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75% The Undead In MCU / Chapter 12: CH-12 - MOLECULAR VIBRATIONS



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I stare at them awkwardly, Jemma with tears in her eyes, all the men in the room looking at me with Respect, Bobbi and May giving me a respected nod, and...Daisy and Raina are hugging each other, Crying and looking at me..everyone understood my intentions about the situation.

I turn around and walk towards the exit, where I stare at the Quinjet which Brought me here, in thought.

Well, That was ....something.

Things have changed in the base...after that fiasco.

The team now looks at me with respect, but with the discovery of not one, but two super powered people, the base gets a new containment room, where Daisy and Raina are kept in. Mack is able to finally get his point across, and with Daisy agreeing with him, She -and Raina- are put into this. Due to the knowledge that it is genetic based, the team wants to find a way to stabilize, or atleast help with controlling their power. especially Raina's. 

I continue to supply some blood to Raina, analyzing the way her molecules work, and I come up with an idea. an idea on how to stabilize her barbs, to where she can control it at will. For this, I need to know more about biology, and....for that, I need help from someone. but before that,, i go to Coulson to....Have a Talk.

"You....need the information?" Coulson looks at me, a little bit disappointed. Now, what information would that be?

the deal we made, where i will help stop Whitehall and...S.H.I.E.L.D Would provide me intel and knowledge on the Mexican cartel...i still have business to finish.

"Yeah, that was the deal we made with Coulson." I smile at him, while me bringing this up means that I am leaving.... which I am not... I still haven't decided to Officially join the team.

"i know.... but...I want you to join the team...OFFICIALLY join S.H.I.E.L.D" he makes his offer... and I-

"not right now Coulson, i still have things to do.." reject the i said, i am still uncertain about joining the team, while i consider everyone there my friends ( including Mack and Bobbi...and Hunter i guess?)I still don't think it is the right idea to be part of the super spy organization.

"I see....well... are you gonna leave...?" Well, No.. I still have some events to go through, and then I can leave.. Since the "real" S.H.I.E.L.D Arc is almost near, which I do not want to be a part of, I need to leave..around then.

"No..not now, i'm still staying... if you have a problem with that?" I smirk, joking around... Coulson and I have gotten Close enough to joke around with each other. He trusts me, knowing that I don't mean any harm.

"Nah, I don't. This is as much about your team as it is mine. you are always welcome here." he gives me a smile, and i replicate the smile back at him, i turn around.. starting to leave the that Coulson could do whatever he is doing... which is having contact with Maria Hill.

"I never said thanks, did i?" I look back, an amused smile on my face. But I deny it, calling him an "ungrateful bastard.", which is obviously a joke, and he knows it is a joke. so i turn around, knowing what he is about to say next.

"Rai....Thank you for saving my life, Thank you for helping Skye when she needed someone... and thank you for helping Us in General." I smile, but I comment back.

"It's Daisy now, remember?' Coulson chuckles, accepting my quip. I give him a thumbs-up and walk out of the room, while Coulson goes back to whatever he is doing.

With that done, I focus on the matter from Earlier, learning Biology, and go out resident except on this matter and ask Jemma Simmons about teaching me everything she knows about Human body, which she is excited about. I drag Fitz in too, so that he doesn't get left out and start feeling depressed and shit. With two super geniuses teaching me about Biology, I learn it preet fast. 

Eventually, their curiosity gets the better of them and they start asking me Questions about the Future, about some theories which have been proven right, and all sorts of other things.... Thankfully, I don't understand half of what they ask me about and only give them " I will cause a time paradox" as an answer. There are SOME I am allowed to say, like Grandfather Paradox theory is Real, etc etc.

Eventually, the plot finally moves forward.

a team meeting is called, where they get to know that Lady Sif, From Asgard, is here on earth. All members of the team look at me for answers, trying to get some, but I shrug, keeping my mouth shut. They are annoyed, but continue their business. leaving me here, with Daisy and Raina, Daisy Not going due to her being in Containment.

i go to the COntainment Pod, where i 'heal' Raina, for probably the 5th time of the day, and Daisy asks me what i am even doing? and I decided to tell them... I mean, why wouldn't I? i don't need to hide my 'project' i am working on, Stabilizing Raina. she deserves to know actually.

She is overjoyed and....hugs me.. percing me with her barbs, but I just par hr back.. still awkward with girls hugging me. Daisy calls for me, wanting a favor from me. I look at her, Raina still hugging me, and ask her what.

"my powers.... what are they?" I look at her, and after thinking about it, I don't see the need to NOT tell her about it.

" your powers are...Vibration manipulation. you have the ability to manipulate and enhance vibrations." she is confused, and its reasonable, if her power is what she think it is, then-

"What do you mean by manipulation?" Well, the name of the power is vague, so I go in detail to explain it to her, getting up from Raina's bed after she stopped hugging me and healing the damage.

" Your power manipulates the Law of Vibration which states that anything that exists in our universe, whether seen or unseen, when broken down into and analyzed in its purest and most basic form, consists of pure energy or light which resonates and exists as a vibratory frequency or pattern. you are able to tap into the vibrational energy of everything around you, which allows you to produce effects such as earthquakes and shockwaves." She is wide.. in horror.. her power is busted.. and if she wasn't nerfed like in the Show, she Could easily destroy the world the moment she controlled her ability.

"....can I create earthquakes?" I mean, having powers is something, knowing that the power is this destructive is another thing.

"not with how you are currently, you don't have control over your Power, so all you could do right now is produce shockwaves which are not controlled and shake the place." she is surprised... and there is a little hope in her eyes, the reason for the hope is obvious.. I am basically explaining HER ability To her, she thinks I might know how to control it. I sigh..

" to control it?" her tone is a little pleading, but... I decided to help her, normally she would learn Control from her mother.. which would be a great bonding time, but.... it would be a waste not letting her understand HOW her abilities work.

"well... First, you need to 'feel' the vibrations all around you. understand those, the density, the speed and the way the vibrations are moving. try to feel it, by closing your eyes." she is confused, since no normal human can feel vibrations, so.. she has to figure out how to do that by herself.. She is doubtful, but she closes her eyes and focuses... on trying to feel.

"your powers are connected to your heartbeat, if it increases, so will your powers start being wild. so, Control your heartbeat, make it steady, and rather than wanting to control your powers, try to Understand and coexist." I know that powers are meant to be controlled so as to not cause destruction, but the current state of Daisy is that she would want to suppress her powers, which would ultimately hurt her.

She focuses on her breathing, calming her heart, and trying to feel the vibrations around her. I look over Raina, who is looking at the 'training' Daisy is doing. I shrug at her and look back at Daisy, waiting for her to come out of her 'meditative' state.

a minute passes, and she finally opens her eyes, and looks towards me... with a smile, satisfaction radiating off her, meaning, she has felt the vibrations around her.

"how do you feel?'' I smiled back at her, half surprised that she figured this out soon, and half happy that she figured it out soon. she looks at me with an Awed expression, not at me, but at the understanding she got from using her powers.

"the vibrations in the air, the way the molecules vibrate... at a frequency so little, that it is not visible and does not make a" she looks at me, concerned. I am confused, what happened? and my expression also reflects my confusion, Daisy answers.

"Your Molecules....are vibrating... at a frequency that is not normal." what? I ask her to explain, which she does.

"It's like... your molecules are.....'rejecting' the surrounding molecules. it's like... a molecule inside of you is vibrating at a different frequency than another molecule. all of your molecules are vibrating with different frequencies... and that... it's rejecting you.." rejecting me?

"what is happening?" Raina comes over, asking more about what Daisy is talking about. Daisy does try to explain to Raina about what she is 'feeling' from me, even though she doesn't know much about Physics and Molecules. Raina does not fully understand it...but I do..

I have a guess, and that is most likely correct. Since I am not from this universe, and the universe works by the law of vibration, not only that, but each vibrating molecule has a signature belonging to their universe, but I am from a completely different universe. But even then, why is each molecule of mine vibrating in completely different frequencies from each other? if that was logically true, then i would have glitched out due to my body showing itself in different forms, like a hand out of my chest, a middle finger in the position of my peni- you get the point.

But why didn't I? Is it because Undead is constantly and passively regenerating all the molecules from being misplaced? but if that is so, how could Daisy sense my molecules vibrations in a disarray? What is the cause of this...? what is the reason- Wait. Could it be? the place i went to after i died, could it have altered my molecule-

"RAI?" Daisy shakes me, snapping me out of my thought process. I look up to see both Raina and Daisy staring at me with Concern, Daisy repeats the question she asked when I was zoned out.

"Why are your Molecule vibrations so out of place? Do you have any ideas?" Her question makes me think of an answer, and an excuse comes to my mind, which is similar to the theory I just cooked up before.

" Yeah, I think. due to the fact that i am not from this time, the universe must have figured out that my molecule vibrations should not exist in space and time, so it might be rejecting me." she gasps, horrified, and even Raina does the same thing, i mean. I cannot blame them, this shit would be terrifying... But I don't know why I do not feel terrified. I really don't know.

"are you okay?" Raina puts spiky hands on my shoulder, grabbing me, and making me bleed, but I shrug it off, not feeling anything.

" yeah. no problem here. it's just... I did not expect that to be honest." and I am honest... Daisy then speaks up.

"can...we do something.. maybe Fitz can make something-" i cut her off, even if Fitz could cook something up for me, i... od not actually need it, since i am 90% sure that my theory is true.. and if i have to be 100% sure, i gotta ask Daisy.

" nah. no need, my powers negate the rejection, that is why you might feel different vibrations. By the way, can you check something for me?" Daisy looks at me, clearly thinking I am changing the subject, but she complies and asks what I need. I replied, remembering something from the TV show.

"can you...check if you could replicate the vibrations you 'feel' through me?'' Now that I think about it, with different frequencies for each molecule, she could not pinpoint the total vibrations at all at the time. but she looks at me confused, not knowing what to do. i sigh, she doesn't know how to use her power, so i gotta explain it to her.

"you can feel the molecules in the air and manipulate their vibrating frequencies to push.. and create a shockwave spread forward. just like that, try to mimic my vibration frequency." she is confused at my explanation, so i dumb it down for her.. and she accepts, closing her eyes for a whole minute and...


she cannot do anything, atleast at this caliber, even if she knew how to mimic vibrational frequency, she couldn't mimic mine.... since all my molecules are vibrating in different frequencies which are different from each other... Did the person who sent me think about this? did he... purposefully change my molecules frequency but made me stable?... i don't know... and i do not think i might wanna know.

I sigh, discarding it from my mind.. and decide to continue doing what I am doing, helping Daisy figure out her powers. A couple of hours later, the team comes back, With Lady Sif in tow, who has her memories erased by a Kree, who came here after receiving a signal of the Diviner being used. Daisy joins back with the team, much more confident than before about her powers, and she starts helping them.

I bring Coulson to the side while the team is talking to Sif, and explain to him about Hiding my existence... i explain more by looking at his questioning face... the reason i wanna do this, is due to the fact that i don't wanna do anything with Odin... or at the current point in the timeline, loki, who has impersonated Odin. and if Loki gets to know about my existence, which is from the 'future', he will surely come for my ass.

Coulson thankfully accepts this reasoning and tells it to the team, who all stay silent. Eventually,Daisy finds a video on Twitter of Sif fighting on a dock with a strange man they believe to be the person she might be looking for. The team is still conscious, so they do not leave Daisy out of the Playground.. They find a blue-skinned person, who is a Kree named Vin-Tak. 

They figure out his motives easily and follow him, capturing him while he has a crate.... a crate full of Diviners.. or at least he thinks it is a crate full of Diviners. After getting captured, he cooperates with the team and Lady Sif, giving back her memories with his truncheon and also gives the information that they realize is crucial to them.

the truth of super powered people, The Inhumans.

unfortunately, Jemma slips up about Daisy and Raina being an Inhuman during her ramblings, which freaks out Daisy enough to where her powers goers out of control, shattering the windows, and this causes the Kree and lady Sif to stop her, i slip off from the discussions, knowing this next part will be integral to the plot.

May runs away with Daisy and hides in the Playground's jail cell. and in there, May tries to get Daisy to control her emotions, Sif tries to get into the cell, but blocked by an energy field, she rips through it, but notices something... the cell.... stopped shaking. She looks over to Daisy, who is calm, and collected. Due to me helping her understand her power, she is able to control it. May speaks up, convincing Wife to let Daisy go, and Sif seeing Daisy's self-control, leaves with the Kree ( who got his memory wiped due to Bobbi) and leaves back to Asgard, giving Coulson a warning about the dangers of Inhumans.

This experience makes Daisy come to me, asking me for training... knowing that I know more about her powers than anyone. but i deny.... since if i let her control her power here, she could destroy the entire place. she is disappointed at my reasoning... but she accepts, though begrudgingly.

Coulson puts Daisy and Raina on the Index, a record which has all of the information on super powered people known to S.H.I.E.L.D, meaning they need to be evaluated, leading to May bringing in her Ex- Husband, Dr. Andrew Garner, who accepts this responsibility. Coulson also wanted to add me into the Index, but I told him it's a dumbass idea... since I should not even exist. in this timeline, which he relents after some talking.

During this, I notice that Hunter and Mack are missing, meaning the plotline of the "real" S.H.I.E.L.D has started, which I do not care much about, since everything will resolve on its own. I focus on what Fitz-Simmons is teaching me.. and during this, I figure out a technique which would 'boost' me, significantly in fact. Jemma's knowledge on the body is so much that it just helps me make more techniques of my own. and even upgrade some of my techniques to the new level.

due to the fact that Calvin Zabo, Grant Ward and Agent 33 are all in cells, their storyline completely vanishes, meaning... Cal never goes to the Inhuman base as in canon, and Ward and Agent 33 don't team up and go around their own adventures.

Dr Garner completes his analysis on Daisy and Raina, and he comes to the conclusion that Daisy must be off S.H.I.E.L.D Duty, atleast until she can control her new found powers.after a lot of discussions, Coulson realizes Daisy needs to be away, until she has full control over her powers. so, he decides to send Daisy to a secure location to train, a place where only he knows. She wants me to accompany her, due to me having knowledge about her powers.

Coulson comes to me, asking for help... and I will only accept under one condition.

" Let me bring Raina and Cal with us too." He looks at me like I have gone crazy.

"Raina, I might understand, but No Cal." makes sense, I do not want that psychopath to be released.

"while I might beat the shit out of him... I just don't think it is the right idea to separate him from his daughters. plus.... it might be a good opportunity to let Daisy get to know her father.'' This line kinda shakes Coulson, but he is still determined.

eventually, Daisy comes in during the conversation.. and takes my side.. wanting to know more about her biological father.. even Dr Garner supports this decision, though her Ex- Wife May doesn't. this becomes a discussion, me explaining my viewpoint without saying anything revealing, and eventually Coulson agrees, on one condition.

 "after you come back from training.... you have to officially Join S.H.I.E.L.D'' okay, that was a dick move, and even he knows it. but I shrug, accepting the condition. Me and Daisy leave the room, letting Coulson talk with May and Garner. After I turned the corner, I manically grinned.. it doesn't matter if I accepted the deal or not.. since I am not gonna be with S.H.I.E.L.D anymore after the training session. I then rest my face to normal, so as to not be suspicious.

Eventually, Coulson calls us, bringing us to a Quinjet where Raina and Cal are there, Cal is handcuffed and all with a soldier behind him holding a gun. all of us board the plane, with Cal striking up conversation with Daisy, who awkwardly talks back. The entire flight is them talking about stuff, while Coulson explains to me about the Cabin we are gonna live in.

he plane lands near the cabin, and all of us go out, leaving the soldiers to put the supplies into the cabin, while Daisy and Coulson have a talk. Cal wants to speak up, but i close his mouth, even though he bites me, i still cramp on his mouth, not letting him speak until Coulson leaves, which he does a few minutes later. I remove my hand from Cal's mouth while he spits on the ground.

"so... what to do?" Raina looks at me and asks, feeling the awkwardness from the base till here, before I could respond... Cal does.

"release me from here. i ain't an animal to be caged. let me free and talk to my daughter freely-" i cut him off, looking at him, starting into his soul (figuratively) 

"daughters." he looks at me, gulping a little, meaning he remembered me headbutting the shit out of him.

"I just wanna be free." he kinda....starts whining? I am confused, and so are Daisy and Raina.. but this gives me the idea on what to do now.

"well...let's stabilize you now.'' I grin at her, and her happiness explodes, making her hug me. I pat her back. This woman really likes to hug... Daisy comes in between and Splits us apart.

"we gotta focus on stabilizing her first.'' I look at her, seeing her...pouting? what kind of shit- oh wait a second.

"Sure, let's go." I walk in the cabin, the girls following me, leaving Cal to complain about his situation. Though, what kind of forced love plot is this?A girl hugging me and another girl being jealous about it, trying to separate the two of us. The person who is writing this is 100% a virgin and never had a lover before. fuckin forced plot bullshit.

I opened a toolbox that Jemma gave me, which contained everything I might need for her powers to stabilize. I cut a small line in my and Raina's arm, put the tube inside us, and started the blood transfusion. Similar to healing Coulson, I am gonna hear her molecules... stabilizing her.

Raina's ability works due to her DNA, her molecules have permanently turned into barbs, this is the reason for her spiky appearance all the time. What I am trying to do is to change the molecules enough where the barbs still would be there, but it would not be permanent. Think of it like a normal molecule growing barbs out of it, similar to Wolverine's claws, and just like his Claws, retract back into normalcy.

Normally, this is impossible, even with my ability.... until I learnt Biology from Fitz-Simmons. Fitz knows much about molecules, and Jemma knows about Biology itself, and through that... i can do what i wanna do.. with my blood being inside of her, it interacts with her own blood, just like it did with Coulson when i was saving him,. but, this time.. the intent behind the workings of my blood is to "retract". to... make sure the barbs inside her molecules go back inside.

i have to concentrate hard.. to just reach and imagine a single molecule, trying to make it "retract" the barbs into itself,....after a minute, i am able to "retract" the barbs, but in a second the barb comes back out of the molecule.. It is hard, and not only that, but I NEED to focus on all other molecules... but i...just cannot focus on too many molecules at the same time. unless.... my thought process speeds up. I kinda expected this limitation during this situation, and through the knowledge of Jemma and Fitz, I found a way.

Blood doping.

blood doping is where you increase the amount of red blood cells, which carry oxygen and other nutrients, and send it throughout the body for higher performance. If I use blood doping by generating more red blood cells and sending it to my brain, my brain will get more oxygen, leading to a higher generation of neurotransmitters, which collect and send information through my brain.

With this increased oxygen, both my dopamine and norepinephrine, which help in the thought process, gets boosted.. leaving me with a boosted speed of thought. I use this to focus on not just one molecule, but two. With higher concentration, I am able to "retract" the barbs back into the molecule. I feel a sense of accomplishment, finishing this hurdle. so, imagining that I am 'holding' the molecules in place, I go to the next set of molecules, this time, three molecules.

The number of molecules in the body is well over several trillion. Additionally, the number of molecules in the human body is constantly changing. For example, every time when we inhale, we bring molecules of oxygen into the body. but i have one saving grace, not all molecules are barb like... since if it was, then Raina would not be a person, but a barb. around 10,000 molecules, if not more according to Jemma's assumption. so, it will take time to change all of these molecules.

an hour to be exact, i concentrate for more than a hour, changing the molecules of the body and "retracting" the barbs, while "holding' it in place. With all of the molecules in which the barbs are connected being Held in place, I accomplish my mission. i feel great pride at the situation.. and with the way i am hearing happy sounds from both Raina and Daisy, i Succeeded in my endeavor-

my hold on the Molecule's lossens, making the barbs come out of the molecules, ripping apart all the healed holes inside Raina's body, and protruding outwards, making her go back to her form. she cries in pain, snapping me out of the 'state' of flow i was in. i regenerate her holes where the barb pierced, and look at her, noticing her go back to her form.

"what happened? she was free of barbs a second ago?'" Daisy holds Raina's hand, trying to see Raina in her pain.. hell, even Cal is looking over, concerned. i look at her and explain the situation, while you can temporarily change a molecule, you cannot permanently change it. Since Molecules are created when 2 atoms bond with each other, it is like one atom is normal, but the other atom has the barb-like ability. it's just impossible to permanently alter molecules to stabilize a power.

Raina becomes disappointed, Daisy asks me about other opinions, and..... due to the fact that I used doping in my brain, I still haven't stopped it yet... so, the accelerated thought process is still going... my brain starts finding answers at an incredible rate, using the knowledge i gained from Fitz-Simmons, i try to come up with a permanent solution. Daisy calls me again, seeing me lost in thought, I look at her and....

wait...That's it.

"Molecular Vibrations.'' That might be the answer. By vibrating molecules during the change, it could theoretically make the change permanent. so, if I make the change of "retracting" the barbs back to the molecules and Daisy could vibrate the molecules and atoms, then the changes might be permanent.

"that is impossible." I snap out of my thoughts, looking at Cal, who is looking at me, like I am crazy or something.. why does everyone look at me like that?

"what is going on?" Daisy is confused on why her 'father' is objecting to it, he didn't talk much during the entire 'operation', at least i don't think he did.

"he wants to structurally change her molecules by vibrating the atoms differently, due to her barbs coming from her molecules." She is still confused, but I speak up, explaining it to her in a dumber way.

"a molecule is made out of 2 atoms bonding. in this, one atom has a normal property, and the other has the property of barb, in the case of Raina, what i am doing is changing the atom's attribute of barbs into a normal one, but it is not permanent, so i will need your vibrations to make it permanent." She looks at me like I am an idiot or something. I just shrug, I dumbed it down for her.

though now that i think about it... why am i dumbing down things when explaining? It's like.... I know more than I already know, and that is making me arrogant. I mean, nothing in this world can kill me, so that is a fact... I am unstoppable..

"wait... so you want me to... use my powers on her?" damn, that's the only thing she figured out? It's gonna be hard. i nod at her, and she is hesitant... until-

"Do it..." we look at Raina, who opens her eyes, and shows determination. Daisy wants to reject, but Raina cuts her off, giving a talk-no-jutsu.

"my body... is in constant pain due to this, it's like my body is literally pierced through everywhere, my insides hurt day in and day out. If I have the chance to stop it, I will take it." She looks at Daisy, showing determination in her every word, but Daisy is still hesitant..... she does not have control over her power to the degree i am requesting her off.. and she is scared, of her power... of hurting Raina, her new found sister, and-

" you Daisy." Raina gives Daisy a smile, and I nod as well, agreeing with Raina. Trusting Daisy to do the right thing is the right judgment here, and is the judgment I am taking.

"...Fine. I'll do it." He sits down next to Raina, and holds her hand, closing it and trying to 'feel' her vibrations, just like I taught her to do in the base.

"wait....this is dangerous-" Cal steps forward, even though he is still bound by handcuffs, I look at him.

"oh, now we care about our surrogate Daughter shall we, after abandoning her to the wolves.. wow! what care a 'father' shows." the sarcasm rolls off my tongue in waves, and he flinches a little.. i shake my head at him, close my eyes, focusing on the molecules and...change its property, while Daisy, 'feeling' the change happening, starts trying to manipulate the vibrations of the atoms inside of the molecules i am vibrating, leading to-






SpiritFest13 SpiritFest13


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