"Hey son, what's up?" Newton's heavy voice came from the other end.
"I'm good. It is just that there is something that I wanted to ask of you." Jack responded.
"What is it? You can just go ahead and tell me." Newton asked curiously. Ever since Jack and Henry had been born, until the time that they had grown into 18-year-olds, they had never requested for anything from him.
Of course, everything that they had received was something that was considered as a right for them in the Smith family. So of course, he did not consider the money and everything that they were being given as a request from them. So, he was quite curious about what Jack wanted to ask of him.
"It is just that I would like to request for you to give me $2 million. There is something that I want to deal with, and I will be able to return the money within this week." Jack stated.
Newton was dumbfounded by Jack's request. It was not that he was surprised by Jack requesting for money, it was just that Jack was requesting for such a large amount of money. Additionally, he was claiming that he was going to return the money within this week?
It might be true that the Smith family was quite rich, but still, $2 million was quite a substantial amount of money. So of course, Newton would not just throw away the money.
"May I know… What do you want to use the money for?" Newton asked. He was quite curious about what Jack wanted to use the money for. After all, $2 million was definitely not something that could be used simply.
Could it be that Jack wanted to buy a car? That was possible, considering that the majority of the youths usually used the money that they had been given by their families or they had saved after a long while, in order to purchase vehicles and other things.
"I just want to make a small investment. After I make the investment, the returns should be able to come soon." Jack responded calmly.
Of course, it was impossible for him to tell Newton that he wanted to invest in betting. By buying the driving skill from the system, it was an investment that he was making.
Of course, Jack was not just intending to win the prize money from the racing competition, instead, he wanted to bet as well. That way, he would be able to earn more money using the system.
"Are you sure that you are not being cheated? Investing two million, and expecting returns within one week? That is an impossibility son. You have to investigate where you want to invest. Why don't you tell me where you want to invest, so that I can do some investigation for you?" Newton asked with a concerned voice.
"You don't have to worry father. Nobody can cheat me. You have to remember that I am quite a genius. So of course, before I invest somewhere, I am pretty sure about the returns. It is an investment in the stock market." Jack responded.
The stock market was where a person could earn money in a short time, but at the same time, they could also lose a lot of money in a very short time.
Jack had simply used the stock market as an excuse. There was no way he could tell Newton the truth. Additionally, this was the only excuse that he could come up with at the moment.
Henry who was observing Jack from the side could not help but give Jack a thumbs up in his heart. In real sense, even he himself did not think of a reason to give to Newton when borrowing the money.
Newton thought about it for a while, but he was a little worried. After all, the stock market was not something simple. It might be true that Jack and Henry were quite geniuses, but the stock market was not something that just because a person was a genius, they were bound to succeed.
Instead, this was something that needed both knowledge, and experience. Otherwise, going there while being overconfident would only lead to a person suffering incalculable losses.
"Which company are you investing in?" Newton asked after a moment of silence.
"I'm sorry, but I signed a confidentiality contract. So, I cannot reveal to you the name of the company. Still, you have to trust me. I'm not going to be cheated or something. So, just relax, and after a week, I should be able to return to you the money." Jack responded.
Newton was rendered speechless upon hearing that Jack had signed a confidentiality contract. Did that not imply that the other party was quite smart, and was trying to con Jack?
They were quite smart, to ensure that the information about this scam would not be revealed, until it had succeeded. At this point, Newton could not help but feel helpless.
Of course, he wanted to refuse giving the money. He could not allow his son to lose money just like that. The only problem was that he could not bring himself to refuse to give Jack the money that he had requested for.
This was the first request that he was making, and so, he hoped that he could not disappoint this son of his. So, after thinking for a while, he finally agreed.
"Sigh! Okay. I will transfer the money to your account. But, make sure that you are careful about where you invest. Remember, there are many people that like scamming people. Be careful." Newton stated, before finally ending the call.
Jack on the other hand was finally relieved after Newton had agreed. Yes, he was afraid that Newton might refuse to give the money. At the end of the day, 2 million dollars was not a small sum of money.
"He agreed?" Henry asked with a stupendous expression on his face. He could not believe that Jack had actually managed to convince Newton to give the money with just a few excuses.
"What do you think?" Jack asked back with a small smile forming on his lips. Then, he seemed to think of something, and looked at Henry and said, "You should call him too. You should ask for some money. Remember, we have to have a car when we go racing. And other than that, we also need to make a few bets."
"Huh? Me?" Henry was immediately dumbfounded when Jack asked him to ask Newton for money. They had already asked for $2 million, and Newton was going to send the money. If he called, would Newton agree to that?
Additionally, completely different from Jack, he was not capable of making up excuses to ensure that the lie went through. In his past life, he had always been a straightforward person.
Considering that throughout his teenage years, he had been locked away on an island, and only interacted with a few people, his social skills were quite poor. Of course, he could simply purchase a skill related to social skills, but he did not want to change himself.
"You can just tell him the same reason. Tell him that we are going to return the money soon. I'm pretty sure that he is going to agree. This is our first request after all." Jack stated with a smile.
"Ah…. Okay. I will give it a try." Henry responded before he took out his phone, and made a call to Newton.
"Hey son, is there something?" Newton's voice came from the other end.
"Ah… It's like this, I wanted to borrow money from you-" Henry started. But of course, he did not possess the confidence that Jack possessed when he was asking for money from Newton.
"Oh, don't tell me that you are like Jack?" Newton was immediately dumbfounded when Henry asked for money. After all, it had not been long ago when Jack made a call, and now, less than a minute later, Henry had already called to ask for money?
Could it be that the two of them had been targeted by a scammer? This was not good. He would have to investigate this matter later on. He could not allow his sons to be scammed.
"Well…" Henry did not know what to say at this point. It seemed that Newton had already guessed the reason that he was going to say. So, what was he supposed to say?
"Sigh! Fine. I will send you the money too. It will be $2 million for each of you. But make sure that you fulfill your promise, and return the money within one week. Otherwise, I will definitely punish you for recklessly losing money." Newton responded after giving out a helpless sigh.
Henry was immediately excited. Initially, he wanted to ask for $1 million, but now, Newton wanted to send $2 million. With that, they should be able to get a good vehicle that could be used for racing, and at the same time, the money could be used for betting.
"Thank you Dad. You don't have to be worried. Within one week, we should be able to return the money to you." Henry responded confidently. He did not know how Jack's system worked, still, he believed that since Jack had promised one week, then it should not be a problem for them to return the money at that time.
A little while later, the two of them received notifications one after the other. After checking them out, they realized that they came from the bank, informing them about the deposit of $2 million in their bank account.
This was quite efficient, and they had not expected that Newton was going to complete this so easily. After all, transferring 4 million dollars was not that easy.
But when they thought much about the family wealth, and the fact that the entire family was bunking with the same bank, then it was definitely not much of a problem to complete the procedures required to transfer $4 million to two different accounts back at home.
Nonetheless, Jack did not care much about that. Instead, he looked at Henry and the two of them immediately set out. They had to sell the car first, before they could get enough money to be able to purchase the driving skill from Henry's system store.
It was not that difficult for them to be able to find a broker, and they immediately sold the car for $43,000. Since they had purchased the car at a price of $50,000, plus the other expenses that were required, selling it at $43,000, when the car was not that old, was a loss for them.
Still, the two of them did not care. That was especially for Jack, considering that the moment that the money was transferred into his account, he immediately received a prompt that he had missed for quite a long time now.
[You have earned $43,000. Multiplier applied. You receive $4.3 million.]
Immediately after this prompt, Jack received another notification on his phone, indicating that his account had been debited with $4.3 million.
"Okay, I will transfer the money to you, and you should be able to purchase the skill." Jack stated. Then in the next moment, he went ahead and transferred the money from his bank account, to Henry's bank account.
He transferred only $4.3 million, the money that they had earned from selling the car. As for the remaining 2 million dollars that he had received from Newton, that was going to be spent in purchasing a car, and betting when it came to the time for racing.
After Henry received the money, he was quite shocked by the efficiency of Jack's system. It seems that the multiplication effect happened immediately after the money was gotten.
Still, he did not mind. He immediately entered into the system store. Without hesitation, he picked the driving skill. After selecting the professional level skill, he immediately made the purchase.
The next moment, he received a prompt from the system informing him about the purchase.
[You have purchased a professional level driving skill. The cost is $6 million. The skill scroll has been transferred into the system inventory.]
A little while later, Henry received another notification prompt from his phone. After checking it, he noticed that it was a message from the bank.
{Six million dollars has been transferred to an anonymous account.}
Henry could not help but blink his eyes. Could something like that actually work? After all, when the money was transferred from his account, he was supposed to get the account details of where the money was being transferred to.
But now, even the bank seemed to be keeping a secret on where the money was being transferred to. Of course, Henry understood that this was the work of the system. Still, he was quite curious, could it be the system had created an account of its own?
"Okay, it's done. Now, we have to look for a car that we are going to use in order to compete in the racing. So, should we go to a car flagship so that we can make a purchase?" Henry asked with a smile.
Jack looked at him, wondering where the driving skill was. Could it be that Henry was the one that was equipped with the driving skill? Nonetheless, Jack did not care about it for the time being.
In any case, the aim for purchasing that professional level driving skill was simply because they wanted to win the competition. And more than that, it was also to guarantee that they would win the bet that they would place.
"There is no need for us to buy a car for the time being. We can simply go ahead and rent one. We can use it for racing, and later on, when we have enough money, we can use that money to purchase our own cars.
It Is better if we utilize this money for betting. That way, it should not be that difficult for us to be able to earn quite a larger amount of money." Jack responded after a moment of contemplation.
Henry thought about it, and thought that it actually made sense. After all, buying a car was not going to be difficult for them in the future, as long as they had enough money. Additionally, it was not as if they were going to compete in the racing competition every now and again.
So, they could simply rent a car, use it, and later on, return it. This way, it was going to be way cheaper for them to be able to earn more money.
"Any ideas on where we are going to rent the car?" Henry asked. His mind was completely blank when it came to this. He did not think about where they could rent the car, instead, he had only been thinking about where they could buy the car.
So, during the time that they were in school, when the lecturer was not in class, he had been going through a few car flagship stores that they could visit. It was his aim to purchase a car, a good one at that.
"Let's take a cab to Maestro Drives. That is where we can get good cars that can be used for racing." Jack responded.
His aim was to get a very good car, so that they could make sure that they won the race. Even though he understood that the professional level skill was going to grant the user of the skill 20 years of experience and skill when it came to driving, still, he could not tell how efficient it was going to be.
Henry nodded. So, the two of them took a cab, and immediately headed towards Maestro Drives. This was a car rental company that dealt with renting all types of cars.
It was located In the Western part of the city, very close to the heart of the city. So, it took them more than 40 minutes to be able to arrive at their destination.
When they got there, they asked for a car that could be used for racing. Immediately, the person that was in charge of serving them showed them various cars.
Even though the two of them were not dressed so fashionably, still, they were quite decently dressed. So, the lady that was serving them at that moment felt that there was a chance that she would be able to rent out a car.
The two of them looked at the cars presented to them, and finally, they decided on one of the modified cars. It was a black modified Mazda RX9.
The price of this car was not that high, ranging about $72,000. The maximum speeder of this car was 170 miles per hour, but after the modification, it could reach an amazing speed of 180 mph.
Jack immediately decided on this car. Even though it was not the fastest car in the world, and it might not be the fastest car when it came to where they were going to compete, still, winning a race did not simply depend on the speed of the car. The skills of the driver were also considered.
"How much should we pay for us to be able to rent this car for a day?" Jack asked as he looked at the car. He could see that it was quite new, despite being used a few times. According to the mileage reading, it had only gone for about 500 miles.
"It depends. If it is going to be used in racing, the price is going to be higher as compared to just driving it normally." The lady responded.
"We are going to use it in racing." Jack responded without hesitation.
"In that case, it's going to cost $500 to rent it for a day. There are a lot of risks that are associated with using the car in a race. So of course, the price is going to be higher." The lady responded, as she looked at Jack and Henry. She was worried that they might run away after hearing the price for renting the car in just one day.
Upon hearing the price, Jack and Henry could not help but be dumbfounded. The original price of this car was about $72,000. From the price of renting it out at a price of $500 a day, it was going to be able to be able to buy another car in just 144 days.
It sure was quite good. It was just that Jack and Henry understood that it was almost impossible to be able to consistently rent out a sports car, especially considering the price for renting the car.
"Okay. We will take it." Jack responded. Immediately after that, they signed the required documents, and finally, Jack and Henry were allowed to go out with the car.
While inside the car, Henry could not help but ask, "Why did we take the car today? The race is not happening today, right?"
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