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81.25% The Undead In MCU / Chapter 13: CH-13 - TRAINING PART-2

Chapter 13: CH-13 - TRAINING PART-2


"____" are used for text

*____* are used for either background noises or time-skips

[____] are used to switch between POVs

'____' are used for thoughts




"oh, now we care about our surrogate Daughter shall we, after abandoning her to the wolves.. wow! what care a 'father' shows." the sarcasm rolls off my tongue in waves, and he flinches a little.. i shake my head at him, close my eyes, focusing on the molecules and...change its property, while Daisy, 'feeling' the change happening, starts trying to manipulate the vibrations of the atoms inside of the molecules i am vibrating, leading to-


Raina starts screaming in pain,and this snaps both Me and Daisy Out of our concentration. Daisy immediately removes her hand from Raina and I heal the damage done to her... Its-

"Wha-?" Before Daisy could ask what's happening, Raina collapses in the seat.. unconscious because of the pain and Damage she suffered...

"She... Is knocked out." I yank the tube connecting me and her and stand up, Looking at Raina's Unconscious Face.. which shows she experienced pain.

"What...did I do?" She looks at me, I look back at her, seeing her face in anguish, and a little bit of disgust. I decide to tell her the truth, since I see no reason hiding this info.

"You... Vibrated a little harder than needed. This caused her organs to explode. Thankfully I healed her organs the second it did, or else-"

"I....shouldn't have done it." Daisy whispers, tears in her eyes. I look at her, confused. She is the only one who could Permanently Change Raina's DNA thanks to the vibrating Molecules. If she doesn't, Raina cannot change.

"Daisy... You HAD to, otherwise-"but it seems my response wasn't the one Daisy wanted... or needed. She explodes.

"Otherwise what? She can't change back to her normal self. So what if she looks like this? What's wrong with it?" What do you mean what's Wrong with it? She is in pain most of the time.. and SHE wants the change..

"Raina wanted It-" Daisy Interrupts me, speaking a little louder.

"I shouldn't have listened to her.. and I shouldn't Have Listened To YOU. I shouldn't have had hope I could help her.." she holds her head, shaking it, guilt eating at her.. what the hell does she mean, she shouldn't have listened to me? I only said what was right.. How am I at fault here?

"What did I do?" My tone is incredulous, looking at her dubiously, not convinced that any of this is my fault. I made every preparation, and I was doing it correctly before- she messed it up. She messed up and she is blaming me?

"YOU gave Raina the hope that She Could be 'Fixed'. YOU gave me the hope that I could do things YOU said I could do. I went along with it since I Knew YOU knew better about my abilities.if i didn't think that I HAD to Do it to help Raina, I wouldn't have attempted and destroyed....Raina's Organs." So she is blaming me since SHE didn't have trust in HER abilities? But did it anyway because I said so? How am I at fault here? I was Ready to regenerate her at a moment's notice.. and I did, so what is wrong? She isn't Permanently damaged or something like that.

"I was ready to regenerate her the moment something had gone wrong. Hell, I even Regenerated the damage done to her That-

"SHE STILL FEELS PAIN.UNLIKE YOU, SHE STILL FEELS PAIN.'' The room starts Vibrating, and Cal, who was watching silently, takes a step back, while he is proud of His daughters Powers.. he ain't wanting to be crushed by her. I look at her in surprise... And I realize my mistake.

Just because I cannot feel pain, doesn't mean others can.

I remember the long month when I came to this world, the pain I went through, before I stopped feeling pain.. It was the worst day of my life, including meeting my 'parents'. After not having to feel pain.. i..kinda forgot how pain feels..

During Fighting, The feeling of bone melting, bone regrowing, organ destruction and stuff like that, but since I hadn't had pain pulled my mental state down, I continued fighting while shrugging all the damage done to me... But Not being able to feel pain is what makes me an absolute unstoppable force.. not my regeneration, since even with Regeneration, it would hinder me if I had to feel pain over and over again.

"YOU might not feel pain.. but others do. You might have not felt the pain of Organs getting destroyed.. but Raina does. She was knocked out due to Pain." Daisy is full of tears now, but... She reached her point across, i... Started to become a painless maniac.

Just because I thought I could heal anyone, I forgot about the feeling of pain. Coulson shrugged off the pain since he has some insane pain tolerance due to dying not once, but Twice. even Raina was feeling pain just by moving... And all I thought about it was fixing.. like a...Mad scientist.

When did I become so... apathetic? When did I become something who shrugs off pain? I-

"I... Need some Air." Daisy walks past me... And I just stand there... I..don't know what the hell is happening to me? I knew I had some kind of Trauma, but I shrugged it off, and is patheticness a result of that trauma growing? I... Don't know.

"Huh." I look to Cal, who has an amused tone when he speaks up... I look at him, glaring.. not in the mood to talk to his ass right now. But he Has a Smile.. that he knows what I am thinking right now.

"You might be thinking about how you are shrugging off pain, aren't you?" His smile widens when I lock on.

"So what?" I claim myself and decide to start talking shit to him, to alleviate my mood into something better, deciding to deal with the identity Crisis later.

"It's amusing to see YOU think about Pain with the...way you are." He shrugs, and I get the secret thing he wants to tell me.

'Why do you care about Pain...when you are a person who can't feel pain'.

My eyebrows twitch in annoyance, and he takes this as a chance to continue on.

"You are a monster who shrugged off damage that will kill a human 100x times over, and you can't feel pain. Since if you did, you would not have made it this far, by shrugging off Life-ending Damages. So, why would a person who doesn't feel pain... Care about Pain of others?" His tone suggests he is incredibly amused in this situation. Like he got a key to unlocking a weakness of mine.. and he takes advantage of it.. most likely to get petty revenge when I got under his skin.

"Aww, you came to care about me? how sweet?" I know he thinks he got under my skin (he did ngl) , but I ain't gonna let him get the satisfaction of it.. my sarcastic response wipes the smirk off his face, and... He becomes serious.

"Hell No. You Could Die for all I care." I flip him off by showing my middle finger.

"Aww.. that's very nice of you 🥰" I turn around and walk off to outside.. not wanting to talk to this bastard anymore. That's when I see Daisy... Standing near a Lake... Remember what happened a minute ago...but... the thing that Cal said to me sticks.

'Why would a person who doesn't feel pain care about other people's pain?'

That bothers me, and looking at Daisy standing there... Also bothers me. I look at the lake, and see it ripple... And that's when I get an idea.

"Hey Daisy." I walk towards her, she turns to look at me, an annoyed expression at her face, and ignores me by looking back at the lake. I sigh, knowing that I gotta carefully bring up the topic. I walk right next to her, seeing the water ripple, and get another idea on how to approach the subject.

The subject of training her.

"y'know, the water that is rippling right now is caused by the vibrations from the air-"

"What do you want?" Daisy Interrupts me, which is exactly what I wanted. Since I started the conversation, I have the ability to take it in the direction I Want.

"Well, what you said made me think about things. I...kinda forgot what it's like to feel pain, and also forgot That others Feel pain also. My bad." I scratch my head, giving a sheepish smile, genuinely meaning what I said. But her looks make me smile.. She is not happy.

"I don't want your apology-"

"So.. I also thought of another thing you said. How you didn't have confidence to use your ability, so here is what I thought of-" she cuts me off, pissed off.

"I don't wanna hear it." I notice the water rippling more violently, but I ignore it just like I ignore her pissed off face.

"How about using your powers...on Me? So that you have better control of it?" Now I look at her, and I almost smirk at her dumbfounded expression. if I want her to master her powers, (and since I ain't a teacher to know how to 'teach' other people) , I know she would have to USE her powers, and if she is scared of hurting someone due to her usage, then she can use me as a dummy to alleviate her fear.

"Wha-?" I don't let her think, moving a few feet away from her, and smirk.

"C'mon. Use your powers On ME. You don't trust yourself to use it, and I cannot feel pain, I am your perfect training dummy '' I tap my chest, urging her to vibrate the hell out of me. I am honestly curious how it feels on the body.

What-? NO" She really doesn't like the idea, so I think of a way to force her into it- 💡-got it.

"Are you gonna say the same thing to Raina when she wakes up from the Damage YOU caused? That you hurt her and you couldn't even bring results?" Yeah, dick move.. I know. But this is the way I have to go. While I could ease her into this, I don't think I have much time to help her with her powers.

Now, I could just leave her to her mother who will train her. So, why am I doing this? Why am I pushing her?. The answer is simple, Daisy has a lot of potential, and a lot of powers. I have changed a lot from Canon . If something happened in the future, she could unleash something that would destroy the earth. Just like the alternate timeline from Season 5 of the Show.

Plus, she was Nerfed in the show, since this is real life, I want her to be much more versatile than her canonical counterpart. I mean, that is what I would want if I had her powers, she never used the full extent of her powers in the show. Like, her ability is LITERALLY manipulating Space itself through Vibrations. That's way too OP.

That's Wanda Maximoff Level OP.

Her expression turns dark, not liking what I am trying to do. She knows what I am trying to do. May used to do similar things during Her Training, so she isn't stupid enough to not know that I am Guilt Tripping her...

"What would Coulson Think when he realizes that He sent you away? C'mon Skye, use your Powers on Me." I grin, trying to entice her into using her powers on me. But she denies. Even with the slip up of Skye, she knows what I mean.

"No.. I know what you are trying to do-"I cut her off, since she knows what I am doing, I cut the bullshit.

"Then use your powers on me. You couldn't do me any damage I haven't sustained. And I have sustained damage that would, and I quote "kill a person 100x times over". I can LITERALLY regenerate from Nukes if I was unfortunate enough. So.. you can't do anything that is damaging like that." Her conviction shakes.. and I whisper to myself.

"Yet" she steals her conviction and still says No.

"Oh c'mon, just do it once.. all I am asking you to do is once, if you are not satisfied, don't need to do it again." Her satisfaction is not the problem here, but to entice her even more, I had to give her an option out.

"I don't know what you even want me to do-" c'mon Daisy, you know I ain't gonna slip like that.. I am prepared to tell you the answer.

"Feel the vibrations in the air, and "push" it." She looks at me confused, since before, she was able to sense and manipulate vibrations INSIDE a body, mostly Raina's, but she never did this without Touching someone.

"Push the air-" it's easy.. but I HAVE to dumb it down huh.

"Air has molecules vibrating, since your powers allow you to interact with Any vibrating thing, you can interact with the molecules in the air, and

"push" them outwards. Try it." While she understands what needs to be done, she still isn't convinced.. oh damn it.

"Just once Daisy. just Once." I mock her, trying to force her to do what I want her to do. A couple of seconds go by before she Closes her eyes and raises her hand towards me while taking a deep breath to control her heart and sense the vibrations. Bingo.

She opens her eyes and-

*HUM* (the sound effect of a Shockwave, sorry if it is confusing.)

A pure blast of Shockwave speeds out from Daisy's Hand, coming for me, and before I could react.. it hits me and sends me flying back a couple of meters.

I landed to the ground with a thud, groaning while having the wind taken out of me.. the Shockwave was powerful.. to the point of lifting me from the ground. Not only that, but the feeling of Wind hitting me with a force similar to a fighter jet getting the wind hit in his face.

Daisy rushes to me while apologizing profusely, but I grin at her, getting up.

"That was awesome. One more, this time, rather than spreading it wide, focus on a singular point." She looks at me if I am crazy, which I might be.. and she immediately rejects.. not wanting to do it again.

"No.. I am not gonna-"

"C'mon Daisy... It's fun..." Yeah, I might sound crazy, and her look confirms it. She might think I became crazy because of me hitting my head when I crashed.

"No- no more. Not doing this again." She starts walking away, but I come in front of her, blocking her.

"You are. As I told you, you cannot Damage me in any way shape or form. You can train your power while getting to know your limits without Harming anyone-"

"I am hurting you." I look at her like she is an idiot.. like, seriously? SHE... Harming ME?

"Yeah-No. Your 'Harming' tickles me.. that's all you are doing. You are doing no damage in any way shape or form. As I said, I am the perfect Dummy." She looks at me like I am crazy, I am kinda annoyed she is looking at me like that, but she shakes her head and walks around me.. but I ain't gonna give up now.. I just can't. Not when I made her use her power already.

"C'mon Daisy. Do it for me." I give her a "cute" look, trying to sway her emotions, but she has a look of disgust.. like she just cringed by what I did. But she still comments.

"What do you want me to do to hurt you badly? Are you a masochist?" Oh, trying to run away while throwing insults? Not gonna happen on my watch.

"First, you don't Hurt me... At all. Like I said, again... You tickle me. Second, No.. I am not a masochist.. I am doing this so you could stop being scared by using your ability." She tries to dismiss my words walking again, but I comment, standing where I am.

"You are scared.. that your power will cause you to damage someone just like you did with Raina." She stops, and looks at me.. pissed off, she points her finger at me.

"Don't you dare-'' yup, caught her weak point.. just gotta kick a downed puppy when it is in trauma.... You get the idea what I am saying.

"You are scared.. that you will hurt me just like you Hurt Raina.. Your 'Sister-'' Bingo. I managed to anger her enough to come in front of my face...staring at me in rage.

"You are the one who told me that. I just did what you WANTED me to do." The fuck is she blaming me for? If you wanna blame the victim, I have the perfect answer to it.

"How is this my fault? You are the One who messed it up in the first place. Why aren't you taking accountability?" Her rage increases, I know I am being a dick right now.. but I gotta be, if I want her to be free of her fears.

"I AM taking accountability, unlike someone. That is why I do not want to use.. my powers. I don't want to use it anymore-" oh HELL NAH! She did not just say this bullshit.

"What kind of bullshit excuse is that? How is this accountability for your actions? You are running away.. not taking responsibility for YOUR actions." She grabs my Coller, her rage almost boiling out.. just one more push.

"What do you know about accountability? You don't need to Since you are basically Immortal. Nothing's gonna harm you." Her nose touches mine,and the position we are in.. all it would take to claim her down.. is to lean in and kis-

"You Women are always playing the victim card to avoid consequences for your actions-"

*BOOM* (I am using this now since the Shockwaves is similar to the effect of a sonic boom)

like a sonic boom just went out.. in front of me, I get sent flying back, my ribs destroyed By Daisy unleashing her Shockwave on me.. and such close range. I crash to the ground, dizzy for a second, before healing and recovering the damage done to me. Getting up and grinning at Daisy.

Sick..Wicked sick.

"You wanted me to use my power.. then here you go." She raises her hand and sends another Shockwave, strong enough to crush me inside out.. but it diminishes till it reaches me, but it still hits me, pushing me to the ground.

I get up, Grin still plastered on my face, and walk to her, showing her how meaningless her damage was. And her rage increases, when I come close enough, she kicks me in the stomach.. and immediately continues with a punch to the face. You wanna fight huh?

"Let's fight then." I shrug off the damage she did to me, but she continues her assault. She punches me again, and this time.. she grabs my hand and Yanks it.. placing it on her shoulder, pulling me in and throwing me over her shoulders, making me slam into the ground from the back.

"You don't stand a chance against me in fighting." Aww, gonna compare? Fine then. This hand is rated E for Everybody. I raise my hand, accelerating and Shooting my first, but Daisy takes a step back, making my attack miss. I turn around and get up, but not able to block a kick to my face, breaking my nose and sending me to the Ground.. again.

"Your ability is easy to predict with the day you use it-" i accelerate more blood out of the handles arm, spraying blood on Daisy, confusing her and making her take a step back. I regenerate my arm and get up, using the force generated by getting up to Slam my fists into her stomach.

She reels in, obviously not accepting the punch, but I don't stop, I grab the back of her head and bring it down, raising my led to meet it, leading to a resounding *CRUNCH* and a broken nose.She reels back after I leave her head, holding her nose in pain.

"Aww, someone said that I was too easy to predict? Did you predict a knee shot to the face?" My tone is mocking, she rubs her eyes, removing the blood and staring at me hard... Her rage was clearly visible. I start shaking, mocking her while saying stuff like "oh ma God, I am soooo scared😨😨" and things to infuriate her more. And I got the outcome i desired, since she-


She broke my ribs, shattering it as well as my organs.. if it was a normal person, they would have died.. but not only do I feel no pain, i regenerate all the damage. Fresh as new. I raise up, from the ground where I crashed on.. and my infuriating Grin is still present, continuing to Mock Daisy further.

"Use your full power. You cannot defeat me otherwise." With my 2 cents said, I rush at her, intending to punch her, she though, shows why she is a trained soldier. Even though she has a broken nose and her face is covered in evaporating blood, she positions herself for a fight... I throw a punch when I reach her, but she easily titles her head to the side and grabs hold of my hand.

She clocks my face super hard, breaking my nose as petty revenge, but continues, kneeing my stomach and then using the same leg to ram my kneecaps, shattering it and making me drop to the ground, with her still holding me. But.. I ain't done yet.

I headbutt her in the stomach, since I am in the ground, and I use my right hand to ram my fist into her liver, continuing my assault, i regenerate my shattered Kneecaps and get up, sweeping her legs and dropping her to the ground, which her still holding my left hand, dragging me to fall on top of her. And then-


I get shockwave-d right in the chest by one of her hand and she let's go of my hand at the same time, sending me flying to the Sky.the Shockwave rips my shirt, leaving me half-baked while flying upwards towards the Sky, I am disoriented for a couple of seconds, healing from the shattered organs, but with me back in shape, i...start falling back to the ground... And since I cannot fly.. I am gonna get splattered-

Hell Nah.

I am my Fists at Daisy who is still on the ground looking at me falling, and I shoot my arms, trying to hit her.. but I know she will dodge, which she does by spinning to the left... Leaving my arms crash to the ground and with now me being armless, I continue falling.. but I didn't shoot my arms for nothing.

I start accelerating blood and start spraying from my Armless- arms, shooting it downwards trying to use the momentum of the blood spray to slow my Speed... It isn't working... So I give up and-


I groan, getting Splat in the ground is not a good feel, feeling your organs crushed is never enough.. I try to get up.. but is met with a kick to my neck, Daisy trying to Knock me out.. and it works.. for a couple of seconds before I regain Consciousness.

I get up again, dodging a kick from Daisy. I try to sweep using a Kung-Fu Style attack, where you Use your leg to spin and try to Sweep your opponent. But it doesn't work with Daisy like it does in those movies. Fuck you Martial Arts Movies.

"The trip down was not bad. Got some good air there y'know." The reason why I am qiuping in the middle of the fight is actually simple.. I am trying to emulate someone.. a person, whose Motto is that from Great power, comes Great Bitc- I mean.. Responsibility-


I get punched in the face, and then-


Sent flying with my face mangled with the Shockwave literally sent to my face. I regenerate my shattered Skull and Brain, and shake my head.. trying to not be dizzy.

"Why are you doing this?" Even though Daisy Knows the answer, she still asks.

"To let you use your full powers. As I told you... You cannot permanently damage me anytime soon." My grin, which was there from the start, turns into a comforting Smile, trying to Get through to Daisy.

"I don't want to-"

"You won't have a choice in the Future. Whether you like it or not, you HAVE to use it in the future. I am giving you an advantage right here. If you could just-" she cuts me off.

"I don't want the advantage. I just want to be... Normal? Is that so much to ask for? All I wanted was a normal life. But my parents Life was fucked up, then mine was fucked up... All I wanted was a normal life... Why-" she is pouring her heart out to me.. she is desperate, her mental state is not good right now, it might have worsened when I told her about her family's Life... And.. it's my fault she is like this.. so.. I need to take responsibility.. to ease my sense of guilt..

"You CANNOT live a normal Life since you were BORN with the potential to destroy the world if push comes to shove. You can't live a normal life with powers like that.." She starts tearing up, and I feel even more bad..

" I don't want this power. I -"

"You don't have any choice-"

"THEN WHAT DO I GET TO CHOOSE THEN? WHAT IS THE MEANING OF MY LIFE IF I CANNOT LIVE BY WHAT I WANT TO CHOOSE?" The entire area starts to shake.. but I let her vent.. all I can do is let her vent..

"You...get to choose how you WANT to live with the situation you are currently in. You CHOSE to find out more about your parents, which led you to S.H.I.E.L.D , which then led you to your parents. You CHOSE to go after Raina, leading you to gain a sister-like figure.. and just like that...You CHOOSE what you want to do with your power." This is a heartfelt confession, these are the similar words that I heard from My Matron who gave me the motivation to punch my parents in the face.

" my world.. There was a saying-'' I really did not think I was gonna quote the famous line of the web hero.. but here I am, trying to console a person with Planet destructive Power.. to make her understand what her power entails, and what responsibility comes with it .. I sigh, and continue saying... The iconic line.

"From Great power, there must always come....great responsibility." It seems that I hit Daisy right in the feels.. and it reminds me why I am doing this.. why.. I decided to join the Main cast of the MCU, even though all I had going for me was regeneration.

I had the power of future knowledge... And it is my responsibility to..use that Knowledge to my own gain...

What? You thought I was gonna say I was gonna save everyone I can? Hell nah. I did the deal with S.H.I.E.L.D was to gain information about the Mexican Cartel, while in return.. interacting with a bunch of quirky but likable characters and helping them here and there.

Hell, even accepting to Help Train Daisy is for a reason. The reason I brought Raina and Cal also was because of one reason.. and one reason only.

I had messed up Canon, so I am gonna fix it.and mess it up a little more by helping fix Raina.. but that's all. I didn't do it to save anyone. Even Trip was an accidental Save.only Coulson was a purposeful Save.

The area finally stops shaking, meaning she calmed down enough. I speak up, hitting the iron while it is still hot.

"You have Power Daisy. And It should be YOUR Right to Use it Responsibly. If you want.. you can stop using your power entirely.. but.. would you stay silent when innocent people are hurt and could be saved from you blasting some crooks?" I smile, trying to get through to her... And she sighs, wiping her tears...

"Fine... What should I do?" Sick... wicked Sick.

Now that Daisy has finally accepted her position.. I finally started to teach her how to properly use her power. Since she already knows how to create shockwaves powerful enough to break bones.. It's time for her to learn how to use her powers in other ways.

First, I tell her to focus...and try to sense the amount of people there are, by touching the ground.. I always thought her ability could be used as a sensory deduction. Similar to Toph's ability from Avatar. And speaking of Avatar, I figured out something insane while she was trying to sense how many people were there in the near vicinity by sensing the vibrations on the ground.

I tell her to do something, and she thinks that I am crazy, but she does do it.. while still holding the ground.. she accidently senses the Earth vibrating at its frequency.. and she listens to my command.. she slowly vibrates a specific part of the ground near her, trying to push the molecules in the ground...Upwards.

It takes a couple of minutes.. but she is able to extend the ground upwards... Like An Earthbender... Holy shit, is this power broken or not?.. I start getting excited, and even she starts to get excited when I tell her what I intend to have her power to do.

Make her a Knockoff Avatar.

I immediately drag her to the water, and make her do the same thing, push the water particles which are vibrating upwards.. and it works, much easier than the ground, but it splashes to the ground when Daisy gets a little too excited.

This proves my theory Once again....Vibration Manipulation Is An OverPowered Ability.

We even Do the Air, By making the vibrating particles which make the air move from side to side, Similar To An Airbender.

While she is still not able to do Fire ending, I theorize that with Fire in the Vicinity, she would be able to control the vibrating particles that make up a fire.

While training the ways she could become the Knockoff Avatar, Cal opens up the door of the cabin and comes out.. with Raina behind her.. who is a little wobbly. Daisy runs to her and hugs her, apologizing profusely while tears come out of her eye.

"It's...Don't Worry about it... You didn't mean to purposefully do that to me." Raina hugs Daisy back, mindful of the bards in her body.. while Call comes up to me and-



"Oi, what was that for?" I hold my broken nose and snap it back to place while Cal shakes his head after headbutting me. Why the fuck would he headbutt me for?

"That's for punching my Daughter-"

"Geez.. whatever man." I walk to Raina to inquire about her wellbeing, while Apologizing about forcing her to go through the damage.

She looks at me, and then asks me to do it again..

"What?" I look at her incredulously, utterly confused...

"Try to fix me again... I don't care if it hurts or not." Daisy gasps, horrified about what Raina is Saying.. even I could not believe it.

"What? Why?" Daisy makes Raina look at her, and asks the question..

"You are beautiful as it is.. why do you wanna-"

"It is not about Beauty.. It's about Pain. Everytime I walk, hell.. Everytime I breathe, I feel the barbs poking itself at me.. my insides are full of barbs stabbing my organs and giving me constant pain. I...cannot live like this anymore." There is a defeated tone in her voice, and Daisy hugs her again, trying to console her that everything is okay, but She looks at me.

"You..can Do something right?" She knows I may have an answer.. and I sigh.

"Yeah... IF I cut off your pain receptors, you won't feel any pain-

"Do it." She tells me with conviction.. I look at her golden eyes and ask her one more time.. and she determinedly nods.. shrugging off Daisy's Concern. She then looks at Daisy.

"I trust you to do the right thing." That alone is enough to shut Daisy up, and Raina Goes back to the cabin.. I look at Daisy, who is shaken up and still being conflicted. I tap her shoulder and walk inside, urging her to come with me.. a few seconds later, she does.. along with Cal who closes the door.

Raina goes to sit on the couch like last time, but I send her to the table, a flat surface which will allow me to operate on her pain receptors. I ain't a doctor, but I know much more about pain receptors than anyone in the room...except Cal.

Speaking of Cal, he gives me a death stare, and there is... A little bit of worry there.. for Raina.. He is starting to Care for her now. There might be a chance to bring him in.

I take my equipment while pulling Raina's shirt, letting me see her back body.. especially the area where her pain receptors are. I look back at Daisy, and explain what SHE needs to do.

"We will do One Molecule at a time.. remember to keep sensing her vibrations." I take a scalpel while Holding The place where the pain receptors are... I slowly put the knife in the Skin and-

"Wait.. you are doing it wrong.. you should do it a little higher." Cal objects.. and I look at him, annoyance in my face.. but inside, I am excited.. since this is exactly what I wanted.

"Well, if you are so smart.. you do it yourself." I do the infamous Pose of "Khaby Lame". He looks at me and raises his Hands, showing the cuffs in them.. high tech Cuffs I might add, which would even survive a bullet if shot at it.

"Well, I am held at the moment-" he tries to get some leverage, but I just walk to him and hold the cuffs, and shoot my hands at it, breaking it due to the force from both hands being shot. I regenerate my hand and do the "Khaby Lame" Pose again.

"There ya go. Now, show us your expertise." Even though my response might be sarcastic, I still say what I want.. and then walk to get the tube and another scalpel, using it to cut into Raina's Arm and insert the tube, while Doing the same thing to me so I could heal her with my blood. Raina grunts when I pierce her arm, but she grits her teeth till I regenerate the cut while only leaving a hole enough for the tube.

It takes a couple of seconds for Cal to come into his "doctor" mode, but he rushes to Raina and picks up the Scalpel, ready to cut off the pain receptors, similar to what happened to me a couple of months ago. He nods at me, and I nod at him back.

He cuts open Raina pain receptors and removes the link while Daisy holds Her and I immediately regenerate the skin and all the other nerves.. except for the pain receptors.. she finally breathes a sigh of Relief, like she isn't feeling pain.. and this is my signal. I nod at Daisy and Concentrate a molecule to "retreat" it's barbs.

And as I wanted, Daisy Vibrates Molecule making it permanent.. With the training we did, she figured out how to vibrate at a molecular scale.. and since we are going one molecule at a time, it takes a long time.

3 Hours to be exact.

Three hours of me coaching the molecules and Daisy making the change permanent. Since both of us are sitting in a chair, we are sitting the entire 3 hours concentrating.

After 3 grueling Hours, we finally finished the last Molecule and opened our eyes... To see Raina... Without any barbs, back at her original Face.

Daisy collapses in her chair, taking deep breaths in... Completely and utterly exhausted..

Raina gets up from her position to see her body, getting teary eyed while I hold my arm higher so that she doesn't disconnect the tube.. I still have one little demonstration to show. Before she could hug me, I spoke up.

"Raina.. focus on "extending" those barbs... " She is confused about what I am saying, but I nod at her.. and she closes her eyes... Trying to do what I told her to do... And

All the barbs that were "retreated" in her molecules, had extended outwards... Freaking her out... I speak up over her freaking out about the failure of the operation.

"Now, try to "retract" all the carbs back into your body." I grin at her.. and she stops freaking out.. understanding what I meant.. she closes her eyes, and thinks about her barbs going back into her body and then-

All the barbs in her body start "retracting" inside the molecule,and in a couple of seconds.. she is back as originally as she looked.

I heal the holes created by the barb and then she jumps at me, hugging me while crying and whispering "thank you" over and over again.

I pat her back and tell her to hit the bed.. she is exhausted and even I am.. she, after a minute of crying and sobbing and thanking me, finally gets up and takes The collapsed Daisy to the bed..

I get up from my Chair and go to the couch, patting Cal's Shoulder, who was awake and standing the entire 3 hours.. and then-

I collapse on the couch.. getting some rest.




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