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90.47% Is It Wrong To Use Forbidden Magic In The Academy? / Chapter 19: Hy, Father Of Conciousness

Chapter 19: Hy, Father Of Conciousness

"Seems like you're in the mood for a game, human. Let's have some fun, shall we?" Brian's voice dripped with malice as he stared at me, the gaping wound in his chest slowly closing before my eyes.

I watched as he held my sword in his hand, grasping it tightly until it shattered into pieces.

With his arms wide open, he stared at the roofless realm, conveying his decree.

"Shall the universe wake, and join us in this grand feast."

Upon his command, a brilliant light pierced the abyss. The darkness that once enveloped us was now illuminated by a celestial glow. One by one, stars ignited from every corner of the universe, their twinkling lights filling the void. It was as if the very fabric of reality was unraveling, revealing a hidden cosmos within.

The light grew more intense each passing second, and from the firmament of the closed world, a magnificent azure moon rose from the horizon, accompanied by eight smaller moons in a mesmerizing dance. Their glow was ethereal, casting a serene blue light across the now visible landscape. The void floor shimmered and sparkled, revealing an expanse of galaxies and cosmic phenomena springing into existence from the depths of the chasm.

Pulsating stars erupted into view, their rhythmic throbbing casting waves of light that ebbed and flowed like a cosmic tide. Nearby, dark vortices swirled with a malevolent hunger, devouring everything in their path. It was a terrifying yet awe-inspiring sight, a testament to the boundless power and mystery of the universe.

Amid this celestial chaos, six radiant suns emerged, their brilliant light casting both shadows and illumination across the cosmic expanse. Their presence was overwhelming, each one a blazing inferno of unimaginable energy and heat. The stars, the moons, the suns—all created a scene of such staggering beauty and complexity that no living being could truly comprehend it. It was a sight beyond the reach of words or the limits of any written depiction.

The abyssal void had transformed into a celestial panorama, an expanse where both bright and dark exist in parallel. It was a realm where the boundaries of reality seemed to blur, where the impossible became possible.

And then, I saw it—a small blue sphere beneath our feet, nestled among the dancing suns and stars. It was our home world, appearing as a fragile yet vibrant jewel in this vast cosmic display.

As I stood there, awestruck by the spectacle, Brian's mocking laughter brought me back to the present. He seemed to revel in the chaos he had unleashed.

"Now, human. Thou shall witness my might!" 

As his words echoed, one of the stars in the vast celestial expanse above began to descend. At first, it was a distant point of light, but as it hurtled toward me, it grew in size and intensity. The star's descent was marked by a brilliant trail of light, illuminating the landscape around us with a blinding radiance.

The air crackled with energy as the star drew closer, its brilliance almost unbearable, spiraling and pulsing as if it were alive. The heat it radiated was immense, making the void around it shimmer and distort.

As it approached, the star's surface churned and bubbled, sending arcs of fiery plasma spurting in all directions. These jets of molten energy lashed out like the tendrils of some colossal beast, each one leaving a trail of scorching light in its wake.

In that moment, I knew I had to act. I prepared to face the celestial fury head-on. The star's light filled my vision, blinding and overwhelming, as I steeled myself for the imminent clash.

"Goetia(Sorcery): Nulla(Null)!" I shouted, my voice barely audible over the deafening roar of the descending star.

The star continued its relentless descent, its fiery tendrils lashing out against the barrier, causing it to flicker and waver. I felt the immense pressure and heat bearing down on me, threatening to break my concentration.

With every ounce of my strength, I poured my will into the spell, pushing against the overwhelming force of the star. The air around me crackled with energy as the two forces clashed, the light of the star and the concentrated energy creating a maelstrom of power. The effort was excruciating, my body trembling and sweat pouring down my face as I fought to maintain the spell.

"Come on..!!!!" I muttered through gritted teeth, feeling the strain in every fiber of my being. The star's heat was unbearable, and I could feel my skin burning, my clothes smoldering. But I couldn't afford to falter; any lapse in concentration would mean certain death.

Gradually, the star's light began to dim, its fiery tendrils losing their intensity as the spell took effect. It started to absorb the star's energy, converting its immense power into harmless particles of light that dissipated into the void.

With a final, desperate push, I channeled the last of my energy into the spell, nullifying the remaining force of the star.

Finally, it dissipated into a shower of harmless sparks, the intense heat and pressure vanishing in an instant. I collapsed to my knees, gasping for breath, my body exhausted from the tremendous strain.

"Ohohoho, wow! Are you serious? You know, you're actually something, I admit that. A mere human able to stop a star? Impressive, I should say."

Brian laughed mockingly, but there was a glint of genuine surprise in his eyes. I struggled to my feet, my body still trembling from the heat.

"Impressive?" I panted, wiping the sweat from my brow. "You haven't seen anything yet."

Brian's expression darkened, his eyes narrowing with malice. "Bold words for someone who's barely standing. But let's see how you fare against this."

As Brian's mocks echoed, the celestial panorama around us began to shift dramatically. Every star that had adorned the heavens now hurtled toward us like blazing meteors. The once tranquil and awe-inspiring cosmic display transformed into a chaotic onslaught of fiery destruction.

Each falling star streaked through the void with ferocious speed, leaving behind a trail of shimmering light and searing heat. Their descent painted the darkness with streaks of brilliance, casting long shadows and illuminating the void with blinding flashes. Shockwaves rippled through the fractured landscape.

I staggered back, overwhelmed by the sheer magnitude of the cataclysm unfolding. The air crackled with energy as the stars plunged earthward, their fiery tails dancing wildly against the backdrop of the abyss. Each collision erupted in a deafening explosion of light and heat, scattering fragments of shattered stars like deadly shrapnel.

I felt the scorching heat singe my skin. The ground trembled beneath me, cracked and fissured by the relentless barrage. Desperation fueled my every move as I searched for a way to withstand the overwhelming power raining down from the heavens.

"Magick Prohibitae(Forbidden Magic): Hecates Praesidium(Hecate's Protection)!!!"

In a desperate attempt, I conjured a barrier, crossing my fingers and hoping it could withstand the rage of a thousand stars raining down upon me.

The barrier shimmered into existence, a faint glow of violet shade forming a protective dome around me. For a moment, it held against the onslaught, deflecting the first few stars that crashed into its surface with resounding impacts. But as more stars descended, the barrier began to falter.

The sky above erupted with fiery chaos, each star a relentless force of destruction. Their impacts reverberated through the barrier, cracks spreading like spiderwebs across its once-solid surface. Heat seeped through the weakening shield, scorching my skin despite its protection.

I gritted my teeth, pouring every ounce of concentration into maintaining the barrier. Sweat dripped down my face, mingling with the dust and magic that hung heavy in the air. But despite my efforts, the onslaught was too much. With a final, deafening crash, a particularly large star struck the barrier, shattering it into fragments of dissipating energy.

I staggered backward, defenseless against the onslaught of falling stars. The ground trembled beneath me, a symphony of destruction singing through the void. Debris from shattered stars rained down around me, the air thick with burning embers and the acrid scent of cosmic fire.

As the last remnants of my shattered barrier faded, I stood amidst the devastation, facing Brian's triumphant laughter echoing in the aftermath.

As another star hurtled toward me, I braced myself for the inevitable clash. Darkness closed in around me, pain and despair merging into a numbing haze.

This is it. My magic failed me, and at last, I will die.

I closed my eyes and held my breath, bracing for the impact. Even though I was at death's door, for some reason, my mind couldn't stop racing.

Where did it go wrong? I thought my magic was the strongest, I thought I was invincible. How could it end up like this?

Did Damien lie to me? Did I lie to myself? Oh well, whatever. There's no point in crying over spilled milk.

Eventually, no human could defy god.

Even in this life, I end up miserable. Why do I even try?

In the end, I only have one regret...

I couldn't save you, Theresia. I couldn't even save myself.

Theresia, I'm sorry...

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