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64% Noble Will / Chapter 45: The things that were in his mind

Chapter 45: The things that were in his mind

It passed that first day of the second stage of the entrance exam, the news to the outside public gave false information in that the concept of this test was only to perform physical fitness tests, just some exercises that would test his special performances and abilities.

Although mankind had certainly been able to evolve as much talked about, it was not something very surprising. The skills these individuals developed were abilities that traditional and modern science could not yet explain, but they were not considered a military force to be feared; not at the moment.

- Is it true that they survived? - asked Lois who was standing next to Alicia and her bodyguards in a room watching the news.

- Yes ... Eric, he himself called us to let us know that they have all come to the capital. - replied Hayato.

- All of them?

- Yes ... including two more people ... the hooded suspect and a woman who seems to be part of the group that planned the attack. - Thomas replied.

The young Valdelomar remained thoughtful.

- Is it convenient for us to meet them? - asked Lois.

- No ... they may be being chased; that is why Eric has not come to our place. - said Hayato.

- What about Hanzo?

- As far as we know, there have been no attacks on his group ... but we have already warned him. 

That event had shaken Lois and Alicia knew it, but, trying to take courage, she wanted to come up with a counterattack plan.

- Lois ... I think they should retreat ... you know it's not good to fight against enemies you don't even know. - Alice spoke fearfully.

The two bodyguards were somewhat impressed by such advice that seemed more like a warning.

- Young Alicia is right ... we have no genuine information about where their bases are, we don't even know who they are ... we are at a disadvantage, besides, according to Eric's report, this issue doesn't only involve a small city like Luesia, this is branching out to the whole country. That organization called Le Front may already be investigating us. - Thomas spoke.

- ... So ... What's the idea? - questioned Lois somewhat frustrated.

- We must leave Spain ... it would be fatal if they find us in the capital. - declared Hayato.

Everyone was silent.


Leaving very early in the morning from the Beltran mansion, a young man was walking to the nearest bus station; having taken one of the buses, he sat by the window and watched the view as he traveled, meanwhile the young man remembered the brief conversation he had had yesterday with the count's daughter.

Inside a room clearly decorated in the youthful style, but with elegance were two young men inside.

- It seems you have already noticed the state of my cousin ... it seems as if she has serious traumas that have increased when those two maids arrived. - said Melissa.

- ...

- Therefore, I would like you to answer me something honestly ... What happened to Emily?

Aren did not answer the question, but, it was not because he did not know, since, at the moment of Emily's healing, when he put his hand on her forehead, just like with Alicia, he could see some traces of her memories; for all that, he tried to be discreet.

- ... She will say that herself when she is ready. - replied the young man monotonously.

- Yes ... if it were only her, I would let it happen; but I have some doubts ... my father let her come here easily, but we don't know what or who kidnapped her ... and, even worse ... what will happen when they find out she is here?

The woman's deduction was somewhat formidable; she had already understood that the young woman had been kidnapped and she analyzed the possible scenarios that would happen as a consequence of her arrival.

- What are you planning? - Aren asked.

- I'd like to take her to psychologists so they can find out what happened, but she doesn't want to go out or see anyone.

- How about taking her to a church?

Melissa was a little shocked to hear that.

- A ... church?

Soon she began to reveal little giggles. Aren was silent.

- Wow ... I didn't expect to hear something like that from a guy like you.

- ...

- You can see that you can't judge by appearance ... Changing the subject, do you think it will be useful? aren't they all hypocrites in those places?

- ... Be careful ... don't judge by appearances. - Aren commented seriously.

- What, are you a believer or something?

Aren was silent.

- Leaving that aside ... there's something I want to ask you. - Aren commented.

- ¿?

- What does it mean to be the sworn brother of an aristocratic family?

Hearing this, Melissa was a little dismayed, but immediately remained calm.

- Oh, that's...

 "So it wasn't a lie what I heard ... does Emily really want to give him that title? Hadn't they met not long ago?"

- If I tell you, you will answer me what I asked.

Aren remained silent, mentioning that he was not willing to do so. A few seconds later, the young man left the room.

Leaving that memory in the past, the man continued to look out the window of the bus in thought.

Soon seeing his right hand, Aren sighed.

"Not anymore... I have no power at all... the last time was with Emily..."

Turning his gaze back to the window, the young man continued to think.

"What I saw in that child ... Marcellus ... the feelings of worry as if he wanted to eliminate all traces of the existence of that ... flower ... ... I remember the address, it is in this place ... but I saw other things ... they looked like people, but ... they were not ..."

Still immersed in his thoughts, the bus continued on its way. Behind it, however, was a car that had been following it.


At about 9 a.m. on the second day of the test, three young men were asleep in a kind of small cave covered with trees, bushes and other vegetation.

Here the group had been hiding since the night before and in front of them were some wild animals surrounding what had been their campfire.

- Seriously ... Why are those animals here? - asked Renato.

- I don't know... Wasn't this a camping area? Besides ... if killings are not allowed, then why are those tigers here ... Where are the instructors? - Daniel commented depressed.

- ... How much longer will we be here? - questioned Liam.

While they were waiting for those beasts to lose interest and leave by some miracle, a pertinent conversation took place.

- Now that we are like this ... I have wondered ... we all hid the fact that we have special abilities, even in the train accident. - Daniel said.

Both Liam and Renato were silent.

- Well, in my case I have developed the ability to control and manipulate iron. - commented the young man.

- Hey... you're really going to tell what should be a secret... Why don't you tell us your code as well? - asked Renato sarcastically.

Daniel sighed.

- Listen ... we have been through a lot before, we are almost like brothers ... besides, we are again in another situation similar to the one before.

After a few seconds of thinking about it, Renato nodded.

- Yes ... well ... you could say ... ... ... seeing how we are there is no use hiding it, in my case I can generate a flaming weapon ...

- What's that? - Daniel asked.

- Anything that can withstand the boiling temperature of water I can ignite with fire... How do you think the bonfire was made?

- I mean a flaming sword.

- Yeah... something like that. Right now I have a steel withdrawable rod, but it will require about five minutes to light it.

- So ... with the fire we might scare the tigers away. - Daniel commented.

Renato, however, was silent.

- I guess doing that will incite the beasts to attack us sooner, won't it? - said Liam.

- Yes ... but if we succeed, not only will I be able to scare it away, even if I can't generate fire projectiles or things like that, the flames that permeate the weapon don't require oxygen, nor are they extinguished by water.

The young people were somewhat surprised.

- What I mean is that they will not go out until they consume the target. But the charging time is at least 5 minutes and will depend on the size of the material.

"Five minutes ... I won't be able to stand it that long ... there must be some way." thought Liam.

- But ... if the flames you make don't go out, then the ignited material wouldn't be consumed over time as well. - Daniel asked.

- True, but just as I have the ability to ignite it I also have the ability to extinguish it.

Liam sighed.

- At least we all have useful abilities ... although we kept it a secret ... I guess Glen is a user too, isn't he?

Both Renato and Daniel were exposed for having tried to keep secret what had happened in the basement of that hospital in Zaragoza.

Suddenly, those animals began to roar. This caused the hidden young men to become disconcerted.

"They found us!" 

As they were left in total silence, they saw how a flock flew off to the south and, at the same time, how the tigers followed the same path. No one understood what was happening.

Suddenly a young girl of beautiful appearance appeared where the campfire was; that girl who seemed to be about 16 years old walked with difficulty and in her right leg seemed to have an open wound caused by stab wounds.

- Well ... it's our time to escape. - said Renato.

- Wait. - Daniel said.

- What now?

- We can't leave her like this... she's hurt. Didn't this test allow for murder?

- What does it matter... we don't even know her. What if those beasts come back?

As they spoke to each other, they were interrupted by Liam.

- You two... be quiet.

The two young men soon heard the sound of footsteps coming from where that young woman had come from.

- Come on... aren't you going to keep running away? - said a young man's voice who seemed to be having fun.

The exhausted girl did not respond to the provocations of the approaching male.

- It seems that ... that guy is not here to see that woman's file ... Are there really instructors nearby? - said Renato.

- That doesn't matter ... we can't let that guy kill her.

- ... What's your plan then, Daniel? - Liam asked somewhat defiantly.

- ... I will go and take care of this ... I will try to distract him, I only ask you to take that girl away. - said the albino.

As if the conscience of both seemed to blame them for doing nothing, they both nodded.

- Thank you. - Daniel said as he came out of hiding.

Both the victim and the victimizer saw a young man with white hair and red eyes appear with a dagger in hand coming out of the bushes.

- You... who are you? - the girl asked worriedly.

- I'm just here to help.

The woman was incredulous.

- Oh ... looks like we have a hero, even if this is a test to see who is fit and who is not. - replied the victimizer.

Without wasting time, with a speed that was not human, that arrogant boy ran towards Daniel taking him by surprise.

"Speed... that's his ability!" 

Unsheathing his dagger, Daniel tried to predict where he would attack him and formulate his counterattack. But all trace of that young man disappeared from his sight.

- Behind you! - the woman was heard to exclaim.

Behind him a silhouette appeared, but the surprising thing was not that, but that the dagger the albino was carrying was no longer in his hand.

- What a nice knife? - said the man who had subdued Daniel, taking his hand and placing the blade of the dagger in his neck, making a cut where he spilled a trickle of blood.

- W-Why are you doing this? Didn't you hear that murder is not allowed? - said Daniel.

- Oh, of course I know.

Only a smile accompanied those words as the dagger slowly buried itself in Daniel's neck.

Suddenly, a voice was heard.

- I think I've had enough... seeing you like this breaks my heart, if I still have one.

That subdued young man noticed a voice coming from where he had been hiding before. A young man with green hair and green eyes came out with a steel staff with great tranquility.

- Renato! What are you doing?! - exclaimed Daniel.

- Don't shout... we're just here to help, aren't we, Liam?

That arrogant young man could see that behind him was a young man who was taking care of the injured girl. A male wearing an eyepatch had come out along with the other from his hiding place.

- You guys... look like you're a team, huh? 

- Sort of. - Renato said as he walked.

Suddenly that steel rod began to spark until out of nowhere it burst into tile-colored flames.

This made everyone surprised by such an event.

- What are you waiting for, Daniel? Get out of there. - said Renato.

- What are you talking about... can't you see that I am...?

Yes, Daniel noticed that the one who subdued him had opened his arms freeing him in this way.

Neither Daniel nor the other young man understood what was happening.

 - Hurry up! I won't be able to hold him much longer! - Liam exclaimed.

Daniel broke free.

Without wasting any time, Renato ran towards the attacker, but he did not hit him with his staff, but gave him a big punch in the stomach and then in the face. The motionless young man could do nothing but receive these blows which made him spit towards the ground and fall on him.

Soon, Rento searched through the pockets of the fallen young man until he pulled out a token.

- 6401 ... it seems that this is your code. - said Renato.

The proud boy began to laugh.

- Let's go! - exclaimed Liam.

The young men did not waste any second and withdrew leaving that strange young man who was about 17 years old and who was still laughing.


Inside an apartment where those who escaped the attack on the residence of the mayoress of Luesia were gathered, they were talking about the formulation of a plan in the living room.

- So ... tomorrow I will send a statement to the Supreme Court, from there I will coordinate an audience with the Royal House announcing what we found in Luesia, as well as the written evidence, meanwhile, you communicate with Lois Valdelomar about what we will do and keep an eye out for any suspicious person ... Especially if the friends of that girl come ... Let's hope they can attend us soon. - commented Victoria.

All the others nodded.

They all got ready, Eric being the first to go out to make a call, and soon the apartment doorbell rang.

Everyone reacted to this and tried to be diligent in seeing who it was. Through the camera next to the door, they could see that it was a man who was wearing a facility security guard uniform.

- Yes, tell me, what is it? - Lorenz answered through the transmitter.

- Uh, excuse me. We have received notice from the management that there will be an unforeseen power outage in some apartments ... we have received complaints from the other tenants, so we would like to give you this signature form to present to the management and see how to solve this problem.

- ... Okay ... leave it under the door, I will pick it up soon.

- Okay, I'll pick it up soon. - Leaving the sheet on the floor, the officer left.

After a couple of minutes, Lorenz opened the door cautiously and picked up the heavy envelope without any problem.

- Who was it? - asked Victoria.

- A security guard ... says there have been unplanned power outages in some apartments.

- And that sheet?

- Yes ... he said it was a form that ...

As Lorenz read that sheet, he understood that it was not a signature form; the written message read.


You didn't have to open the door.


Inside the envelope was a small device that gave a beep that signaled the release of a gas that spread throughout the room.

- What is that? - Victoria exclaimed.

- Nobody breathe that! - ordered Alexander; however, it was too late.

Everyone was left passed out in that room.

Soon, two people entered the room wearing gas masks. A stocky man with no hair and a woman with straight black hair.

- Take them away. - ordered the man and immediately a group of men entered the scene.

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