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38.09% In a New World as a Shinobi God / Chapter 8: Chapter 8- Rescue Mission and Life in the "Shinobi Faction"

Chapter 8: Chapter 8- Rescue Mission and Life in the "Shinobi Faction"


-"Person Talking"-

-(Person thinking)-

-<Mental Conversation>-


(JC: Author's Notes)


Let us begin


300 years later

(JC: 2 years before Canon)

Romania. Famous country and not only for its culture, and the many churches and fortified castles. If not for a story or rather a legend.

The legend of Dracula, the Vampire.

Romania was well known for stories related to Vampires, also for its sightings.

People only liked Vampires for pure fiction. But there were also some who believed that Vampires existed. These people were classified as stupid or crazy.

But what they didn't know was that there was an entire Faction of Vampires hidden in the darkness of Romania.





Since the beginning of the Vampire Faction, there were many internal conflicts causing the Vampire Faction to split into two distinct Factions.

The Camilla Faction, which were dominated by women and the Tepes Faction, which was dominated by men.

These two Factions always had very serious conflicts, so much so that a civil war between the two is expected.

But what the Camilla Faction did not know, was that the Tepes Faction or rather the second prince of the Tepes Faction, had what he called a weapon to use if a civil war started.

Marius Tepes, Pureblood Vampire, as well as second son of the Fourth King of Tepes.

Marius as a pure-blooded Vampire, as well as the son of the current King of Tepes, was very prestigious and revered in the Tepes Faction. Causing him to become arrogant and he would feel superior to others.

But Marius wanted more. As the second son of the King, he could not become the next King, since he was the fifth candidate.

He wanted to be the King and rule the Tepes Faction, that was one of his goals, as well as defeat and dominate the Camilla Faction.

But his father, the current King, and his brother get in the way. And he was already preparing a coup d'état along with other members of the Tepes Faction.

He even enlisted the help of a faction called the Qlippoth Faction, an organization led by a Super Demon.

They would help on the condition that Marius shares his secret weapon.

That weapon is a person or rather a girl named Valerie Tepes, Marius's half-sister.

Valerie, daughter of the current King Tepes and a human. As such she is half Vampire, also known as Damphir.

Since Valerie was born, she was discriminated against as a Damphir by some members of the Tepes Faction such as her brother Marius.

But all that changed when Valerie awakened some of the powers or weapons so powerful that she was capable of killing Gods.

That power is the Sacred Gear Sephiroth Graal, also known as the Holy Grail of the Secluded World. One of the Thirteen Longinus created by the Biblical God so that humans would have something to defend themselves against Supernatural beings.

Sephiroth Graal was the Holy Grail of the Last Supper used by Christ and the Grail of Arthurian legend, as well as being known to be part of the Holy Relics.

The Graal Sephiroth has the ability to make contact with the principle of life, where the possessor is forcefully told how life and soul are made.

The possessor also takes into account the mind and concept of the dead, the living, and various other things as they use the Holy Grail.

Which would result in the possessor being broken by the abundance of thoughts entering his heart and soul by overusing the Sephiroth Graal.

Valerie since she is half human, was able to obtain the Sacred Gear. This was taken advantage of by Marius, to use his Sister as a weapon.

Valerie had already used her Sacred Gear to revive two Evil Dragons, but from that day on she did not use it again.

But what she didn't know Marius. It was that her "weapon" would be stolen or rather saved.





Tepes Castle. As one of the most important places in the Tepes Faction, it was always guarded by the best Vampire guards or soldiers.

But what they didn't know was that they were going to suffer a big blow.

Right at the entrance to the Castle, there were two guards, who had just started their shift to guard the door.

The two, like good guards, were serious and attentive to any invader or enemy attack.

But what happened next confused the guards. A large, thick fog appeared surrounding everything.

For Vampires, who have sharper senses and also have the ability to control the Mist. This scene wouldn't be a problem for them.

But this fog was different, it was thicker than normal, so much so that even the guards had trouble seeing. They could also feel an energy in the fog. It wasn't magic, but it was almost the same.

But the guards put that aside as they saw two silhouettes emerge from the fog, causing them to get ready to fight and also prepared to call reinforcements just in case.

But they were distracted when they saw something unusual in one of the silhouettes. In the silhouette he seemed to be a little shorter than the other silhouette who was taller and seemed to have a large sword wrapped in bandages on his back.

It was his eyes. Eyes red like blood and had three black blades surrounding the pupil.

As soon as the guards came that eyes fainted.

The silhouettes calmly passed through the door, ignoring the fainted guards.

When the silhouettes entered the Castle grounds, the appearance of the two silhouettes could be seen more clearly.

The two wore a long dark cloak with a long neck that covered much of their faces and were decorated with red clouds.

The shorter silhouette was a man between twenty to twenty-one years old, jet black hair and had a protector on his forehead with the Kanji "Shinobi" carved on it.

The other one had a more characteristic feature: it looks a lot like a shark, its skin is pale blue, it has small white eyes, and on its cheeks it has marks that look like gills. He has curly blue hair, and it looked like he had sharp teeth like a shark, when he smiled when he saw the guards passed out. He also had the same forehead protector.

They are none other than Itachi Uchiha and Kisame Hoshigaki, high-level Ninjas.

-"That was fast"-

Kisame spoke with a smile, as he looked at the fainted soldiers.

-"I took advantage of when they looked at my eyes"-

Itachi told him in a stoic voice. What he did was put the two guards in a Genjutsu strong enough to knock them out for a few hours.

-"But it seems that they detected us themselves"-

Kisame said without stopping smiling, while he heard many footsteps heading here.

-"I know, there was a barrier around it"- Itachi said stoically. Kisame, upon hearing that from his partner, raised an eyebrow. -"That detected us"-

-"If you knew there was a barrier. Why didn't you say it before we entered?"-

Kisame asked curiously. He didn't care, but he was curious since Itachi would never make a mistake like that.

-"So that all the soldiers and guards head here and it is easier to go for the objective"- Itachi answered. -"While one of the two distracts them"-

-"I see"- Kisame said with a smile, and then grabbed the handle of the Samehada. -"Then leave this to me and you go for the objective"-

Itachi just nods, then disappears into a flock of crows. When the crows dispersed, the guards and soldiers appeared and quickly pointed their weapons at Kisame.

-"Intruder, identify yourself!"-

A Soldier demanded, as he prepared for any fight along with the other soldiers.

Kisame didn't say anything, just his smile widened, showing his sharp teeth. While a thick fog appeared in the surroundings.

-"I...?"- Kisame showed the Samehada in all its splendor with a smile. -"I am the Monster of the Hidden Mist"-





In the basement of Tepes Castle you could see two soldiers, who seemed to be guarding a cell.

Inside that cell you could see a beautiful girl between seventeen and eighteen years old, short blonde hair with red eyes.

This girl was Valerie Tepes, Damphir and bearer of the Longinus Sephiroth Graal.

-"Do you think they are attacking us?"-

A Soldier asked his fellow soldier curiously.

He, like all the soldiers and guards in the place, felt when they passed the barrier, invading the castle.

-"No, they must be spies for the Camilla Faction"- The other Soldier responded boredly. -"Since the barrier detected only two presences"-

-"Yes, you have-Gah!"-

The Soldier did not have to say another word as a kunai pierced his throat, killing him immediately.

The other Soldier looked at everything in shock. -"That-?"-

The Soldier fell silent as a Kunai pierced his head, killing him immediately.

Valerie, upon seeing the scene, feared for the worst. So that after the darkness Itachi appeared heading towards the cell. But before she collected the Kunai that he used to kill the Soldiers.

Valerie, seeing Itachi approaching the cell, crawled in fear to one of the corners. She believed they were going to kill her.

When Itachi opened the cell, he entered and then stood in front of Valerie.

-"Are you Valerie Tepes?"-

Itachi asked stoically, making Valerie panic.


-"I am Itachi Uchiha"- Itachi said coldly. -"I came to get you out of here"-

Valerie was surprised by what she said.


Valerie asked with fear, but with a little hope.

Itachi, seeing how Valerie was afraid, smiled to try to calm her down.

-"Calm down"- Itachi extended his hand with a smile. -"We come to save you"-

Valerie calmed down a little when she saw Itachi's smile. But she still had doubts. Something told her that she could trust him, so she nervously grabbed Itachi's hand.

Itachi smiled kindly, then helped Valerie to her feet and guided her out of the Castle.





When Itachi and Valerie left the Castle they found the entire grounds outside surrounded by a dense fog. They could see many bodies of soldiers.

The bodies looked like they were not cut, but rather crushed by saws.

They could also see that there was water around, as well as the bodies showing being attacked by water techniques.

Itachi was unfazed by the scene, but Valerie was trying not to look at anything.

But they put that aside when they saw a silhouette emerge from the fog, to show that it was Kisame. Valerie with a little fear hid behind Itachi.

-"It was disappointing, they only attacked me with that thing called Magic"-Kisame said with a smile even having the Samehada in his hand. Something notable was that the spikes protruding from the Samehada's bandages were covered in blood. -"But thanks to Samehada that was not a problem"-

The Samehada has a unique ability. That ability is the ability to absorb Chakra. But the one Kisame had was not the original Samehada, but a copy made by Shinigami, a Goddess of Death.

Simply put, it was more powerful than the original.

Itachi looked at Kisame. -"Are they all dead?"-

-"Everyone"- Kisame responded with a smile. -"There were no witnesses left"-

-"Good"- Itachi nodded his head. -"Then we're done here"-

This mission also asked that there be no witnesses or people who knew anything about them. Also not to leave any used weapons at the scene.

Itachi then took out a paper with a seal on it from his cloak. And then put it on the floor.

What happened next was that the three disappeared in a smoke bomb.





At one end of an island in the Pacific Ocean, three people appeared from a smoke bomb.

These people were Itachi, Kisame and Valerie.

Curious as to where she was, Valerie looked around. The first thing she saw was a gigantic wooden door that was connected to a gigantic stone wall, which seemed to surround the entire island.

The wall was high enough to cover what was inside. She also saw people on top of the wall, who seemed to be the guards. The guards had different clothes, but they all had the same guard with the kanji "Shinobi" carved into it.

One of the guards noticed the presence of the newcomers.

-"They will open the door!"-

The Ninja yelled at someone inside the wall. By then the door began to open. But before anyone entered. Itachi turned to Valerie.

-"Before entering you need this"-

Itachi then took out a seal from her cloak and placed it in Valerie's right hand.

Valerie didn't understand what that seal was. But she didn't ask and she just let herself be told. Then the three enter through the door.

What Valerie never noticed was that she passed through an invisible barrier.

What they saw next was something that surprised and fascinated Valerie. A large and beautiful village that seemed to be one with nature, you could already see many trees and plants growing in the surroundings. As she passed through the streets she could see people walking, children playing together and also Ninjas jumping on the rooftops.

Someone like Valerie, who was always locked up in the castle, was amazed by the beautiful Aldea.

Itachi smiled as he saw Valerie's reaction. -"Beautiful, right?"-

-"Yes..."- Valerie nodded, then looked at Itachi curiously. -"Where are we?"-

-"Valerie"- Itachi smiled at her. -"Welcome to Yōsogakure No Sato"-

Valerie continued to look at the town around her in awe, and she was not only amazed by the beautiful houses and the beautiful nature that seemed to be one with the town.

Her but also because of the energy she felt around her.

Valerie as a Damphir, was sensitive to magic; in addition to being a great user of it and that was what surprised her.

Since he could feel how the magic flowed calmly through everything around her, it was as if the same magical energy was linked to the entire town and the nature that surrounded it.

It seemed that the same magic together with nature and the elements that composed them was protecting the town and all its inhabitants.

This only makes the town more beautiful in Valerie's opinion. But she put that aside to look back at Itachi.

-"Why did they bring me here?"-

Valerie was confused and a little scared as to why she was brought here.

-"Our leader wants to talk to you"- Itachi responded, giving her a reassuring smile, trying to reassure Valerie a little, which worked. -"He will explain everything to you"-

Valerie, Itachi and Kisame walked for a few minutes until they reached a large light blue building with the kanji for "Elements" in the middle that stood out from the other houses around it.

They entered said building, then went up some stairs, then walked down a hallway and were in front of a door next to a middle-aged woman who was sitting at a desk reviewing some papers.

When the woman found out about the presence of the three she smiled.

-"Welcome"- The woman spoke with a friendly smile, and then pointed to the door. -"The Yōsokage is waiting for you inside"-

Itachi and Kisame nodded and then headed to the door with Valerie a little further behind.

Valerie was nervous about meeting the village chief as well as the two people who got him out of her confinement.

When they entered, the first thing Valerie saw was a normal office with her desk with a large pile of paperwork and shelves around it. There was a large balcony at the back of the office that showed the entire town, I also saw photos of people from adults and children, some with redheads or blondes. Valerie was able to deduce that they were family photos of the Village chief.

But what caught his attention the most was the person with his back to him looking out the balcony.

He was 1.80 m tall, wearing a white coat with edges in the shape of light blue flames, and on his back was inscribed the words Shodai Yōsokage written vertically and closed at the front by a thin orange rope that fluttered through the air and She had a triangular hat with light blue details with a veil in the back that covered her entire head.

-"Mission accomplished, Yōsokage-sama"-

Itachi informed in a stoic voice, as he lowered one knee and lowered his head along with Kisame, demonstrating the loyalty and respect they felt towards the person in front of them.

-"Good"- The Yōsokage spoke, without stopping looking out of the balcony. -"Was there any problems during the mission?"-

Something that increased Valerie's curiosity was that the person's voice sounded like the voice of someone young.

-"None, Yōsokage-sama"-

Itachi responded while still kneeling.

-"Good"- Said the Yōsokage, then took off his hat and turned to see the three. -"Thank you for your good work; Itachi, Kisame"-

Valerie was surprised and blushed when she saw him. Instead of seeing a wise old man, she saw a young man, who in Valerie's opinion is handsome.

He was a teenager between seventeen and eighteen years old. When he took off his hat he showed a large head of unruly red hair with golden tips and a white streak. Under his coat he wore black ANBU pants with orange stripes on the sides, a tight black T-shirt that made her notice his good physique.

A notable feature of him was the three whiskers like those of a cat or fox on each cheek, and the deep, bright blue eyes.

Valerie couldn't help but get lost in the young man's blue eyes. But she was brought out of her trance by the said young man's voice.

-"Are you Valerie?"-

He asked with a smile, causing Valerie to blush.


Valerie nodded nervously and blushed.

-"Then it's a pleasure Valerie, I am Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze"-Naruto introduced himself with a smile as he extended his hand to Valerie. -"But they also know me as the Shodai Yōsokage"-

Valerie accepted her hand, and then Naruto kissed the back of her hand, causing her to blush.

-"Y-Yes"- Valerie nodded nervously and blushed at Naruto's action. -"It's a-pleasure to also co-meet you"-

Valerie felt nervous, but she also felt happy to be treated like this. Throughout her life she was always despised and hated for being a Damphir and that's why she felt happy that someone treated her well.

But she put it aside when she remembered what her name was.

Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze...

Valerie had a moment with her mind blank, and then she opened her eyes in shock when she remembered who her person was in front of her.

-"U-You are The Sun of the Underworld!"-

Valerie screamed in shock as she remembered who that name belonged to.

-"Ah? Ahh, yes" -Naruto scratched the back of his neck, while he remembered what they called him in his time in the Underworld. -"They also know me by that nickname"-

Valerie was surprised. It didn't matter if she was locked up almost all her life, she always listened to the events of the Supernatural World.

In front of her is a very famous person in the Supernatural World. As famous as it is sought after.

The entire Supernatural World was aware of what happened in the Devil Civil War.

The Supernatural World were aware of the changes caused by the Devil Civil War. Things like the new Maou, who were stronger than the Original Maou and how the current Maou Lucifer and Beelzebub had the power to be in the Top 10 of the Strongest Beings in the World.

But the biggest change was the Human who appeared out of nowhere in the Devil Civil War to help the Anti-Maou Faction.

At first some in the Supernatural World ignored that because they thought he was just a dumb Human, while others were interested and intrigued by what the Human would do.

But all those thoughts changed to surprise upon hearing the accomplishments he made.

One was that he was able to defeat the current Maou Lucifer in a fight. Although at first Maou Lucifer never used all of his power, it was still a great achievement that very few were able to do.

Others were his achievements in war as well as the abilities he used, such as the ability to clone himself and create an army in seconds.

Also giving him the nickname Naruto Thousand Clones.

But the greatest achievement was when he displayed power capable of rivaling the strongest beings in the world during the final attack that ended the Devil Civil War.

Many from the Supernatural World were able to sense the monstrous power. Many were surprised and others angry.

Surprised that there was someone powerful hiding there without anyone noticing.

And angry that a mere Human could possess such incredible power.

But what created great chaos was that he disappeared as if nothing had happened.

His disappearance created chaos both inside and outside the Underworld.

The Demon Faction was desperate. His Hero had disappeared as if nothing had happened, causing concern throughout the Faction.

Many believed that he had been kidnapped by the escaped members of the Ancient Mauo Faction. But they ruled it out since no one would be strong enough to do it.

Leaving you with the assumption that he just left.

But the Demons did not give up. They searched both inside and outside the Underworld for years.

Naruto was as wanted or even more than the Demon Mephisto Pheles.

But not only the Demons were looking for him, but also the other Factions as well as Pantheons from other regions.

The Angels were looking for him since it was said that Seraphim Gabriel, The Strongest Woman in Heaven as well as The Most Beautiful Woman in Heaven, said that the person who had that power was a pure and kind-hearted person.

That is why both the Angels together with the Church were looking for him to recruit him and prevent the Demons from taking him.

The Fallen Angels were looking for him more to investigate and study him. It was said that Azazel, the former ruler of the Fallen Angels, wanted to meet him and investigate his powers and see if he had anything to do with a Sacred Gear.

Other religious Pantheons also sought him out to recruit him or even enslave him.

Even Indra himself, the King of the Gods and the Lord of Heaven in Hindu Mythology, sought him out to recruit him for the future war against Shiva, one of the Trimurti and the God of Destruction in Hindu Mythology.

But no one could ever find it.

The current Maou Leviathan was said to be in contact with him, but she always denied it.

That's why Valerie was in shock, she was in front of some of the most famous, powerful and dangerous people in the Supernatural World.

But her shock quickly changed to nervousness and a little fear knowing that she wanted a powerful person with her.

Naruto, seeing how Valerie was getting, put on a reassuring smile to try to calm her down.

-"Don't worry Valerie, we won't do anything to you"- Naruto told her with a smile that caused Valerie to calm down a little. -"I just wanted to talk with you"-

-"W-What does she want to talk to me about?"-

Valerie asked a little calmer, but a little nervous.

-"The truth is rather to propose something to you"- Naruto responded without stopping smiling. -"But before that I wanted to show you the town, what do you think?"-

Valerie nodded nervously. -"Cl-Sure"-

-"Good"- Naruto then looked at the other people in the room. -"Itachi, Kisame can now retire and thank you for your work. Your payments are already in your accounts"-

Itachi and Kisame nodded and then the two disappeared in a smoke bomb.

-"Now Valerie, I will show you the town and believe me you will love it"-

Naruto told her with a smile, as he guided Valerie towards the door.

-"B-But, don't you have more important things to do?"-

Valerie asked, a little surprised that the leader himself showed her around the town.

-"Calm down"-Naruto said with a smile, and then pointed to his desk. -"I already have it resolved"-

When Valerie saw where she was pointing, she blinked as she saw four clones doing the paperwork on the desk.

Then they left the office, but not before saying goodbye to the woman who was the secretary.





During the entire tour, Valerie visited many places or districts.

Such as Residential Districts, Commercial Districts and Food Districts; which according to Naruto, most were led by an Akimichi Clan.

Valerie could also see that the people were very friendly and always greeted with a smile.

As Naruto always returned greetings with a smile.

Valerie quickly realized that Naruto was a great, kind leader and loved by everyone.

They are currently in front of a large orange building with a sign that says Ninja Academy.

-"And here is the Ninja Academy, where future Ninjas learn all the Ninja fundamentals"-Naruto explained as he pointed to the large building. -"As well as other important subjects, such as mathematics, geography, science and etc."- Then they saw how boys and girls between the ages of six and twelve left the academy. -"Oh it looks like school is over"-


A girl who came out of the academy screamed, and then Naruto and Valerie ran away.

She was a girl between twelve years old, she has blonde hair tied in two pigtails, blue eyes and two whiskers like those of a cat or fox on each cheek. He is wearing an orange tracksuit with blue on the shoulders and around the waist, a white swirl with a tassel on the left side, he had a white turtleneck, orange pants with a small bag attached to his leg. right and the typical blue Shinobi sandals.

-"Ah Naruko-chan"- Naruto smiled at the aforementioned. -"How did it go at the academy?"-

The now identified Naruko smiled and puffed out her very developed chest for her age.

-"As always, being one of the best in the class"- Naruko responded arrogantly. Then he focused on Valerie. -"But changing the subject, who are you with Onii-chan?"-

-"Oh right. Naruko, this is Valerie, she's new in town"-Naruto responded with a smile, and then hugged Naruko. -"Valerie, this is my dear little sister Naruko-chan"-

Naruko, seeing her brother's action, blushed with shame and anger.

-"Onii-chan!" -Naruko shouted with shame and anger at the way her brother treated him. -"I told you many times not to call me little and to stop hugging me in public!"-

-"Huh!?"-Naruto seemed to collapse and start crying at his words. -"Don't you like it when your Onii-chan hugs you?"-

-"I-I don't mind if you hug me"- Naruko said, now very embarrassed for admitting that she likes to be hugged. -"So-Just don't do it in public"-

Naruto jumped with happiness at what Naruko said, and then continued hugging her, ignoring her sister's complaints.

Valerie could only smile when she saw the scene, it was obvious that they loved each other very much. She wishes she had had a relationship like that with her brothers.

A few seconds passed before Valerie and Naruko asked each other correctly, then said goodbye and continued the tour.





-"And last but not least, the district where all the most important research centers are located"-

Naruto explained, as he and Valerie were surrounded by large white buildings with different names.

There was the Seal Research Department, Jutsu Research Department, like others in the surrounding area.

But there was one that stood out, since it was the largest of all, which was called the Supernatural Research Department. Right now Valerie and Naruto were entering that apartment.

-"Here we investigate everything related to the Supernatural. From Magic to Sacred Gear"- Naruto explained while he and Valerie entered through the door that was guarded by two Ninjas, and then began to walk down a hallway. -"But we not only investigate, we also help people like you"-

Valerie looked at him curiously. -"A person like me?"-

-"You will see"-

Naruto told her with a smile, which only increases Valerie's curiosity more.

They walked along the hallway for a few minutes, passing through many rooms, until they reached a training room-like room large enough to hold hundreds of people.

There were many people. Many were teenagers and very few were adults. They all wore a black training suit.

All the people were surrounding a large screen, but both Naruto and Valerie could see what it was.

The screen showed a scene of a clearing surrounded by a dense forest. There were two people; Well, one was a person, while the other was like an animal.

It seemed that the two were facing a fight, a very destructive fight due to the destruction that was around the forest.

One of the people was a boy between seventeen and eighteen years old who was wearing the same training suit, except that he had a cowboy hat and a jacket of the same style.

He carried a long sword in one hand, while in the other he carried a rifle.

The other had an appearance that surprised Valerie.

Since he was a giant golden lion with a jewel on his forehead. He has a large body that measures between four and five meters tall.

The two seemed to have a close fight, although it seemed like the Golden Lion had the advantage.

The boy seemed to avoid the lion's attacks with his long sword and when he had a chance he would shoot with his rifle.

Something that surprised Valerie was how the rifle shots caused large explosions of aura, while the sword cut everything in its path.

And the Lion destroyed everything with his paws, which were capable of breaking the ground with ease.

But before they attacked each other again, a female voice interrupted the fight.

-"Time is up!"-She echoed throughout the room. -"It's a tie!"-

Immediately the two stopped fighting; Something notable was that the boy seemed to be frustrated. Then the two would disappear in a smoke bomb and appear in front of everyone.

Everyone applauded and congratulated the two, but the boy still seemed frustrated.

-"Why did I have to stop the fight?"- the boy asked with frustration. -"I haven't used all my power yet!"-

Everyone rolled their eyes upon hearing the complaint.

-"Come on, Shooting"- A boy from the group spoke. -"It was a good fight, so don't complain"-

The boy was younger than the now identified Shooting. He was wearing the same black training suit, with the difference that he had a type of metallic exoskeleton included and was attached to gauntlets that he had on his hands.

-"Mitsuya-san is right"- A girl from the group also spoke. -"That was a good fight"-

She was a beautiful girl with a beautiful fluffy face, auburn hair that seemed to be braided with rope, and blue eyes. She was wearing the same black training suit that highlighted her good body.

Many nodded, causing Shooting to form a half smile, but they were still a little frustrated.

-"You did a good job boy"-A man spoke, while he put a hand on Shooting's shoulder. -"You have to recognize that very few can do what you did"-

The man is wearing the same black training suit. He was Caucasian and muscular, with a very good physique in his mid-twenties.

-"Magnus is right"-Naruto spoke with a smile, as he approached the group along with Valerie. -"You are a very strong person Shooting"-

When everyone saw Naruto and Valerie, everyone, including the Lion, quickly formed a horizontal line.

-"Welcome, Yōsokage"-

They all chanted, while bowing.

-"Let's go"-Naruto smiled nervously, while he scratched the back of his neck. -"They don't have to be so formal"-

Many laughed at their leader's attitude.

-"But like he was saying"-Naruto smiled as he gave Shooting a thumbs up. -"You did an incredible job Shooting"-

Shooting smiled. The same person he respected congratulated him.

-"Thank you, Yōsokage"-

-"Of course the brat is strong"- spoke the same female voice that was the one that stopped the fight. -"I train him after all"-

When they saw where her voice came from, there was an extremely beautiful woman, with long purple hair and crimson eyes, whose full-body outfit highlighted her curvaceous figure and her metallic shoulder pads.

Naruto smiled at the woman. -"I am aware of that, Scáthach"-

Valerie upon hearing the name of the beautiful woman, she could only open her eyes in shock.

She was Scáthach. A warrior queen from the Ulster Cycle of Celtic Mythology, also known as the Queen of the Shadow Land, Witch of Dun Scaith and Lord of Spirits.

She, like her, was also the mentor of Cú Chulainn, who would later become the hero of Ulster.

-"You better be aware"-Scáthach said, while she crossed her arms, causing her breasts to stand out more. -"After all, the only thing I do here is train these brats, which is very boring"-

-"Yes, of course"- Naruto said sarcastically -"As if you would get bored training them"-

-"Good point"-

Scáthach after saying that looked at her students with a smile that would promise pain.

Everyone, seeing that smile, had a chill down their spine.

-"But changing the subject"-Scáthach looked at Valerie, who was nervous about the looks she was receiving. -"Who is the girl that accompanies you?"-

-"Oh right"- Naruto then put the nervous Valerie in front. -"Guys, I want to introduce you to Valerie. She just arrived in town"-

Valerie gave them a nervous smile. -"I-It's a-nice to co-meet you"-

Among all of them, a girl came up to greet Valerie.

She was a beautiful foreign girl who seems to be in her teens. She has long purple hair and orange eyes. She was wearing the same training suit, which showed off how well-built her body was.

-"It's a pleasure to meet you Valerie, I'm Ingvild"-Ingvild introduced herself with a friendly smile, while he extended his hand to Valerie. -"I hope we can be friends"-

Valerie nervously shook her hands.

After that everyone started introducing themselves to Valerie.

While that Naruto was talking to Scáthach.

-"Was there any problem in training?"-

-"None"-Scáthach denied, and then looked at his students with a little pride. -"Brats have potential"-

She would never have thought to train someone. She made him remember the past when she trained Cú Chulainn.

-"By the way"- Naruto continued. -"Where is-?"-

-"If you're looking for that snake, it's in his laboratory" -Scáthach interrupted him angrily. -"As usual..."-

-"Kukukukuku"- A male voice laughed mockingly. -"Did I do something to make you angry, Scáthach-san?"-

When they saw where the voice was coming from, they saw a man of about twenty years old with very pale skin, with black hair that reached his waist. He has amber eyes with cuts in his pupils and purple markings around his eyes, making him look like a snake. He was wearing clothes that scientists wear.

And he was accompanied by a tall man, with long light blue hair that reached his shoulders and golden eyes. He was wearing the same scientist clothes.

Scáthach, upon seeing the newcomers, made an angry face. -"It bothers me that you interrupt training because of your stupid research"-

-"I am the head of research of this department"- Orochimaru told him with a mocking grimace, angering Scáthach more. -"I'm just doing my job"-

-"That's enough, you two"- Naruto stopped them calmly. -"Your more, Orochimaru"-

Orochimaru smiled. -"My apologies, Yōsokage-sama"-

Scáthach snorted angrily. -"One way or the other"-

Naruto sighed, still remembering how these two got here.

First was Orochimaru, who was brought by Shinigami to work and help in the Village as punishment for all the things he did in the past.

At first Naruto didn't want him to stay, but then he agreed since Shinigami said he would be a lot of help.

And he didn't lie. With Orochimaru they were able to begin investigations with everything related to the supernatural, mainly about Sacred Gear.

Sacred Gear prototypes are currently being created and tested.

Then came Scáthach. Naruto met her a few years ago when he was practicing the time-space travel skill of the [Rinne-sharingan] where he appeared in the Land of Shadows.

There he met Scáthach, who was just meditating in that dead world.

When Scáthach noticed Naruto's presence, she was first shocked by her power, then demanded to know why he was in the Land of Shadows.

Naruto had explained her reason, only for Scáthach to later challenge him to a fight which he accepted.

The fight caused the Land of Shadows to shake. Scáthach with the cursed spear Gáe Bolg, against Naruto with Yamamoto.

Scáthach was surprised by Naruto's skill with the sword, as well as by the sword he possessed.

After two hours of fighting, Naruto was the winner.

After that Scáthach asked Naruto to kill her. Which she didn't do.

Instead of killing her, Naruto offered her a home away from the Land of Shadows.

Scáthach accepted, and later became another inhabitant of Yōsogakure No Sato.

-"But what do we have here?"-Orochimaru asked with a smile as he approached Valerie, invading her personal space. -"Are you a Vampire?"-

Valerie looked at him with a little fear. -"I-I'm a-a Da-Damphir"-

-"Really?"- Orochimaru then smiled in a way that scared Valerie even more. -"That makes it more interesting"-

-"Stop it, Orochimaru"- Naruto stopped him seriously. -"You're bothering Valerie"-

-"My apologies"- Orochimaru apologized, but he couldn't stop smiling. -"It's the first time I've seen someone half Vampire"-

-"Valerie, this is Orochimaru, head of investigation of this department, he is creepy, but calm down, he won't do anything to you"- Naruto said with a smile as he pointed to Orochimaru. He then pointed to the man next to him. -"And he is his son Mitsuki"-

-"I-it's a g-taste"-

Valerie said still a little afraid.

-"Now Valerie, what do you think of the town?"-

Naruto asked curious about Valerie's opinion.

-"It's... Incredible"- Valerie said honestly and with a small smile. -"I've never seen anything like this"-

-"I'm glad. So here's my proposal"- Naruto smiled at him. -"Would you like to live in Yōsogakure no sato?"-

-"I...?"- Valerie was surprised. -"Are you offering me to live here? Why?"-

-"One reason is to protect you"- Naruto responded seriously. -"As you know, you possess a Sacred Gear that someone dangerous wants. And believe me, that person has horrible plans related to you"-

Valerie understood what she was talking about, she knew how to be loved.

-"And the other reason is so that you can have a peaceful life that was denied to you"- Naruto told him now with a smile. -"And also help you control your Sacred Gear"-

-"I would love to..."-Valerie smiled, but then she put on a sad expression. -"But I'm afraid of being a nuisance"-

Naruto frowned. -"Why do you think you would be a bother?"-

-"Every time I use my Sacred Gear it damages my soul and mind. If I didn't control it I couldn't be of help" - Valerie responded sadly. -"In addition to the side effects I have from just having the Sacred Gear"-

Naruto quickly knew what she was talking about.

The Sephiroth Graal, Valerie's Sacred Gear has the ability to make contact with the principle of life, where the possessor is forcefully told how life and soul are made.

The possessor also takes into account the mind and concept of the dead, the living, and various other things as they use the Holy Grail.

Which would result in the possessor being broken by the abundance of thoughts entering her heart and soul by overusing the Sephiroth Graal.

-"I understand, but you don't have to worry about not being useful Valerie. You will always be someone important"- Naruto said with a smile, causing Valerie to blush. -"And about your other problems, I think I have the solution for that"-

Valerie looked at him hopefully. -"Oh really?"-

-"Yes, you just have to trust me"- Naruto looked at him seriously. -"Do you trust me, Valerie?"-

Valerie didn't know what to do. She barely knew anyone here, but something told her she could trust him.

-"I trust you"-

What Valerie said made Naruto smile.

-"Good..."- Naruto smiled at him, then put on a serious expression. -"Valerie Tepes, do you swear to protect Yōsogakure no sato as well as its inhabitants, even if your life is in danger?"-

Everyone around was waiting for Valerie's response.

-"I swear"-

Valerie swore seriously, and then something amazing will happen.

She was enveloped in a light. Valerie could feel how the light, instead of harming her, as she should do as a half-Vampire, seemed to make her stronger. She could feel her magic increase greatly, like a new energy she never felt.

But what surprised her most was that it no longer passed through her mind as life and soul did.

Valerie could only cry with joy knowing that she was no longer tortured by the negative effects of her Sacred Gear.

-"Now how do you feel Val-?"-

Naruto was interrupted by being thrown to the ground by a hug from Valerie.

-"Thank you thank you thank you!"-

Valerie thanked him with happy tears as she hugged him.

Everyone watched the scene happy to know that Valerie will no longer suffer from the side effects of her Sacred Gear.

Some women were happy, but also jealous to see how she hugged her leader.

A few seconds passed where Valerie continued hugging and thanking Naruto, and then separated from her.

-"Thank you"-Valerie thanked him once again, while she wiped away her tears. -"I do not know how to thank you"-

Naruto smiled at him. -"You have nothing to be grateful for Valerie"-

-"Same thanks"- Valerie then looked at him curiously. -"But what was that?"-

-"It was a ritual"- Naruto responded with a smile. -"By swearing to protect and serve Yōsogakure no sato, you are given more power, both physical and magical. As well as a new energy that we will help you control"-

What he said surprised Valerie. That's why she felt stronger and how her Magical energy increased, also including that warm energy running through her body.

-"But something is still missing"-

Naruto smiled, then extended his right hand, where an orb of purple flames appeared.

Valerie opened her eyes in shock when she saw the orb. An orb that gave off a lot of Holy Power. Valerie quickly knew what it was orb.

Some of the Thirteen Longinus, as well as some of the Holy Relics.

Incinerate Anthem, also known as Chief Mourner's Crucified Stand of Purple Flame.

It is a Longinus which is one of the three Holy Relics, the Incinerate Anthem, is the Holy Cross on which Christ was crucified.

He has the ability to generate and control sacred purple flames that can incinerate demons.

-"I will give you this Sacred Gear, the Incinerate Anthem, one of the Longinus"- Naruto said with a smile. -"As also one of the four Holy Relics"-

Naruto still remembers how he obtained this Sacred Gear.

It was during a time-space trip with the [Rinne-sharingan] two or three years ago, where he appeared in a dimension called Oz, a country in the Dimensional Gap where wizards and witches lived.

At first Naruto was surprised by how amazing the country was, and then he was disappointed by how the country's leaders were.

The Great Wizard Oz, the head wizard who resides in the Emerald City in the center of the country. When Naruto met him, he was very disappointed.

When Naruto asked to meet him, he quickly agreed when he learned that he was going to see the famous and powerful Sun of the Underworld.

The Wizard Oz was an arrogant person because he believed that he was the best wizard in the world, even greater than Merlin.

So much was his arrogance, when he offered Naruto to join the Wizards of Oz, it was more of an order to offer.

Naruto obviously rejected him, much to Oz's anger, as he wanted to force Naruto to join.

That just causes a big fight between the Wizards of Oz and Naruto.

Wizards from the North, South, East and West fought with his great magical abilities.

But they could not against Naruto, who with only his [Rinnegan] was able to absorb the magical attacks with the [Gakidō] rendering his attacks useless.

And also thanks to the [Tendō] he was able to defeat hundreds of magicians in just seconds, as well as destroy ¾ of the Emerald City.

One of the Eastern Witches he defeated, named Augusta, was the wielder of the Incinerate Anthem.

Naruto admitted that he was surprised by Augusta's power and her use of her Sacred Gear.

But Naruto was able to defeat her using her [Fire Dragon Slayer] magic. A magic that he obtained from the Goddess of Magic Gaia.

Naruto still remembers the face Augusta made when she was able to eat the purple fire of the Incinerate Anthem.

When he defeated her, an orb of purple flames emerged from Augusta, then entered Naruto's body.

There Naruto learned that the Incinerate Anthem chose him as its new wielder.

Naruto also stole everything related to magic in Oz that day.

All the books, scrolls and everything related to magic disappeared. As well as some of the treasures and money, not all, but some from the country of Oz.

That day, in Yōsogakure No Sato there were great advances in research into magic.

Just as the Wizards of Oz also offered a large reward for Naruto's head.

Naruto smiled internally -(Ah~, good times)-

-"Me...?"- Valerie asked, surprised that they offered her a Longinus. -"Are you sure to give it to me?"-But she put that aside, when she remembered what Naruto said. -"Wait, four Holy Relics?" -She became curious about the new information. -"Aren't there three?"-

The three Holy Relics are the most important artifacts or relics in Christianity as well as mentioned in the Bible. Now known as Sacred Gear created by the Biblical God.

The True Longinus, also known as the Holy Spear of the Setting Sun, the Spear of Destiny, and the Spear of Longinus. It is the first and most powerful Longinus and the same spear that Saint Longinus used to stab Jesus Christ.

Sephiroth Graal, also known as the Holy Grail of the Isolated World. It was the Holy Grail of the Last Supper used by Christ and the Grail of Arthurian legend.

And finally the Incinerate Anthem, also known as Chief Mourner's Crucified Stand of Purple Flame. It was the Holy Cross on which Christ was crucified.

-"No, there are four, very few know the fourth one"-Naruto answered her doubts. -"Also the carrier is Meredith-chan"-

Naruto then pointed to the auburn haired girl who was blushing at the suffix Naruto used.

-"Oh really?"-

Valerie was surprised that the girl who had introduced herself earlier with the name Meredith Ordinton had that Sacred Gear.

-"Yes"- Meredith nodded proudly. -"I am the bearer of the Sacred Gear Alphecca Tyrant"-

Alphecca Tyrant, also known as the Peerless Crown of the Abyss, which was the Holy Nail that nailed Christ to the cross.

Alphecca Tyrant has the ability to allow the wielder to attack using nail-shaped projectiles made of holy aura, which can also brainwash someone.

-"Unbelievable"- Valerie was amazed that Meredith had the fourth Holy Relics, as well as a Sacred Gear. -"I didn't know you had a Sacred Gear Meredith-san"-

Meredith smiled at him. -"Valerie-san, everyone here is Sacred Gear"-

Valerie was surprised. All the people, who were more than a hundred people, had Sacred Gear.

-"Or they are Sacred Gear if we talk about Regulus"-

Naruto said as he looked at the gigantic golden Leon who was on the floor sleeping.

Valerie upon hearing what the Lion's name was, quickly knew who he was.

It was Regulus Nemea, also known as the Battle Ax of the Lion King, a Longinus Sacred Gear.

Valerie couldn't help but be amazed at this town. But she put it aside to focus on Naruto.

-"Can I be the bearer?" Valerie asked, unsure of becoming the new bearer of the Incinerate Anthem. -"Won't it affect me because I'm half Vampire?"-

-"Calm down"- Naruto said trying to calm Valerie. -"Although you don't see it now, you are no longer affected by sacred objects or other types of weaknesses that you had before, thanks to the ritual"-

Valerie was surprised that she is now no longer affected by sacred objects. But she still had doubts, but she already had a decision.

-"I accept"-

Naruto smiled, and then the orb of purple flames that were in his hand began to float like Valerie, and then entered her body.

-"It seems that the Incinerate Anthem accepted you as its new wielder"-

Naruto said with a smile, and then everyone congratulated Valerie for being the new cover of the Incinerate Anthem.

Valerie was happy to be accepted, now she was able to become strong and could be useful to the Village.

-"Well Valerie you are now another citizen of Yōsogakure No Sato. Oh and take this"- Naruto with a smile gave Valerie a credit card. -"Use this card to buy everything you need"-

-"Thank you very much, Yōsokage-sama"-

Valerie was very happy and grateful for everything.

Today was a new beginning for her.





Naruto appeared in his office in a flash of yellow. Even the clones he left behind were still doing the paperwork, which was surprisingly decreasing.

Naruto just returned from showing Valerie his new house, as well as her training schedule.

While the clones continued doing the paperwork, Naruto went to the balcony to watch the sunset.

This was his favorite sight since the Village was founded. He still did not believe that three hundred years had already passed since he met the supreme God.

He is still grateful for the gifts that the Supreme God gave to the inhabitants of the Village.

One of the gifts was that everyone had improvements such as strength, speed, dexterity and etc.

Another would be to increase chakra reserves. All inhabitants were now considered Tailless Bijūs. And those who were already considered like that were people with unrealistic chakra reserves. They also all have affinity to the five primary elements.

Another would be that they were now immortal and age more slowly. They can still die, but not from age.

The ritual was also a gift from the Supreme God. Everyone who swore became stronger and received the ability to use chakra.

Naruto also experienced many things as well.

He traveled the world, met other Factions and Pantheons, met and fought with some Gods of this world and also made allies.

He also continued to train all of his abilities, as well as the magic that the Goddess Gaia gave him.

Naruto was surprised by the Slayer Magics. Besides, they could help a lot in this world.

He was also capable of making other people capable of using those magics. Which he did with some trusted people.

He was also able to travel to another World for a short time at the request of one of the Gods. And he came back with incredible abilities from that world.

Naruto raised his right hand, and then his hand was covered in ice, or rather turned into ice.

Then he returned to normal and changed again, except this time his hand turned into lava.

Naruto left his right hand, and then raised his left hand that was in a closed fist.

But the curious thing was a kind of concentrated air bubble that surrounded his hand.

Naruto smiled. These abilities greatly surprised him, as did the original users.

Naruto was also smiling as the adventure of knowing and learning, not only about this world, but also about others, had only just begun.



Author's Notes


Sephiroth Graal Literally means: Grail of Sephiroth.

Yōsogakure No Sato Literally means: Hidden Village of the Elements.

Yōsokage Literally means: Shadow of the Elements.

Shodai Yōsokage Literally means: First Shadow of the Elements.

Incinerate Anthem Literally Means: Incinerate Anthem.

[Gakidō] Literally means: [Preta Path].

[Tendō] Literally means: [Deva Change].

True Longinus Literally Means: True Longinus.

Alphecca Tyrant Literally means: Tyrant of Alfeca.

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