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72.72% MHA: Energy Nexus / Chapter 7: Chapter 7: Attack on USJ(End)

Chapter 7: Chapter 7: Attack on USJ(End)

(A/N: Good news, everyone! I'm almost fully recovered and ready to get back to my regular update schedule starting this week. Thanks for your patience. Now, let's dive into the chapter. Enjoy!)

As the portal stabilized, a hand emerged and gripped the edge. Soon, its owner, a man covered in hands, popped his head out. The portal expanded, and more villains poured through. 

Aizawa yelled, "Huddle up and don't move! Thirteen, protect the students!" 

Kirishima, confused, asked, "What are they? More robots like those during the entrance exam?"

Aizawa's tone was grave. "Don't move. Those are real villains."

Panic set in among us. The portal reformed into a small head-like shape with two yellow eyes, and it spoke, "Thirteen and Eraser Head, is it? According to the staff report we received yesterday, All Might is supposed to be here too."

Aizawa muttered, "Of course, that incident was this scum's doing."

The man covered in hands laughed and taunted, "Where is he? We've come all this way and brought so many playmates for him. All Might, the symbol of peace. Is he here?" Seeing no sign of All Might, he sneered, "I wonder if some dead kids will bring him here."

Tension skyrocketed. I could feel a mix of nervousness and fear, but overriding it all was a fierce urge to charge in and pound these villains into the ground. Maybe I was born a fighting maniac, but I suppressed the urge.

Kirishima asked, "Villains? What villains would be dumb enough to attack a school for heroes?"

As the villains crowded the lower area, Yaoyorozu asked Thirteen, "Sensei, aren't there intruder sensors?"

Thirteen confirmed, "Yes, of course there are."

Todoroki speculated, "Are they only here or also attacking the main building? Either way, if the sensors aren't working, it has to be one of their quirks causing it."

Activating my quirk, I scanned the center and pointed out, "There, the guy with the skull-like mask. He's the EMP interfering with the communication system."

Aizawa followed my gaze and saw the villain. By this time, over seventy villains had crowded the entire USJ. The portal man closed the portal and stood beside the hand-covered man, their intentions clear and menacing.

Todoroki continued to analyze, "This place is far from the campus, and they picked a time when there are few people here. So, maybe they aren't as dumb as we thought. They must have an objective. This is a well-coordinated sneak attack."

Hearing this, I continued to analyze and said, "According to what you said and what the man covered in hands said, I think I know their objective. They are here for All Might. They probably want to kill him."

Aizawa said, "Thirteen, begin the evacuation. I will go after the villain jamming the communications. Kaminari, try to use your quirk to call for support. Leo, you try to help him."

Hearing that Aizawa was going to fight all the villains, Midoriya asked, "But Sensei, you can't fight them all. I know for a fact that those other villains won't let you reach that villain easily. And against all of them, even you can't nullify all their quirks. As Eraser-Head, your fighting style involves erasure and quick binding capture. Head-on battle isn't your thing."

Aizawa put on his goggles and said, "No good hero is a one-trick pony. Thirteen, take care of them." He then leaped off and rushed toward the group of villains below, dropping them one by one. Seeing all the villains fall, the hand-covered man scratched his neck and said, "I hate pro heroes. Ordinary villains don't stand a chance against them."

Midoriya, watching Aizawa fight, praised, "Wow, he can hold his own even when outnumbered."

I reminded him, "Come on, Midoriya, you can analyze later. It's time to evacuate."

As we got closer to the exit, a purple-black mist appeared in front of us. The fog surrounded us, and a head formed from the mist said, "I won't allow that." After completely surrounding us, it introduced itself, "Greetings, we are the League of Villains. Forgive our audacity, but today we have come here to U.A. High School, this bastion of heroism, to end the life of All Might, the symbol of peace."

Everyone reacted, "Huh?! Just like Leo analyzed."

The mist continued, "We were under the impression that All Might would be here today. But I guess his schedule got revised. Well, no matter. My role remains unchanged."

Kirishima, Bakugo, and I rushed out. I noticed the braces on the mist villain's neck and messaged them through sound transmission, "Aim at the neck. See those braces?" They nodded and rushed faster. Bakugo reached the villain first, using his explosion to crack the braces. Kirishima followed, punching the cracked braces and shattering them completely, revealing the neck. I then punched his throat, breaking his neck. The mist fell to the ground, its life or death unknown, and the mist surrounding us started dissipating.

Kirishima said, "Not if we end you first. I bet you never saw that coming."

I added, "And this is why villains always fall due to their useless monologues. But it feels too easy."

Thirteen and everyone else were stunned. Aizawa, seeing everyone safe, refocused on reaching the villain blocking the communication. Suddenly, the mist villain, woke up, surprising us.

Thirteen warned, "No, get back here, you three." We retreated, alert. The villain woke up and said, "That was too dangerous. The three of you may be the best students but whatever." He burst out more mist, surrounding and engulfing everyone. "Now begone, writhe in torment until you breathe your last." The black mist consumed us.

In the collapsed zone, Kirishima, Bakugo, and I appeared in mid-air through a purple-black portal. As I came in contact with the mist, I absorbed a new kind of energy. 'Wait, is this... spatial energy? This opens up a lot of possibilities. Now if I could just get something to control time too. Forget it. Being too greedy is not good.' I focused back on the surroundings and saw Kirishima and Bakugo fighting villains.

Seeing me coming back to my senses, Kirishima said, "Man, are you finally back?"

Confused, I asked, "What?"

Bakugo yelled, "You were standing in a daze for a while. Don't expect me to save your ass next time."

I thanked them, "Well, thank you for guarding me, Bakugo, Kirishima. Now let's deal with this cannon fodder. And I can also test my new abilities." I activated my quirk, and soon red arcs appeared around me. 

A villain yelled, "Who are you calling cannon fodder, you bastard?"

I smirked, then disappeared and reappeared behind the villain, punching him into the ground. "You all. If you can't even deal with three students, then what else should I call you?"

The villains raged, "We are not cannon fodder."

We mowed down the villains in three directions. Soon, every villain around us was either unconscious or seriously injured. I said, "I really don't understand why heroes can't kill villains. If these scum were killed, the crime rate would drop even further."

Bakugo agreed, "I support you on this one idea. These losers should really die."

Kirishima said, "Hey, hey, we can't just kill people."

I shrugged and dropped the villain in my hand. Kirishima suggested, "How about we go help our classmates next?"

I shook my head, "No, they need to learn how to handle this. I believe in them. Let's go back and deal with that mist. He's the only way these villains can escape. If he's down, then these villains will be trapped here."

Bakugo agreed, "If we take down that warp gate guy, these cannon fodder will have no way to escape."

A villain suddenly popped up behind Bakugo, shouting, "And that's why you never let your guard down." But Bakugo swiftly reacted and blasted him away.

Kirishima praised, "Cool reflexes. But if we want to reach him, we need to get out of this collapsed zone."

I said, "Just leave it to me." Then I swiftly took off and flew all the way up. Reaching the roof, I had a bird's eye view of the entire USJ. I locked onto the mist villain's spatial coordinates and went down. "Let's go." I waved my hand, and soon a red-black portal appeared. Kirishima and Bakugo became alert.

I reassured them, "Relax, it's my portal."

Kirishima asked, "Since when can you create portals?"

I replied, "Since I got sucked in by that warp gate guy. When I meet him, I have to thank him for this." I walked in, followed by Kirishima and Bakugo. On the other side was the exit area where Ida, Sero, Shoji, Sato, Uraraka, and Ashido were confronting the warp gate guy with Thirteen.

Seeing the unfamiliar portal, the warp gate villain stared in alert. Thirteen and the others also stared at the unfamiliar red-black portal. Then I walked out of it, followed by Kirishima and Bakugo. Seeing the villain again, I quipped, "Hey, we're not done here. Besides, we ain't letting you go that easily."

The warp gate villain asked, "How is this possible?"

I replied, "I'm not an idiot to tell you how I did it. But I will say one thing: thank you." Then I disappeared. In the next moment, I reappeared behind the mist guy and hit a little harder at the back of his neck, knocking him out. I waved my hand and said, "Spatial Binding." Soon, a red-black orb completely covered the knocked-out villain. "There, now he won't be a trouble."

Kirishima complained, "Hey, come on, man. I wanted to hit him once more."

Seeing me take down the villain they were having trouble with so effortlessly, Thirteen and the others were stunned. Sero said, "Now that's our class president for you."

Thirteen closed the small lid on her finger and said, "Good job, Leo. But how long can that binding last?"

I replied, "That depends, but it cannot be broken from the inside. Only exterior interference can break it."

Thirteen nodded. "Thank you, Leo. Now go help the others. Ida, rush to the school and inform them about this attack. You are the only one who is fast enough to reach there."

Ida hesitated, then looked at me. I said, "I can't go, Ida. I have to go help the others, so other than me, only you are fast enough to reach the school quickly."

Ida nodded, "I understand Class President." Then quickly ran out.

I scanned the entire ground and saw Yaoyorozu's group in trouble. At the same time, Aizawa was also in trouble. I looked back and saw everyone divided. "Sero, Shoji, Sato, I'll send you guys to Ojiro. He's fighting alone." I created a portal, and the three rushed into it. After closing it, I looked at Kirishima and Bakugo and said, "I'll send you to Aizawa, but you both can reject it since that's the place with the most villains. And I don't want to hurt you."

Bakugo yelled, "Shut up and send me. My hands are itching."

Kirishima nodded. I opened a portal and sent them to Aizawa. Then I looked at the remaining Ashido and Uraraka and said, "Three of us can go to Yaoyorozu's side." I then looked at Thirteen and asked, "Sensei, can you guard the warp gate guy? He is the only way these villains can escape."

Thirteen said, "Okay, I'll guard here."

I nodded, created a portal to Yaoyorozu and Jiro, and rushed in with Ashido and Uraraka.

But I arrived at the wrong time. When we teleported over, I saw Yaoyorozu create a large rubber sheet. It tore her upper clothing to shreds as it appeared, wrapping her and Jiro in it. Seeing Kaminari charging up, I quickly grabbed Uraraka and Ashido by the waist and flew up. Following that, I heard Kaminari shouting, "You see, I am super strong!" and released an indiscriminate shock in the surroundings. All the villains were smoking out of their mouths and fell down. I landed with Uraraka and Ashido, and Yaoyorozu and Jiro peeked out from the rubber sheet. 

Since Yaoyorozu's upper dress was torn, I caught a glimpse of her breasts and pink nipples. I coughed and looked away, asking, "Umm, Yaoyorozu-san, can you change your dress?" It was then that she noticed me, Uraraka, and Ashido. The girls were staring at her chest while I was looking away with a slight shade of red on my cheeks. Realizing the situation, she also turned red and quickly crawled back into the sheet to change her dress. I breathed a sigh of relief, then I couldn't hold back and burst out laughing after seeing Kaminari walking like an idiot, giving a thumbs up.

Then I heard Uraraka's shy voice, "Umm, Leo, can you let us go?" Realizing my hands were still holding their waists, I quickly removed them. Ashido and Uraraka walked towards Jiro, but a villain suddenly appeared and caught Kaminari. He said, "Hands up and don't move. And don't try using your quirks, or this kid is dead. As an electric type myself, I don't want to kill him, but I will if I have to." 

Raising my hands with everyone, I said, "How did he get here all the way from the center? Damn it, I was careless." 

Jiro said, "I guess he was the electric-type you mentioned." 

I nodded and then looked at the villain. "Watch out, someone's behind you."

The villain laughed, "Haha, do you think I'm an idiot to fall for your tricks?" 

Then my voice came from behind him, "I warned you," and I hit the back of his neck, knocking him out.

Seeing the villain knocked out, everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief. Then I knocked on the back of Kaminari's head and said, "Wake up, you idiot," sending a small amount of bio-electricity to reset his brain's electric flow. He woke up and rubbed the back of his head. "Ow, what happened?" Seeing everyone trying to hold back their laughter, he said, "I became an idiot again, didn't I?" 

I added, concerned, "Yes, and you almost got used as a hostage. You seriously need to learn how to regulate the load on your brain." 

Kaminari apologized, "I'm sorry. I caused you all this much trouble."

On Aizawa's side, the number of villains was dropping even quicker since Todoroki had joined in a while ago. His ice attacks were efficiently neutralizing multiple villains at once, creating a stark contrast to the chaotic battle around him. Seeing this, the man with hands over his face, Shigaraki, grew agitated. 

"Nomu, go save Kurogiri," he commanded.

Hearing this, a large creature with its brain exposed, standing near him, sprang into action. The monstrous figure, now identified as Nomu, ran towards the orb where the warp gate man, Kurogiri, was trapped.

At this time, I also opened a portal and appeared near Thirteen, thinking this place was safer. But as I arrived, I saw the Nomu rushing toward the orb that imprisoned Kurogiri. Seeing this, I rushed and punched him. "No, you don't!" But the Nomu was completely unharmed and attacked back. Dodging, I saw the Nomu use this chance to attack the orb, destabilizing it and giving Kurogiri an opportunity to break out. 

Reacting, I rushed at them, "No, you don't!" But Kurogiri had already wrapped himself and the Nomu in mist and disappeared, reappearing near the man with hands covering his face.

Kurogiri informed, "Tomura Shigaraki... while I was captured, a kid managed to escape."

The man covered in hands, now recognized as Tomura Shigaraki, said while scratching himself, "Kurogiri, you fell in the hands of three brats." Scratching even further, he said, "I'd turn you into dust if you weren't our ticket out of here. We won't stand a chance against dozens of pros. It's game over for now man. We are leaving."

Hearing this, Aizawa, Kirishima, Todoroki and Bakugo looked at Shigaraki. Then Shigaraki said, "But before leaving, let's leave a few dead kids as a gift for All Might, to wound the pride of the symbol of peace." He turned and looked towards another side where Midoriya and Tsuyu were watching the fight. Then he dashed towards Tsuyu.

Seeing this, Midoriya was stunned and couldn't react. But when Shigaraki grabbed her face, nothing happened. Then he looked at Aizawa, who was staring at him. "Ah, How can I forget. You are pretty cool, Eraser Head," he said.

Midoriya reacted, "Get off her!" and punched him. 

Shigaraki said, "Nomu," and the Nomu instantly rushed in front of Shigaraki. But this time, I teleported in front of the Nomu and blocked it with another punch. This stopped the rush of Nomu, giving Midoriya a chance for a direct hit. 

"Smash!!" shouted Midoriya, delivering a full-power punch to Shigaraki, causing him to vomit blood and fly out. After a parabola, he landed at Kurogiri's feet. Because of the landing, the mask covering his face fell off, revealing his creepy face. He wiped the blood and stood up, then took the hand and said, "Ahh No good. I am sorry, Father," before putting the hand back on. 

The Nomu also retreated towards Shigaraki and Kurogiri. Soon, the door of the USJ was pushed open, and smoke filled the area. Then All Might walked in through the door and said with a frown, "Do not fear, for I am here."

Seeing All Might, the villains were frightened out of their minds and stood still while the students and heroes breathed a sigh of relief. I went towards Midoriya and asked, "Hey, your hands are fine after using full power?" 

Midoriya nodded, looking a bit surprised himself. "Yeah, I'm surprised too seeing that punch connect."

All Might said, "I had a bad feeling, so I cut my talk with the principal and rushed here. On the way, I saw Ida, and he informed me of what happened. Now fear not, for I am here!" He tore off his tie and leaped down, taking out every remaining villain in an instant.

Seeing that every student was fine, he said, "I am sorry for being late, Aizawa."

Aizawa, breathing heavily but relieved, replied, "It doesn't matter. With the help of these kids, I am uninjured. But a little too tired." 

All Might looked towards me, Midoriya, and Tsuyu, who were closer to the villain. He swiftly rushed to us, moving us near Aizawa. 

Shigaraki laughed, "Throwing punches to save people, hahaha! That's our state-sponsored violence. You are too fast to keep up. But not as fast as expected. Could it be true that you are getting weaker?"

I warned, "Be careful of that Nomu. My full punch didn't even make it flinch."

All Might smiled reassuringly, "Leo, kid. Fear not."

I shook my head, thinking, 'You won't learn till you experience it.'

All Might rushed at Shigaraki, crossing his arms and shouting, "Carolina Smash!" 

Shigaraki responded quickly, "Nomu!" The Nomu swiftly moved in front of Shigaraki, taking the hit without flinching. All Might's attack had no effect, and the Nomu counterattacked. All Might dodged, bewildered. "Seriously?! No effect."

I remarked, "Told you so."

Shigaraki sneered, "No effect because he has shock absorption. If you want to damage him, you're better off slowly ripping him apart piece by piece. Not that he'll give you that chance."

I was about to question Shigaraki why he revealed that but thought, 'Nah, let him cook.'

All Might appreciated the information and swiftly moved to execute a suplex on the Nomu. Shigaraki taunted, "No sweat!" I was baffled by the villains' dumbness and wondered if it was due to some sort of plot armor. As the suplex connected a huge shockwave appeared. Seeing this, Kirishima asked, "How did a suplex make such a large explosion?" 

I explained, "Because All Might is on a completely different level." 

Midoriya added, "Yet he's a complete newbie in teaching, using cheat sheets and all." Everyone seemed to agree, indicating they had all seen All Might use a cheat sheet before. As the dust cleared, it was revealed that the Nomu was completely unharmed as a portal appeared below the Nomu. All Might realized, "So that's how it is." The other end of the portal was below All Might's back, trapping him in his suplex position. The Nomu grabbed All Might's side near the rib, causing him to groan in pain as a few drops of blood dripped from his mouth.

Shigaraki explained, "So you hope to drive him into the concrete to seal his movement. I'd say its useless, since the Nomu is as powerful as you. By the way, Well done, Kurogiri. That was perfect timing."

All Might, impressed, said, "Impressive for first-time offenders. You have prepared yourselves well."

Kurogiri responded, "Thank you. But I can't say I like the idea myself—having the blood and guts in my gate. But if it's yours, I'll happily oblige. You see, it's the Nomu's job to get around that blinding speed of yours. And it's my job to close the warp gate on you while you are halfway through and immobilized, thereby cutting you in two."

I once again doubted the IQ of villains. 'Is every villain in this world this dumb?'

Seeing All Might trapped, I called everyone to action. "We have to do something. Bakugo and Midoriya, you deal with Kurogiri. Try to target his neck; it's the only place he can't mistify. Kirishima and I will deal with Shigaraki. But we have to be careful. I noticed something when he picked up the hand—he only used four fingers, which means it's possible that he has to touch all five of his fingers for his quirk to work. So we need to avoid being grabbed by him."

Kirishima nodded. I continued, "Todoroki, once we distract both of them, you have to use the opportunity to freeze the Nomu. It can give All Might the chance to break free." 

Bakugo looked at Midoriya and said, "Don't hold me back, Deku!" Then he rushed out, followed by Midoriya. "We are not done, you misty mook," taunted Bakugo as he palmed Kurogiri with an explosion. As Kurogiri dodged, Midoriya appeared and punched his neck, making him fall to the ground. Bakugo grabbed his neck and threatened, "Try any funny moves, and I'll blow you sky-high."

Seeing Kurogiri brought down easily, Shigaraki was momentarily distracted. Kirishima rushed at Shigaraki and taunted, "Hey, didn't anyone teach you not to be distracted during a fight?" He threw a punch, but Shigaraki dodged it. Then I appeared behind Shigaraki and kicked him hard on his arm, saying, "I heard you are here to kill All Might." The kick connected, breaking Shigaraki's arm and bending it the wrong way. The force of the kick caused the hands on that arm to fall to the ground, and Shigaraki screamed in pain, "Noo, Mother, Grandmother."

(A/N: Even I don't know much about those hands or who they belong to other than the fact that it belonged to his family.)

Using this opportunity, Todoroki froze half of the Nomu while declaring, "Scum like you can never kill the Symbol of Peace."

Seeing this, All Might acknowledge Todoroki's precise control as he managed to free himself from the Nomu's grip. Shigaraki, realizing he was outmatched, ordered, "Nomu, take out the green-haired brat and the explosive brat. We need our escape route back." The Nomu, despite losing half its body while breaking out of the ice, started regenerating rapidly.

Midoriya, astonished, said, "How is it still moving even after losing half of its body?"

Shigaraki explained, "I never said that's all he can do. This is hyper-regeneration. This Nomu is a super-powered living sandbag, designed to withstand everything you've got." The Nomu dashed toward Midoriya and Bakugo.

All Might, recognizing the threat, intervened, "It's fast." He dashed to protect them, blocking the Nomu's punch. The force of the impact pushed everyone back and freed Kurogiri, who rushed back to Shigaraki. 

Kurogiri, seeing Shigaraki's injury, urged, "Tomura Shigaraki, you are injured. We have to leave now."

Shigaraki, stubbornly, replied, "No, we are not leaving until we defeat All Might." The dust cleared, and Shigaraki taunted, "You took a hit for those kids. Anything to save a comrade, right? Like the time when that green-haired one came at me with everything he had. But violence in the name of saving others? Isn't it admirable, heroes? You know, All Might, that pisses me off. Heroes and villains, we both use violence to thrive, but we are still categorized. You're good, you're evil. That's how it is."

He laughed maniacally, "Haha, Symbol of Peace, huh?! In the end, you're just a tool for violence meant to keep us down. And violence breeds more violence. I'll show the world that by killing you."

All Might muttered, "What a bunch of bullshit. Idealistic criminals have a different kind of fire in their eyes."

Shigaraki continued, "But you're just enjoying yourself, you big liar."

All Might sarcastically replied, "You got me. Saw right through me."

Todoroki, assessing the situation, said, "It's three against six."

Kirishima added, "Maybe if we support All Might, he can defeat them."

All Might, determined, commanded, "NO!! Get out of here."

Todoroki countered, "If we listened to you earlier, things wouldn't have gone well."

Midoriya pointed out, "But All Might, you are injured and bleeding."

All Might acknowledged, "Right you are, Todoroki. And I thank you all for the help. But fear not, just sit back and watch what happens when a pro gets serious."

Hearing this, I created a couch made of solidified energy with a wave of my hand and sat on it and said jokingly "Cool. Come on, guys, let's sit and watch. It's a once-in-a-lifetime thing to see All Might take action in person."

Todoroki, Kirishima, Bakugo, and Midoriya shook their heads but eventually sat down. All Might, slightly annoyed but focused, thought, 'I didn't mean it in the literal sense.' He then muttered to himself, 'I barely have a minute left. I am weakening faster than I expected. But I've got no choice because I am the Symbol of Peace.'

All Might charged at the Nomu with renewed vigor. "If it's designed to withstand my limit, then I'll push past my limit!" he roared, delivering a devastating series of blows. Each punch was more powerful than the last, pushing the Nomu to its limits. The ground shook, and the air crackled with the sheer force of All Might's punches. (A/N: Did you get the reference?)

The Nomu, despite its hyper-regeneration, began to falter under the relentless assault. All Might's determination and strength were unmatched. With a final, earth-shattering punch, "PLUSSS ULTRAAAAA!!!" All Might roared sending the Nomu flying, rendering it incapacitated.

Seeing this, Kirishima stood up and admired, "Woah, he sent it flying like straight out of the comics. He just smashed his way past the absorption. The ultimate bruiser. And against that power, the regeneration wasn't able to keep up with the rush of attacks." Following that, the rest of us also stood up and I removed the couch. 

All Might was breathing heavily while muttering, "Yep, I am slowing down. In my heyday, five of those punches would have been enough, and that was over 300 hits just now." Then he looked at Shigaraki and Kurogiri and said, "Well villain, how about we hurry up and finish this."

Hearing this, Shigaraki started throwing a tantrum. "No, no, how dare you do that to my Nomu. You cheated. He is not weak at all. They lied to me."

All Might, still standing in place, said, "Well? Coming? What happened to clearing the game?" Then he roared, "If you can take me, then bring it on."

Midoriya looked at the dust flying around All Might and muttered, "He is bluffing. It's mixed in with the dust cloud, but I can see that there is steam mixed in with it, the one that forms when he transforms. He can't fight one more round."

I patted him on his shoulder and said, "Calm down. If he can't handle it, then we will intervene. I can also see that he is delaying for time. Maybe Ida is on his way back with the other pro heroes." Hearing this, Midoriya nodded.

Then All Might roared again, "Well, what's keeping you?"

Hearing all this, Shigaraki started scratching himself again while saying, "If only we still had that Nomu. He was taking hits so well."

Kurogiri advised, "Tomura Shigaraki, calm yourself. It's apparent that the Nomu still managed to do some real damage." Then he looked at us and said, "The kids are also holding back for some reason. And reinforcements from school are bound to arrive in a few minutes. If the two of us double-team him, we may still have a chance. But that broken arm..."

Hearing this, Shigaraki scratched more and said, "I am fine. Yes, yes, right, right. We can do this, the final bosses are standing right here."

Then Kurogiri and Shigaraki rushed towards All Might. "This is for the Nomu," roared Shigaraki.

Seeing this, Midoriya rushed out, "That's our call," I said and rushed out behind him, followed by Kirishima, Bakugo, and Todoroki. "Get away from All Might," roared Midoriya as he aimed a full-power punch at Kurogiri's neck.

Shigaraki aimed to grab Midoriya while saying, "I won't give you another chance," but a bullet appeared and pierced Shigaraki's hand. "Aahhh," screamed Shigaraki as he retreated.

Then, at the entrance, many pro-heroes walked in. Snipe apologized, "Sorry everyone, we are a little late. But on the plus side, we brought everyone." 

Ida also said, "Class President, I have completed my duty." 

Seeing all the pro heroes, Shigaraki said, "Ahh, they are here. It's game over. Guess we have to try again next time, Kurogiri." But they were interrupted by a rain of bullets from Snipe, and behind them, Thirteen used a black hole and started sucking them in. Seeing all this, Kurogiri reacted and covered Shigaraki in mist.

Before teleporting away, Shigaraki said, "We may have failed here, Symbol of Peace, but the next time we meet, you are dead." Both of them warped out of USJ.

What the pros face every day and what they are up against, we confronted it too soon. Maybe this attack was the beginning of something worse. But we have no way of knowing that.

Seeing the retreating villain leader, Snipe said, "What in tarnation?" Midnight continued, "They just fled? And after such a dramatic invasion...?" 

"They caught us completely off guard," said Blood Vlad as he grabbed Principal Nezu. Then Cementoss saw All Might's true form and said, "Oh, and this is bad."

Kirishima saw the pros and said, "Our teachers, and all those pros. Looks like the school was not attacked." Then he looked at me and Midoriya and walked towards us, "You guys okay?"

Seeing this, Midoriya and I looked at All Might and reacted, "Crap!" Before we could say anything, Cementoss took action and raised a wall in front of Kirishima, "We need to make sure all you kids are safe. Now go on, head over to the exit. I'll ensure that they are okay."

Kirishima nodded and said, "Makes sense. Roger that."

Seeing this, All Might was also relieved and slumped down, "Thanks. That was close, Cementoss."

Seeing this, Midoriya was also relieved and slumped down. Then Cementoss said, "I am a fan of yours, you know. So let's get you to the nurse's office without revealing this side of yours. But seriously, you gotta stop overdoing it."

Hearing this, I said, "Wait, I'll take care of it." Then walked to All Might and started using my quirk on him to heal. Looking at his condition, I said, "Sheesh, that quirk is dropping to zero quite fast. I think you will have even less time to transform now."

Hearing this, All Might said, "I know that. After the fight with that Nomu, it will be a surprise if it doesn't drop."

Soon I completely healed him and said, "There, good as new. Oh, I also managed to rebuild those lost organs like your lungs and stomach. So your transformation time has also been extended by a lot. Unless you do stunts like today."

Hearing this, All Might, Cementoss, and Midoriya were stunned. Then All Might quickly raised his t-shirt on the injured side and saw the scar was completely gone.

"Cementoss, Midoriya, can you believe this?" All Might exclaimed, his eyes wide with amazement.

Midoriya stammered, "This... this is incredible! But last time, didn't you say you could have healed him if it was earlier? How did you manage to do it now?"

Hearing this, I replied, "Oh, I couldn't then, but I can now. That's all you need to know."

Cementoss nodded, "It's like a miracle. But you still need to be careful, All Might. Like the kid said, you can't keep pushing yourself like today."

All Might smiled gratefully, "Thank you, Leo. You have no idea what this means to me and even to the hero society."

I gave a nod, "Just doing what I can to help, All Might. But remember, this doesn't make you invincible. Take it easy sometimes."

Midoriya looked at All Might with renewed admiration. "This is amazing, All Might. You really can keep being the Symbol of Peace."

All Might, still processing the fact that his injuries were healed, said, "I was worried about my dwindling time. But now, because of this, I can fearlessly remain as the beacon of hope and the symbol of peace until someone can take up that mantle."

Midoriya, eyes filled with determination, responded, "I'll keep training hard, All Might."

Cementoss nodded, "We should head back and regroup with the others. There's a lot to discuss and process after this attack."

As we started moving towards the exit, Midoriya whispered to me, "Thank you, Leo. You really saved All Might today."

I smiled, "We all did our part, Midoriya. Let's keep getting stronger together."

With the immediate danger passed and the heroes regrouping, we knew that while this battle was over, the war against villainy was far from finished. But with All Might healed and standing tall, we felt more hopeful than ever.

After the incident, we headed out with Cementoss. A large group of police were dispatched, and they were busy arresting the criminals. A detective was counting the number of students, "15, 16, 17, 18... Huh, where are the remaining two?" 

At that moment, All Might walked up and said, "Tsukauchi, the last two are here." 

Detective Tsukauchi turned around and saw All Might with the two of us. "Oh, All Might, I thought you went to the nurse's office. How are your injuries?"

All Might responded, "Thanks to Young Leo, I was able to avoid my trip to the nurse's office."

Tsukauchi looked surprised. "Oh, then it looks like no one has suffered any serious injuries. This is quite a surprise considering the large number of villains that attacked. I guess it's all thanks to you, Thirteen, and Eraser Head then."

All Might shook his head. "No, Tsukauchi, in a sense, you have to thank these kids too. You know, other than us, even these kids put their lives on the line. To be thrown into a real battle at such a young age and survive... Now these first years know how scary the world of heroes can be. Have you ever seen such a class? Those foolish villains picked a fight with the wrong class. Because of them, the members of this class will be mighty heroes in the future."

Hearing this, Tsukauchi said, "Well, I'll add that to my report then." As he was talking with All Might, a police officer approached and said, "Detective Tsukauchi, we have apprehended a villain in a thicket about 400 meters from here."

Tsukauchi asked, "In what condition?"

The officer replied, "He looks unharmed and doesn't even resist arrest. Oddly enough, he doesn't respond in any way."

Hearing this, Tsukauchi said, "Oh, looks like that's my cue. Sansa, I'll leave the rest to you."

His assistant, who looked like a ginger cat, saluted and said, "Understood." Tsukauchi then left with the officer.

As we were discussing today's incident, Principal Nezu arrived and said, "Leo, I heard that you can do teleportation now. If possible, I request your assistance in revamping the school's security system, as space quirks can be quite tricky to deal with without reference."

I thought for a while and said, "I understand, Principal. You can call me when you want a demonstration."

Nezu nodded and walked away with Snipe and Midnight. "Space quirks are extremely rare. It was a pity that one of them went villain. But at least now we have our own space quirk user."

After this, the police came and took all of our statements. Soon, all the procedures were completed, and we once again got on the UA bus, heading back to school under the escort of heroes. Reflecting on the intense battle and the lessons learned, we knew that today's incident would be deeply etched in our hearts, forcing us to move forward and grow stronger.

(A/N: Now for the bad news. My vacation is nearly over, and I have to return to work next week. This means the update schedule will be completely irregular. Some weeks, there may be two updates, other weeks just one, and occasionally there might not be any uploads at all. Thanks for understanding! I will try my best not to drop this FanFic and complete it.)

x_Dabi_x x_Dabi_x

Here you go Chapter 7.

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