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12.12% Naruto: Being Pursued by Kushina / Chapter 4: Chapter 4. Just because one is handsome, can he do whatever he wants?

Chapter 4: Chapter 4. Just because one is handsome, can he do whatever he wants?

People with dark parts are observing themselves, and Chiba already knows.

These people only looked at themselves because of Jiu Xinnai.

As long as he didn't make any radical moves, the secret department's attention would soon turn away.

"Nine-tailed, when will you grow up to be as strong as the big fox next door?"

"Master, I'm still young, and the speed of extracting chakra is too slow."

The nine-tailed monster is dissatisfied and complains that the nine-tailed monster next door is a fragment of the ten-tailed monster.

It grows from nothing and slowly grows, relying solely on one's own efforts.

"Chiba-kun, can I invite you to eat bento together?"

School ends at noon.

A female classmate invited Chikage to eat bento together, and Jiu Xinnai's big eyes widened.

She was curious to know whether Chikage had agreed or refused, just like she had refused herself.

I'm sorry, but I don't like to eat with people who are too ugly

Chikage decisively refused, and refused with her face.

This is also why he is handsome, but not many girls dare to approach him.

Not only are they rejected, but they also suffer a blow.

Few children can stand it.

Chikage was tired of playing dating games with these little girls and eating bento, so she simply refused to come.

Don't leave any impression on the other party.

"Sobbing, Chikage jun is too much."

The girl ran away with her face covered and crying.

Kushina is in a spartan state.

She had been bitter about Chikage's rejection of her, but now it seems that it was quite good, at least Chikage didn't say she was ugly.

For no apparent reason, Kyoshinai felt a sense of relief.

Fortunately, fortunately, I am not ugly.

Wait, what am I happy about?

I myself am also one of those who have been rejected!

Reflecting on her past experiences of rejection, Kyousena's joy instantly faded.

That night, upon returning home, Kushina asked Rope Tree, "Rope Tree, how do you boys usually reject girls' invitations?"

If it's someone you don't like, politely decline. Why

The rope tree looked at Kushina strangely.

"Have you been rejected again?"


The rope tree jumped high with its feet covered.

"Take your foot back, you dumb brat."

He took Kyōnin in his arms and pointed at Rope Tree.

Don't listen to him. He has never been invited by a girl, so how can he teach you experience? You should listen to your sister


The rope tree suddenly felt that his foot was no longer hurt,Because it would hurt.

He really wanted to ask, "Are you really my sister?"

"Were you rejected again by that brat Hachiman Chigatsu? Should I go beat him up tomorrow for you? He's so rude for rejecting our cute Kuxinai."

"No, it's not that."

Kuxinai blushed in haste.

She shook her head hurriedly, "It's just that Chigatsu rejected another classmate today, and the way he rejected her was a bit special, so I was just curious."


I wasted my facial expressions. I thought you were rejected again, silly girl.

Temari angrily withdrew her hand.

"How did he reject her? Tell me about it."

Futaba, whose instep had already stopped hurting, also came over curiously. He wanted to know how handsome boys rejected girls' invitations.

"It's just that..."

Kuxinai thought back for a moment, put on a expressionless face, and imitated Chigatsu's tone, "I'm sorry, I don't like eating with ugly people."


Such a mischievous personality. Temari felt her blood pressure rising and subconsciously raised her hand to cover the back of her head.

Futaba was bewildered. He had really seen something new.

No wonder even the girls from the upper grades said that Hachiman Chigatsu was so unique!

Indeed, even his way of rejecting girls was quite unique.

Is it because he's handsome that he can do whatever he wants?

That's too much.

It seems that being handsome really means you can do whatever you want. I envy you so much.

Looking at Temari's face, Futaba felt that he and she were not born from the same parents.

Why is there such a big difference in appearance between siblings?

Even if the younger brother is not as good-looking as his sister, he is also inferior in every aspect of talent. Did the good genes all go to the sister's side?

What are you looking at?

It's strange.

Noticing that Futaba had been staring at her, Temari glared at him, scaring him into shrinking his neck and quickly jumping aside, afraid of getting beaten.

"You're a disgrace."

Look at your courage.

"Prepare yourself tomorrow, and I'll take you to Orochimaru. I don't know what you're thinking, wanting to become Orochimaru's disciple."

Seeing that Futaba was about to graduate, he decided to take the backdoor and establish some connections.

That's why Temari planned to take him to meet Orochimaru and finalize the matter.


Finally, Temari hugged Kuxinai's shoulder and said earnestly,

"If you trust me, then don't get too close to this Hachiman Chigatsu. It's not good for you or for him."

"Why? Chikage-kun and I are just classmates." Kushina didn't understand Tsunade's meaning.

"Forget it." Tsunade shook her head and stopped persuading Kushina. Let it be.

Besides, they are really just ordinary classmates now. Is it appropriate for you to remind them of something else? Not appropriate. So Tsunade thought it would be better to let nature take its course.

If there really comes a day when they go to that step, then we'll see the situation again! Maybe by then, Kushina will be able to make her own decisions.

As the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, plus Kushina's own strength, the high-level officials need to consider more when making decisions. After all, the identity of the Jinchuriki is too sensitive, not to mention that Kushina is also the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki.

The Nine-Tails is the most powerful Tailed Beast. Once it gets out, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Going to school, training, and going home to rest, the days at the Ninja Academy are just so boring and dull.

If it weren't for the fact that there is no place to learn the Shadow Clone Jutsu, Chikage would have wanted to send a Shadow Clone to go to school instead of himself.

"It's a pity that I, Chikage Yagami, have so much Chakra, but I can't use the Shadow Clone to help with my studies and training."

"What did you say, Chikage?" Minato looked over.

Chikage casually said: "Nothing, I'm praising you for being handsome. You smile so brightly, just like a little sun. So you might as well be called Little Sun. This name also suits you very well."

"Come on!" Minato wasn't fooled.

"I also think Silver-Haired Brat suits you well. Why don't you accept this nickname?"

"Because the person who calls me that is also a brat, of course I don't like it." Chikage spread out his palms.

Too lazy to deal with you. If you want to trick me, there's no way. What Little Sun? Just because you smile brightly, you have to be called Little Sun?

In the past, Minato would acquiescence

to this title, but ever since he met Chikage, he was completely led astray.

Especially after learning about the other meaning of the sun, Minato would rather die than hear someone call him that.

"Oh, by the way, tomorrow is a rest day. Do you want to go for a picnic? I'll take care of the rest, and you just need to be in charge of grilling the meat." Chikage's cooking skills always make Minato unable to resist.

"Sure." There's nothing else to do anyway. After the picnic, we can still train outside for a whole day. Hmm~ Not a bad plan.

"Can I join you?" A fair little hand appeared in front of Chikage and Minato.

Upon seeing this, Chikage immediately threw the blame.

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