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Chapter 3: The Creature

"Isnt this too much like hunger games? Or that manhwa called omnipresent something? Or that ten thousand other stories like this? Or th-" He blurts out questions after the voice drops the giant bomb on him.


After a momentary stunned silence, he irritably spits out:

"You have no imagination, you are heartless, cruel and selfish. No regards for other's life." Is it smart to offend the only correspondence he have right now? No. Is it wise to rant at his seemingly only way back? No. But, he does it anyway.


"Did I meantion how @#$* rude you were when you snatched me from my %@#*$ bed?!"

Oh shit. He's gaining life already

The voice suddenly exclaims, completely breaking out of its 'system' attributes.

'Too late anyways,' he thinks bitterly, 'before he opens his eyes, he remembers its pathetic one sided conversation it had with its so-called readers.'

"What do you mean gaining life? I have a life! I am a sentient being. I have feelings. You cant just snatch me from my home and dump me in this God forsaken place."

But you really are just a character

"Wha-? You cant just objectify me!"

Can't do this, can't do that

"It's call common courtesy. Or common sense which you clearly lacks!"


"Return me back!"


"Right now!"


"Listen to me!"


"Dont just 'mmhmm' me!"


Throwing up his hands in frustration, he closes his eyes and exercises his breathing techniques to calm himself down. After a few moments, he sighs and says,

"If I'm gonna do this, at least let me keep my name."

Nope. First commentor gets to pick your name

"You @#$ and %¥£@ your @*#$ stop censoring my cussings!" He cried in frustration and anger.



But enough chit chat, time for some action

"... what do you mean?" An incredulous expression appeared on his face, slowly morphing into horrified realisation.

He quickly looks around in panic and sees nothing as of yet.

You might want to get out of the car for this

He contemplates on staying in the car just to spite the voice but in reluctance obedience, he drags himself out of the car, and left the door open in defiance instead. If he is an entertaiment for 'the readers', then the voice could not afford to let him die so soon right? He will listen to it for now.

All of a sudden, the air turns heavy. Wisps of shadow slowly but surely filling the surrounding areas. His visibility right now is low.

His can feel his hair raising, goosebumps rising all over him. Shivering from the sudden change in atmosphere, he quickly clambers his way up the car he previously occupied, hoping that height will assist with his visibility. It does helps a little as the unusual cloud of shadow does not reach two meters high. He looks around him.

There! Movements not 15 feets away. Something is lurking in the shadows and the shadow looks to be entwined around that something. He can hear it as well. A faint wheezing noise and weird repetitively clicking noises. As it moves closer with the weaving shadow, it gets louder... and louder...

You might want to start running

The voice jolts him into action. He slides down the car and running as fast as a speed 15 can. Which is pretty average.

Crash Boom!!

Debris whizz past him, the momentum from its speed and close proximity propells him forward towards the right side, making him loose his footing, thus tumbling down.

But at the last second, he manages to maneuvor himself and push himself back up, bolting forward once again.

He runs past the decimated vehicle flew past him just now and that was when he finally heard it, the pitter patter sound of bare feet running, right behind him. The wheezing sound, the clicking noise, and the warm breathe on his ear...


He ducks on instinctive command, almost tripping again from his sudden action. He risks a look behind him, barely making out a pair of extended shadowy, wispy claws on the spot where his head was situated. He gulps and runs desperately.

"Where do I go?!" He shouts, maneuvoring past and through vehicles. He looks around hastily in vain for a place to either shake it off or to hide.


A blue giant neon arrow suddenly appears, glaringly bright as it shows through the dark shadowy atmosphere. It is hovering above a building, pointing at it's door.

"You think you're so funny." He snarks and gives a mad dash towards it. As he reaches the door, he notices the sign above it, labeling 'safe house'.

He slams the door shut behind him and quickly turns around facing it, slowly backing away and bracing himself.

Not two seconds later, the creature pounds on the door, rattling it vigoriously. He cringes, it doesnt seems like the door will hold.

Dont worry. It will hold

He keeps his eyes on the rattling door.

"How do you know?"

Cause I say so, duh

Finally relaxing a bit, he turns an accusatory eyes around the room before jumping in fright when the creature lets out an angry spine chilling screech. His eyes darts back to the door.


The creature slams its full body weight into the door, but the door stood proud.

See. Its a safe house for a reason

The man nods. He slumps down on the ground, finally catching his breath.

"I need... a break." He demands, taking out the only two items in there.

Laying on the cold hard ground, he takes a bite on the snack bar. Salty peanut butter flavor. Probably the most delicious thing he has eaten, especially after that run. So delicious that his eyes starts glistening.

Are you crying from a little bit of scare?

"You're tripping." He mumbles, shoving the whole bar into his mouth vindictively. Good things doesnt last long at all.

After taking a few mouthful of water, he asks,

"Now what?"

Now, you wait.

Its your turn, my dear lovely readers.

You can choose to help him or let him suffer.

Pick an item of your liking, any item at all. For example: a coin or a nailed-tip bat, or a guitar or a bar of chocolate, a hot steamy roast chicken, anything.

"I want a bazooka, please" shut up

Every items will only be processed in the latest chapter. So for every update, you can send him a new item. Please also provide me with the item name and its usage.

So what will it be?

Also, no bazookas.


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