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75% Not a Slave Trader, For Real! [WC-ATG SI] / Chapter 2: Chapter: 02

Chapter 2: Chapter: 02

Using Time-Savers, I clean Xing Tong's unconscious body before leaving the subspace of the Sky Poison Pearl. While having sex with her, I realized that I shouldn't use Pavlov's Bell too much. A little mistake and I might end up mind-breaking someone… Alright, maybe using it on some women shouldn't be a problem. Don't blame me, mind-break is one of my favorite tags.

Appearing back to my body, I examine it to find an unrefined mass of profound energy swirling within my vein. It's the pure profound energy that I got from Xing Tong's vital yin, but since I am not planning on using mortal vein to cultivate, I send all the energy into the inner world made by the Nine Profound Exquisite Body that I obtained after having sex with Xia Qingyue.

Done with it, I stretch my arms to relax my body and look at the sky. It's past midnight and I'm sleepy.

I was already tired after having sex with Qingyue, I'm not a cultivator, and now after having sex with Xing Tong, the tiredness is getting to my mind.

So with that, I turn around and start walking towards the outer wall connected to my courtyard.

As I reach the outer wall, I suddenly see a dark shadow sneaking near it. I narrow my eyes trying to see who it is only for the shadow to stop and look towards me before a voice of a woman comes from it.

"Who's there?"

I open my eyes wide in surprise as I realize who it is. Now that I think about it, there was such an event in the original novel wasn't it?

"Little Aunt." I call out to her while thinking how I should progress with her. Actually, it's not hard to further the relationship with her since the only thing stopping her from progressing our relationship is the fact that she thinks we are blood-related.

In the original, when she found out the truth regarding my birth. It didn't take long for both her and Yun Che to enter into a relationship; even my grandfather agreed to it.

So as long as she knows the truth, there shouldn't be any problem in capturing her.

The only problem is, how should I expose the truth to her? Should I use Covert Talent and just bullshit my way? Sounds like something I would do.

Though I wonder how her capture is going to work… The Company has her and Ancestral Goddess as two different entities within the companion tab while, if I remember correctly, she is the Ancestral Goddess herself.

Will I get credit only for her capture or both her and Ancestral Goddess capture? Either way, it isn't a problem. Even if The Company does treat both of them as a different entity, since I have Shroud, I'll still be capturing both at the same time.

"Ah!" A gasp leaves her mouth before she runs towards me and enters the moonlight, showing herself in loose robes and unrestrained hair as it gracefully falls behind her back. "Xiao Che! What are you doing out here so late at night?"

"I couldn't fall asleep so I just came out to get some fresh air."

"Fresh air? Wha-what about your wedding night with Xia Qingyue? Shouldn't you be consummating… consummating your marriage?"

"Why does it sound like Little Aunt cares more about me consummating my marriage with Xia Qingyue than me myself?" I look at her teasingly and inquire.

"Of course I do!" She cutely pouts and pinches my arms playfully. "I am your Little Aunt! If I don't worry about you, then who will?"

"Ouch! I understand. Stop pinching my arm, it hurts!" I hiss loudly. It actually does hurt. She is someone who cultivates, even if only in the elementary realm, she is still someone stronger than me physically.

"That's what you get for teasing your Little Aunt. Humph!"

I smile wryly while rubbing my arm, the place where she pinched, and ask.

"But… Why is Little Aunt out so late at night? Shouldn't you be sleeping?"

"I…" Her voice lowers and her eyes turn slightly hollow. "I don't know why but I couldn't fall asleep. Then I saw that the stars were really bright tonight, so I wanted to come near the mountains to take a look at them."

I look up at the sky and indeed, it is full of brightly shining stars; a perfect night for stargazing.

"... Now that I think about it, when we were kids, Little Aunt and I would frequently sneak out at night to enjoy the evening wind and look at the stars… Also frequently caught by grandfather and scolded."

I hold all the memories of both Xiao Che and Yun Che within my mind with also all of their emotions. That is why, talking with her, I can actually feel my heart relax and my mind wanting her.

Even though he never showed it, Xiao Che was obsessed with Lingxi. Maybe because when everyone threw him away like trash once the truth of his damaged profound vein became public, it was only Xiao Lingxi that stood up for him to protect him.

She started cultivating; something she didn't like just so she could protect Xiao Che. This has left a deep impression within his mind.

Both of them loved each other, but decided to hide it behind the false truth of familiar love and acted as if nothing had happened.

But that is in the past now.

I am Xiao Che now, and I am the one who holds all of his obsession and feelings—of course they don't affect me much since I can clearly differentiate between Xiao Che, Yun Che, Edward Morra, and myself.

As a degenerate person I am, even if she was indeed my blood related aunt, she was getting fucked. But she isn't, so she is still getting fucked.

Don't worry, Xiao Che. I'll make sure to fuck her in your stead… If I can. The difference between our existence is way too fucking massive, like Creator to Mortal level of difference.

Yun Che couldn't fuck her due to the same reason, I think, and I don't know if I'll be able to do it too or not.

Her vital yin should be enough to push me to the peak of Divine Way if you think about… I might even become a True God. Ancestral Goddess Vital Yin, that's some high level zaza stuff.

"Hm." She softly hums before saying. "I also thought about that, so I thought I'd see how it felt to come out by myself to stargaze…Because in the future, I might not be able to stargaze with Little Che."

"And why do you think that?"

"Stupid! Because Little Che is married! In the future, you should be accompanying your wife to bed at night, rather than coming out to enjoy the wind and stargaze."

Looking at her pouting expression, I chuckle softly.

"Where are you laughing!?" She angrily stomps the ground.

"Because Little Aunt is just too cute."

"Ah!" Instantly, a blush appears over her face as she evades my eyes. "Stupid Xiao Che… You should say that kind of stuff only to your wife. What will she think if she hears you?"

"But I want to say that to you."

"You…" She angrily points at me and says, "If you keep teasing me, I'll complain to my father about it! I'll also complain to your wife, let's see if you can keep teasing me after that!"

I doubt Qingyue would say anything…

I suddenly stop smiling and look directly into her eyes, nervousness taking over her face.

"Little Che, what happened? Why are you staring at me like that?"

I stay quiet for some time before I call out to her.

"Little Aunt, the truth is, I actually love you." There isn't any fluctuation in my expression as I continue. "I want to marry you and make you my woman."


Her expression freezes as she stares at me with blank gaze before soft blush starts to form over her face, reaching her ears and neck as she places her hands over her mouth in shock with tears gathering within her eyes.

I ignore it and continue.

"I've always blamed heaven for making you my Little Aunt. If not for that, I would have definitely married you. I could only decide to move on while burying these burning emotions deep in my heart."

Each of my words seems to penetrate her heart as her body starts to tremble.

"When I think that Little Aunt will also marry someone in the future, it makes my heart bleed. It feels like someone is stabbing me with a knife over and over. I don't want it. It hurts!"

I'm so glad I bought Communication Talent… Though the hurting part is true. I, after all, am also Xiao Che.

"Stop… Don't say anything anymore…" She holds my arm as tears fall out of her eyes, but I pull my hand back and smile while continuing.

"I tried, I really did. But I cannot hold back these feelings anymore. It feels like if I did, I might die of suffocation."

"No… Please… Stop…" She shakes her head and hugs her body, pain and sorrow filling her eyes and face. "I am your Little Aunt… Saying such things… In this life, Little Che and I are not meant to be together. You can only be my nephew and I can only be your Little Aunt, nothing more than that…"

"True, but what if we aren't blood related?"

"Huh?" She stares at me confused, but the expectations within her eyes aren't something she can hide from me.

I smile.

I take a step closer to her and say.

"Last week, when I went to visit my father's grave, I saw my grandfather there… He was talking with father… There, I heard the truth of my birth from him…" I simply go to narrate the original story from there.

The more she listens, the more astonishment appears over her face. Yet the happiness that appears within her eyes isn't something she can hide from me.

I know she is the same as Xiao Che.

Deep down, she always wished to be with him. And now that she finds out that they are actually not siblings, it's normal for her to feel happy.

With this, she can finally be with the man she loves.

The moment I finish, she takes a step back with a disbelief expression.

"Such a thing… actually happened? But… why would father hide it from everyone?"

I smile sadly and answer.

"Because of me." She looks at me as I continue. "I am a trash that cannot cultivate—"

"No! Little Che isn't trash! Don't say that!" I can actually feel anger from her, so I decided to change my wording.

"Because of my… condition, if the truth of my birth becomes public, then people who hate and look down upon grandfather and me will definitely not miss such an opportunity. They will use every malicious method to hurt me and grandfather. Grandfather will definitely be able to protect himself, but he fears that I might not be able to handle all of this so he decides to remain silent."

A look of understanding appears over Xiao Lingxi's face before an equal anger covers her expression.

"I'll never let anyone hurt Little Che! I'll always protect you!"

"I know."

She literally used her authority as the main Will of the Ancestral Goddess to rewind the time, send me to Azure Cloud Continent, put Xia Qingyue as the Artifact of Fate, and all that boggers stuff just so I can have a chill life.

I hundred percent believe in what she said.

I take a hold of her hand and gently squeeze it; it almost feels boneless. I now understand what Mars meant by his descriptions.

"Little Aunt, if you don't believe me, you can confirm the truth from grandfather." I look into her eyes and continue. "Since we are not related to each other, there shouldn't be any problem with Little Aunt becoming my wife, right?"

"Little Che… I…" She is still hesitant? Oh well, time for plan B.

I pull her hand causing her body to be thrown at me as I capture her in my embrace.

"Ah! Little Che!?"

I ignore her and lean down before sealing her lips.

Sticky Fingers instantly activate, causing a jolt of pleasure to course through her body, making her knees feel weak as I have to circle my hand behind her back to hold her from falling on the ground.

I thought she would struggle a little, but the moment our lips sealed each other, she closed her eyes and tried her best to reciprocate the kiss to the best of her abilities.

I guess, deep down, she has already accepted everything I've said.

The kiss doesn't last for long, but due to the Sticky Fingers and my saliva that acts like an aphrodisiacs, her whole face is flush in red and her eyes are hazy as she stares at me with lust.

I activate Siren's Song and ask her once again.

"Little Aunt, do you love me?"

"I do…" This time, she doesn't hold back her feelings. While tears keep falling from her eyes, she tightly hugs me and continues. "I've always loved Little Che. Today, when Little Che was married to Xiao Qingyue, I felt someone stabbing me in the chest. When I think that I will never be Little Che's woman, it makes my heart break. I want to be Little Che's woman! I want to marry Little Che, spend nights with Little Che, and start a new family with Little Che!"

Seeing the notification on the holographic screen that appears in front of me, I smile.

"Me too… I've always loved Little Aunt…"

Just like at the time of capturing Xing Tong, I don't share any of the perks with her.

She is the Ancestral Goddess, I know.

And even though I got credits for Ancestral Goddess and Lingxi individually, I don't want to risk it.

What if she regains her complete body and powers once I share my perks and defenses with her? If that happens, that means Ancestral Will will also merge with her.

I am not ready to face someone like Ancestral Goddess right now. It's better to be safe than never.

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