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33.33% The Evolved Alpha / Chapter 2: The Night Everything Changed (Pt. 2)

Chapter 2: The Night Everything Changed (Pt. 2)

I wake up groaning in pain before I groggily look around, seeing I'm not in the woods any longer, but inside a building that looks like it has been abandoned for a long time. I try to move my arms and legs, only to realize that I have shackles on my ankles and wrists, connected to a steel-linked fence restraining me. And being pumped into my veins through an IV is a purple liquid that burns my entire body as it flows through my bloodstream. I can only assume it is the liquefied form of the purple wolfsbane.

I then noticed that there was a wire with exposed ends connected to something I couldn't see lying on a wooden table to my left. Then I hear groaning to my right, I see Monica tied up to a chair, with a cloth stuffed in her mouth. Looking closer I see her neck is covered in blood, seeing this I try to use all of the strength I have left to break my shackles, making a banging noise as I try to break free. Just then a fist connects with my cheek, causing spit and blood to fly out of my mouth. I hear a man's voice say.

"Keep it down you mutt. Make any more noise and I'll kill the druid before I kill you, understand?"

I look at him shocked stuttering out

"Bu- bu- but you have a code w-w-we never killed anyone... We never even hurt anyone."

He looks directly into my eyes before his lips split into a sinister smile, but before he can say anything a woman's voice answers for him.

"The code is more of a guideline. My father ordered us to wipe out the infestation in Beacon Hills so, that is what we are doing."

Looking over the man's shoulder I see Kate Argent entering the building, through the quick glimpse outside I can tell it's already late afternoon, I am brought back to the moment by Kate continuing.

"Did you like the show that you and your girlfriend saw earlier? When I noticed you two I was truly shocked. I wasn't expecting the baby brother and his girlfriend to see us... but tell me... did you like what you saw?"

As she finished speaking she was standing right in front of me. She licks her lips before touching my chest, sending chills of disgust throughout my body. As she leans in and whispers into my ear.

"Tell me the truth, Thomas."

Instead of answering I let my werewolf face show and tried to bite into her shoulder, to rip a chunk out of her. She was quick enough to avoid the bite, but one of my K9s did tear into her shoulder leaving a deep cut that immediately started to bleed. I laugh weakly then say.

"Haha... Try that again you hunter whore and I'll rip your throat out... With my teeth."

She covers her wounded shoulder with her hand, before pulling away and looking at her blood in slight shock at first, before quickly morphing into one of pure rage as she grabs the wire and the man turns on whatever it is connected to, Kate says.

"You're going to regret that you beast."

The moment the wire was touching my chest, all I knew was pain.


The last thing I saw was the man going towards Monica with another wire.


When I woke up next it was midnight and I was outside my home, the place I felt safe for the first fourteen years of my life. I am in a kneeling position, with Monica silently whimpering right next to me. I inhale through my nose and smell burnt flesh, glancing at my chest I see it is completely chard black with skin cracking and blood coming out. Looking at Monica, I see her hands are like my chest. Just then Kate kneels right in between us. The man who hurt Monica stands directly behind her along with the other four men as Kate whispers.

"Are you ready to see some fireworks?"

Just then my home lit up in flames, all four corners of the house were set aflame. By more people than the ones with us, I scream as loud as I possibly can.


Falling face first crying. I don't know how long I stayed like that. I vaguely heard the roar of my Mother but It wasn't until I heard gunshots begin to go off, that I came back to myself. Looking around, my eyes landed on the figure of my mother lying right in front of the steps of the house, with a bullet hole in her chest where her heart would be. Kate nods at the men with her. Two of them grab my mother's body, while the man from our torturing picks up Monica causing her to cry out. The last one stays with Kate as they keep an eye on the front door, through which you can see the inside of the house is completely on fire.

I watch as my mother's body is thrown through the front door followed shortly after by a screaming Monica. Both disappearing behind the curtain of flames. The man who threw her hurriedly stepped over to me and picked me up, before he turned around towards the front door Kate said.

"Just so you know Thomas, if it wasn't for your brother I wouldn't have been able to do any of this. I owe him a lot the next time I see him."

So Derek isn't in the fire. Did he help them do this?... No, he wouldn't.... not to his family. I am again broken from my thoughts as the man nears the door. I use the very last of my strength and speed to attach myself around his neck with my werewolf face showing. I bite into his neck, causing him to scream and try throwing me off, but I dig my claws into the back of his neck as I repeatedly chew into his neck.

In a split second, that felt like an eternity, I saw everything the man ever did, said, or thought. I saw his entire life flash before my eyes. Everything he learned and heard was burned into my mind like a hot iron.

When I come back to myself, his body is beginning to fall into two pieces. The body and the head, my face and hands are completely covered in fresh blood, looking up directly at Kate. I growl, but before I can do anything I am shot in my stomach with a tranquilizer, filled with more of the liquefied wolfsbane, forcing my powers to waiver. I take a few steps back unintentionally into the house as Kate shoots me in the shoulder causing my fourteen-year-old body to go tumbling backwards.


As I landed hard on my back, the ceiling brace right in front of the door on the balcony collapsed. Blocking the exit, though also stopped the hunters from shooting me again. Slowly turning to my side, I come face to face with my mother's lifeless eyes. I whimper quietly for a moment before I hear the voice of Monica pleading for help, mixing with the countless other screams of my family of my pack. I ignore the pain I am experiencing and stand up looking for Monica yelling for her.

"Monica, where are you? Monica?"

It takes but a second for her scent to lead me to where she has crawled. A back corner of the study where another beam of the ceiling collapsed in the center of the room. When I reach her I see that her hands aren't the only parts of her body burned now her forearms and legs have blackened cracked skin.

I carefully lift her up and as quickly as I can hobble us towards the back exit. As we are almost there I see Cora dropping from the roof outside directly in front of the closed back door.


I try to yell for her only for the floor underneath Monica and me to give out collapsing in on itself. The last I saw of my little sister was her horrified face, as I plummeted down with Monica in my arms. We ended up getting wrapped in vines of blue and purple wolfsbane. When we landed we were in the cellar where this whole horrific experience began. I couldn't move anymore. It felt like any strength that I found to save my anchor, my first love had completely left me. Looking at Monica, who was still wrapped in my arms, I could hear her heartbeat getting fainter so I whispered.

"I'm so sorry Monica, this shouldn't have happened... Please don't leave me."

With what looks like the last of her strength, Monica looks at me and then kisses me before whispering.

"I have wanted to do that for so long...  Don't blame yourself... None of thi- this was your fault... I love you... Thomas Hale."

Burying herself into my chest when she gave her last breath.

I was stuck in a shocked silence. Minutes became an hour and it finally hit me that she was dead. I offhandedly realized that I couldn't feel my body at all and my vision began to blur. The last thing that appeared in my mind was an image of a Blood Moon overlapping with a tribal design of an eye in a deep crimson red.


(3rd POV)

Inside what looks like a back room of a house, are two bodies lying on two steel tables. One is a male, with brown hair and white skin. The other one is a female, with black hair dyed a light brown and black skin.

The male snapped his eyes open revealing a pair of bright golden eyes tuning to a dark golden glow while releasing a roar that slightly shook the ground



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