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70% Reincarnated into the Narutoverse as Menma / Chapter 7: Chapter 7: The encounter...

Chapter 7: Chapter 7: The encounter...

At the entrance of the Hokage building.

"Hm... Did I say too much? Well, it already happened... I should go and organize for the upcoming events at hand." (Menma)

Wondering around the village Menma visited many stalls embracing the culture and this moment of peace and joyous aura the covered and protected this village from the cruelty that has yet to come.


During his stroll Menma notices a familiar presence which led to him ending his stroll at The Shushu-ya, which literally means (Sake Sake Store). Whereas he bought some sake and left towards the training grounds.

(Shushu-ya: (Sake Sake Store) is a Chinese-styled restaurant/pub in Konohagakure that sells their own brand of choice sake and serves large-platter cooking, where all the food is put on a single large plate. Jiraiya took Tsunade here for a drink before he left the village to infiltrate Amegakure.) If you didn't know, now you know.

A few minutes go by...

After finding a cool place with shade, Menma poured himself a drink....

"You can come out now, or are you hoping I'll let my guard down after I finish these drinks?"(Menma)

There was no movement at first.... a few seconds go by when suddenly.

~rustle~ ~woosh~

From the ground, a man appeared from the shadows with his identity concealed and his presence nonexistent. A stark white mask with its spiral design and the dark cloak adorned with red clouds are not just clothing but symbols represent the organization he belonged too. 

"When did you notice my presence?" (?)

"Right before I ended my walk at Shushu-ya... you disrupted my moment of peace, that's hard to come by these days." (Menma)

 ~slurp~ Menma continued Sipping on his sake without a care in the world nonchalantly to the individual that was present. 

"You're getting quite brazen; I guess that means Project: Tsuki no Me is either starting or is already in commence." (Menma)

Perplexed by how such information was suddenly revealed, (?) was momentarily unresponsive and releases a wave of chakra destroying nearby objects.... which alerted Menma that his assumption was correct because even if he of himself is aware of many things that's gonna take place in Naruto it's not guaranteed because of his appearance in the Narutoverse.

He wanted to confirm a major problem that's been on his mind. He's able to alter minor events that take place, but wondered if the major events still go according to plan as in the series no matter his interference.

Back to the topic at hand 

After regaining control of himself he responded...

"The organization does not tolerate desertion and leaving it would be considered a betrayal. You know the rules, Seraph. And regarding how you got such information, I'll get it out of you even if I have to kill you with my own hands." (?)

Sipping on his sake Menma chuckles... and remarking sarcastically responded. 

"Seraph... ah, it's been a while since I've last been referred to by that name... bring back fond memories. It's also funny because you guys betrayed me first... or did you forget? I know I didn't, still got the scares you gave me as a reminder of that moment." (Menma)

You could have heard a pin drop as at that moment both individuals stared each other dead in the eyes contemplating their next move.

"I'll ask again, return or face the consequences."" (?)

At that moment a faint glow emitted from Menmas skin, illuminating a certain radius around him. Then followed a surge of dense chaotic chakra flowing out his body like a tidal wave.

"Does it matter; who's gonna stop me? You... Obito?" (Menma)


"It's that pesky technique you used to get out of my possession, you really are a genius... Menma Uzumaki. But that won't work as it did before I've made countermeasures specifically for that Technique of yours." (Obito)

"Be that as it may, are confident in capturing me without alerting them of your presence? Can you retrieve me and escape at the same time?" (Menma)

Silence once again governed as nature was the only speaker. both parties observed each other, one calculating his moves while the other sipped on his sake enjoying nature.

"You're playing a dangerous game Menma. It'll be detrimental to everyone's benefit; I can't allow that." (Obito)

~rustle~ (!!!) ~crunch~ 

~Movements was heard in the bushes alerting Obito~

"Hmm... 'he orchestrated this as a fail-safe' it seems our conversation has come to an end. I'll leave the pest to you. Next time you won't be so lucky." (Obito)

Activating his Mangekyo Sharingan, he uses Kamui's teleportation to escape leaving no proof he was there.

 'Seems like they found me'... "I have to relay this discovery and report it to the Hokage. It looks like her assumption was right about this ninja." (Leaf ninja)

Formulating some hand signs getting ready to escape the leaf ninja was suddenly impaled through his chest. He bawled out in pain when his eye made contact with the object lingering in his chest.

*Garching* sounds could be heard as the empaled ninja scratched and teared his hand trying to remove the object imbedded into his chest.


"H-how d-did ~ecch~ y-you find ~kaff kaff~ my position so fas-"(Leaf ninja)

"I was... going and let you live, because you were only following orders but... now you know too much, and I have to kill you. Looks like it today wasn't your day, quite the predicament you've put me in." (Menma)

"You can't... kill... me ~gasp~ Lady Tsunade will-" (Leaf ninja)

'Like I care about that woman.' ( Menma)

Removing the object from the leaf ninjas chest he began gasping, chucking even more vigorously while holding onto his chest as tires ran down his eyes. Anyone who had witnessed this scene would have felt remorse for the ninja looked to be in his late teens.

And from the look on his face, it was evident he didn't want to die. But he was in the wrong place at the wrong time, and this became his ending result. Such is life in this world the weak die while the strong live to tell the tail.


Looking up into the sky Menma gazes finishing his drink... unbothered by what's happening in his presence. 

'When did it all go wrong?' "I wasn't always like this... ah... yes, I remember now, from the very beginning it was downhill..." (Menma)

osazefigaro14 osazefigaro14

I am late with the release of chapters, but... I am back and would release more chapters during this week.

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