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3.33% Douluo: I Am the True Master / Chapter 1: Chapter 1 Dreaming of the Sacred Soul Village
Douluo: I Am the True Master Douluo: I Am the True Master original

Douluo: I Am the True Master

Author: LordLho

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Chapter 1 Dreaming of the Sacred Soul Village

Chapter 1 Dreaming of the Sacred Soul Village

In the year 2607 of the Douluo calendar, in the southwest of the Tiandou Empire, Fasnuo Province, Sacred Soul Village.

A small unknown village named after the birth of a soul saint.

A six-year-old boy lay lazily on the silver-blue grass-covered lawn, gazing up at the sky, with a tender piece of silver-blue grass in his mouth.

"It's so boring. The old world was still comfortable. It's a pity I didn't stay up for three days and three nights to write a postgraduate entrance thesis. Why did I suddenly die? The older generation couldn't stay up for seven days and seven nights. Unfortunately, here I am. The ancestors of the homeland are in distress," Ye Wen muttered to himself.

Yes, this young man is commonly known as a time traveler. His predecessor was an excellent student who pursued postgraduate studies to write a medical thesis. Unfortunately, his body was a bit frail, so after surviving for three days and three nights, he suddenly died and traveled to the Douluo continent.

As a well-known domestic IP, even Ye Wen, who is dedicated to reading, has read this novel at some point.

It is worth noting that Ye Wen, like Tang San, is both insightful, but unfortunately, after six years of life, Ye Wen knows he probably has much worse luck than Tang San.

Firstly, Ye Wen was certain that the era he traveled to was the Douluo Continent, but the time was probably decades before Tang San's birth. As for why Ye Wen, in a remote village, knew this, it was because Ye Wen occasionally followed the village chief to work in Notting City. Even in a small remote town, the reputation of the Shangsan Sect is still prominent, and the reputation of the Temple's senior-level Wuhun master is called Chihiroji.

Furthermore, Ye Wen's previous life was during a standard end-of-Dharma era. There was no practice method like Xuantian Kung in his mind. During the week, he could only rely on the most basic exercises and eating well to sustain himself. As for innate soul power, he didn't think about it.

Then there's life experience; one could say that Tang San had a complete family background from the start. His mother is a hundred-thousand-year spirit beast, and his father is a direct descendant of the Haotian Sect, one of the three superior sects.

But Ye Wen's side was unfortunate. His mother died in childbirth when she was delivering Ye Wen, and she was just an ordinary person. His father was a soul master, but unfortunately, he was also a hypocritical fool. During the Tiandou and Xingluo war, he went to the battlefield with several soul master friends to gain meritorious services, attempting to become a military noble.

It's a pity he was lost on the battlefield. After all, in the Douluo Continent, where Soul Lords are lower than dogs and Soul Saints are everywhere, an auxiliary Soul Lord on the battlefield is basically like pork in a meat grinder.

As for compensation for death in battle, don't think about it. Although the original work does not contain a specific description of the social situation of the Douluo Continent, it's fine to refer to the Western Middle Ages and Eastern Feudal Dynasty. After all, there are nobles in the original novel. Needless to say, the oppression of civilian students who work and study in this more chaotic era.

So now Ye Wen lives with the village chief. It's worth mentioning that the current village chief is actually Ye Wen's grandfather, not the old Jack from the original article.

The village chief's name is Ye Buyi, a first-level soul master whose current combat effectiveness is insignificant.

Therefore, Ye Wen is not optimistic about his future right now. Firstly, the awakening of the martial soul that determines his destiny is today. Ye Wen thinks that the probability of becoming a soul master is about 50-50.

Because when Ye Wen was free to examine his family tree, he discovered that his ancestors were descendants of the Soul Saint mentioned in the Sacred Soul Village.

However, no matter how good the lineage is, if there is no corresponding high-quality lineage for reproduction, it will eventually weaken. Nonetheless, there are rare examples of mutant martial spirits on the Douluo Continent.

It's a pity there are few good examples. For example, the martial spirit of a famous master is outrageous.

"Xiao Wen, it's time to go," Ye Buyi approached tremulously and said.

"I know, Grandpa," Ye Wen patted the silver-blue grass off his body and carefully walked over to Ye Buyi to assist him.

Ye Buyi was dressed in patched and worn-out clothes, and his whole body seemed to be filled with a kind of twilight that looked like it could dissipate in the wind at any moment.

This situation, with the end of the war between the two empires and the fact that his son had not returned, made the old man feel depressed. If Ye Wen, his grandson, were not around, I fear the old man would have passed away long ago.

The grandfather and grandson supported each other and walked to the small Wuhun Hall in the village. Although it was called the Wuhun Hall, it was actually just a larger, organized wooden house. It was specially built by the Wuhun Hall to help common people awaken their martial souls. A small building and infrastructure found in every village.

"Come in, Xiaowen, your life will begin here," Ye Buyi said lovingly with an eager smile on his face.

Ye Wen nodded silently and entered.

Then several children from the same village entered curiously.

At this moment, a strong man wearing standard Wuhun Hall attire entered and said solemnly.

"Quiet everyone, line up!"

There was no coercion, but the serious face and sturdy figure made the five present children tremble and quickly line up. "My name is Su Zhenhua, a Grand Soul Master of the twenty-sixth level, and I am your instructor. Now, I will awaken your martial souls one by one."

Su Zhenhua opened his pack on the nearby table and took out two things from it, six round black stones, and a shiny blue crystal ball.

Su Zhenhua placed six black stones into the six-pointed star slots on the floor. Then he gestured for the first child to step between them.

"Don't be afraid, close your eyes and feel carefully." As Su Zhenhua said this, his eyes suddenly lit up. Amid the horrified gazes of the children, he shouted, "Lone Wolf, Possess!"

In the middle of the line, Ye Wen looked at this scene and couldn't help but mutter to himself, "Well, you're inheriting the legacy of the previous generation, right? Martial spirit." In Ye Wen's mind, he couldn't help but think of Su Yuntao, the funny guy with the title of Blind Douluo who helped Tang San awaken his martial spirit in the original work. After all, Tang San, whom Su Yuntao looked down upon, became a god in the end.

(Su Yuntao, "Damn! (╬▔ Pan▔)╯!! Feng Ping was killed before I was even born!")

The awakening and Wuhun test proceeded quickly, and soon it was Ye Wen's turn.

The first two in front awakened the scythe and the hoe respectively, but unfortunately, both were useless martial spirits without soul power.

"It's my turn, it's my turn. I'm here to give my life a chance to win or lose. May the Jade Emperor bless me, the Three Purities bless me, Amitabha bless me, and Hallelujah bless me!" Ye Wen said softly.

Ye Wen composed himself and slowly stepped onto the awakening magic circle. Su Zhenhua used the method to stimulate the soul power in his body and injected it into the six black stones, activating the magic circle.

But this time there was obviously much more golden light than the previous children who had not awakened soul power. A hint of joy shone in Su Zhenhua's eyes. Although he couldn't tell how strong the martial spirit Ye Wen awakened was, he was sure it had soul power, and now the bonus was paid.

Ye Wen furrowed his brow slightly, and energy within his body uncontrollably surged from his right hand. Then he saw a black shadow emerge, and a one-square-meter black cloth appeared in front of him.

A pattern of silver-white rings also appeared on the back of Ye Wen's right hand.

In the middle of the pattern is an oblique twisted square with what looks like a vortex in the middle of the square.

Looking at this pattern, Ye Wen suddenly understood that this is the soul mark mentioned in the Douluo comic version. Therefore, there is also real armor in this Douluo world, so I am looking forward to it. After all, what young man can resist the temptation of beautiful armor?

But why wasn't it found in the village before? Are they all hiding out of habit? Well, Grandpa should know this method. I'll go back and ask him.

Su Zhenhua frowned, looked at the martial spirit, and thought to himself, "A rag? It's a bit large. But it seems like the rag can't be used as a fighting weapon."

"By the way, there are all kinds of strange soul seals in martial arts, various, except for the widely publicized martial souls that are recorded, the others are named individually by soul masters, so Su Zhenhua is too lazy to review the ugly mutant martial soul."

"But after all, it's a martial soul. The soul temple among common people," Su Zhenhua said slowly and calmly.

"Stretch out your left hand and test the power of your soul."

Unconsciously obeying because of the magic circle, Ye Wen's mind was still a bit agitated at this moment, but Ye Wen not only felt that his hand had a piece of cloth, and it seemed like there was something in his left hand.

At the moment his hand was about to touch the crystal ball, Ye Wen understood what was happening.

"Damn! My symptoms are twin martial souls, and twin martial souls mean that the two martial souls are at least high-level martial souls belonging to the upper ranks. If exposed now, I'll probably be dragged to the soul martial hall for treatment, then all kinds of nonsense will happen around me. No, my goal is to keep growing and stay away from unnecessary disputes.

"By the way, I should be born with all the soul power, but what is the essence of soul power? Although I don't have Xuantian Kung Fu to realize the so-called internal power, if I think about it? according to this world's cultivation system, the Dharma of meditation means that soul power cultivation depends on the extent of thought. If I want to control my soul power now, I can only suggest to myself. Damn, try it."

I saw Ye Wen unconsciously putting the black cloth behind him, and the black cloth began to tremble and tremble, as if it would disappear at any moment, and the soul power that was originally gushing out began to become much thinner, and Su Zhen The crystal ball in Hua's hand also began to emit a faint light, but the flickering light seemed a bit flickering.

However, Su Zhenhua didn't take this seriously but unconsciously thought that the child in front of him couldn't control. his soul.

Su Zhenhua said with surprise in his eyes, "Innate soul power is at level four, not bad. Work hard, kid, and you'll have good prospects in the Soul Sect in the future."

Su Zhenhua is in a good mood at the moment. He has awakened martial spirits from many villages in recent days, but none of them have the qualifications of a soul master. Soul master who awakened the qualifications of a soul master.

Fortunately, this room was originally dark, but everyone present was drawn by the awakening circle light and didn't notice the clear layer of the golden white soul mark on Ye Wen's left hand. , Su Zhenhua, who was awakening his martial spirit, didn't see anything because of the angle. Later, Ye Wen also consciously hid his left hand and finally finished the awakening ceremony, Ye Buyi outside could hardly wait to step forward and asked Ye Wen:

"How are you, Xiaowen?"

Looking at Ye Buyi's expectant eyes, Ye Wen said with a joyful smile, "I awakened a piece of cloth, Grandpa, and I have innate level four soul power. Master Su said I can cultivate for the soul sect in the future and be even more powerful than my father."

Ye Buyi had tears in his eyes, his lips trembled, and he couldn't help but mutter to himself, "The inheritance of my Ye family is not broken, not broken, not broken."

At this moment, Su Zhenhua, who had packed up his things, also came out, Seeing the excited old man in front of him, he's used to it. For a remote rural village that may not be able to produce a soul master in eighteen lifetimes, having a child with talent for cultivation is simply a gift from the angelic god.

"Old man, this is. This is the child's test certificate. Notting Junior College will start in a month, so remember to send your child to school. Don't worry, it won't cost anything. Our Wuhun Palace implements a work-study system across the continent. As long as the child does something within their capability at the academy, tuition and meal expenses can be compensated. And in the future, if this child reaches the tenth level and hunts for soul rings, remember to bring him to the Wuhun Hall in Notting City to register as a soul master level, and you can also receive a monthly soul gold coin allowance."

Su Zhenhua obviously regarded Ye Buyi as an ignorant old civilian and began to give careful instructions.

At this moment, Ye Buyi, who was excited, didn't want to interrupt them but continued nodding along.

After Su Zhenhua left, Ye Buyi happily brought Ye Wen back to the old brick house.

Even after living in this house for six years, Ye Wen couldn't help but complain as he looked around twice and locked the door tightly.

Seeing this behavior, Ye Wen was surprised. This was obviously what the grandfather in front of him wanted.

Ye Buyi entered the back room and moved aside a dilapidated cabinet. In this moment, he finally revealed a hidden compartment in the floor.

"Grandpa, what's this?" Ye Wen asked curiously.

But Ye Buyi didn't immediately answer Ye Wen's question. Instead, he looked affectionately at the small box in front of him. Opening it slowly, Ye Wen saw besides a booklet, there was also a large bag of soul gold coins and a rough ring.

"Xiao Wen, although your father and I are not talented in cultivation, after all, our ancestors also had a prominent family that produced soul saints, and they still had some wealth. However, common people are not to blame, but they are to blame for having the jade. Therefore, for so many years, our family has always appeared relatively poor to the outside world. This booklet is the meditation method left by our ancestral soul saint. It's the most suitable meditation method for our family's martial soul and will be the turban. Although we only awaken the auxiliary soul master martial soul, as long as we have this method of meditation, our cultivation speed will definitely not be inferior to that of other soul masters with weapons. But it's a pity that I only have half-level innate soul power. Even with this ability, my life's achievements won't reach the realm of a great soul master. ...created by this damn empire at such a young age. In battle, hey."

Ye Buyi was describing the glory of his ancestors but also lamenting his own misfortune and Ye Wen's father's sadness. If he were an offensive soul master, he might have been able to escape forced recruitment. Unfortunately, what his family inherited was that auxiliary martial souls couldn't even escape when they received the news.

However, when Ye Buyi mentioned that his innate soul power was only at half-level, Ye Wen couldn't help but think of that useless master Yu Xiaogang. His strength is only at half-level, but he can rely on his family's inheritance to cultivate up to level 29. There really is a great difference between nobles and commoners. It doesn't seem to be a will turban. Embarrassed, Ye Buyi interrupted and said, "Well, grandpa, the martial spirit I awakened doesn't seem to be the will turban you mentioned."

Ye Buyi, who was now full of thoughts and wanted to talk non-stop, suddenly got stuck there, looking at Ye Wen in disbelief, and said, "What? Your martial spirit isn't a piece of cloth?"

"There's nothing wrong with it being a piece of cloth, but I feel like it has nothing to do with the will turban you mentioned."

"I can't say clearly for a while, I summoned it and you take a look."

As he spoke, Ye Buyi summoned his martial spirit again. Looking at this martial spirit, Ye Buyi narrowed his eyes. He could clearly feel that this piece of cloth was not the same thing as the testament turban that his family had always inherited. There seemed to be a more mysterious power contained within it, and the turban that was not summoned from the body seemed slightly suppressed.

"Xiaowen, does your martial spirit have any special abilities? After our family's turban is awakened, just tying it around the head can make the spirit enter a slightly excited state," Ye Buyi said.

Ye Wen scratched his head. He hadn't carefully checked his martial soul before. After all, he had consumed a lot of brain cells to escape the soul power test just now. It was only then that Ye Wen began to carefully sense his own spirit.

"It seems like there's a space within my cloth that can hold some dead objects? I should call this martial spirit Nabu now."

This mysterious and elusive feeling made Ye Wen feel uncertain for a while. On the other hand, Ye Buyi was much more determined. He directly picked up a glass of water on the table and threw it at the cloth.

When the glass touched the black cloth, it disappeared without any impact, as if it had been swallowed by the cloth.

Seeing this scene, Ye Buyi suddenly realized. After all, he also attended school. He was not like the other villagers and foolish women who thought that if a child's martial spirit was different from their parents', then the child was a bastard. He knew that if the martial spirit was different, it was because there was an extremely rare special existence among them, called a mutant martial spirit.

Obviously, his grandson did not awaken the turban inherited by his family, but received the mutant martial spirit as a disguised blessing.

Perhaps it was the long life in the countryside that made Ye Buyi forget much of the knowledge about soul masters. Ye Buyi thought for a long time about the mutation of martial souls. Finally, he recalled memories from decades ago.

Ye Buyi said in a deep voice, "Xiao Wen, shouldn't your innate soul power be more than just level four?"

Ye Wen involuntarily nodded and said, "Yes, grandpa. You also know that I'm very afraid of trouble, and you used to tell me about matters related to geniuses among the great powers of the Douluo Continent, so I'm testing my soul power. At that time, I unconsciously gathered my soul power, so it was only at level 4."

Upon hearing this response, Ye Buyi showed a happy smile on his face. Although his soul power was low, he had traveled across the continent in his early years and could be considered a well-informed voice.

It was not uncommon for him to witness the cruel methods used by major forces to recruit geniuses.

Ye Buyi was very pleased because his grandson had learned to hide instead of seeking attention.

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