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Young Master System: My Mother Is The Matriarch Young Master System: My Mother Is The Matriarch original

Young Master System: My Mother Is The Matriarch

Author: System_Department

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Waking Up in Someone Else's Life

Li Wei's eyelids fluttered open, the blurry ceiling coming into focus. He blinked a few times, trying to make sense of his surroundings. This wasn't his familiar, cramped apartment. Instead, he found himself lying in an opulently decorated room, adorned with intricate ice-themed decor. The sheets beneath him were soft, too soft, like they were made from the clouds of Mount Olympus.

"What in the..." He muttered, trying to sit up but immediately regretting it as a sharp pain shot through his head.

His last memory was clear as day. He had been walking home after a long day at work, minding his own business when—BAM!—a truck came out of nowhere and plowed into him. Classic isekai setup, really. But instead of the eternal void or pearly gates, he woke up here. Wherever here was.

Suddenly, a flood of memories rushed into his mind, nearly knocking him out cold again. Images, emotions, thoughts—all not his own—crashed into his consciousness like a relentless tsunami. He clutched his head, groaning in pain.

After what felt like an eternity, the torrent subsided, and he was left panting, his mind reeling with the influx of information. He now knew he was in the body of Li Wei, the only male member of the Immortal Ice Sect. A sect famous for its strict matriarchy and ice-based cultivation techniques. From Li Wei's memories, he quickly pieced together his new identity.

Li Wei, the son of the Matriarch, was a prodigy in name only. Despite possessing incredible cultivation potential, he was notorious for his laziness, narcissism, and sheer audacity. It seemed the old Li Wei's favorite pastime was lounging around and admiring himself in the mirror, much to the frustration of everyone around him.

"Well, this is going to be easy," the new Li Wei mused, a smirk forming on his lips. "It's like looking into a mirror, only this guy was even more of a jerk than me."

Just then, the door creaked open, and a young servant girl peeked in. Her eyes widened in shock as she saw Li Wei sitting up.

"Young Master Li Wei! You're awake!" she exclaimed, nearly dropping the tray she was carrying. She quickly composed herself and placed the tray on the bedside table. "I must inform the Matriarch and the Supreme Elder immediately!"

Li Wei watched her scurry off, a bemused expression on his face. "Well, looks like the show's about to start."

He took a moment to inspect his new body, noticing the lean, muscular build that was far superior to his previous one. "Not bad, not bad at all," he muttered, flexing his arms and admiring the muscles. "I could get used to this."

Within minutes, the room was bustling with activity as servants hurried in and out, preparing for the arrival of the sect's highest authorities. Li Wei made sure to adopt an air of dignified arrogance, sitting up straighter and arranging his robes with a practiced hand.

The door swung open with a dramatic flair, and in walked two imposing women. The first was the Matriarch, Li Xue, a woman of striking beauty and a gaze that could freeze an ocean. Beside her was the Supreme Elder, Bai Zhen, her aura exuding wisdom and power.

"Li Wei, you're awake," Li Xue said, her voice a mix of relief and sternness.

"Mother," Li Wei replied smoothly, inclining his head. "Supreme Elder Bai Zhen."

Bai Zhen nodded, her eyes scrutinizing him closely. "How do you feel, Li Wei?"

'Like I've been run over by a truck,' he thought but instead said, "A bit disoriented, but otherwise fine. It's good to be back."

Li Xue raised an eyebrow, clearly not expecting such a composed response from her usually petulant son. "We have much to discuss, but for now, rest. We'll talk more when you're stronger."

"Of course, Mother," he replied, hiding his inner smirk. "I look forward to it."

As the women left the room, Li Wei leaned back against the pillows, his mind racing. This new life might have just handed him a golden ticket. With Li Wei's resources and his own wit, there was no limit to what he could achieve.

"Well, here's to a new beginning," he murmured to himself. "Let the games begin."

Meanwhile, after leaving Li Wei's room, Li Xue and Bai Zhen walked through the private residence of the Immortal Ice Sect, their footsteps echoing softly against the polished stone floors. 

The residence was a masterpiece of architecture, blending elegance with the harsh beauty of ice. Walls of crystalline ice refracted the ambient light, casting a mesmerizing glow that illuminated the intricate carvings depicting the sect's illustrious history.

Columns of frosted marble supported high arched ceilings adorned with delicate ice sculptures that shimmered like diamonds. Outside, the courtyards were blanketed in pristine snow, with winding paths leading through gardens of rare, frost-resistant plants.

Li Xue's expression was serene, yet her eyes betrayed a deep worry. "Supreme Elder, I fear for Li Wei's life," she began, her voice calm and measured. "He has been the target of too many attempts on his life, and I dread what may happen the next time I enter closed-door cultivation."

Bai Zhen, walking beside her with a more brisk and impatient gait, nodded curtly. "Your son has a knack for making enemies, even within our own sect. He's managed to offend just about everyone, and not just here. His arrogance knows no bounds."

Li Xue sighed softly. "Yes, he does have a way of antagonizing those around him. But what can we do? I cannot always be here to protect him."

Bai Zhen's eyes narrowed as she looked ahead, her tone blunt and tinged with annoyance. "The boy is a magnet for trouble. If he continues as he has, it's only a matter of time before someone succeeds in ending his life."

They turned a corner, entering a grand hall with high windows that allowed the sunlight to pour in, making the icy walls sparkle. Bai Zhen's cranky demeanor softened slightly as she considered the gravity of the situation.

"Li Xue, as much as I despise his behavior, he is still your son and the future of our sect," Bai Zhen said, her tone a bit softer. "We need to take measures to ensure his safety."

Li Xue stopped walking and turned to face Bai Zhen, her expression earnest. "I agree, Supreme Elder. But what do you suggest? How can we protect him when he brings so much danger upon himself?"

Bai Zhen's eyes glinted with a mix of frustration and resolve. "There is a solution, but neither you nor Li Wei will like it."

Li Xue's eyebrows furrowed in concern. "Please, tell me. I will do whatever it takes to keep him safe."

Bai Zhen continued walking, her tone growing more serious. "We need to send him away. He must leave the sect, at least for a time. There are too many here who would wish him harm. He needs to go to a place where he can be protected but also learn to fend for himself."

Li Xue's eyes widened in shock. "Send him away? But where would he go? And who would protect him?"

Bai Zhen's expression remained stern. "You will know soon enough. For now, summon all the inner sect elders for a meeting. We need to discuss the arrangements and ensure everyone is on the same page."

Li Xue hesitated for a moment, then nodded. "Very well, Supreme Elder. I will gather them immediately."

As Li Xue hurried off to summon the elders, Bai Zhen continued her brisk walk through the residence, her mind already racing with plans and contingencies.


Meanwhile, Li Wei was getting accustomed to his new body and the flood of information that had overwhelmed him earlier. He flexed his arms again, admiring the toned muscles. 'Not bad at all. This body is in great shape. Too bad the previous owner was a lazy narcissist.'

He leaned back against the pillows, closing his eyes and sorting through Li Wei's memories. His cultivation was at the Early Core Formation stage, which, considering his age and resources, was embarrassingly low. He had the potential to be at least at the Nascent Soul stage by now.

"Lazy bastard," he muttered to himself. "He had everything handed to him on a silver platter and still couldn't be bothered to cultivate properly."

Li Wei compared his own cultivation to that of Li Xue and Bai Zhen. Li Xue, the Matriarch, was at the Early Void Transformation stage, a realm so powerful it made his head spin just thinking about it. Bai Zhen, the Supreme Elder, was at the Late Spirit Severing stage, one step below the Matriarch but still leagues above him.

'If I play my cards right, I could actually reach their level. This guy has both talent and resources,' he thought, a grin spreading across his face. 'I just need to not be as lazy as the old Li Wei.'

He then looked around the room, taking in the opulence and luxury. 'Well, it's time to put this new life to good use. Let's see how far I can get with a little effort."

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