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30% Marvel: Why Can't Luck Be a superpower / Chapter 15: Chapter 16 why are you throwing you shield

Chapter 15: Chapter 16 why are you throwing you shield

Here's another long chapter with 1,400 words. I hope you enjoy it. Today's power stone target is 900, and I really hope we can hit that mark. If not, well, I guess you're all gay.


Captain America fixed a steely gaze on Indra, lifting his chin slightly. "I don't need to know who you are. I represent justice."

Indra chuckled, sighing. "If that's the case, I don't mind playing the villain."

Cap frowned, realizing that a brute force battle wouldn't end in his favor. It would be a tough fight. However, he remembered something from their earlier exchanges: while Indra's strength was formidable, his speed was lacking.

If Cap leveraged his speed, he could avoid Indra's powerful blows. Speed could also amplify his own strength, making his attacks more effective. Combining long-range shield throws with close-quarters combat could give him the upper hand.

With newfound confidence, Cap formulated a plan. If he could bring Indra back to the Avengers' base, someone there might be able to figure out the source of his powers.

Cap narrowed his eyes at Indra. "If that's the case, I can do this all day."

Indra laughed, readying himself for another attack. But before he could move, Cap hurled his shield at him. The shield cut through the air with a sharp whistle.

Indra watched the shield hurtle towards his face. Just as it was about to strike, it veered off course, crashing to the ground behind him. He let out a relieved sigh. *That was close. Almost ruined my face.*

Cap, who had been preparing to execute his plan, stood dumbfounded. *What just happened?*

His shield, made from a nearly indestructible alloy of vibranium and other elements, was designed for perfect throws and rebounds. He had used eighty percent of his strength, confident the shield would hit its mark and bounce back for a follow-up strike.

But now, the shield lay behind Indra, far off target. Cap's mind raced. *How did I miss? This is impossible!*

Despite his shock, Cap's extensive combat experience kicked in. He quickly dismissed the mishap and dashed to retrieve his shield. As he moved, Indra unleashed another torrent of flames, forcing Cap to dodge again.

Meanwhile, Indra picked up the shield, feigning impatience. "Whose turtle shell is this? If no one claims it, I'm tossing it."

Cap was infuriated by Indra's taunt, knowing full well it was aimed at him. Enraged, he lunged at Indra with a swift punch.

Indra raised the shield just in time. "Boom!" The impact echoed, and Indra felt the strength behind Cap's punch.

Cap, too, felt the shield's unyielding hardness. *Damn, this guy's tough. How did he manage to dent it?*

Both men paused, assessing each other. The tension was palpable, each preparing for the next move in their deadly dance.

Captain America didn't stop moving. He lashed out with a kick at Indra, who bent backward to dodge. Without missing a beat, Cap followed up with a spinning back kick, but Indra blocked it with the shield he had snatched.


Once again, the blow was deflected, but this time, it was Cap who felt the sting. The impact reverberated through his leg. His strength, formidable as it was, became a double-edged sword. The harder he struck, the more painful the rebound from the shield.

Cap knew he had to reclaim his shield. Every hit he landed was effectively hitting himself. Determined, he lunged at Indra, grabbing the shield and maneuvering to Indra's back, attempting to throw him to the ground. His moves were swift and seamless, honed by years of combat experience and mastery of various fighting techniques.

Despite this, Indra saw through Cap's strategy. Cap was banking on his speed, but he underestimated the power of the Extremis virus coursing through Indra's veins. Indra had no intention of drawing the fight out. A quick resolution was in order.

Channeling all his strength, Indra erupted in flames.


Flames burst from Indra's body, giving Cap no time to evade. The sheer force of the explosion sent Cap flying several meters, crashing to the ground with his helmet clattering beside him.

Though not critically injured, Cap was in significant pain. His plan to outpace Indra had backfired. Indra's precise attacks and his own missteps left Cap questioning his abilities. Was he losing his edge?

Indra grinned, looking at Cap. "Your shield is pretty useful," he taunted. "But why do you keep throwing it away?"

Before Cap could respond, Indra hurled the shield back at him.


The shield struck Cap, knocking the wind out of him. Struggling, he managed to get to his feet, but he knew he couldn't keep this up. Indra's calm demeanor, his air of invincibility, was infuriating.

Cap glared at Indra, whose face bore a perpetual, mocking smile. Indra seemed to predict every move, staying steps ahead, unruffled. This impenetrable composure made Cap's blood boil.

Just then, a loud noise broke the tension. A gust of wind kicked up sand and debris as a red suit of armor descended from the sky. Iron Man had arrived. He scooped up Cap and took off into the sky before Indra could react.

Indra hesitated for a moment, staring at the small girl who barely reached his chest. In the chaos of the fight with Captain America, he had overlooked her. She was still here? Hadn't Cap promised to save her? How could he abandon her and flee?

Indra shook his head in disbelief. That guy was unbelievable.

"Brother, can you… can you take me home?" Her timid voice snapped him back to reality. The girl was trembling, her eyes wide with fear and hope.

Take her home? He didn't even know where he was! Indra glanced around, feeling a bit lost himself. The place was desolate, like a scene from a ghost story. The darkness stretched out for miles, broken only by the occasional flickering streetlight. It was eerily silent and completely deserted.

All Indra wanted was to get back to New York. He shook his head, indicating he couldn't help her. Leaving a young girl alone in the middle of nowhere felt cruel, but this wasn't an ordinary girl. She was a survivor of the Extremis virus, practically a superhuman. The likelihood of her getting hurt was low; if anything, others should worry about her.

Seeing his refusal, the girl's eyes welled up with tears. "Please, brother… Just take me to New York City. I can find my mom from there." Her voice was pleading, desperate.

Indra raised an eyebrow. "You live in New York?"

She nodded vigorously, her eyes shining with a glimmer of hope. Indra sighed. "That man in the blue suit was here to save you. Why didn't you go with him?"

"The man in the blue suit" was, of course, Captain America.

The girl shook her head, her voice trembling. "He was so scary… He just started fighting… He didn't listen to anyone…"

Indra muttered to himself, "Her eyes are clear. Cap is a jerk." Then, turning to the girl, he asked, "But I'm a villain… aren't you afraid of me?"

She shook her head again. "You're not a bad person, brother… And you gave me a hamburger. Besides, we're the same. We can both breathe fire."


If you want? You get to read till 40 chapters before anyone else! Just go to pateron get chapters in advance :

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