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63.33% Douluo: I Am the True Master / Chapter 19: Chapter 19: The Disciple "Blessed" by the Father of Blind Douluo

Chapter 19: Chapter 19: The Disciple "Blessed" by the Father of Blind Douluo

Last time, when he returned to Holy Soul Village, Ye Wen didn't take a carriage back but chose to run a marathon with his own body. After all, riding a carriage was too slow for him now, and he couldn't run as fast as he could with his own legs.

Since there is no high-speed transportation currently and there are few people traveling, Ye Wen maintained a fairly fast pace along the way. It only took him half a month to return to Holy Soul Village, saving twenty days compared to the original trip from Holy Soul Village to the Extreme North.

Poverty is wrong, the countryside atmosphere hits you in the face, and what you see is a field of golden wheat.

This is Jinmai Village. Ye Wen has some impressions of this place. When he was a child, he and Ye Buyi passed through this place. It's famous for its fertile soil and rich, high-quality wheat.

Originally, Ye Wen had no intention of staying in this village and wanted to return to Holy Soul Village. But he saw a middle-aged man wearing the deacon robe of the Spirit Hall saying something to the village chief, and he couldn't help but become curious. He held his breath and listened.

Because Ye Wen recognized the Spirit Hall deacon as Su Zhenhua, the father of Blind Douluo Su Yuntao, who had awakened his spirit.

"Soul Master, do you have any children who awakened soul power this year?"

"Oh~, there are two of them, but one has an innate soul power of first level Blue Silver Grass, and the other has an innate soul power of fifth level, but their martial spirit is the heart. Both are useless martial souls and have no value in training. Go to the next village to awaken. Here are their awakening certificates. You can take them for a moment."

The village chief of Jinmai also accepted the two Spirit Hall certificates with a gloomy expression.

It's obvious that awakening a child with soul power is the dream of every village, but it's very painful to awaken two useless martial souls with no offensive power.

Ye Wen stared at the scene in the corner.

"Good boy, your father's title as Blind Douluo is well-deserved. Let's not mention the little girl with Blue Silver Grass for now. Saying the martial soul is useless is an exaggeration. Although the concept of the original martial soul was not popularized at this time, Su Zhenhua actually forgot the basic common sense that innate soul power is related to the quality of the martial soul.

The innate soul power can be considered the genius of the entire Notting City, so it was directly regarded as a useless martial soul and abandoned. Haha, I deserve to miss this! The original martial soul heart is one of the most critical organs of the human body. The more important the body spirit is to the person, the greater the potential it represents. The heart spirit is undoubtedly the top. As for why the innate soul power is only at level five, you can understand this by referring to Huo Gua.

At this moment, the two children who had awakened their soul power also emerged. Apparently, they were not very interested, but their sensitive and weak hearts were stimulated by Su Zhenhua's comments."

Ye Wen was a bit surprised to see that the people who had awakened their martial souls were actually two girls. The ratio of soul masters between men and women was seriously unbalanced.

This Jinmai village has a bit of yin and yang.

Ye Wen felt that the time was almost up, so he stepped forward, raised his hand, and greeted the village elder.

"Long time no see, Grandpa Mike, how have you been recently?"

He originally wanted to explain some basic knowledge about work-study students to the two girls.

The village chief, Mike, was a bit unhappy about being interrupted suddenly, but when he raised his eyes, he saw a handsome young man. Although his clothes were not luxurious, they were much better than those of patched-up farmers like them.

"Who are you?"

Ye Wen pretended to suddenly realize: "It's been five years since I've seen you. It's normal for you to forget me, Ye Wen."

As he spoke, the old man's memory was instantly activated. After all, although the name Holy Soul Village is a bit exaggerated, the village chief is the only soul master living here permanently in the surrounding ten miles and eight villages. Although he has no combat ability, he is deeply loved and respected by those around him.

"Oh, he is the grandson of Village Chief Ye. It's been a long time. I heard you were going to Notting College. I think you will become a soul master soon."

"Hey, Grandpa Mike, are these two girls the ones who awakened their soul power this year? Your village is very lucky. Since my village had me, there has been no one with soul power." Ye Wen said this, and Village Chief Mike also showed a trace of complacency on his face. Regardless of whether the spirit was abandoned or not, as long as the spirit master could practice to the point where he could receive the Spirit Hall subsidy, it would be a happy event. Suddenly, he thought of Ye Wen. The identity of the students of Notting College should be more knowledgeable than me, a person who didn't study as a soul master, so he asked Ye Wen for advice.

"Xiao Wen, what level do you think these two little sisters can reach in the future? Although Master Su just said that these two martial arts are useless martial souls."

"I want to talk to Grandpa Mike about this matter. Let's first go to your house to discuss it." Ye Wen followed his suggestion.

Apparently aware of something in Ye Wen's words, the two frustrated girls had a glimmer of light in their eyes and followed Ye Wen to the house of Village Chief Mike. It can only be said that even Mike's life, as the village chief, is a bit better than the ordinary villagers. The trend here is dilapidated wooden houses.

"Big brother, mine is Blue Silver Grass."

"Big brother, mine is the heart."

The two lovely little girls were eager to ask Ye Wen for knowledge about their martial souls.

Ye Wen took out four cups and filled them with water. Only then did Ye Wen speak calmly.

"Don't worry, little sisters, please introduce yourselves first, and then I will introduce your martial souls in detail."

The little girl with black hair with a hint of blue said softly, "My name is Lanlan, Martial Spirit: Blue Silver Grass, innate soul power level 1."

Another little girl who looked a bit thin, with dry and messy blonde hair, and seemed a bit malnourished, said, "My name is Huo Rui, martial spirit heart, innate soul power level five."


Ye Wen then pointed to the little girl Lan with Blue Silver Grass and said,

"Let's start with your martial soul, Lan Lan. Your martial soul, Blue Silver Grass, has an innate soul power of level one. Some scholars once investigated that the probability of Blue Silver Grass awakening with innate soul power is not more than 3%. You should be laughing for having this level of soul power. Blue Silver Grass itself is the foundation of all martial arts."

Hearing Ye Wen's explanation, Lan Lan didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

But then she heard Ye Wen say again, "You don't need to be so depressed. Blue Silver Grass is weak, but it can't be considered useless. It can produce different results than others. A great leap that no martial spirit can achieve.

"And the Blue Silver Grass martial spirit has another advantage. Let me tell you, in the training of soul masters, there is a kind of mimetic training environment, which is generally exclusive to noble soul masters.

"This cultivation method involves returning the existence represented by the martial soul to the place where it originally should live, simulating the environment, thereby greatly increasing the cultivation speed of the soul master. Do you understand with your Blue Silver Grass?"

Ye Wen's sparkling eyes made Lan Lan seem to understand, but then she suddenly realized.

"I understand!"

As for the village chief, Mike, he was confused by what he heard. He filled a cup of water, water worthy of being a soul master.

"So, when you practice in the future, you should try to find places with more Blue Silver Grass to practice like a master with innate soul power of level 2 or 3. Although it may not be significant in those big cities, it's already very fast in Notting City. If you continue to persevere every day, you should be able to reach level 30 by the age of 30. 100 gold coins a month can make your life very nourishing."

Although there were still many terms that Lan Lan couldn't understand, she cheered up when she learned that she could get 100 gold coins by the age of 30. And an 'useless martial soul'? As long as you can reach Soul Master, you will receive the subsidy.

Huo Rui, who was next to her, didn't expect there to be so many ways to practice for a waste soul like Blue Silver Grass, but she was so talented that she applied the training plan Ye Wen told Lan Lan to herself, but found that she seemed unable to find the same path of progress, which left her a bit depressed.

Ye Wen also noticed Huo Rui's situation, but he was in no hurry to explain. Instead, he took a sip of water to moisten his dry throat.

But Huo Rui couldn't bear it anymore. She quickly ran to Ye Wen, grabbed his arm with her little hand, and squeezed it there, urgently saying,

"Brother, what about me? What about me!"

At this moment, Village Chief Mike frowned and shouted at Huo Rui, "Xiao Rui, pay attention to the rules."

At this moment, Village Chief Mike was sincerely convinced by Ye Wen. It's not that there have been no soul masters in the village, but someone like Ye Wen who can make plans and practice even for a useless martial soul like Blue Silver Grass was the first time he had seen this.

Especially knowing that he could eventually reach Soul Master through cultivation and receive 100 gold coins every month, he was completely restless. After all, it was still a question whether Jinmai Village's annual harvest could be sold for 100 gold coins. So he became more and more respectful to Ye Wen, which was respect for intellectuals.

Therefore, due to Huo Rui's wild child behavior now, he felt it was disrespectful to Ye Wen and wanted Huo Rui to restrain herself.

Ye Wen, on the other hand, waved his hand to signal Village Chief Mike not to be so serious and said in a pleasant manner,

"Don't worry, Xiaorui. Your talent is much stronger than Blue Silver Grass. As long as you can properly plan your martial soul training, no matter how bad you are in the future, you will still be a strong man at the soul sect level. That's the first level of a soul master. With five titles, you can dominate Notting City.

Hearing what Ye Wen said, Huo Rui's eyes sparkled with stars and she began to imagine how powerful her future would be.

But then she thought about the fact that her martial soul was her heart. She couldn't just take out her heart and throw it at others; otherwise, she would die.

The child's thoughts were so simple and straightforward, and Huo Rui became depressed again.

Seeing Huo Rui's appearance, Ye Wen also scratched his head. Although he had grown up since childhood, he contained the soul of an adult.

"But Xiaorui, you have to listen carefully. I'm talking about reasonably planning the training of your martial soul. As an innate fifth-level heart martial soul, I should be able to develop a very good cultivation method with the right approach.

As for this matter, although I really want to tell you directly, soul masters have their own rules. For a martial soul considered useless like Lan Lan's, I can only give some hints because her future achievements are very limited. But you are different. I can't give you the best cultivation methods without proper compensation. The rules of this world of soul masters prohibit peeking at others' cultivation methods. These methods are the crystallization of wisdom and power. You must join the sect or sign a loyalty contract. Otherwise, an ordinary soul master will not teach you their cultivation methods. What you can learn in the academy are the most basic methods. These methods may be useful for general practice, but for a special martial soul like yours, they will only become useless."

For the first time in her life, the girl faced the dangers of this world, and she could only hold on tightly. With her fists clenched, she asked timidly while holding her patched skirt,

"But I have nothing."

"No, you have." Ye Wen said decisively.

"Accept me as your master. From now on, we will live and die together. I will teach you the secrets of your martial soul. In the future, you can at least become a soul saint."

Young Huo Rui still didn't understand what it meant to be a disciple in the world of soul masters, but she had nothing to lose, so she said without hesitation,

"Okay, I'll become your student."

Seeing Huo Rui's determined eyes, Ye Wen was moved.

He stood up and stepped forward. Although he was only three years older than Huo Rui, Ye Wen was 1.7 meters tall at that time. He was like a sixteen or seventeen-year-old brother who touched Huo Rui's head.

"Okay, I, Ye Wen, will accept you as my eldest disciple. From now on, you can call me master."

"Yes, master."

Although Ye Wen also considered recognizing Huo Rui as his adopted sister to teach her, he thought of Ah Yin and realized that recognizing another would complicate matters.

After all, no serious person could have so many sisters.

Moreover, he now had the mission of reversing the future of this world, so he had to train his team as quickly as possible, and Huo Rui, with her superior martial soul, would undoubtedly be a powerful assistant in the future.

When it comes to training his younger sister, girls always get a little irritated, but as a disciple, she would have to strictly follow the training plan formulated by her master.

This could make her stronger as quickly as possible in the future.

Ye Wen then asked about Huo Rui's family situation and learned that she also had a mother and a brother one year younger than her. Ye Wen planned to take the entire family away.

Additionally, Huo Rui's family situation was not good; otherwise, the awakening of a superior body martial soul would not be just level five.

Originally, her family environment was very good, but unfortunately, her father had an accident while hunting in the mountains and never returned. The family's life suddenly became difficult, but fortunately, Huo Rui was sensible and helped her mother bear part of the family burden.

And this heavy family burden might be the reason why Huo Rui, a high-level genius, was born with only a fifth-level soul power.

Ye Wen and Huo Rui's family quickly packed their bags. Although they didn't have much luggage, they soon left Jinmai Village.

And just when Ye Wen was about to leave the village boundaries, the little girl named Lan Lan caught up to him and said breathlessly.

"Big brother, can I also become your disciple?"

Looking at the expectation in her eyes, Ye Wen originally planned to refuse. After all, Lan Yincao's martial spirit was very useless, and he already had Ah Yin around. He had no interest in martial arts like Blue Silver Grass.

"Why? Why do you want to worship me as your teacher? Didn't I tell you the direction of your martial arts training? As long as you continue to practice step by step, one day you will become a soul master."

"I want to become strong," Lan Lan said sadly.

Looking at Lan Lan, Ye Wen knew that the girl in front of him probably had her own story, so he asked softly.

"Why do you want to become stronger?"

"My parents were killed by the nobles in Notting City. Although the village chief told me that they accidentally encountered a wild wolf and were bitten, when their bodies were brought back, it was clear that their injuries were not caused by an animal but by a carriage. Later, I found out that a young noble from Notting City was driving a carriage recklessly and ran over my parents. I want revenge, but my martial spirit is too weak. Even if I finally reach the level of Soul Master, as my big brother said, I won't be able to defeat him."

Hearing Lan Lan's account, Ye Wen was a little surprised. He didn't expect the girl in front of him, who was not yet six years old, to be so intelligent. She could identify the cause of her parents' death from the injuries and then collect evidence on her own.

Ye Wen was silent for a while. He sympathized with Lan Lan, who was orphaned due to the nobles' persecution.

"Okay, I just have some guesses I want to test with your martial spirit. I will accept you as my disciple. However, due to your limited talent, I cannot accept you as my direct disciple, so you will be my registered disciple.

As for avenging your parents, I will find a chance to help you. You should not seek revenge on your own."

Ye Wen then went back to explain the matter of Lan Lan to Mayor Mike.

For this child, who had grown up under the care of the whole village, it was obvious that Village Chief Mike still did not understand her intelligence. He simply told Ye Wen to pay more attention to this child and then allowed Ye Wen to take Lan Lan away.

Ye Buyi, who was basking in the sun in the courtyard, looked at the group of people Ye Wen brought with a trace of surprise in his eyes.

But he quickly accepted Ye Wen's acceptance of two students and Huo Rui's family.

With the birth of the innate soul power experiment's children by Ye Wen, the wealth of his family was increasing. Ye Buyi's ability to accept such things was also growing stronger.

And Ah Yin was obviously very interested in Lan Lan accepted by Ye Wen. Especially after learning that Lan Lan's martial spirit was Lan Yincao, she enthusiastically took Lan Lan to practice.

After a few days, Huo Rui's family and Lan Lan were settled, and Ye Wen also began formally teaching Huo Rui about cultivating her own martial spirit.

"Xiao Rui, firstly, I disagree with the traditional ranking of martial souls practiced by soul masters.

Since you've never been to school, I'll briefly explain that the so-called traditional division of martial spirits is to divide them into pure weapon spirits and beast spirits.

And the core of my opposition to this division lies in soul masters like you. A part of the body can indeed awaken as a martial spirit. What does this have to do with being a beast? This division itself undermines the difference between us, humans, and spirit beasts.

That's why I called your martial spirit the original martial spirit. It's a special martial spirit that awakens a part of oneself as a martial spirit.

There are several other classifications of martial spirits. After I finish teaching you the common characters of the Douluo Continent, I'll give you a copy of 'A Brief Analysis of Martial Spirits' written by me.

"I understand, master, so let me ask a question. How should I cultivate my original martial spirit?" Huo Rui asked.

Ye Wen was very pleased with Huo Rui's serious attitude and then continued.

"How to practice, don't be in a hurry. You must first understand the uniqueness and treasure of your martial spirit before you can proceed. Only then will you achieve twice the result with half the effort in your practice.

I read many books that recorded the original martial spirit and finally came to a conclusion.

The more powerful the main body martial spirit, the more indispensable it is to the body. For example, the most common main body martial spirits are limbs or hair, which are not fatal and precious parts of the human body.

But even so, once the main body martial spirit is awakened, it definitely has soul power. Moreover, the soul power awakened by these common martial spirits can possess innate soul power of levels three to six. It can be said that this is a genius even in large cities.

It is precisely because of the innate soul power that I classify these common martial spirits as advanced and superior martial spirits.

And the next level of this kind of martial spirit is a heart martial spirit like yours. Because once the heart is pierced, a person is on the verge of death.

At the same level as the heart, the main body martial spirit also includes eyes and brain. I classify this kind of more advanced main body martial spirit as super martial spirits because their boost to the soul master is enormous.

The difference between a super martial spirit and a superior martial spirit or an advanced martial spirit is that the super martial spirit itself has extreme characteristics or some innate soul abilities. This is a completely different enhancement from the superior and advanced martial spirits, which can only bring some attributes.

The most striking example is the Three Upper Sects.

The Clear Sky Hammer of the Clear Sky Sect gives the Clear Sky Hammer itself unparalleled weight characteristics. Unless it is also in the ranks of super martial spirits, ordinary martial spirits will be severely injured if hammered.

Although the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect can only be cultivated up to level 79 due to inherent limitations, each additional soul ring has a percentage increase in the effects of all soul rings. It is the leader among auxiliary soul masters, and it is precisely because of this that it has the title of the best auxiliary soul in the world.

The most famous of them is the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex, known as the best beast martial spirit in the world. Although this martial spirit is also among the super martial spirits, in reality, the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex is not ranked among all dragon species. As far as I know, there are more than ten dragon-like spirit beasts more powerful than it. But we can't overlook the talent of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex, the super martial spirit, which is the Dragon Transformation. This innate ability can provide a massive power boost to the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex soul master before the Soul Saint level. It is precisely because of this super growth that it stands out from ordinary soul masters and can secure its position in the top three sects. Otherwise, considering the situation of having only one Titled Douluo, it would be a bit thrilling to squeeze into the top three sects.

Let's get back to the topic; I'll explain the world of soul masters to you slowly later.

According to my inference, these three high-level martial spirits represent three different directions of cultivation.

The brain is very simple, related to mental power, and the original martial spirit I found was a strong brain. The last record showed that he had cultivated to the Soul Saint realm, but even a Contra dared not directly intercept his soul impact move.

As for the practitioner of the Eye Martial Spirit, although he and the Brain Martial Spirit Soul Saint both cultivate spiritual power, their focus is different. His soul ability uses eye contact to trap the opponent in an illusion from which they cannot escape. Compared to the simple and crude mental impact, this method of building a spiritual illusion is undoubtedly more sophisticated. Moreover, the cultivator of this eye martial spirit eventually reached the Titled Douluo realm.

However, in

my original conception, the eye martial spirit should be related to insight. Considering that the eyes are the windows to the spiritual world, I believe that the true eye martial spirit Titled Douluo should be a combination of eyes and brain. This is the correct combination.

The last thing I want to talk about is your heart. What do you think the heart is related to?"

Listening to Ye Wen's detailed explanation, Huo Rui began to think. She didn't expect that a martial spirit as seemingly useless as hers was actually a hidden super martial spirit.

"Is it blood?"

Ye Wen was very pleased with Huo Rui's intelligence. He nodded approvingly at Huo Rui's statement and then said:

"Yes, it's blood. As one of the most important organs in the human body, the heart is mainly responsible for providing energy for the blood to flow through our limbs.

The reason I say the heart is a super martial spirit is because after awakening the heart martial spirit, you must feel that the strength of your body has increased to a certain extent and you will have extremely strong energy."

(End of chapter)

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