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50% Mythological Tales – Ruler of the Golden Order / Chapter 3: Chapter 3 – The Primordial Family (III)

Chapter 3: Chapter 3 – The Primordial Family (III)

Chapter 3 – The Primordial Family (III)

The Universe was composed of six layers, interconnected and forming different realities.

At the lowest level was Tartarus, where the Underworld resided. Above it was the layer of the Sea, followed by the Earth. Just above was the Sky, followed by the Spiritual World, and lastly, the Astral World.

Being located at the edges of the barrier that protected the universe, Tartarus and the Astral World were the most dangerous, highly susceptible to the influence of the External Gods.

Consequently, in these two worlds, the population was scarce, almost non-existent. Miquella chose to establish his kingdom primarily in the Astral World, the most dangerous layer of the universe. Despite the disadvantages of choosing a place so close to the Barrier and the External Gods, the advantages were equally tempting.

He would become the sovereign of the Astral World, the place where all symbolism manifested, a mirror of the universe where true madness and insanity were reflected, representing a mirror of the chaotic nature of the universe itself.

The Astral World, along with the Spiritual World, played the crucial role of filtering the influence of the External Gods, preventing remnants of their powers from reaching the lower layers of the universe. This provided a chance for life to thrive despite adversities.

As the Personification of Order and Chaos, it was most natural for him to establish his Kingdom in the Astral World, where he could fulfill his future purposes.


Upon waking up, Miquella reached out to the empty space beside the bed and opened his eyes, finding the vacant space where Hemera used to be. Her departure didn't surprise him, although it always left a lingering bitter taste in his mouth.

Sometimes, he felt like a disposable object, temporarily used by these goddesses and then discarded when they grew tired of him.

However, Miquella knew that Hemera definitely didn't want him to feel that way; it was his own humanity speaking, still present in his thoughts, even if it was just remnants within his immortal mind, that made him interpret simple situations so complexly.

For example, instead of interpreting Hemera's departure after a night of carnal passion as abandonment, he recognized that she probably just left to freshen up or get food, but everything became complicated when his human thoughts kicked in.

Gods were different from humans; they were undeniably straightforward, doing as they pleased whenever they pleased. Humans, on the other hand, liked to complicate the simplest things, clouded by emotions and conflicting feelings.

Sitting on the bed, Miquella grabbed his long hair and braided it into a single, long braid of golden locks, fully revealing his youthful and inhumanly beautiful face.

Miquella knew that perhaps in the future, Cupid or Eros wouldn't have a face as beautiful as his. His family might be used to his appearance, but the other gods certainly wouldn't be. He could foresee it would be an interesting scene when he met other gods and primordial deities.


Miquella himself was not unaware of the origin of his appearance's name; after all, he had played nearly two hundred hours of Elden Ring. As for why he was reborn as an Empyrean in a Greek world, he had no idea whatsoever.

The only downside to being born as Miquella was probably that he would never grow up and would remain in this thirteen-year-old form for eternity. But compared to eternal life, it was an insignificant price that anyone would pay without hesitation.

Dressed in his classic white clothes with golden details, the God of Order stepped out of his room.

Exiting the room, Miquella came across his older brother, Éter, leaving the room of their other sister – Éris.

He could imagine what had happened in that room; he had done the same with Éter's wife...

"Was the night pleasant, Miquella?" Éter asked with a smile full of infinite wisdom. "Was Hemera a good company in your bed?"

Éter smiled happily, not caring that another god had slept with his wife, although he might have known that Hemera had only one lover besides himself – his younger brother, Miquella.

"I still don't understand how you can sleep with other goddesses without caring about your own wife." Walking side by side, Miquella commented, shaking his head.

"Hemera and I have been alive for a long time, Miquella. Millions, billions, trillions of years... you still don't know how boring immortality can be, my dear brother." Éter certainly knew what his younger brother was thinking, so he explained while smiling gently.

To him, Miquella was a child of just over a thousand years old; he had not yet witnessed what time could do to the mind of an immortal.

"I certainly won't be like you and Hemera; my wife is only mine and no one else's," Miquella spoke firmly, even if trillions of years passed, he definitely wouldn't want to share his future wife with another god.

Perhaps it was his human part still speaking, but he wanted to preserve those few moral remnants from when he was still human.

Éter just shrugged and didn't pursue the subject further; they both walked side by side while conversing about random topics.

"Are you ready to begin?" Before opening the doors to leave the Palace of Eternal Night, Éter asked with an encouraging smile on his lips.

Éter nodded with satisfaction. Confidence was one of the requirements to create your own Realm; after all, if you don't have confidence in yourself, how do you dare to surpass your own limits?

As the doors opened, Miquella observed his entire family waiting for him outside. Nyx, Erebus, Thanatos, Hypnos, Hemera, Nemesis, and both Éter and himself.

Before they headed to the Astral World, Erebus warned with a serious expression, "Don't look at what you shouldn't."


Everyone nodded, knowing that the Astral World was very dangerous, especially for gods still weak like them. Of course, Hemera and Éter weren't weak primordial gods, Erebus's words were mainly for the five young primordial gods.

Erebus nodded satisfied and waved his hand. With a sweeping gesture, a deep and undulating darkness covered everyone, and the entire family vanished from the Realm of Eternal Night and Darkness.


The Astral World was a landscape of interesting contrasts. At first glance, it seemed dark, deep, and vast, but it revealed infinite peculiarities in its essence. Nothing there seemed genuinely real, but at the same time, everything emanated a sense of reality. It was as if it were an abstract set of contradictory concepts.

In this space, it was possible to experience both day and night simultaneously, where the light of sanctity coexisted with the shadow of the decadent abyss. It was a place where all contradictory concepts and symbolisms amalgamated uniquely.

A striking example of the peculiarities of the Astral World was the red sun that illuminated it. Although it emitted normal light and heat, upon closer inspection, one realized that the sun more closely resembled an oil painting, full of authority and symbolism around it. However, the strangest thing was the appearance of the sun itself; it seemed to have been painted by a child's hand, lacking any grounded artistic skill. The result was simultaneously comical and eerie.

"Are you sure you want to create your realm in this place, Miquella?" Nyx asked, her voice laden with concern and fear, not for herself, but for her youngest son.

The Astral World was no rainbow, primarily because of the influence of the Outer Gods; even she didn't know what kind of tainted creatures lurked in the shadows.

Miquella nodded seriously without saying a word; he knew all too well the dangers of the Astral World, but the reward was too tempting for him to forsake it for some kind of danger.

Taking a deep breath, he ventured into the darkness beneath him. The aura around him changed completely, becoming majestic and imposing, imbued with a sacred and divine feeling.

The transformation surprised everyone; it was the first time they had seen Miquella display such an appearance and temperament before them. His garments transmuted into black armor, while a long purple cloak appeared over his shoulders. Beneath his golden hair, a red crown adorned with shimmering rubies emerged.

Manifesting a sword in his hand, Miquella recognized it as the Assassin's Sword, the manifestation of his Authority as the Black Emperor, capable of distorting the very laws of the universe and eliminating his target directly.

Driving the sword into the ground, Miquella "abolished" an entire space of thousands of kilometers, pushing away all the concepts present in that area. Within this space, there was nothing, not even space itself, as if it were a world isolated within another.


Miquella had an advantage over the other Primordial Gods when creating his realm; he possessed one of the nine Sefirot – the Nation of Disorder!

Yes, Miquella planned to use the Nation of Disorder as his own realm. In his eyes, there was no better option.

A black and golden glow blossomed before Miquella and gently fell into his hand. Nyx and Erebus were surprised to discover that this black and golden glow contained a vast space, filled with places, biomes, castles, ruins, and monuments. It seemed to be an entire world in the palm of his hand!

They exchanged glances, astonished by what they saw. To them, that black and golden glow was their son's realm, which he had created long before and kept hidden from them!

Although it seemed impossible to the ancient Primordial Gods, there was an explanation, and the most likely one in the minds of the Primordial Gods of Night and Darkness: Miquella's Realm had already been born with him, waiting only for the right moment to manifest at this time.

Miquella had no idea of the surprise he had given to his parents at that moment; he was completely focused on manifesting the Nation of Disorder, a feat that required a huge consumption of divine energy, something he had not anticipated. If he had tried to manifest the Nation of Disorder earlier, he would probably have exhausted himself, unable even to manifest that black and golden glow.

Miquella felt an inviolable will descend upon him, observing his every move; it seemed cold and emotionless, like a machine driven only by cold, unfeeling logic.

The Personification of Order knew it was the Will of the Universe, known as the Great Will.

At the same time that the Great Will manifested, a green aurora borealis appeared above the vast space that Miquella had opened with the Assassin's Sword.

The siblings of Miquella became excited at the sight of the Aurora Borealis appearing. Perhaps it was just a beautiful scene for mortals, but for the gods, it was authorities manifesting in such a pure state that it could be seen even by mortal eyes.

Thanatos, Hypnos, Nemesis, and Eris opened their eyes and dared not miss a moment of the spectacle before them. It was a unique opportunity in millions of years.

Feeling that he had manifested the Nation of Disorder sufficiently, Miquella threw the black and gold light into the space he had opened in the Astral World.

In a fleeting moment, the black and gold light expanded rapidly, covering thousands of kilometers. The entire space seemed to have been filled with remnants of the authorities of Order and Chaos.

Changing all the symbolism and laws in that space.

The heat felt like cold winds coming from the North, the water felt like magma from an eruption, Day seemed like night, and night seemed like day.

The whole space Miquella opened seemed like a simplified version of the Astral World.


Looking at all this, the Personification of Order nodded in satisfaction and closed his eyes. The next step was the second and the most dangerous one.

Connecting to his own Realm!

The connection itself was easy; after all, he had an inexplicable bond with the Nation of Disorder for a long time.

But what followed was dangerous, a journey through realms both tempting and treacherous.

Miquella found himself adrift in a river of black and gold, every fiber of his being pulsating with limitless power. In that moment, he felt the universe unfold before him, a canvas on which he could wield the forces of creation and destruction in equal measure.

Sight, sound, touch—all senses merged into a symphony of omnipotence, drawing him into the currents of this ethereal and imaginary river. In the depths of the river, he felt the weight of responsibility dissipate, transcending the need for any training or concern, with just a thought of his, he could become so strong that he could never imagine.

Miquella didn't know how much time had passed since he began the process of creating his Realm; he was just sinking deeper into the black and gold river.

Unaware of the danger he was facing in the world, his mind was clouded and his thoughts chaotic, with only one thought reverberating in his mind.

"Merge with me."

Suddenly, a star appeared in front of Miquella.

His clouded and chaotic mind didn't know the reason for his next action, but Miquella reached out and gently touched the star. From it, he felt a warm sensation full of love emanating. For some reason, this star evoked memories of his mother – Nyx. Soon after, another star appeared beside the existing one. This star radiated a feeling of unconditional trust toward him, with a love similar to that of the first star, but this love came with the severity and responsibility of a father, reminding him of his father, Erebos.

And so, more stars began to appear around Miquella.

All of his brothers and sisters transmitting their feelings to him in this moment of need.

As he absorbed the emotions emanated by each of them, his eyes filled with brightness.

When, at last, the final star shone, the lips of the God of Order curved into a serene smile.

The Sword of the Assassin appeared in his hand, and he brandished it, cutting through the black and gold river in front of him.

Opening his eyes, Miquella found himself back in the Astral World. He looked at his hands with a satisfied smile.

He had almost lost himself and become an ethereal god; fortunately, the emotions he used as an anchor helped him awaken from that dormant state. Otherwise, he would have become an ethereal god, devoid of emotions like a living machine. Thankfully, that hadn't happened.

Looking down at his Realm, Miquella saw a world with which he was very familiar, the Lands Between from the Elden Ring universe!

Miquella didn't know why the Nation of Disorder had taken the form of the Lands Between, but he knew it wasn't the right time to worry about that.

He gazed at the majestic and beautiful Erdtree on the horizon with a bright look, and strode towards the tree with firm and confident steps. Even though he was so far from the gigantic tree, he could see Leyndell beneath The Erdtree. The entire city was golden, visible from any corner of the Intermediary Lands, shining like a beacon in the dark, bringing hope and power to those beloved by destiny.

Taking a step forward, Miquella almost instantly arrived at Leyndell, traversing an infinite amount of space in a single instant. Without pausing to admire the golden city, he walked towards the Elden Throne located below the Erdtree, in the southeastern region of the imperial city.

There, behind gigantic pale roots, he found the Elden Throne. Unlike in the game, the throne was golden, made from thousands of swords, resembling the Iron Throne from Game of Thrones.

Walking up to the throne, step by step, Miquella caressed the twisted steel monstrosity he called a throne and seated himself upon it. Before him, the entire scenery of the Intermediary Lands unfolded.

For some reason, a feeling of nostalgia, reluctance, and love bubbled up in his chest, as if he were remembering long-forgotten memories.

At the same time, the Great Will spoke, its voice cold and devoid of emotion echoing in Miquella's mind.

"Regent of Order and Architect of Chaos,

Supreme Monarch of the Disorder Nation,

Lord of the Astral World and Ruler of the Golden Order."

The Great Will's cold voice pronounced Miquella's honorific name.

Any gods who wished to contact him would have to recite his honorific name.

As Miquella's realm was successfully established, an even more mysterious connection linked the Nation of Disorder, Miquella, and the Universe itself, almost as if they were one.

Miquella felt that his being was more perfect in this moment, more connected with his own authority. If before he needed to selectively think to control his authorities, now he could use his authority as a part of his body, as natural as moving an arm or breathing.

Coercion surged from Miquella's body and spread in all directions, signaling that he had entered the Divine Thrones. And it didn't stop there; his power continued to increase.

First of the Divine Thrones.

Second of the Divine Thrones.

Third of the Divine Thrones.


As he was about to enter the Fourth of the Divine Thrones, the mad promotion stopped, stabilizing Miquella's power as the Third of the Divine Thrones.

Miquella remained with his eyes closed, adjusting to his new powers. If his strength were to be put into numbers, Miquella before the promotion had about 10,000. After the promotion, this number jumped to 300,000.

One could see that the difference between Mythic Thrones and Divine Thrones was simply enormous. So, Miquella needed some time to get used to such a power increase.

Outside, feeling the familiar divine coercion and aura, Nyx and Erebos exchanged glances, both seeing happiness and satisfaction in each other's eyes.

They both knew that their youngest son had been successfully promoted and had become a Divine Throne.

Knowing that their son would be adjusting to the new levels of power, Nyx and Erebos took their children and left the Astral World.

Ten winters later, Miquella slowly opened his eyes, his golden eyes more majestic than ever. His entire body emanated a coercion worthy of an emperor.

He reached out, and floating above his hand was a ring. A very simple golden ring, on the golden surface of the ring, there was an inscription in red, formulated in an ancient language.

This ring might seem simple, but it was anything but simple. The ring was given by the Great Will, which in itself spoke volumes about the extraordinary origin of the ring. The ring itself represented a very special status in the Greek universe, symbolizing his status as a regent.

Yes, a regent!

As long as the ring belonged to Miquella, he represented the entire Greek universe as its ambassador. In modern terms, he was the minister of foreign affairs, promoting national interests on the international stage. In other words, he promoted the interests of the Greek universe in other mythological universes.

Miquella couldn't help but think that he had become a civil servant... for a moment, he thought about embezzling some public money, then realized that gods didn't have money...

This also meant that he wasn't paid to work...

The Great Will would probably earn the admiration of all the capitalists on planet Earth in his past life. After all, using an immortal god to work for all eternity for free was something even the cruelest capitalist on Earth would envy.

For a moment, Miquella wanted to throw away this ring and stay as far away from it as possible; he would never work for free! But then he remembered the privileges he had as the owner of the ring.

He could freely visit the Greek World!

That was the only reason he didn't throw away this ring that forced him to work without pay.

Another privilege the ring gave was to increase Miquella's strength for a determined time; after all, the representative of the Greek Universe could not be weak, otherwise, he would not gain respect from other representatives of other mythological universes.

But Miquella himself didn't trust a strength that wasn't his own.


Reviewed and translated by Chat GPT.


Author's Note: 9920 words in these three chapters. A celebration because my computer returned today from repair, a day earlier than expected. Hope you enjoy. :D

This fanfic will be written randomly. The Harry Potter fanfic will still be the focus.


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