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30% In a New World as a Shinobi God / Chapter 6: Chapter 6- Underworld and the Fight Between Ninja vs Demon

Chapter 6: Chapter 6- Underworld and the Fight Between Ninja vs Demon


-"Person Talking"-

-(Person thinking)-

-<Mental Conversation>-


(JC: Author's Notes)


Let us begin


On a flat piece of land full of trees and grass, a place that everyone would think was land. But the difference was that the sky was purple and there were rocks floating for some reason.

In an area of the land a portal appeared where a teenager of about seventeen to eighteen years old emerged. He was wearing black ANBU pants with orange stripes on the sides, a tight black T-shirt that made him notice his good physique, and over it he was wearing a sweatshirt, where on the chest, in the heart area, was the logo of the Uzumaki clan, like also in the center of the back.

A mark that was most noticeable were the three whiskers like those of a cat or fox on each cheek and a large head of unruly red hair with golden tips and a small white tuft.

When the portal through which the young man came closed, the teenager known as Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze looked around curiously.

-"This is hell...?"-Naruto spoke a little incredulously as he looked around him. -"I have to say I'm a little disappointed"-

-<Don't judge a book by its title mate>-

Kurama told him from his mind with an amused tone.

Naruto just nods, since he was right.

-"Well. If I remember, I was teleported near the base of the Anti-Maou Faction..." - Naruto said seriously, still looking around. -"I just don't know which direction"-

-<Then we will take advantage of the situation to test your sensory ability>-

Mito also spoke calmly in Naruto's mind.

-<He's right, but you better concentrate, since as Hagoromo-sama said, Demons use non-Chakra magic like us>- Ryu said calmly. -<So try to find the strongest energy signature>-

Naruto just nods, then closes his eyes to try to feel an energy signature. And thanks to his training and great wisdom from the Gods, Naruto's sensory power could reach up to a hundred kilometers.

Naruto stayed like that for two seconds until he felt an energy signature.

-"I detect a signature to the south about ten kilometers away"- Naruto said calmly, looking south. -"A demonic and dark energy"-

-<Then don't waste your time, gaki>- Shukaku said with emotion. -<Walk!>-

Naruto just nods, then disappears in a blur of speed.

Along the way, Naruto could see destroyed cities and even people, from adults to children, who were living on the streets because of the war, that only made Naruto angry, who had a very clear objective.

-(I will stop this ridiculous war)-

After a minute of travel, Naruto was able to visualize or detect a barrier of protection and camouflage.

Naruto stopped before colliding with the barrier.

-"Looks like we're here"- Naruto said calmly, while analyzing the barrier, which in his opinion, was rubbish. -"But I still have a doubt"-

-<Which one?>-

Kurama asked, intrigued by his partner's doubt.

-"How will I make the Demons believe that I will help them in the war?" - Naruto asked thoughtfully and a little nervous that the mission would go wrong. -"Maybe they think I'm a spy for the other side"-

-<Well...>- Isobu began. -<You could try to convince them the good way->-

-<Or the hard way>- Shukaku interrupted in a funny way with a psychopathic smile. -<Like scaring them with your power, kicking their leader's ass or killing some of their soldiers to make them listen to you. You know, simple things>-

Naruto and the others within his subconscious sweatdropped at the One-Tailed Bijū's attitude.

-"Well, whatever happens, happens"-

Naruto said calmly, and then walked forward, not remembering that there was a barrier. And because of its power and strength, the barrier broke with the contact of Naruto's body, who quickly realized it.

-"Oops, my mistake"-

Meanwhile, his tenants within his subconscious shook their heads at his stupidity.





While that happens to Naruto. In the center of the Anti-Maou Faction base, you could notice a tent larger than the others, the size of a house, a meeting was being held that would define the future of the Demon race along with Hell. 

Inside the tent there was a large table with many people sitting. These people are the heads of the clans that support the Anti-Maou Faction, a total of 34 Demon Clans. And at the top of the table were four people, who were characterized by being chosen to command the war against the other side.

These people were Sirzechs Gremory, Serafall Sitri, Ajuka Astaroth and Falbium Glasya-Labolas. These four people were characterized by their great power and great intelligence that they possessed.

Sirzechs Gremory, a young man in his twenties with red hair characterized by the Gremory clan. Since he was little he was a genius in fighting, more because of his great control over the [Power of Destruction] that he inherited from his mother, who belonged to the Bael clan, who were the original possessors of this magic. Now Sirzechs was one of the few of the Demons who surpassed the power of a Maou.

Serafall Sitri is a beautiful black-haired girl who looked to be seventeen years old. She is short, but with an enviable good body, she is also one of the strongest of her generation and was a possessor of [Ice Magic] that very few possessed. Although she was childish, she was a genius in fighting.

Ajuka Astaroth, a green-haired young man in his twenties. Equally strong as Sirzechs with his great power and skill with types of magic and a great intellect that no one in Hell surpasses him.

Falbium Glasya-Labolas would say that he seemed the oldest of the three named since he appeared to be twenty-five years old. He is characterized by being lazy, but also a great strategist. He is also known for having a great defense against any magic from high class Demons onwards, the only ones who can break it were the three aforementioned.

These four people stood out a lot since the civil war in Hell began. The heads of the Hell clans believed that they could be the next Maou if they won the war.

Right now in the big tent the meeting was taking place on how to defeat the other side and end this war. Many leaders shouted and argued, as some wanted to attack the other side as quickly as possible, while others wanted to wait longer before the final attack.

While the four aforementioned were not better, since they had a mess in their heads due to the problems they suffered during the civil war, such as the casualties they suffered and the few experienced soldiers, since the majority were young. And although they had a trusted spy on the other side monitoring and reporting their movements, but the information they revived couldn't help much right now.

His thoughts about the discussion in the room were interrupted by a soldier who rushed into the tent.

-"TIP! There is a problem, the-"-

The nervous Soldier couldn't finish because he froze in fear at the annoyed looks everyone gave him for interrupting the discussion.

-"What does this interruption mean!?"-

A thirty-year-old-looking blond-haired man, wearing a red suit with a black tie, asked angrily.

This person is Lord Phenex, the head of the Phenex house or clan, who would be one of the 72 Pillars of the Underworld, which were characterized by their great regeneration similar to that of a Phoenix.

The Soldier, who by the way was almost fainting from fear, could not respond due to fear as well. Until, to the soldier's relief, Sirzechs spoke.

-"Calm down now"- Sirzechs said calmly. -"Let him speak and tell us what the problem is"-

What he said made everyone in the room calm down. Sirzechs then changed his calm look to a serious one, since in his opinion, it must be a big problem to interrupt the meeting. Then he directed his gaze from him to the Soldier, which meant for him to continue speaking.

-"The-The barrier!" - The Soldier shouted in alarm - "THE BARRIER WAS DESTROYED!" -

What he said surprised and alarmed the Demons, so much so that they rose from their seats, thinking that they were being invaded by another Faction.

But everyone was brought out of their outburst by Ajuka's question.

-"Who or what broke the barrier?"-

Ajuka asked calmly, but inside he was nervous and surprised. Nervous because it could be a surprise attack from the other Faction, where even if they defended themselves, they could not survive for another future attack. And surprised because someone could break the barrier; the barrier that he himself created and made sure that the barrier could withstand a direct attack from a Maou.

-"N-It is not known who or who broke the barrier"- Said the Soldier, still nervous because of the looks that everyone in the room was giving them. -"But-But we discovered that the barrier was broken from the southern sector and a group went to find out who it was"-

Others wanted to continue asking, but were interrupted by another soldier who entered waving.

-"I reported from the south side"- declared the agitated soldier who carried the information that everyone was waiting to know. -"It has already been discovered who broke the barrier"-

-"Who was he?"-

Serafall asks being serious to everyone's surprise but they left it aside to hear the Soldier's answer.

-"W-Well"- The Soldier began. -"The one who broke the barrier was, ehh... A human"-

Upon hearing his response, all the Demons were in a state of shock. And it was not a surprise, since a human... A mere human was able to break a barrier that can withstand a direct attack from a Maou.

-"A human?"- A man spoke, coming out of shock to get angry. -"Stop talking nonsense"-

He is a middle-aged man with long blood-red hair and a small beard of the same color. He was wearing a white suit with a black tie. This is Zeoticus Gremory, head of the Gremory house or clan.

-"T-It's true, Lord Gremory" -The Soldier said nervously because of the angry looks he received. -"Although we also believe that he is a Yõkai since we feel a little natural energy in him"-

-"And did you find out what he's doing here?"-

Falbium asked with a bored face, but with interest since since he heard that a Human or a Yõkai broke the barrier, he was analyzing the whole situation in case he could be a scapegoat for the other side.

-"When we asked him what he was doing here, he told us that he wanted to talk to you, Sirzechs-sama"-

The Soldier reported with a bit of seriousness, looking at the newly appointed redhead who was surprised because he wanted to talk to him.

The others who were also in the tent were also surprised, while Sirzechs were thinking why a human or Yõkai was looking for him and also if he should talk to him, until he made a decision.

-"Bring him here"-

Sirzechs ordered seriously, receiving surprised looks from the people in the tent and an affirmation from the two Soldiers, who quickly retreated.

While the room remained silent, thinking why one of their commanders agreed to speak with the human or Yõkai. While his three closest friends were also wondering why he accepted, since Sirzechs had a feeling that the person he was going to see and talk to would bring important changes to this war.

About three minutes passed when the two Soldiers who came out returned, but not alone, since they were accompanied by four other Soldiers who were surrounding a person more like a boy between eighteen to nineteen years old with slightly tanned skin and blue eyes. like the sky, with red hair with golden tips and a small white tuft and wearing clothes, which in his opinion were strange.

When the young man remained in the center of the table, everyone in the room looked at him with curiosity, others analyzing him and one with interest. Until Sirzechs spoke.

-"Are you the person who wanted to talk to me?"-

Sirzechs asked with a little serious, but at the same time calm, looking analytically at the newcomer.

-"That's right, but first I must introduce myself" -Naruto spoke with his typical smile that made a black-haired girl with pigtails blush. -"I am Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze, it's a pleasure"-

While the looks they gave Naruto changed to anger for speaking as an equal in front of some of his generals. And others were more curious about how the person remained calm in front of everyone without a hint of nervousness or fear.

-"I see, I am Sirzechs Gremory, one of the generals of the Anti-Maou Faction"- Sirzechs introduced himself with an honest smile, but without stopping analyzing Naruto. -"It's also a pleasure"-

-"Ahh, by the way sorry about the barrier"- Naruto said sadly, scratching the back of his head. But then he smiled again. -"But don't worry! I myself will make you a barrier that will be a hundred times more powerful than the one you had before"-

That comment brought different reactions, from surprise that a simple human had broken the barrier and others from curiosity because he said that he was going to make a barrier that would be a hundred times better than the one they had. But the most curious and intrigued was Ajuka, since he created the barrier and he was very sure that it would be the most powerful barrier he made during his entire life of research. And he could also tell that he was not lying, but his thoughts were interrupted by a question from one of the Generals/friends of his.

-"And could we know what brings him here?"-

Falbium asked with a bored but at the same time serious tone, while in his mind he was thinking what a human is doing here and how he broke the barrier. And also that his warrior and strategist instincts told him to be careful with Naruto.

-"Easy"- Naruto said with a smile. -"I came to help them win the civil war"-

The way he said it as if he were the simplest thing in the world, causing his subconscious tenants to slap their heads and the people in the room to look shocked.

-"What?"- Lord Phenex looked at him angrily. -"Do you really think that you, a simple human, can help us in the war and create a barrier more powerful than the one we had?" He mocked with an arrogant smile. -"Ha, don't make me laugh"-

When Naruto and the room heard what Lord Phenex said, some of the heads of their respective clans or houses had the same thoughts and reactions, while others thought the opposite, some of them were the four generals who had a feeling that Naruto He wasn't just any human.

While he thought about how to make them believe him, until he came up with one.

-"How about a battle?"-

Naruto offered with a smile getting everyone's attention.

-"A battle?"-

Lord Phenex asked with a raised eyebrow.

-"Yes"- Naruto said with a challenging smile. -"Me against your best soldier. And if I win, I will show that I can help in the war. But if I lose, I will do what you want"-

Upon hearing Naruto's proposal, some were surprised, while others laughed. But they accepted, some to see that he hides the human and others to see it used as a broom by some of his soldiers.

To then debate who Naruto was going to fight, but they were stopped by someone's voice.

-"I will fight against him"-

Sirzechs said seriously, surprising those present, but more so his parents and his three friends.

-"Are you sure about this Sirzechs?"-

Ajuka asked him, unsure of the decision of one of his friends.

-"Calm down"-Sirzechs said as he looked analytically at Naruto, while he continued with his challenging smile. -"Also, I think this human is more than what he seems"-

Then everyone left to head to the nearest training field. While Naruto was also alone with the same soldiers watching him, and later everyone was surrounding the field, including soldiers or other people who joined in to watch the fight.

In the center of the field stood Naruto and Sirzechs, facing each other, looking at each other analytically. They were also surrounded by a barrier provided by Ajuka.

-"You know, Naruto-san"- Sirzechs gave him a kind smile -"I'll let you take the first hit"-

For some reason that offended Naruto.

-"Okay"- Naruto smiled. -"But you wanted it"-

Then he disappeared in a blur of speed that surprised Sirzechs, but he put it aside to barely avoid a flying kick from Naruto that was aimed at his head.

-(But when did-?)-

Sirzechs could not finish his thought as he had to dodge another blow from Naruto, who came from the front, covering himself with his arms, and then retreated a few steps.

-"Wow, you're fast"- Naruto smiled at him. -"So much so that you were able to dodge two blows at my average speed"-

But Naruto was lying, since he was using his low speed. Well, at least the speed goes down from it with the weight seals on.

Sirzechs was surprised when he heard that, but he composed himself, and then attacked Naruto at great speed. While he did the same, starting a great even hand-to-hand fight. Naruto was using his father's Taijutsu style, where he dodged easily while attacking quickly and at critical points on the body. While Sirzechs, it was very difficult to dodge the attacks and when he attacked, Naruto dodged them as if it were nothing.





The spectators watched the fight surprised at how a human was doing against some of his generals. Others thought that his general was being benevolent towards the human, but then they were shocked when they saw how Sirzechs was trying hard to avoid Naruto's blows.

While Ajuka, Serafall and Falbium had different reactions. Ajuka was surprised but didn't show it, Falbium was trying not to look impressed and was also trying to analyze the battle to see who was going to win, but unfortunately you could say that they were technically evenly matched and Serafall, let's just say, was concentrating more on Naruto than on the battle, since Serafall for a strange reason, something attracted her to Naruto, but she didn't know it, but she would find out.





After a few minutes of hand-to-hand fighting, Naruto and Sirzechs distanced themselves.

Sirzechs looked a little tired, while Naruto was normal, like he hadn't done anything.

-"Fence"- Sirzechs spoke surprised and with a smile. -"Yes, you are strong"-

Naruto smiled back. -"And you are not left behind"-

-"Well, I thought I would have to use this"- Sirzechs said calmly. -"But it seems I was wrong"-

Then a kind of black energy with red touches appeared in his hands.

-"Wow"- Naruto looked impressed by the black energy, as it emanated great power. -"What's that?"-

-"This is the [Power of Destruction]"- Sirzechs explained. -"A power capable of turning everything it touches into ashes"-

Naruto was shocked to hear that. But he put it aside to avoid a ball of Destruction that collided with the ground, showing how it began to disintegrate, creating a small crater.

-"Shall we start with ranged attacks? Then take this"- Naruto said, and then just did the Tora hand seal. -"[Katon: Karyū Endan]!"-

Afterwards, a large amount of fire came out of his mouth, completely enveloping Sirzechs, who had no time to dodge it.

When the smoke from the explosion cleared, Sirzechs could be seen with small burns and a layer of [Power of Destruction] covering him like a shield.

-(Unbelievable)- Sirzechs thought surprised. -(If I hadn't reacted sooner it would have hurt me a lot)-

Surprised by the gigantic explosion of fire; a very strong fire, so much so that it was able to do a little damage even with the [Power of Destruction] cloak. It even seemed equal to or more powerful than the fire of the Phenex Clan.

But he put that aside when he saw that Naruto was nowhere to be found until he heard a voice behind him.

-"[Suiton: Daibakufu no Jutsu]"-

A large torrent of water formed in front of Naruto, forming a gigantic wave that hit Sirzechs hard, where he received great damage.

But he quickly gathered himself to charge a large amount of [Power of Destruction], throwing it at Naruto, where he received it squarely. But to Sirzechs' surprise, Naruto exploded like a smoke bomb.

-"But what-?"-

Sirzechs was able to finish as Naruto appeared below him saying something that would be a trauma for him in the future.

-"[Teikoku No Eikyō]!"-

Naruto then punched Sirzechs' jaw using now the Uzumaki Taijutsu style called [Uzu Teikoku Hakuryoku]. It was such a strong blow that it caused a sling of wind.

When Sirzechs received the blow, it hurt so much that he almost fell into unconsciousness, but he resisted but could not prevent blood from coming out of his mouth.

-"Well, you were able to withstand the blow"-Naruto said calmly as he looked at Sirzechs who was wiping the blood from his mouth. Sirzechs was trying to resist the pain of the blow, but he was also surprised by the powerful blow. -"But I'm just getting started"-

Naruto then disappeared again in a blur of speed, to then be in front of Sirzechs, giving him the same blow only in the stomach, causing another wave of air and drawing more blood from Sirzechs' mouth. But he didn't finish as Naruto continued to deliver many blows in the same way so fast that Sirzechs couldn't dodge them.

After five minutes of suffering through Sirzechs, Naruto separated from him, giving him many bruises, blood coming out of his mouth, and a few broken bones.

-(What kind of blows are these?) -Sirzechs thought surprised and very, very sore from all the blows he received. -(I have never felt such strong blows)-

But Sirzechs stood determined to win the fight. So he began to emanate a gigantic amount of [Power of Destruction], to make one last very powerful attack to ensure his victory.

Seeing Sirzechs' intentions, Naruto for the first time began to be just seals, planning to use a jutsu that could possibly counter or match Sirzechs' attack.

As Naruto prepared, Sirzechs launched a gigantic pillar of very powerful [Power of Destruction] aimed at Naruto.

All the spectators, who by the way were before with their mouths open surprised by the state of Sirzechs due to the beating that Naruto gave him, but quickly changed their expression when they saw Sirzechs' attack, thinking that the fight was already winning, but they would never have It was known that Naruto was going to counteract it with a technique or power capable of surpassing or rivaling the [Power of Destruction].

-"[Jinton: Genkai Hakuri: Hashira]!"-

Then, a transparent cylinder appeared between Naruto's hands that seemed to have a glowing white core. Later, that cylinder enlarged and extended against Sirzechs' attack, causing the two techniques to collide with each other, producing a gigantic explosion that almost broke the barrier that surrounded them.

When the smoke from the explosion dispersed, a scene could be seen that surprised the spectators, since inside, on one side, Naruto was seen calmly with a little dust or dirt on his clothes from the explosion and on the other side he was to Sirzechs unconscious.

Everyone, seeing one of his generals and his friend unconscious and injured, quickly undid the barrier to heal him and then realized that Naruto was near Sirzechs with his arms extended towards him with a strange greenish aura in his arms. hands.

-"What are you doing?"-

Ajuka asked about Naruto's action, while he came along with everyone who saw the fight.

-"Healing his wounds"-

Naruto responded simply as he continued healing Sirzechs.

Hearing the answer, Ajuka was surprised as he saw how the wounds and burns healed instantly, and then asked again something that everyone wanted to know.

-"Who are you really?"-

Ajuka looked at him seriously, while the others wanted to know who or what was strong enough to defeat one of their generals.

Hearing Ajuka's question, Naruto first saw Sirzechs' state seeing that he was fine, and then looked at Ajuka and said while he smiled.

-"As I said before, I am Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze"-Naruto said as he crossed his arms with one of his typical smiles. -"And I am a Ninja"-

Everyone was surprised when they heard that, while Serafall blushed at the smile Naruto gave. But they put it aside when they saw how Sirzechs began to wake up.

-"W-What happened?"-

Sirzechs asked a little pained, as he tried to get up while being helped by his friend Falbium.

-"Believe it or not, you lost the fight"-

Falbium answered him, as he helped him up.

-"Really?"- Sirzechs then looked at Naruto in surprise. -"Wow, she really is strong, Naruto-san"-

-"You are not far behind either, Sirzechs-san"-

Naruto told him with a smile, besides being a little surprised, since Sirzechs' power could reach the power of an average Kage.

-"Then from now on it will be an honor to fight alongside you Naruto-san"-

Sirzechs gave it with a smile, as he extended his hand towards Naruto.

-"I say the same, Sirzechs-san"-

Naruto smiled too, as he shook hands with Sirzechs, not only marking a new friendship, but also a new salvation and future for the Underworld.



Author's Notes


[Katon: Karyū Endan] Literally means: [Fire Element: Fire Bullet Dragon Flame].

Tora Literally means: Tiger.

[Suiton: Daibakufu no Jutsu] Literally means: [Water Release: Great Waterfall Jutsu].

[Teikoku No Eikyō] Literally means: [Imperial Impact].

[Uzu Teikoku Hakuryoku] Literally means: [Impact of the Whirlpool Empire].

[Jinton: Genkai Hakuri: Hashira] Literally means: [Dust Element: Detachment from the Primitive World: Pillar].

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