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Chapter 4- New Senseis and Training Part 2


"Person Talking"

-(Person thinking)-

<Mental Conversation>


(JC: Author's Notes)


Let us begin


We stayed when Naruto had a reunion with family, friends and enemies, who had the job of training him. But when he wanted to start his training, five people appeared that Naruto didn't know but seemed familiar, but before he could ask anything, one of those people spoke.

-"Although he is skinny, he has power"-

A dark, muscular man spoke with a manly tone.

-"You're right, it will be interesting to show him [Jinton]"- Another man who was bandaged up to his ankles, where only his eyes could be seen, spoke in a stoic voice. -"I would even say that he can overcome"-

-"Wow, so young and he has amazing power"- A man who had a small mustache spoke. -"You can tell that this boy is a diamond in the rough"-

-"This boy is strong"- Another man spoke, having dark red hair. -"I see how I help my son"-

-"I hope you're ready boy"- A black-haired man spoke with a stoic voice. -"I'm not soft when it comes to training"-

-"Who are you?"-

Naruto asked them suspiciously and intrigued, since he seemed to know them, but he didn't remember.

-"Ohh sorry for not introducing myself, I am A, also known as the Sandaime Raikage"- spoke the muscular and dark man already known as A, with an omnipotent voice. -"He's a pleasure, boy"-

Naruto was surprised because in front of him was another Kage, and he knew why he looked familiar, since he fought against him when he was revived in the war.

-"I am Mū, also known as the Nidaime Tsuchikage"- The bandaged man already known as Mū spoke, with a stoic voice. -"It's a pleasure, gaki"-

Naruto was again surprised and also recognized him as another of those revived in the war.

-"I am Hōzuki Gengetsu, also known as the Nidaime Mizukage"- the man with small mustaches, already known as Gengetsu, spoke with a slightly amused tone. -"It's a pleasure, boy"-

Naruto was surprised again and could also recognize him as other of those revived in the war.

-"I am Rasa, I was also known as Yondaime Kazekage"- The dark redhead, already known as Rasa, spoke with a stoic voice. -"It's a pleasure boy"-

Naruto was surprised again and also recognized him as other of those revived in the war and also for being the father of one of his friends.

-"I am Minoru, also known as the Sandaime Kazekage"- The black-haired man, already known as Minoru, spoke with a serious voice. -"It's a young taste"-

Naruto was surprised and maybe never saw or met him, but he heard about him. Like Akatsuki's Gaara rescue mission report.

(JC: This character didn't have a name in the anime, so I gave him the dub name)

-"It's a pleasure"- Naruto greeted them. -"But what are you doing here?"-

He was intrigued because there were ancient Kages in his subconscious.

-"Easy, kid"- Gengetsu responded with amusement and a small smile. -"We are here to help you in your training"-

-"Train me?"-

Naruto asked in disbelief, because not only did he train with the former Hokages, but also with other Kages who were feared and respected in his previous world.

-"Exactly"- A nodded his head abruptly. -"I will train you with everything related to the [Raiton] and my Jutsus and I will help you with your monstrous strength"- He explained. -"Because, who else can teach you better about [Raiton] and strength, other than a Raikage?"-

A puffed out his chest proudly as he said that. While Naruto and the others nodded, since he was right.

-"I will train you with [Jinton]"- Mū explained seriously. -"Since I created it. And I will also teach you a little about [Doton]"-

Mū might be serious as she spoke, but inside she was amused thinking about the torturous training she would give Naruto.

At that moment Naruto got a shiver.

-"I'll help you with the [Suiton]"-Gengetsu explained proudly, his smile widening. -"Since the Hõzuki Clan are experts in that and [Genjutsu]"-

Rasa smiled in a friendly and calm manner. -"Me and Minoru-dono will train you with [Jiton]"-

-"That's right"- Minoru nodded his head seriously. -"And I warn you that I am not soft when it comes to training"-

-"Wow"- Naruto murmured impressed. -"Then I will take care of him"-

In the end she bowed, while the Kages just smiled.

-"Wow Naruto, you really have changed"- spoke a young, masculine voice with a friendly tone. -"I have to say that red suits you"-

Naruto upon hearing that, looked to where the voice came from, only to see a former enemy, who later regretted his actions and turned for good, but not surviving in the process.

-"Nagato..."-Naruto said in disbelief at seeing someone he knew little, but he considered him a friend-"You too?"-

-"Exactly"- Nagato said calmly with a smile. -"I am here to train you so that you completely master the [Rinnegan]"-

Naruto was just surprised and excited about how strong he will become in the future, and noticed that Nagato was accompanied by a woman and a man, who he had an idea of who they would be based on their hair colors.

-"And who are you?"-

Naruto asked them with slight interest, looking at those who accompanied Nagato.

-"Ah, sorry for not introducing myself, I'm Mito Uzumaki."- A red-haired woman with the name of Mito introduced herself. -"And I am here to train you and become a master of [Fuinjutsu]. It is a pleasure to meet you young man"-

She then bowed respectfully to Naruto.

-"It's a pleasure, young Uzumaki, I am Ryu, founder and the first Uzukage of Uzushiogakure." - Ryu, a tall redhead, with white hair and a small red beard, introduced himself. -"And I am here to train you in the Uzumaki Kenjutsu style"-

(JC: I don't know if this one exists... But since)

-"Ohh thank you"- Naruto spoke happily and bowing. -"I swear I won't let you down like Uzumaki"-

-"You and your promises"- Said a young, masculine voice, which Naruto recognized perfectly. -"You never change, right Naruto?"-

-"Yohs!, this young ninja has great flames of youth!"-

Another male voice spoke, which Naruto didn't recognize, but when he heard that sentence, he could only think of two dark-haired men with big eyebrows.

-"Wow, what a handsome boy"-Said a female voice, which Naruto didn't recognize but was embarrassed by what he said. -"It wouldn't be bad if you trained him alone"-

-"You're right"-said another female voice, which Naruto recognized but didn't remember who he was. -"He is more handsome since the last time I saw him"-

-"It will be a pleasure to train you, Naruto-sama"-

Finally a young, male voice spoke. Naruto recognized him too, but he also didn't remember who he was.

When he looked to where the voices were coming from, only to see a former friend, a man similar to two of the aforementioned people, a girl with orange and green hair that he had never seen, and two former enemies. But he mainly focused on his former friend, who unfortunately died sacrificing himself in the war.

-"So you too"- Naruto smiled. -"Hey, Neji?"-

Although he was happy to see even a great friend and companion who sacrificed his life for him.

-"What did you think?" Neji spoke with a mocking tone and a small smile. -"That he [Byakugan] and the techniques of the Hyuga Clan were learned so easily?"-

Naruto could only affirm in Neji's favor, as he was right.

-"Hehehe, I see why you're here"- Naruto said with a smile, but quickly looked at the others present, intrigued. -"But what are you doing here?"-

It is also worth noting that the two new women did not stop looking lustfully at Naruto, and that he was feeling uncomfortable with the looks.

The first to respond was the man with big eyebrows and mustaches.

-"Congratulations Naruto-kun, I am Maito Dai!"- Dai introduced himself with excitement and making poses with flames in his eyes. -"And I am here to train you in [Taijutsu] and the [Hachimon Tonkō]! So your flames of youth may grow brighter than ever!"-

Naruto was impressed and sweating at the man's attitude. Then one of the women spoke.

-"Nice to meet you Naruto-kun, I'm Pakura"- Pakura introduced herself with a sweet tone. -"I will take care of your training with the [Shakuton]"-Then she smiled flirtatiously. -"And Maybe other things..."-

Naruto could only smile nervously at the last thing the woman said. But then he calmed down and spoke.

-"It's a pleasure Pakura-san"- Naruto said with a smile. -"I hope to learn a lot from you"-

And ending by bowing, making Pakura smile.

Then Naruto looked away to see the other two present.

-"Wow"- The second unidentified woman spoke with a flirtatious tone. -"It's a pleasure to see you again Naruto-kun"-

-"It's also a pleasure to see you... Guren"- Naruto smiled at him, and then became serious. -"And seeing you here, that must mean..."-

-"Yes..."- Guren smiled sadly. -"I died after protecting Yukimaru from those white men, if I'm not mistaken they were called Zetzus"-

-"I see"- Naruto said sadly. -"I'm sorry for reminding you"-

-"Don't worry, at least Yukimaru is alive"- Guren said a little more cheerful. -"But changing the subject, I am here to train you with the [Shōton]. So he hoped that you are prepared"-

-"I understand"- Naruto smiled determinedly. -"Then I will also be in your care"-

He then shifted his gaze from him to the other person, and the person most intriguing to Naruto because of the respectful way he spoke.

-"It's a pleasure Naruto-sama, as you know my name is Kimimaru, but my full name is Kimimaru Kaguya"- The now known Kimimaru spoke with a serious face and a stoic voice. -"And I am here to train him to master the Kekkei Genkai of the Kaguya Clan"-

-"Etto...Thank you Kimimaru"-Naruto said a little uncomfortable because of his respectful way of addressing him. -"But why do you speak to me so respectfully?"-

-"Easy Naruto-sama, before we got here, Shinigami-sama told me that you are now the new head of the Kaguya Clan"- Kimimaru explained, without changing his voice or face. -"And in honor of my extinct clan, I have to have respect for it"-

-"Chief of the Kaguya Clan?"- Naruto asked, surprised by the revelation. -"Why would it be me?"-

-"Think about it, mate" - Kurama spoke with boredom. -"You received the genes of the Kaguya clan through the original founder, it would be obvious if you were the current head of the clan. And also with the Uchiha and Senju clans, which is why you are now the transmigration of Ashura and Indra"-

Naruto only thought about it for a second, then nodded why he made sense.

-"I understand, but so much formality is not necessary"- Naruto said to Kimimaru, giving him a smile, and then extended his hand. -"Just give me your hand as a sign of friendship"-

Kimimaru was surprised, but then he composed himself and shook hands with Naruto.

-"Of course, Naruto-sama"-

Kimimaru spoke his stoic voice and serious face. While Naruto only thought that this respectful way of addressing him would be permanent.

-"Well, before I start my training"- Naruto then looked around. -"Is anyone else here?"-

-"Yes, we are missing"-

A boy's voice said, with a calm tone that Naruto immediately recognized. He then looked away only to see six people, where he recognized five of the six people.

-"Hehehehe"- Naruto laughed as he recognized the people. -"So you too, eh?"-

-"What can we say?" - Another man spoke with a funny tone. -"Do you think it's easy to control those eyes you received?"

Naruto didn't recognize him at first, but when I look closely I can see an old enemy, who although there caused problems in his previous world, that was only because he suffered a lot during his life living in solitude. He repented and died saving Naruto from an attack by the evil Kaguya.

-"So you will train me to control the [Sharingan]?"- Naruto smiled, looking at the two people in particular, who also smiled. -"Itachi, Obito"-

-"That's right"- Obito spoke with a funny tone. -"We will train you to control the powers of the [Sharingan] and I hope you are prepared because we will not be soft"-

While Naruto had a nervous smile at the Uchiha's behavior, that if during the war he was serious and emotionless, he now saw him with the amused attitude that he once heard about from his sensei.

-"I say the same thing"- Itachi spoke calmly. -"But first, I want to introduce you to an old friend who will also help you with the [Sharingan]"-

Then he pointed to another of the newcomers, who he was the only one he didn't recognize.

-"It's a pleasure Naruto, I am Shisui Uchiha"- Shisui introduced himself with a friendly smile. -"And as Itachi said, I will also help you with the [Sharingan]" -Then, in an instant, his smile became childish. -"So from now on you will call me Shisui-sensei or Shisui-niisan, although I like the latter better"-

Naruto only sweated and he was not the only one since everyone present even the Bijūs had the same reaction, because of the last thing he said and meanwhile Itachi only shook his head at the childish attitude of his friend.

-"Sorry for Shisui's attitude, it's just that since we were ninjas, he always said that I always "bragged" about Sasuke's achievements"-Itachi explained calmly. -"And since those days he tried to find a little brother, just to rub it in my face"-

What he said made Shisui angry, starting an argument, although the only one arguing was him, since Itachi completely ignored him.

Naruto just seeing that made him sweat more. Then he put that aside and looked away to see another of the newcomers, who were two men, one blonde and the other redhead that he knew very well.

-"And what are you doing here, Deidara, Sasori?"-

Naruto asked, looking directly at the two named.

-"Easy, I'm here to train you with [Bakuton]"- Deidara responded with a smile and amusement. -"And so you can create the same art as me"-

-"I will mainly train you to control your monstrous amounts of Chakra"- Sasori explained calmly and without expressions. -"Since the puppeteers specialize in that to control the puppets and maybe it will teach you a thing or two about puppets"-

-"I see"- Naruto said calmly. -"You are the last ones right?"-

-"Yes, we are the last"-

Itachi responded without changing his expression and continuing to ignore Shisui.

-"Well"- Naruto said too calmly. -"But I have a question"-



Naruto shouted from the rooftops very nervous, the only one hysterical while the others remained calm although the Bijūs seemed a little nervous and furious.

And it was not a surprise, since the person he was referring to was the person who caused a lot of problems, even when he was dead. The one who caused many deaths in the war, although he was manipulated, he was very dangerous since he was neither more nor less than...

Madara Uchiha...



Author's Notes


Sandaime Raikage (三代目雷影) Literally means: Third Lightning Shadow.

Nidaime Tsuchikage (二代目土影) Literally means: Second Shadow of the Earth.

Nidaime Mizukage (二代目水影) Literally means: Second Shadow of Water.

Yondaime Kazekage (四代目風影) Literally means: Fourth Shadow of the Wind.

Sandaime Kazekage (三代目風影) Literally means: Third Shadow of the Wind.

Uzukage (渦影) Literally means: Swirling Shadow.

[Hachimon Tonkō] (八門遁甲) Literally means: [Liberation of the Eight Gates].

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