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18.18% Game of Thrones: The Warmonger / Chapter 2: wolf among the sheep

Chapter 2: wolf among the sheep

Daemon strode towards the ruined village, his grip tight on the hilt of his sword. The acrid smell of smoke hung heavy in the air, mingling with the metallic tang of spilled blood. Shattered buildings and abandoned wagons lined the narrow paths.

As he approached the village square, an eerie silence greeted him. There were no sentries securing the outskirts, and the absence of any defensive measures indicated a lack of preparedness.

The attackers who had ravaged the village appeared to be inexperienced and undisciplined, taking advantage of the unpreparedness of the villagers. It was a chaotic onslaught that left the inhabitants vulnerable and defenseless.

Silently advancing towards the village square, Daemon's keen senses picked up the sound of debris crunching underfoot. His eyes narrowed as he spotted a group of nine brigands lounging amidst the wreckage.

They sported crude, mismatched armor and wielded weapons of varying quality. Daemon suppressed any noise and stealthily made his way towards the source of the sounds emanating from a nearby house.

from one of the dilapidated homes, Daemon heard the sound of laughter - a cruel, mocking sound. Narrowing his eyes, he moved towards the sounds 

Pushing open the weathered door, Daemon's gaze fell upon a group of five men, their faces twisted with malicious glee as they raped a group of women and girls. The victims remained silent, their eyes devoid of life, helpless in the face of such brutality.

Among the bandits in the village, some were adorned with mismatched pieces of armor, a haphazard collection of protection that offered little in terms of defense. Others wore only leather armor, offering minimal safeguard against attacks. And there were a few who had no armor at all, relying solely on their recklessness and crude weapons.

These were common bandits, taking advantage of the misfortune that had befallen the village to satisfy their desires and plunder whatever they could find.

A cold, seething rage coursed through Daemon as he witnessed the atrocity before him. Without hesitation, he moved forward, his sword cutting through the air with deadly precision.

In a swift and calculated motion, Daemon decapitated the nearest assailant, the force of his strike sending blood spraying into the air. With fluid movements, he dispatched the second and third attackers who were violating a young girl, their bodies collapsing to the ground before they could comprehend their fate.

The fourth bandit, paralyzed by shock, attempted a feeble attack, but Daemon skillfully blocked the strike and swiftly drove his dagger into the assailant's forehead. The bandit momentarily froze, blood covering his face, before his head was severed and sent flying near the last remaining assailant.

The final bandit, bearing witness to the gruesome demise of his comrades, tried to let out a desperate scream for help. But before he could make a sound, Daemon punched him, shattering his face and causing him to lose several teeth. Placing his dagger against the bandit's throat, Daemon issued a chilling warning.

"Make a sound, and I will gut you like a pig. Do you understand me?"

The bandit could only nod in terrified compliance.

"How many of you are there?" Daemon's voice was laced with a dangerous edge.

The bandit's voice trembled as he gulped, his fear palpable. "There is only seventeen of us," he managed to stammer before a swift, merciless motion from the knight silenced him. The blade pierced the bandit's thigh, abruptly stifling his scream of pain, leaving only a choked gasp in its wake.

aggression flickered in the Daemon eyes. "I was told there were thirty of you, including some knights. How come there are only seventeen now?" he demanded, his voice laced with accusation.

 "You fucker! Nine of us died in the attack. There was resistance from the villagers. These women here... they are their wives and daughters," he cried out, pointing a trembling finger towards the women huddled nearby.

Daemon stole a quick glance at the women, his heart sinking at their plight. Refocusing on the bandit, he struck again, plunging his dagger into the bandit's other thigh, eliciting another anguished cry. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... you fuck! You fuck!" the bandit howled.

Daemon swiftly moved, covering the bandit's mouth with his gloved hand to stifle his scream. The bandit's muffled cries of pain echoed through the air, his eyes widening with fear and desperation.

"I see," Daemon said his voice cold and unforgiving. "So, there are only five women left."

The bandit, gasping for breath, managed to speak through his pain. "Yes... only five. You fucker... ohhmmmmm..." His words were abruptly cut off as Daemon delivered one final punishing punch, silencing his cries temporarily.

Daemon's resolve hardened as he contemplated the grim reality. nine bandits had already paid with their lives, and the remaining would soon meet a similar fate.

Daemon delivered a sharp, forceful blow, bashing the bandit's head against a nearby wall and knocking him unconscious. Without hesitation, he swiftly bound the bandit's hands and feet, ensuring he would be unable to escape.

Daemon's heart sank as he observed the horrific scene before him. The lifeless eyes of the violated women and girls bore witness to the unspeakable cruelty they had endured. He quickly turned away, unable to stomach the sight any longer.

Gathering what little clothing and provisions he could find in the dilapidated house, Daemon returned to the victims. Gently, he draped the garments over their trembling forms, hoping to provide them some semblance of dignity and comfort.

Daemon cast one last sorrowful glance over his shoulder at the injured women huddled within the dilapidated home. Their pained expressions seared into his mind, a reminder of the devastation these villains had wrought.

With a steadying breath, he turned his gaze outward, steel in his eyes. Through the open doorway, Daemon could see the band of bandits had surrounded the house, three of their number standing defiantly at the fore. They had been waiting for him.

With a resigned sigh, Daemon stepped back, the wooden door swinging shut and blocking the worried faces of the victims from view. The time for reckoning had arrived.

Mysticore Mysticore

Hey there! Thanks so much for your patience and support. I know the latest chapter was a bit late in coming, but I really appreciate you sticking with the story. I hope you enjoyed the new chapter and found it worthwhile.

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