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Tiamat and Magnolia

I brought the egg back and was questioned by Ernate where I found it.

"Yo kid where you find that egg? Its massive"

"I found it in the forest. I wondered what it was going to hatch into so I decided to keep it as a pet."

"With the size of that egg I won't be surprised if a dragon hopped out." Ernate joked with a smile on his face.

"A dragon?" I asked. "That would make one hell of a partner." 

'Riding a dragon into battle. Fighting fools on a dragon.' I imagined as I laughed with Ernate in the middle of the forest.

After the meal we ate we quickly yet efficiently packed up and headed towards magnolia. Ernate was on the wagon and reining the horses while I was on the side keeping look out for bandits so we would not get ambush again.

Ernate also told me that he would still pay the families of the dead guards the reward sum. He also told me a interesting bit of information. This was a B+ Mission and not a C+. But with the involvement of Kabuki this goes up to an A- rank. 

So Roubaul should have known this was a B rank mission and not a C mission. So in other words I have been duped. 'Psk that old man'

We were about 6 or 4 days off from Magnolia. We took rest in spots that were hidden from view so we wouldn't get attacked. During this time we also met another merchant who Ernate took some time to talk to but we left after they tried to buy the egg.

'No sir this is my child'

Any ways were were 1 day off of magnolia and were pretty safe since we were now on the trade route. Most bandits will not try anything near magnolia since it has one of the strongest guilds and they will not take lightly to bandits stealing from merchants. Even mages from there travel this path.

Ernate said that he remembered when Gildarts went through this path and encountered bandits. Gildarts, an S rank mage, versus lowly bandits. Yeah I think that did not end well for the bandits. 

Knocking me out of my thoughts Ernate stops the wagon. "Let stop here and continue it tomorrow since we are close to the town."

I grabbed the wood from the wagon that I collected 2 days ago and began to set up a camp fire. Rubbing the sticks togeather with vigor a flame soon births. "We got fire, want me to search for some food?" I ask Ernate.

"We should have some here." Ernate begins before coming out from the side of the wagon with a rabbit. "Got one."

I dragonize my nails to cut the rabbit then Ernate cooks it. Pretty good strategy if I say so myself. I lay down to a side of the camp fire reading a book about Magnolia.

I found some facts that I found quite interesting.

The town was guild centered. Back in x686 the town was saved from an evil guild from Mavis Vermillion and she then started the Fairy Tail guild. The guild continued to help out the town. And in x690 Trevor Amake started making the towns goods more spread out, setting up trade.

The delious smell of cooked rabbit enteres my nose as I close the book and sit up as Ernate hands me half of the rabbit on a stick.

"Thanks" I said taking a bite out of the rabbit, then another, then another. I ate it all and must I say Ernate is one good cook.

"With skills of these why didn't you become a cook?" I ask Ernate as he was finishing up his rabbit.

"Meh, tried it and it did not fit me that well." Ernate says with a shrug.

"Time to hit the hay."

I nod my head at Ernate and lay down and allow my self to fall into the realm of sleep once more. 

It was about 8 hours later. I awoke to the sun rays lighting my face and making it almost impossible to sleep in. I got up and wished that I did not. My whole body was now flowing and working which meant I could not go back to sleep, it was a pain. 

But I got up and stretched. I walked over to Ernate and woke him up. Once I saw him stand up I began to pack up camp.

I have completely finished with packing when Ernate was ready to leave. I attempted to hop on the wagon but I got really bad motion sickness. So resting on the go is a no go. 'Does that rhyme?' I ask myself tiredly.

We pasted by many merchants and traders on the path to Magnolia. Ernate spoke up once we were walking pass a river.

"We should be there in 5 minutes top. Once we get there I will buy you a room in an inn then give you your money."

"Why the inn?" I ask Ernate since this was not apart of the deal.

"Well this was a long journey and I suspect that you will not head back immediately?" Ernate questioned me with an eyebrow raise.

"I guess so, and I have to get the gift for the old man." I said while looking ahead seeing the town in the distance.

"Welp we are nearly to the town."


We walked through the town gate and now we were officially in the town of Magnolia. Once we walked in, the town looked bright and lively. We walked through the town and I looked at every shop and business. We did not have this back in the guild and this was much more different then on earth.

"Here you go kid." Ernate handed me a pouch. "200,000 Jewels. There is also a inn called blue bird across this street to the left." Ernate directed me. I walked towards the inn with a backpack on which Evan had given me, but now it had the large egg inside of it.

As I walked towards the inn I waved goodbye to Ernate. I decided to look around more for the gift that I will give to Roubaul.

I search some stores for a gift until I found "Beck and Black". It looked interesting enough so I decided to take a look inside. When I walked in there were shelves lined up and a front desk where a man stood. He black hair and stood about 5'9. 

I looked around the shelves until I found a necklace. It was a simple brown color but it had a locket. On the inside it had the line 'You define life, not the other way around'. It reminded me of Roubaul speeches about life and hardship, that he told me everyday on the count that he had to 'make sure it got into my thick skull.'

I figured it would be ironic if i got him it, so I bought it. It was roughly 2,500 jewels, but exactly 2,564 jewels. 

I headed over to the inn and went inside. 

"Hello, how many nights will you be staying?" Asked a young lady with pink hair.

"1 night and can I get room service?" I was quite hungry and was not in the mood to go outside again so I decided on paying extra for room service.

"Sure! That will be 3 thousand jewels and room service will be there soon." She said in a upbeat manner as I handed over the jewels and she gave me the key.

I walked over to my room which was room 26 and opened the door. It was a plain room with a window, a bed, desk, and a bathroom.

I hopped onto my bed and laid my backpack down, pulling the egg up to me.

"I wonder what you will hatch into?"

The egg did not respond sadly.

"Can you hatch now? Pretty please?" I said jokingly.... 


"..." I blank stare at the egg as it slowly cracks open revealing a......


It was white in color and had black eyes as it stared at me.

It slowly wobbled over to me, and once it did, it collapsed and fell into a slumber.

Still in shock I say "Welcome to the world Tiamat" 


Next few chapters will be spread over today and tomorrow. Also I have decided on 1 of the dragons which will be a magma/fire dragon. 

And I have gotten some great reviews and suggestions so thank you all.

word count: 1438

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