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Chapter 2- Reborn

Chapter 2- Reborn

Allen opened his eyes and jolted up from sleeping position; he was shocked to see that he was still alive.

"Did I survive? Shouldn't I be in a hospital?" he spoke as his eyes wandered looking around the unknown surrounding, there was a small study table in one corner with a chair, a small mirror attached next to the wooden cabinet which had a few decorative items on top and finally his eyes fell on his body; "There are no bandages… F@#k! Why are my hands so small?"

Allen was having a hard time comprehending the situation he was in; he climbed down from the bed and dashed toward the mirror next to the cabinet.

Looking at the mirror Allen's eyes widened as he saw a kid and that kid was him but it was nothing like him even when he was kid.

"WTF, did I somehow reincarnate?" he muttered to himself while touching his face and hairs. He has freaking greyish hair, blue eyes like some shonen anime character.

He was having a hard time understanding what was going on; a minute ago he was a man in his late forties being penetrated by hundreds of bullets now he was a kid with the looks of an anime protagonist.

It was wild.

Allen went back to the bed and sat down after contemplating and admiring himself infront of the mirror a few minutes.

He thought, 'Is this because of all the charity I did which led God to give me another chance in a new life or is this just a normal cycle'

Back in his previous life Allen did a lot of charity; it started from the day he first got a job to the day he took his last breath. He distributed his complete wealth among those in need through his will. Throughout his life he did so much charity that he started to make the government and other wealthier people look bad. It became one of the reasons for the government to target him.

Allen looked around the room again and spoke, "This sure doesn't look anything like from my past and this body appears to be about 4-5 years old. Did I reincarnate into some anime?"

While he was babbling the door to the room opened and a lady who appeared to be in her early twenties walked in and gave a loving smile filled with worry and relief, seeing him sitting.

"Thank God, you have gotten up" she rushed over and tightly hugged him and spoke again with voice filled with worry "I was so scared"

Allen although surprised returned hugged and remained silent, unknowingly his body relaxed and enjoyed the warmth of the embrace, he realized that this lady has to be the boy's mother. She spoke English and her accent sounded British.

They stayed like that for a few minutes.

"Let me check your temperature" finally the lady said leaving the hug. She proceeded to check the temperature while Allen remained silent the entire time.

"It seems the fever is gone, still you need rest. So, be a good boy and rest, mum will bring food." She waited for Allen to get back into the bed and gave a little peck on the forehead before leaving the room.

After the door was closed, Allen's mind relaxed.

"Hahh… finally" Allen sighed but then he realized the mess he was in, "what the hell am I suppose to do now, if I don't speak she will definitely know that something is wrong"

Allen was trying hard to remember something or anything but nothing came to his mind.

"Damn! Nothing is coming to my mind. Let's hope that the kid was mute, it's my only option now" distress by the circumstance Allen placed his hands on his forehead.

At last when he saw no option he relaxed his mind thinking of leaving everything to fate.

Suddenly Allen's head started to hurt like some crazy hangover; it was as if someone was hammering his head, he groaned in pain.

After a few seconds his mind finally relaxed and new thoughts started to surface out of nowhere to his realization.

The boy was Leonard Shelby, a 4 year old kid born in 3rd October 1977 at London, England. He was son of Robert Shelby, a lawyer and Lisa Shelby, a teacher.

It appeared that the boy was sick due to viral fever and passed away while Allen took over the body. Leonard or Leo, what his family called him was quite an energetic kid and both of his parents dotted him.

Allen was contemplating about all the information when he heard a sound inside his head.


{Soul Link initiation 98%, 99%, 100%}

{Soul Link Achieved}

{Congratulation to Host for being chosen as the bearer of Achievers System}

Allen's eyes widened as he saw what was happening, he excitedly spoke,

"Is this the legendary reincarnation with System; that I read about in all those novels?"

"What kind of system are you" 

{Achievers System:

System will guarantee that none of Host hard work and achievement goes unrewarded. Achievement will be unlocked when the Host perform a singular task or a series of tasks and reward it accordingly} 

"And what are the achievement like?"

{Achievements can of various types such as-

Achievement: Novice Reader

Description: Read 10 books with minimum pages of 100 and above.

Reward: Unknown.

Elite Reader

Description: Read 50 books with minimum pages of 100 and above.

Reward: Unknown.

Minor Scholar

Description: Read 100 books with minimum pages of 100 and above.

Reward: Unknown.


{Only three Achievement and those which are partially completed will be visible. Rest of the Achievement will only become visible when completed or a part of the series is completed}

Allen understood the method and realized that he will have to try various things and work hard in each field to get a reward. 'Is it because of my speech before death' he wondered.

Among the achievement visible currently one was related to number of books, number of languages and freaking marathon. The marathon was divided into half, full, ultra and David Goggins. [Author's laugh: Zehahaha, You don't know me son]

Allen was really tired after all this and finally his new mother entered the room again, this time with a food tray. He filled his belly and decided to resign for the day and drifted into dreamland with a new found purpose.

Allen was happy to get a new life, a loving family and a generous gold-finger that would reward him for his hard work so he decided to make the most out of this life to reach the top.


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