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A month has passed since Matt and Adam's reconciliation, everything seems to be going well for both, Adam continued going to school and spending time with Gwen at lunch, at the same time, Matt and Foggy were still looking for cases for their newly formed law firm. established.

A year ago, when Adam proposed using part of his parents' inheritance to establish his law firm after Matt and Foggy graduated from law school, Matt had flatly refused, however, months later when Foggy and Adam took him into this building and was told that the office was now established, matt had no choice but to accept it.

"Come on Matt, you and Foggy are possibly the only good lawyers in all of New York, let me help you a little, take it as my contribution to society" Adam had said these words to him when he gave him the keys to the place, since then Matt and Foggy They had promised to always defend the innocent and never take cases of people they considered bad.

Unfortunately, the profits from defending good people weren't as lucrative as doing the opposite, yet Matt and Foggy strove to stand out in the world of lawyers by doing the right thing, even though they had trouble making ends meet.

After the release of Wilson Fisk, aka Kingpin Matt understood a little more the perspective of his young protégé and although he knew that he was wrong, he sometimes regretted having stopped Adam when he tried to finish off Fisk. Even so, Matt had been trying to gather more evidence against Fisk, this time he would make sure it was irrefutable evidence, however, his search had led him to come across very different crimes, from drug trafficking to illegal sale of weapons and human trafficking, the underworld of Hell's Kitchen seemed to be much more active with each passing day since Fisk's release.

As if that were not enough, he had noticed that he was now being tracked by numerous bounty hunters, as he feared, Fisk had not sat idly by and had placed a bounty on the head of Daredevil and Ghost, this had attracted countless mercenaries who coveted money of Fisk adding another layer of chaos to the underworld of hell's kitchen.

Matt could tell that the quietest part of his life now were the weekends he spent with Adam, the young man had started visiting him every Sunday at his apartment, Adam would always arrive with some takeout breaking into Matt's house. without warning, fortunately the newly graduated lawyer's super hearing allowed him to anticipate his arrival.

Mat would spend the rest of the day with Matt, talking about school and work or training his powers in Matt's small home gym, then, in the evening, Adam would get in a taxi and drive back to New York to the next weekend where I would repeat the same routine.

After closing the office and saying goodbye to Foggy, Matt waited for the sun to set before taking on the daredevil suit, as Adam called it, and going out to patrol the entire Hell's Kitchen. one particular night, Matt had planned to attack a group of human smugglers he had been tracking for the past two days.

Matt quickly arrived at the dock where the group in question was dragging a group of scared girls and loading them into a container. Taking advantage of the cover of the night, Matt approached the criminals.

'Four people, three combatants and someone who is just observing' Matt mentally noted, then easily identifying the boss of the traffickers, Matt took a small sphere from the belt of his suit, courtesy of Adam like many of the tools he used during his rounds of trafficking. surveillance, and threw it towards the leader of the group, upon hitting him, the sphere released an electric discharge that left the man stunned.

"I don't know where that kid gets these ideas from," Matt murmured when he saw the effectiveness of the gadget. Matt couldn't stop being surprised by all the things Adam could think of, bat-tools, he called them, but Matt still didn't know what that meant. meant, Adam didn't bother to explain it either, saying that it was a joke to himself.

After incapacitating the gang leader, Matt proceeded to attack the two remaining combatants, it was a quick fight and the duo did not represent a challenge for Matt, apparently the training sessions with Adam had also helped him improve his skills.

Once the three men were incapacitated, Matt addressed the girls.

"Go to 48th, stay at the light and signal to the first police officer you see," Matt instructed, his voice distorted by another of Adam's gadgets.

"The girls, in shock, needed Matt to give a strong blow to one of the walls of the container, waking them up, after which the group quickly fled the place.

Matt then turned to the fat man who was sitting in a chair not far from there.

"Alright, we can do this the easy way or the hard way," Matt said as he approached the man, "Personally, I enjoy the hard way more," Matt added in a threatening tone.

To Matt's disappointment, the man did not resist and agreed to tell all the information he had, however, just as Matt was preparing to interrogate him, Matt heard the sound of a projectile approaching him at an incredible speed.

"A sniper" Matt was surprised as he dodged the bullet and hid between the containers. After waiting a moment trying to come up with a plan to deal with the sniper, Matt heard a group of men approaching in his direction, apparently surrounding him. and cutting off all their escape routes.

Faced with such a situation, Matt had no choice but to remain hidden in the shadows of the containers while he waited for the new group to approach.

"15 people in total, all armed and trained," Matt murmured.

"Damn bounty hunters, they keep showing up" he cursed when he saw the completely organized group that surrounded him.

Soon the group was in their positions ready to start the attack, however, when the mercenaries arrived at the scene they realized that Daredevil was not in sight, they quickly informed the rest of their squad and took defensive positions preparing for the attack of the watchman, however, not even half a minute later shots were heard from one of the positions where the watchman was.

"Shit," the mercenaries said and proceeded to retreat, trying to quickly reach the place where the shots were heard. However, a few moments after the first series of shots, other shots began to be heard from another of the positions of one of their elements. The group realized that Daredevil was weakening them by attacking them individually, so they all decided to stay in groups. Unfortunately, this was not enough for them when a smoke bomb came out of nowhere and exploded near them, obstructing their vision.

Taking advantage of his advantage, Matt used his enhanced hearing to detect his opponents who were stunned after losing their field of vision due to the smoke bomb. Navigating through the shadows, Matt approached each member of the mercenary squad and incapacitated them one by one. One, after taking care of the bounty hunters, Matt returned to the place where he had left the traffickers only to find them dead, all of them with a bullet through their heads.

Matt cursed to himself as he realized that the sniper's goal had never been to silence the men he had captured.

At that moment the sound of police sirens began to approach in his direction. Resigned, Matt could only leave the scene and start his investigation again from scratch.

While Matt was dealing with the criminals in Hell's Kitchen, Adam was facing one of the biggest dilemmas of his life, a party.

Demon_12 Demon_12

hello all, I know it seems like this chapter is bullshit, but I want you to know how does Adams's presence has affected some of the original Marvel characters.

thanks for the support.

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