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Chapter 7

Slayer magic, this magic is designed to be used to slay creatures of power. Dragon slayer magic for example, it gives the wielder magic that is designed to kill dragons. A counter in other words. Fire dragon, fire dragon slayer, it is the same for the other elements.

But now that there is god slayer magic, does that mean is gods? Humans adaptation, dragons killed their people and they did not have a way to beat them. So dragon slayer magic was made. But if gods were the problem, then they would make god slayer magic.

Now this makes me wonder how one learns how to learn that magic. But meh it not time to over think stuff, it makes my brain hurt.

I watched as the small black flame slowly went out as Zancrow looked at me.

"That's quite the magic you have there. I have no doubt that you can become strong." I said trying to brighten Zancrow up, and it seemed to have worked as Zancrow smiled.

"Come on let's get out of this place." I said while turning around, Zancrow following me while munching on some bread. 

We continued to walk through out the forest and towards the town. Zancrow looked around like a kid in a candy store as he stood near me. Tiamat was sound asleep in my backpack as we traveled.

I had estimated that it would take a day and a half to reach there, but since I had Zancrow with me, it would take about 2 days maybe 2 days and a half. This was due to Zancrow malnourishment and was not as strong like I was yet.

I was planning on teaching him magic when we got back to Cait Shelter and while we go there focus on getting him healthy again.

Which was going pretty well since fairy dragon magic can do a bit of healing.

"Welcome to Grayridge" A guard at the gate welcomed us as we walked into the town. Zancrow eyes scanned around in amazement.

 Before we would get onto the train, I decided to treat Tiamat and Zancrow to some really good food.

We walked into a restaurant and I let Zancrow order whatever he wanted, and I ordered for Tiamat and myself. 

 Once we got our food we headed to a clothes store to get Zancrow some new clothes.

Zancrow tried on quite a bit of clothes but the one that he really liked was a blue pants and a yellow tank top.

(what he wore in the anime in tenrou island)

We walked throughout the town and headed towards the train station. This town was actually quite empty due to the fact that most people here go out and visit their relatives in other towns.

Overall it was just a boring town with not much to look at besides some businesses.

We went inside the train station and brought our tickets for about 500 jewels.

"Since it is traveler season the price increased. " I told to Zancrow who nodded. I dedragonized my senses but kept everything else as we hop onto the train. This was to avoid getting motion sickness due to my heighten senses.

I had decided to buy a VIP room for the 3 of us, so we had to walk a bit down the train to reach the room. The room was pretty decent, plus it had 2 beds and room service.

Which was good since the normal train food would keep you alive but tasted like wood. But if you paid extra, you get premium food.

But some people just bring their own food to eat. I also estimated that we will be at Cait shelter in 3 days due to a interruption that happened on one of the tracks.

The interruption was caused by a dark guild called "Ruby Heart" and they wanted to pretty much stabilize the tracks to charge their own fee.

Luckily they were stopped by Lamia Scale but the damage had already been done and they are in the midst of repairing.

So we had to take the long way which I wasn't complaining. I found riding planes fun back in my previous world so I quite enjoy the train. It also gave me some time to teach Zancrow some magic.

I turn towards Zancrow who is marveling at the scenery. "Zancrow what do you know of magic?"

"Magic?" Zancrow stopped to think. "Magic comes from the heart?" He said unsurely. 

I smiled. "Yes. Magic comes from the heart. It 2 most powerful emotions are hate and love. These emotions can empower magic to such a degree that it seems like a miracle. But. Hate can blind you while love is clearer. It is easier to hate then love though. But love lasts longer than hate. Hate dimmish while love grows. 

You understand so far?" I copied a speech I stole of Roubaul. 

Zancrow nodded his head, so I continued.

"Magic is both limited and unlimited. It depends on the user and not the magic. What will you make of your magic?" I raise an eyebrow at Zancrow who thought before he spoke, "I want my magic to be powerful."

"That is good. It is good to be powerful just as along you don't destroy everything in your path." 

"So becoming powerful isn't evil?" Zancrow asked me while tilting his head. 

"Becoming strong means that you can protect people, teach people, and show people. Now for the rest of the trip try to make your magic how you want it. It is only limited by creativity."

And off he went to mediate after I showed him how. And while he was doing that, I rested and slept like any good master would.


"So this is Cait Shelter." Zancrow asked in amazement. 

"It sure is." The train ride had been beneficial as Zancrow learned god slayer magic. I did ask him where he learned it and he said a man gave him a book and he learned from there. He also told me that the man said it was a test of sorts. 

But that does give a couple of questions. Was the man who gave him the book a god? Or was was he looking to collect users of lost magic?

But I was pushed out of my thoughts when a old voice shouted out.

"Hey seems you returned unharmed, and it seems you brought a friend." Roubaul shouts while waving his hand. A little girl with blue hair was hiding behind him?

"Seems like you got one too." I said back while walking.

"Yes this here girl is Wendy, she is a dragon slayer like you." Roubaul had a cheeky grin on his face when he said that.

"Oh and I picked up a god slayer too." I replied and this time it was Roubaul who was slack jawed.

"And also Roubaul" I opened my backpack and brought out Tiamat "I found myself a dragon"

Roubaul eyes popped out of his head and his jaw hit the floor.



due to some problems with Patron and webnovel plus some other stuff I hadn't had a chance to upload to patreon but now I shall do daily or every other day uploads on it.


Drop some comments and have yourself a happy day and week. Cya next time.

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