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Liberation of hostages

Some where in sea of East blue 

I don't know how much time has passed but one thing is for sure 

I am not in the small boat I was in when I started to sail

When I opened my eyes 

what greeted me, it is something that disgusted me to the core 

some no named pirates there are children on the deck and the pirates are lashing at them with the whip 

wailing of women below the deck 

then suddenly there was a kick to my face which completely caught me of guard 

you finally woke up you little shit. Now listen here I have no idea what you were doing previously. Now he pulled the Leon hair and spoke you are nothing more than a slave in this ship and I am the captain of this ship do you understand?

When pirate captain was speaking Leon managed to release one of the arms from the knot 

and he used one of the technique he created even if he can use it only one finger he used his one finger which is in the form of Kami-E and Tekkai and he has to spend countless of time and pain to achieve this technique. This technique will give me advantage over any opponent in any fight if he manages to lose his weapon. When that idea appears in his mind even though the technique is incomplete but there is no way it is a non lethal technique.

He has to break every bones in his both pointing fingers.

When that pirate was about to move away from him he suddenly swung his left hand point finger the surrounding pirates who are staring at the debacle couldn't help but laugh at expense of the child who just swung his finger to their captain.

Just when they are laughing the captain started to fall down with throat slit and blood gushing out of the wound.

Then Leon released himself from the constraints of the the rope and checked his body that's when noticed his body has regenerative abilities and high endurance and as well as level of stamina which can out last his enemies.

He lost one of his toes in battle with the cipher pol agents but now looking at the wounds he received at the fight are completely healed and just some bloody tattered clothes are remaining things on his body.

After noticing the death of the captain the vice captain spoke up 

Hey little shit you are dead 

Every pirates brandished their sword and started run towards the boy 

Leon looking at them with a sneer on his face looked at them with disgust.

When they were about reach the place where Leon was standing.

Leon grabbed the sword from the fallen captain

He used shave and he suddenly disappeared .

Every pirate's head who are on the deck fell to the ground separated from their body.

The vice captain is the only person who survived the massacre.

The people who are taken as hostages are afraid what might happen to them.

Leon knocked out the vice captain and went on with his killing spree killing every pirates on the ship.

After the deed was done and he asked the hostages to gather on the deck and gather every body of the pirates and put them below the deck except for the captain's body.

He asked on of the hostages to point them toward the nearby island which has marine base.

When he got there it was town known as Shells town.

After docking the ship.

The marines in the town surrounded the ship.

The marine captain 

Pirates your ship is surrounded by marines and resistance is futile so surrender.

When the ship's ladder opened for the docks and the hostages started to walk of from the pirate ship.

Seeing this the marine officers were confused and apprehensive of the crowd in front of them. Soon marine officers noticed the state they were in the marine captain who noticed this started to command his officers to lower their weapons and started to help the people and Leon got out of the ship with a big bag of treasure.

The marine officer as well as the people in the docks looked at the five year old child who was carrying the treasure from the ship. Some people who were in the started to think of how rob the ship.

When the marine captain walked towards the people and asked what happened in the ship, they started to explain about what happened the hostages and they explained their situation about where they were kidnapped from and in the middle of the night they took lone child from raft and told them everything about what happened 

The marine captain was shocked to hear this 

On other hand he has an assumption that these people were drugged and kept in the dark.

How on earth he was supposed to believe a kid with a cutlass not more than five years old supposed to kill a entire crew of fifty people.

When the marine captain approached the kid 

He was bit self conscious because the kid in front of him has a body that could put every man to shame.

The child as if noticing his gaze turned around to see the marine captain.

I am the marine captain of the this town's marine base my name is Edgar, may I know your name 

My name is Leon. 

So tell me child, what happened in the pirate ship 

Leon told every thing in a nonchalant tone about what happened in the ship.

Leon told about the dead captain and unconscious vice captain 

Some marines ventured into the pirate ship and checked for the remnants of the crew members in the ship but every where they see only blood stained floor and drag marked of the body can be only seen on the deck and they saw the dead body of the captain. Alive but unconscious body of captain remained on the deck .

The marines arrested the vice captain and collected the body of captain and the remaining soldiers ventured below the deck and asked for a lamp, what they saw shocked to their core there are piles upon piles of the bodies of the pirates 

The marine seeing the gore started to puke out what they eat. They ran out and started to puke.

When captain started to ask the officers of what happened they explained about what they saw.

Then he turned to Leon and going to ask something.

But Leon suddenly spoke up I want to split the bounty between the hostages and I am not going to give the treasure that i raided from the pirate ship.

After saying that Leon took the treasure bag and started to walk towards the town to find a inn and settle down for the day

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