "Everything alright, Leo?"

Leo forced a smile. "Yeah, Dad. I'm fine."

They waited together while Lisa chatted with an old friend she had bumped into at the station. Leo's mind raced with questions. He silently asked the system, desperate for answers.

'System, am I really not a wizard?'


Then he remembered, and asked another question.

'I have discovered an anomaly in the station, where few people just vanished out of thin air; this could sign towards the presence of a secret anomaly of this world'

{Achievement Unlocked:

1. World Detective

Description: Solving the mysteries of the World is your passion.

Reward: Analysis (Skill)

2. First Discovery

Description: You have taken the first step in exposing multiple anomalies and mysteries present in the World.

Reward: Wizard Awakening}

Leonard's eyes widened and almost looked as if it would pop out; he was in disbelief by what just happened.

{Wizard Awakening: initiated}

Suddenly, a flood of warmth spread through his body, and he felt a strange tingling sensation. Just as his magic began to unlock, Robert grabbed his hand and started walking hurriedly towards the pillars.

"Come on, Leo. Your mum's ready to go," Robert said, pulling him along.

Leo barely registered his father's words. As they neared the pillars, he felt a strange pull. It was as if he was being sucked into a void. The world around him blurred, and just before everything went dark.



A/n: Just a little uptate, the region I live in was hit by a cyclone so the electricity was cut-off making it difficult for me to post and I didn't got much time to edit this chapter so it may have some shortcomings.

Thank you

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