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86.48% Teaching In Two Dimensional With Koro-sensei Template / Chapter 64: 63. Nine Tails Appeared.

Chapter 64: 63. Nine Tails Appeared.

In an ecological park in Kita-ku, Tokyo, a fox that was only half a meter tall with nine tails lay comfortably on a boulder. The sun's rays fell on its eyelids through the gaps between the leaves. The Nine Tails raised its eyelids slightly, showing a lazy expression. 

"Sure enough, those few humans in this area don't dare to mess around," Kyuubi thought, having enjoyed a comfortable life for a few days. When he first came to this world and was scared away by wood release, he was always being chased by a few humans called heroes.

Hating humans, he initially just wanted to escape towards the inaccessible barren mountains. Unexpectedly, those few humans kept pestering him. Kyuubi was annoyed and fired a few Tailed Beast bombs. It seemed that one was crippled on the spot. But the rest got even more excited.

Especially the big black iron lump called Metal Knight, who would attack him at least three times a day, bombarding him with various weapons. It seemed as if he was used as a test subject for his weapon. 

What annoyed Kyuubi the most was that those iron lumps were puppets without life response. He would destroy one, and another would come, as if they were endless.

Kyuubi, who really couldn't stand the bombing, could only move around day and night. Soon he discovered that these heroes did not dare to mess around in crowded places. So he simply hid directly in an ecological park and enjoyed two days of peace and quiet after a long absence.

"I wonder if the cat, octopus, monkey and other guys have escaped the pursuit..." 

Tailed beasts have deep psychic connections with each other. Yesterday, Kyuubi had a conversation with One-Tailed Shukaku, Four-Tailed Son Goku, and Eight-Tailed Gyuki. Only then did he learn that all the tailed beasts had come to this world. Moreover, their experiences were quite similar—they were also being hunted down every day. Kyuubi immediately gloated when he found out that he was not the only one who was so miserable. Then they started arguing, interrupting the conversation.

"Well, although it's a strange world, it's not bad if you can always be at ease..."

For Kyuubi, as long as he got rid of the seal and no longer needed to be a tool of mankind, everything would be fine. Just when he was thinking about sleeping again, an energy bomb suddenly landed not far above his head.


Kyuubi's small body was blown away by the strong wind of the explosion. Before he could stand firm, another energy bomb exploded. Kyuubi was blown around, spun around, and finally fell into the water with a bang.

"Is that iron block coming back again?"

"No, it doesn't feel like him," Kyuubi stood up from the water, looking confused. Before he could figure out the situation, another energy bomb fell and hit his head. Although it wasn't very painful, the blow made Kyuubi's forehead buzz. Kyuubi was instantly angry.

"You really think I'm easy to bully, don't you?" he roared, and his entire body instantly grew larger, returning to its original shape. He looked to a faraway place and soon saw a small figure in mid-air. Balls of energy surrounded it.

"It's that guy...I'll tear you apart."

Kyuubi quickly ran towards the opponent's location.

Hero Association Headquarters.

After experiencing the initial chaos of being suddenly attacked, the command room gradually began to get back on track.

"Report, the fourth S-class hero Silver Fang and the sixteenth S-class hero Puri-Puri Prisoner have arrived at the scene!" 

Commander Sekingar heard this and slowly breathed a sigh of relief. 

A sudden attack by a dragon-level Vaccine Man was absolutely fatal. Fortunately, there were two S-class heroes performing other tasks in that area; otherwise, the entire northern district of Tokyo might have been destroyed by the Vaccine Man.

"Two S-class heroes, one of whom is Silver Fang, it should be enough to contain it," Sekingar thought. 

Just then, another urgent siren suddenly sounded.

"Report, the dragon-level monster Nine Tails appeared in the North District..." The liaison officer's voice trembled, and he looked at the Nine Tails running wildly on the screen with a pale face.

"It just happened to show up at this time..." Sekingar suddenly stood up, his expression extremely gloomy.

They had previously sent out several waves of S-class heroes to hunt this dragon-level monster, to no avail each time. According to the feedback from S-class heroes, they couldn't figure out how to deal with it. Especially the red and black energy ball in Kyuubi's mouth, which could easily destroy several mountains. Back then, the S-class hero Zombie Man was almost killed. Not to mention being hit head-on, even if it touched their side, it could easily cause serious injuries. Fortunately, Kyuubi seemed to have no idea about invading human society, so they gradually put it aside.

"Reporting to Commander, the target of Nine Tails seems to be exactly where the Vaccine Man is!" Hearing this, Sekingar took a deep breath. First a dragon-level monster, and now adding Kyuubi to the mix was no joke.

"First inform Silver Fang and Puri-Puri Prisoner of the situation, and immediately notify nearby S-class heroes for reinforcements."

At the same time, after hearing the news of Kyuubi, Silver Fang and Puri-Puri Prisoner, who were fighting Vaccine Man, felt distressed. 

"Kyuubi is coming this way?" 

The Silver Fang and Puri-Puri Prisoner looked at each other, with a bit of shock flashing through their eyes. Both of them had participated in the campaign to suppress Kyuubi. They had witnessed the extremely terrifying Tailed Beast Bomb with their own eyes. If they hadn't hidden quickly at that time, they wouldn't be able to stand here now.

"Damn it, dealing with big monsters is not my strong suit," Silver Fang Bang smiled bitterly. As a martial artist, the moves he had practiced hard all his life were all about fighting people. When dealing with monsters with a large size, they paled in comparison.

"Me too...…," Puri-Puri Prisoner also sighed.

Immediately, both of them looked at the Vaccine Man in front of them, and a glimmer of light flashed in their eyes.

"In that case, let's quickly get rid of this guy in front of us."

Although the Vaccine Man did not fully understand the conversation between the two, he vaguely understood something. They treated him like a small fry.

"I am the will of the earth!" he roared. "I'm here to clean up the earth's worms like you!"

The Vaccine Man roared, and then his entire body suddenly began to swell, with terrifying fangs protruding from his mouth and sharp claws sprouting from his hands and feet.

"How dare you go against me, the messenger of the earth! Then all that is left for you is death!"

The Silver Fang and Puri-Puri Prisoner looked at the changes in the Vaccine Man, and their expressions gradually became more solemn.

"It seems that a quick victory is not that easy..."


After the alarm sounded, the students of Shuchi'in quickly entered the shelter. After all, not long after this semester started, they had already encountered several demon-level and dragon-level disaster warnings. They had experienced it several times and were now familiar with the procedure.

"Shirakawa-sensei, what should we do?"

"You should hide in the shelter first..."

As soon as Shirakawa finished speaking, he saw an energy bomb flying towards Shuchi'in.


Shirakawa's pupils suddenly changed, and the sickle-shaped magatama rotated rapidly, directly absorbing the energy bullet in mid-air.

"Indiscriminate attack?" Shirakawa glanced around, and wherever he could see, there were many places where fire and black smoke were rising. If this monster continued to attack like this, the casualties in this area would be quite heavy.

"I wonder how the students' evacuation is going..."

As soon as Shirakawa opened the office door, he saw all the familiar figures standing in the corridor.

"If you don't take refuge, what are you doing here?" Shirakawa looked at his students in surprise.

"Shirakawa-sensei!" After seeing Shirakawa come out, the girls all spoke in a deep voice. "We want to do our part! We learned ninjutsu just for a day like this."

The girls clenched their fists, their beautiful eyes full of determination. This was somewhat unexpected for Shirakawa. Everyone was still nervous in the last battle with the subterranean people. Now they all volunteered.

"I will take care of that monster. Just go and help the wounded in the nearby areas." 

After hearing Shirakawa's instructions, the girls nodded heavily. They didn't expect that the mystic palm jutsu they just learned would come in handy so quickly.

As the girls left one after another, Fubuki trotted up to Shirakawa.

"Shirakawa-sensei, the monster that appeared in the North District calls himself a Vaccine Man who thinks he is the will of the earth." 

"Vaccine Man..." Shirakawa remembered a little bit about it. He had some impression of this Vaccine Man, but not much. If he remembered correctly, it should be of dragon-level strength.

"But Shirakawa-sensei...there is more than one monster present at the scene. The Hero Association had detected that the dragon-level monster Kyuubi who appeared in Shuchi'in before is also there."

"Kyuubi?" Hearing this, Shirakawa looked at Fubuki in surprise.

Fubuki nodded heavily. She had experienced the power of Kyuubi firsthand. During this period,

 several waves of S-class heroes were sent out but they were unable to kill it, which was enough to show that its strength was extraordinary even among dragon-level heroes.

When Fubuki was about to tell Shirakawa more information about Kyuubi, she saw a slightly excited look on his face.

"Shirakawa-sensei...what are you doing?" Fubuki asked, noticing the corners of Shirakawa's lips curling up.

"Unexpectedly, Kyuubi actually appeared on his own initiative... This time, I wouldn't let it run away." Shirakawa let out a deep breath, then looked at Fubuki and said, "Nothing, the Vaccine Man and Nine Tails are over there in the North District, right?"

Fubuki tapped her sharp chin. She opened the map and took a look at the specific location sent by the association, and said in a deep voice, "It takes about ten minutes to drive there..."

"We don't need to drive, it only takes a blink of an eye to fly there." Before she could finish her words, she was interrupted by Shirakawa. The next moment, Shirakawa hugged Fubuki's slender but strong waist and suddenly took off into the air.

"North District, it's over here..."

High in the sky, after identifying the direction, Shirakawa disappeared instantly. A few breaths later, the roar representing a sonic boom sounded high in the sky.


📢10 advanced chapters on p@treaon📢

For advance chapters: (replace @ with a)

64. Let's Talk After You've Won!

65. Nine-Tail. I Am Here To Bargain.

66. Fubuki's Boyfriend.

67. New Training Partner.

68. No Money For Gas, Use Ninjutsu. 

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