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50% Reincarnated into the Narutoverse as Menma / Chapter 5: Chapter 5:"In the silent chambers, the stone too whispers tales of old"

Chapter 5: Chapter 5:"In the silent chambers, the stone too whispers tales of old"

knocks on door.

"Thud" "thud" "thud' 

Who is it? (?)

It's me, lady Tsunade. (?)

Enter. what is it you deemed so necessary you'd disrupt the little bit of free time I have left Shizune? (Tsunade)

 And raise your head I'm not angry at you. (Tsunade)

Ma'am, there's a young man out there ~she points at the door~ claiming to be Naruto brother an- (Shizune)

~boom~ she destroys the table in half.

What did you say!? don't be ridiculous. Everyone knows that the fourth Hokage had only one child, remove this buffoon from my building and out my village immediately. NOW! AT THIS MOMENT! (Tsunade)

But ma'am he- (Shizune)

Just do what I said. No questions asked, the last thing I need right now is a conspiracy that the fourth hokage had an illegitimate child outside there in the world and we didn't know about it. Can you and will you handle the repercussions of those words coming out your mouth? (Tsunade)

~sighs~ takes a deep breath. (Tsunade)

Can you look at the villagers in the eye and tell them that their hero and idol the one who sacrificed himself to save the village... has a kid that nobody new about and the possibility exist he might be an illegitimate child? Do you know, how much damage that can do to the village? (Tsunade)

And most importantly of all... did you think about how it'll affect Naruto? That poor kid been through enough already. I'm not going to let anyone, or anything hurt him anymore. (Tsunade)

~gulps~ hesitates and tries to calm herself. (Shizune)

I understand lady Tsunade that your worried but the repercussions and how it'll affect Naruto but- (Shizune)

Shiz- (Tsunade)

Aren't you being a bit too emotionally driven, ole lady. Or should I call you princess. (?)

both turning in my direction after I finished spoke.

 who are- (Tsunade)

You didn't even give her the chance to explain herself, you ranted on and on... about this and that. Listen my old man's dead let him rest in peace and focus about here and-

~swoosh~ boom! *Wow that was quick, if I wasn't already expecting a reaction and prepared a counter in case of an attack, she might have grazed me* (Menma)

Aren't you a sneaky bastard, seems like you got a little experience hidden beneath that mask of yours... you've got a lot of balls coming in here talking like that to me kid, you're a couple decades too late to give me a lecture on how to run things. * I say that but what was that movement he did just now? I didn't give it my all on that attack because I wanted to see what gave him the confidence to move so brazen in front me. * (Tsunade)

You've got such a foul mouth. (Menma)

Heh... ~swoosh~ I tossed some documents with the third hokage seal towards her. she catches it looking at me suspiciously. (Menma)

where... where did you get this? If this is actually true, why wait till now to reveal yourself? (Tsunade)

Thats what I've been trying to tell you lady Tsunade, I've made sure to check if this was a fake alibi and false information through our network, but it all came back positive. It seems like he's telling the truth. (shizune)

Then what part do you play in this? why now? what are your intentions? (Tsunade)

... Staring blankly at Tsunade, Menma then glances at Shizune before turning towards the window facing the village he looks down own it occupants... he exhales and looks at his hands and speaks.

Experience... - (Menma)

Tsunade and Shizune looks at each other puzzled trying to comprehend what it is he meant by that word, but before they could ask him what he means by experience? He continues while reaching for his mask on his face.

I want to experience what this world has to offer * Afterall, as a fan of this world it's only fair to enjoy yourself after working so hard to live* not hidden, kept a secret like some prisoner or like a bird in a cage, once free... seeing the world. Now only to be imprisoned kept captive only dreaming of the freedom it once had. 

That's a cruel fate... don't you think? ( Menma)

No response could be made from both kunoichi, for what they saw at that moment blew their mind because in front of them stood a boy the splitting image of Naruto the only thing that stood apart was his crimson flash yet amber blaze hair and central heterochromia eyes.

 You're his- (Tsunade)

Twin... It's funny how we both look the same but live entirely different lives. Well, it is to be expected with him being the child of prophecy and all. (Menma)

!!!...* how does he know about that* both Tsunade & Shizune thought.

where did get that information from? (Tsunade)

Menma laughs, then responds...

"In the silent chambers, the stone too whispers tales of old" - (Menma)

Did you expect it to be a secret? if you did, that's very simple minded of you. It would also explain, why all these events that has happened so far... could happen. You're so blinded by what you know and see that you can't even realize that you've already fallen into their trap laid right before your eyes. (Menma)

You're not as perceptive, ambitious or even creative as the Second Hokage, Tobirama Senju nicknamed the creator. You've got none of your grandfather good traits only the bad ones and that's ok for him because he has the ability and powers to solve any problems that will occur... do you have that capability? (Menma)

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