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A few days later.

"Animus Transtulit!" Ryan successfully transferred his soul back into his body.


"Hahahaha..." Ryan laughed hysterically as he finally entered his body. Living days in a stag's body was a horrible experience. He didn't even know if it was because of the stag's instincts or something else, but he felt like jumping up and running around the forest and he might have chewed on some grass and flowers.

He couldn't control his actions and had to endure everything.

He sighed in relief when he returned to his own body. Now, the dead body of that stag was lying next to him. He then walked to the lake and started washing himself. "It's time to move on to the next spell." 

Transferring his soul into a weak stag is completely different from transferring his soul into a human. To put his soul inside another human body, he first needs to kill that soul. The stronger the human is, the harder it will be for him to take control. That's where the next spell 'Animus Disrumpere' comes in. 

Incantation: Animus Disrumpere

Effect: This spell allows Ryan to sever the connection between a soul and its vessel, effectively killing the target instantly. It is a powerful and irreversible form of dark magic, leaving no chance for resurrection or revival. 

The spell doesn't leave a ghost or an imprint behind and the target's soul is obliterated forever, making it more dangerous than the final forbidden curse, the Killing Curse.



"Animus Disrumpere!" Ryan pointed his wand toward another stag lying peacefully near the lake and cast the spell. A black bolt of lightning shot out of the tip of his wand, hitting the stag in the chest. The animal let out a loud cry of pain before falling to the ground, dead. Its lifeless eyes stared blankly at the sky. "Animus Transtulit!" He followed it up with the soul transfer spell. 

The purple mist swept over the place and Ryan found himself inside that dead stag's body. Next, he repeated the spell again, targeting his body for a wandless soul transfer. "Animus Transtulit!" He spoke in his mind, putting focus on his body. The purple mist swallowed his soul once again, bringing him back into his old body.

It was working perfectly.

Ryan practiced these two spells without a break for the next few days, mastering them to perfection. Afterward, he started practicing the wandless version. But he failed more times than succeeded and after days of endless effort, he somehow managed to succeed once and that was enough to give him hope that if he kept practicing, he'd get there eventually.

"Fuck! It's so hard..." He lay under the shade of the tree, looking toward the fake sky. "God knows how many days passed..."

After taking a few minutes of rest, he resumed his training and finally, he did it. After two weeks of continuous effort, he succeeded in using wandless magic.

As soon as he mastered his spells, the world turned upside down as he felt a massive pull and emptiness within his heart. It was as if something was trying to suck out every drop of life from his body, pulling his very existence towards a certain direction. Ryan understood what it was. It's time to wake up. He didn't resist and just drifted along with the force as his eyes became heavy. The last thing he heard was the hooting of that owl.




Two wizards from the ministry apparated up the stone steps leading to the massive, foreboding door of the Wizard Prison Azkaban. As they approached the doors, a woman with dark eyes and dressed in plain gray robes stepped forward and pointed her wand at the oncoming swarm of Dementors surrounding them.

"Expecto Patronum!" she intoned, and a silvery white fox leaped, bright and shining, onto the darkness that gathered on the other end. The wave of light struck the approaching swarm of dark creatures. The Dementors flew away instantly, clearing the area.

Then, she and the other old man in a grey suit made their way to the cell at the end of the hallway. After reaching the cell, the woman looked inside through the gaps in the door and saw a bald, dirty man, lying on his stomach on the ground. A spider and rat were quietly roaming the floor around him. The room was flooded with feces and reeked like a cesspool.

"Well, he held on longer than we imagined. But it's useless now," The woman pointed her wand at the door. A faint yellow bolt shot from the tip of her wand, encircling it and breaking it. The wooden door slammed open. She waved her wand once again, clearing the dirty room instantly. Then both of them walked up to that man.

The old man kicked that poor guy's stomach, turning him on his back. Then he bent down and looked into his almost lifeless eyes, "Lucius sends his regards. You are to be free from this hell."

As the man spoke, he took out his wand and pressed it on that half-dead man's heart.

"...forever that is..." As he was about to use the killing curse, that half-dead man tried to speak something to which the old man laughed, "Hahahaha... I guess even a dead man got something to say before his death. Very well, I'll grant you your final words. But I guess you can't speak with that dead throat of yours, can you?"

As he said that, he waved his hand, pouring clean water over that half-dead man's face.

"Haaaa..." The half-dead man woke up, blinking as he gasped for breath. After gaining some of his consciousness, the first thing he felt was a searing pain in his neck, but he didn't care and opened his mouth, ready to say his final words. He pointed his finger toward that woman and whispered, "Animus Disrumpere!" 

[Crackle!] A black bolt shot out from his finger and hit the woman in the chest. It all happened in less than a second. The veteran wizard didn't even have the time to react. All she felt was a sharp pain and then... Dead! She died standing in her spot.

"Animus Transtulit!" The half-dead man instantly uttered those words and in the next instant, the cell was filled with a dark purple mist. In the next second, he found himself standing straight. He looked at his right hand. 'A wand!' He quickly arranged his thoughts and looked around. He was still in that cell and before him stood that old man and lying on the floor was his dead body. Right now, he was in that woman's body.

"What!? Humfff!" The old man waved his wand summoning a gust of wind to clear out the mist. After the mist was cleared, the old man looked at the dead body before his feet, "Fucking piece of shit!" He kicked the body, "Ryan Lance, what a desperate attempt that was. A pungent mist! Hahahaha... Wandless casting at that... Ahhh! Such talent, yet... Tsk." He clicked his tongue, "What a waste..."

"Impressive, isn't it? Wandless casting?" The woman who is now possessed by Ryan smirked as she took a few steps forward. 

"Yeah. But as the saying goes, talented people die early," The old man turned and was about to walk out of the cell, unaware of the real identity of the person walking behind him. 

'Interesting. For some reason, he didn't see that black bolt, but he was able to see the mist... Humm...' Ryan thought as he continued to follow behind that old man. He wanted to kill him, but getting out of this hell hole was much more important right now. Besides, he can always kill him after getting out of this shithole.

The old man Apparate out of the prison, followed by Ryan.

[Zooop!] Within a few minutes, they found themselves standing in a small room. Ryan could hear the sounds of other people coming from the ground floor. He looked around, 'Looks like an inn...'


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[15 advance chapters] 

Next, Ch: 7: Graveyard

Ch: 8: New Body

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