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Chapter 8

So Roubaul created a guild in the village called Cait Shelter. I was unknown of the decision but I can't say I didn't like it. He also placed my guild mark on my left forearm and for Zancrow on his left side of his chest.

he also said that I can do quests officially now. I also began to teach Wendy and Zancrow magic.

It had been 8 months since we had new commers to the guild. Zancrow and Wendy had progressed in their magic and Tiamat has reached the size of a dog. Roubaul also suspects that Tiamat will reach the size of a tiger by the end of the year.

Zancrow magic surprising is more destructive then burning. Which isn't a bad thing. Bad magic doesn't exist, only bad users of it. Plus Zancrow is no slacker, just 2 weeks ago he defeated a C rank magic creature with Wendy.

Speaking of Wendy, she had gone the more supportive role. Sky dragon magic can do quite powerful support. In these 8 months she had shown 2 support magic, Arms and Armor.

And to reward them I am giving them a quest. I also gave Zancrow a magic lighter that produces flames if he is running low.

"So that is why I am deciding to let them take a B rank mission. I of course will follow them incase of a emergency but I believe that they will succeed. " I try and persuade Roubaul to let Zancrow and Wendy take a B rank mission with me supervising them but so far he had been not a fan.

But alas he let out a defeated sigh. "Fine, but you will be responsible for them." He said in a serious tone that did not match his short demeanor .

"Alright. I will take the yeti quest to them." But before I could go Rouba8ul asked me a question about the mission.

"Why the yeti one over the other ones?" He asked in a calm tone while reaching for a sake bottle.

"Zancrow has fire god magic. And Wendy has sky dragon magic which can negate some of the lower tier yeti magic attacks." I told Roubaul while he drank some sake.

"Alright. I give you permission to do the mission while supervising them."

Zancrow Pov

After Ernest gave us the quest I could barely hold in my excitement . It was the first time that we were allowed to go on a mission. I turn to look at Wendy who was looking nervous.

"Don't worry Wendy. I'll protect you." I said while trying to cheer her up.

"It's fine I just don't know if we are ready to do the mission."

"Of course we are. Have you seen how strong we have gotten?"

"I guess so." Wendy looked much more happy now. The aura of nervousness went away as she smile brightly.

"Then lets go!"

Time skip

We arrived at the village. Our mission was to help the villagers by defeating the yeti which were invading their houses and stealing their stuff. This also was a really important mission since it was about to change to winter in a few weeks which would make the yetis A- rank and would destroy the village.

Me and Wendy walked into the village and headed towards the chefs house; which was currently crowed by people.

Wendy hid herself behind me as I walked up with confidence. Some of the villagers looked at us but I did not care.

I had to be the role model for Wendy to get out of her shell. That is what Ernest told me.

"Hey. Are you the chef?" I asked to the dude in the middle.

"Yes I am. And I assume you're the wizards that I hired?" He has speculation laced in his tone.

"Yes and don't worry, we were picked to do this mission because we have magic that counters the yetis." A black flame showed in my hand that heated up the area like a campfire.

"Damn kids becoming more powerful as the days goes by." The man whispered.

"Well the yetis are in a cave on the side of the mountain. Good luck and thank you for helping."

I nod and drag Wendy to the top of the mountain to begin searching for the yetis.

Chef pov

"Yo chef why do you think those kids can handle those yetis?" One of my sons asked me.

"It is because they are apart of a guild. If they some how complete the mission, it is a win for us. But if they die. Well I know you seen the boys magic. They are special and their guild won't take lightly for them dying so they will send a stronger mage to kill the yetis. And the last option is this is a test for them and somebody is supervising them" I finish my speech as my son listens wide eyed.

Zancrow POV

We had to search for hours and Wendy was getting tired but I could smell the yetis. I think. But I felt that we were getting near the yetis.

"If we can't find the yetis in 30 minutes then we take a break." I told Wendy who inflated at the thought of a break.

"ROAR!" A roar sounded out after 15 minutes. I turn to Wendy who had gotten serious.


"ARMOR!" Wendy casted her spells on me as I felt stronger and heavier. I rush towards the sound of the roar and after I turn a corner I saw 4 yetis and 1 big yeti.

The big yeti pointed at us and 1 of the smaller yetis tried to rush me.


"FIRE GOD BELLOW!" I casted my spell as it hit the yeti directly doing massive damage.

"What can't handle a little fire? HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA" I taunted the yeti as it rushed me again.

I formed some fire on my hand and make both of my hands into axes.

"FIRE GOD AXES" I jump up and slice the yeti head off but another yeti punches me while I am still in the air.

I smash into the ice but didn't take too much damage due to the armor that Wendy casted onto me. Speaking of Wendy.

"SKY DRAGON'S ROAR!" She shouted at the yeti as I throw balls of fire into the roar making it flame.

The painful screams of the yeti die down after a little bit. I was roughed up while Wendy was just tired. Meanwhile the 4 other yetis, including the big one, were looking quite angry.

"Awww did I hurt your little feelings? HAHAHAHAHHAA" I taunted again as another yeti rushed me.

It shot ice out of its mouth.

"FIRE GO'DS EXPLOSIVE FLAME!!!!" I shout as a flame shot out of my hand and hits the ice beam, expanding in size it swallows the ice and hits the yeti killing it.

Only 3 left, but suddenly I go flying as the big yeti punches me. I felt my arm break on impact. I hit an ice rock and was laid out. I tried to get up but to no luck. Then Wendy was sent flying by another yeti.

"WENDY!" I shout but it seemed like she lost conciseness. hopefully....

I look towards the yetis with hate in my eyes. I reach in my pocket remembering the gift that Ernest gave me. I pull out a lighter. It was orange in color but the color didn't matter right now.

I light up the lighter and a flame grew. I light black flames around my hand that is holding the lighter. I held it tight as the canister expands before

"BOOM" It explodes in a fiery mess. I suck in the flames.

"I'm all fired up." Rage explodes from my eyes. "FIRE GOD SCYTHE!" I roar as a scythe forms as I slice through all the yetis but the big one jumps up before I could kill it.

I felt my body slowly fall.

'Damn it.. I am sorry Wendy, Ernest and Roubaul.'

Ernest POV

I watch on in amazement as Zancrow forms a scythe that kills almost every last yeti. But the big one.

The las yeti looks at Zancrow in rage before rushing towards his body. Not if I have anything to do with this.

"FAIRY DRAGONS ROAR" I shot the beam through the yeti's back as the life fades away from its eyes. 

I pick up the unconscious bodies of Zancrow and Wendy before heading back to the village to tell them that these 2 finished the job. And hopefully they wake up on the way down.


P@treon HeliosSun

Also big thanks to War Wolfsaga for being the first to sub to my p@treon 

Sub to my P@treon for advance chapters. Also I got asked a question from one of my friends so I am going to clarify. I will post 3 chapters a week on Saturday. And on my p@treon is daily and since I am writing 3 fanfics. the advance chapters will slowly add up by 3s each week. 

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