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First mission completed...

"You guys are leaving already!" Tazuna was surprised, he was expecting them to at least stay for the day considering they should be tired after that long fight.

"Yes, the mission was supposed to be an escort mission and completed yesterday, but it took us one more day. So we will be leaving." Kakashi explained. The mission originally should have been abandoned considering it was a B rank or higher mission but due to moral obligations they couldn't.

"I see, then I won't hold you back." Tazuna stood up from the couch and bowed his head, "Thank you very much for helping the land of waves. I won't ever forget this and hopefully I'll be able to pay you back in the future."

"Especially you, Naruto, I don't think I'll ever be able to repay you.." Tazuna looked at Naruto with slightly teary eyes. He didn't know what Naruto said to Inari, but his grandson's behavior completely changed after Naruto returned from the fight. 

"yeah yeah, how about you marry your daughter to me..." I said bluntly as I laid down on the couch.




All of them in the room, looked at Naruto with wide eyes, especially Sakura...

"N-naruto-kun, are you p-perhaps into older women..." Sakura asked pulling the tug of my jacket. 

'Hell yeah I am...' Is what I wanted to reply but, I could see that she will started to brawl tears right here if I said that.

"It's just a joke, relax..." I replied fixing my posture and pulled Sakura into the couch as I softly patted her head.

'I feel like I somehow have the ability to turn girls into cats...' A rosy hue covered her face, she really looked like she was going to purr like a cat, if I continued anymore...

"'re going to leave..." Inari walked into the room with a sad expression on his face, he seemed to have overheard our conversation.

"Yeah, but you remember what we talked about right?" I smiled gently.

"Of course, I'll keep my mom safe for you!!"

'For fuck's sake, this is why I hate dealing with kids...' I facepalmed myself as I saw Tsunami who just entered the room, hide her flustered face, 'hehe she's a goner alright..'


"Get you mind out of the gutter dammit!" I feigned a disgusted face looking at others dumbfounded expression.



"We would have probably believed you if you didn't say that earlier..." Saksuke spoke.

"BWHAHAHAHAHA!, Comeback when you're at least sixteen, young man!" Tazuna said jokingly, with a hearty laugh. He couldn't help but enjoy the small bickering and laughs, especially after Gato died and now the country was free of Gato's clutch.

"Hell yeah! Now give me a fist father-in-law!" I extended my fist toward Tazuna who returned it back. This dude is pretty chill isn't he?


"W-we are getting l-late let's go Sensei!!" Sakura spoke hastily.

"well then, we'll take our leave." Kakashi said politely.


We were returning from land of waves, Kakashi was driving the motorboat while we all were looking around. The mist was much more clearer compared to what it was like when we came here.

"Isn't he behaving a little weird today?" Sasuke asked Kakashi while eyeing Naruto who was looking at the fishes.

"Well...taking a life for a first time...doesn't really feel good. I would say he is dealing with it much better than others, you'll find out when the time comes..." Kakashi smiled wryly.

If it was old Naruto, he sure wouldn't have the guts to kill a person, forget about two at the same day. 'At least he's coping much better, he'd have to learn it the hard way if not for now...' Kakashi thought as he looked at Sasuke and Sakura.

'Sasuke might do it....but Sakura...' Kakashi didn't know what to say looking at Sakura who was playing with a butterfly that was flying around her...

'The sooner they learn the reality, the better...'

Driving the boat, Kakashi's mind diverted toward the report he had to submit to the Hokage. He didn't want to inform Hiruzen about the breaking of seal of the tailed beast. And if he lied about it, there was no way to explain Naruto defeating a Jonnin level ninja, he didn't want to take the credit of his student.

After thinking for a few minutes, rather than conflicting inside with himself, he decided to ask Naruto...

"Naruto..." He called out awkwardly, Naruto being able to control the tailed beast was supposed to be a happy occasion for Konoha as they would gain another strong shinobi. Their village would be much safer...but circumstances...

"hmm? Sensei?" I turned my vision toward Kakashi from the colorful fishes. I never knew I looking at the fish swimming would make me calm down..

"What are we going to do about the report?...." 

"Report?" I tilted my head, confused, "Oh...just submit it as it is, you'll get in trouble if you try to fake it..." 

"Why?" Kakashi frowned, he didn't think for a second that Naruto didn't understand the consequences of telling the truth, Konoha might seem bright and full of smiles from outside, but it was as dark as the other nations...they were just good at hiding it. So, why was Naruto saying that? 

I flashed a small smile pointing at a direction, albeit far from the motorboat. 

Kakashi looked at it but didn't see anything abnormal, a little bubbles were coming out of water but nothing much. Maybe if he hadn't hidden his sharingan he would have noticed two very small pipe like structure, protruding out of water.

"Tsk tsk, you're getting rusty sensei, or did the old age catch you? Use your left eye..." I couldn't help but chuckle looking at the other too peering their eyes out, trying to notice something.

Kakashi's eyebrows twitched listening to his student mocking him, but nevertheless he followed. His sharingan peered through the mist veil, and he finally noticed two shinobis wearing white mask with some patterns and cat like ears,

"The anbu...." A soft murmur escaped his lips involuntarily, surprised how he failed to notice it but Naruto didn't. 'Maybe I'm really getting rusty....' He remembered his days back in the anbu, compared to then the current him was like a delicate flower. They said that peaceful times makes a warrior weak, they're supposed to thrive in battlefield, not in the flowery gardens..

"I assume you spoke to the Hokage about my changes..." 

Kakashi's head turned down, he couldn't help but be disappointed in himself. If he had thought about the consequences rather than hurriedly informing Hiruzen...then this could have been avoided.

There was no way that the paranoid Hokage, didn't take any precautions regarding Naruto.

"Sigh...Just submit the honest report, I'll handle the rest. I can escape using the fox as a threat but if you get won't be spared..." I smiled awkwardly.

To be honest, I could just kill the two anbu here, right now....but then I'll just have to keep hiding the jinchuriki power till god knows when, if I don't want any commotions.

'I need a puppet to control the higher ups....and just who would be better than the puppeteer himself....' I grinned inwardly, remembering the legendary eye collector of Konoha.

Kakashi entered deep thought thinking about Naruto's idea, but he didn't have any better plan. so, he returned a subtle nod to Naruto in approval.

"If you need any help, just inform me. I'll support you with my life..." Kakashi said with a soft smile, this was the least he could do for now...

I nodded my head...and then the rest of the journey was in silence...


"You have three days of rest time before going for any other mission, so enjoy your small vacation.." And with that Kakashi disappeared leaving us at the village gate.

Sasuke left just after Kakashi did, a lot was going through his mind so he wanted to return home and sort it out.

Everyone had their own problems....well except one...

"Let's go together, our home lies in the same direction after all!" Sakura said happily, both of the disturbances left and she could spend time with Naruto, even if for a little bit. What could be more better?!!

"Alright!" I returned a gentle smile, and we started to walk toward our houses.

 Slowly she extended her hands towards mine, albeit hesitatingly, but she finally grasped it. She had to be bold otherwise she might loose her chance, even more considering the fact that her past attitude toward Naruto wasn't really....likeable.

I could feel her stiffen in nervousness but, I didn't reject her, grasping her hand gently we walked side by side.


"hmm, what's up..."

"w-would you like to visit the town next to ours tomorrow??" she asked anxiously. Although she wanted to take more time before asking for a date, she was afraid...afraid it would be too late. Although Naruto was flirting with Tsunami, jokingly, or at least that's what she thought, but it still made her anxious about the future. So she decided to push her luck.

"Sure~" I replied, I saw her looking at me with surprised wide eyes, but I just looked forward.

'Well...this makes things easier...'


(A/N: Sup everyone?? Like previous week, I might not be able to post on Saturday or maybe I will if I get time but you get the point....

Also If there are anyone with a partner who are reading this....uhh...can you suggest some date ideas or something, suitable in Konoha....My ass is single since birth okay😭...I've no idea what the fuck do they do in dates and all😭😭😭 help you favorite author out a bit...

Also give me more POWERSSSSSSSSSSS, common it won't cost ya money nor I'll get it but it motivates me....jk donate if you liked the chapter, no pressure😄


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