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70.02% The Salvatore Saga, Part Four: My new Life / Chapter 243: 3. Barbie Girl.

Chapter 243: 3. Barbie Girl.

Mariella glanced at me as I made my way out of the kitchen and into my lower lounge. I wanted to sit by the fire and talk about what she or the others desired from this peculiar pheromone concept while the men explored the house. I had planned to visit the hamster warehouse, but not just yet. I could hear them following me, and I settled into my chair, one of my personal acquisitions.

Mimosa perched on one of the sofas and asked, "How did you come across these chairs? They don't seem to belong to any particular set, yet you've chosen them. How and why?"

I replied, "Well, when I purchase a house or a manor, it usually comes partially furnished. However, I don't fancy everything, so I try out different pieces and stumble upon these treasures. They often have an unattractive appearance, but they are incredibly comfortable to sit on, so I take them. And there's usually only one of each. This particular chair came from Kentucky, from a mansion I owned there in the past. It was hidden away in one of the secret rooms, ancient and bulky, not visually appealing, but oh, it's marvelous to sit on. I had the magical house renovate it and cast some spells to preserve its quality."

Mariella remarked, "I've never really tested out furniture. I simply go by what looks good, though truthfully, they aren't always comfortable."

I nodded and said, "You know me, comfort is my priority. Now, what do you want to explore with these pheromones?"

Mariella suggested, "Let's wait for the males to join us. They are a part of this, so we won't surprise them. They are aware and it's a crucial aspect of this experiment: to make them conscious and attentive, to see if they can identify when you or we use the pheromones. I'm sure you have some lessons for us on that as well."

I nodded in agreement and replied, "I can certainly share what works for me, but keep in mind, that I'm unique, so there are no guarantees. However, I've done my research and put my knowledge into practice, so there's definitely something to learn."

Mariella assured me, "I understand that you may think Damon doesn't love you anymore, but that's not the case. You'll see it for yourself. Just a heads up, Romeo might start showing interest in you soon."

I looked at Mariella, a sad smile on my face, and responded, "Do you know the song 'Almost Unreal' by Roxette? That's how it felt when Damon loved me. And when you lose that, when you hear those words, feel it, and see the truth in his eyes, it hurts. It hurts so much. I'm not sure how many times I can bear that pain anymore. He may think he loves me, but honestly, even though I'm not as open with my feelings, I would never say something like that about Charles to anyone else, no matter how deeply I feel for them. For example, Damon or Magnum. I would never deny my love for Charles because it's true love. And the ease with which Damon did it tells so much."

Mariella swallowed, realizing the truth.

Mimosa chimed in, saying, "You and Damon are meant to be together. Damon is not like you. He's a seducer, capable of meaning many things in one moment and changing his mind in the next. He's more like 'Hot 'n Cold' than 'My Heart Will Go On.'"

Exhausted, I sighed and said, "All three of you, he loves you. He has never treated you like this, only me. Why should I believe anything you say? The evidence is clear in our history, and it's not just you; it's partially my fault too."

Mariella looked at me, focused, and asked, "They're not here yet, so it's safe to talk. What do you mean?"

I responded, "That one awful year, even though it was decades ago, still haunts me. It changed my perception of Damon. And it's not his fault; it was Damien and those terrible wizards. My mind, being what it is..."

Shadow interjected, "Tell us more."

I confessed, "Maybe, just maybe, being tethered to Damien, who looked like Damon, for a year subjected me to torture and manipulation. I hate to admit it, but it kind of broke me. It gave me too many memories of Damon's face and that feeling of being broken and trapped. Even though I knew it wasn't Damon, the effect stayed. Think about Mariella. If Damon suddenly became the opposite of what he was for you, looking exactly the same but with an evil presence, you would be all alone with him, trapped, with no way out."

Mariella put her hand in front of her mouth as I sent her a selection of my memories. Mimosa shuddered and a strong scent of lavender filled the air as Shadow tried to calm me down and herself, as the memories hit her.

Mariella said, "No wonder. You should let Damon and Wulfe do some serious spring cleaning on those memories. He looked like Damon, but his behavior, expression, everything was wrong." I nodded and said, "Yet he was Damon's identical twin. Were they so different in every aspect? Damien hated me, despite trying to tell me otherwise. My question is, does Damon hate me too? And I, I was not a strong, invincible force of nature. I was a pitiful, broken creature."

Mimosa said, "Tell me, what is it? What is the worst part?"

I ran my hand over my face and said, "The worst part... hmm. Well... "

I swallowed, feeling like my tongue was thick, and it was hard to talk.

But I managed to confess, "I tried, I goddamn tried for a whole freaking year to save him. I tried to show him that he could change, that maybe there were pieces of Damon, pieces of Salvatore, something I could save. But there was none, and to this day, despite everything, I feel like I failed. I failed to save him."

Mariella said to me, "Listen to me, I have now sent this to Damon and Wulfe. So they know. It's for the best."

I shook my head, realizing that now there was no fear of Damon falling in love with me. I was a broken mess deep inside.

Mimosa said, "I know Damon has been a shithead to you many times, but now let him help you. It won't be easy. They need Wulfe, and maybe Lepard too. Funny thing about Lepard, did you know that even though you're not his biological mother, you gave him some of your powers?"

I frowned, trying to steel myself for what would come, and asked Mimosa, "What do you mean, my powers? I do know that it can affect the embryo where it is gestating, so it's not that big of a surprise."

I explained, "The blood that the mother or surrogate female uses to nourish the embryo does indeed have an effect on it,"

Mimosa said. "Well, when it comes to Lepard, it's a little different. Damon and Colin are not even sure why or how, but Lepard is a power battery for telepaths. His telepathic power is raw and strong, so he shares it with the telepaths of the pack. So, there goes the idea that you thought you were the only one."

I raised my eyebrows, intrigued. But then again, this pack was what it was.

Mariella said, "Now, Damon, Wulfe, or anyone else won't attack you because of those memories. But I suppose they will do it more subtly, so don't be surprised if they probe and prod your mind more frequently as a group of telepaths. This will also help Damon. He needs to get to know you and see what you've been through. Even though you told us your stories back then, we need more. And as Wulfe so aptly pointed out, Damon needs to share his stories too. So, we might have story times from time to time. I might share what I remember from my time as a god. He took a lot out of my mind, but I have some memories left, and I believe they are meant to be shared. Did you know that I don't have any more 'room' in my mind? They dismantled it, and now I have a new power system in my mind, so my white power can't mix with other powers."

I said, "Fine, let's see what the future brings us. But first, let me tell you a few things about pheromones before the guys come in."

I had three eager students, and soon Elena and Katherine walked in too.

Katherine exclaimed, "My god, these houses! I've spent most of my life running from enemy to enemy, and now I get the chance to live this life. I must ask myself, what did I do to deserve it?"

I smiled and replied, "There was someone who saw that I would need your friendship on my journey, so he arranged for us to get together. A fallen angel."

Elena added, "You mean Reddington, yeah. Mariella told us about him, but we would love to hear more stories, like how you met."

Mariella interjected, "Let's save that for later. You were about to tell us about pheromones."

I nodded and explained, "Pheromones are scents that can evoke certain reactions in recipients, based on feelings and sensations. As the alpha female, with female-type power, I have power over you three, who have male-type power. The female-male relationship also works on pheromones."

Mariella nodded, while Elena and Katherine shook their heads and said, "Don't even think about making us alpha females... no way."

I smiled and replied, "It's Damon's decision, but if he wants, I can give you some of my power, making you bearers of female-type power, which would mean that your offspring will also have female-type power."

They were a little hesitant, so I continued my lesson. "Your pheromones are connected to your feelings, and if you don't have excellent control over them like I do, there may be mishaps, as you saw at the beginning."

Mimosa nodded and asked, "How can one gain control over their pheromones?"

I answered, "By controlling your feelings, although it's not always wise. But for me, it's a must."

I looked at all of them and said, "However, controlling your feelings can also accumulate that power inside you over time, which can become a nuisance."

Mariella assured me, "Don't worry about us. Next time they will unload me during vampire heat, it works well in that situation, and if it's easy, then with the wolves too."

I nodded and said, "Now, what do you want me to do with my pheromones towards males and whom?"

Before Mariella could answer, I heard animated talk and several footsteps. Men walked in eagerly, glancing at my lounge. Damon's sharp gaze noticed my chair, and Wulfe made a beeline for it, perching on my armrest to be close to me. Number one went to sit next to Mariella and casually put his arm around her shoulders. It was as if it was very natural for them, which it was.

Charles and Adam sat on the sofa to have a good view of me. They understood my relationship with Wulfe. Colin subtly took a chair on my right and glanced at me, acknowledging our bond. The boys, Taylor and Tim, sat together on one sofa, while Alaric found a chair as well. I noticed them looking around my lounge, trying to see if there was a rule of three. Well, I had followed the whole rule, but it was actually a bit more complex.

Damon explained, "Now, baby, we're all in agreement about this pheromone situation, but we need to establish a few rules. Rule number one: You can't use your pheromones to make someone have sex and then forget about it. Rule number two: You can't use them to make me go to Mariella and forget about you. Rule number three: You can't make us do something we don't want to do. You can entice, seduce, manipulate, but no coercion."

I nodded in understanding and replied, "Fine, I won't even attempt to coerce anyone using my pheromones. I'll use my blood for that."

Wulfe chimed in, "Mimi, you can use all of your pheromones, including your vampire ones. And one more rule: You can't just target one person, you have to affect others too."

I nodded again and said, "Sure, but I can't promise that I won't occasionally have some fun with someone. "

A quick glance at Charles, Adam, and Colin made them smirk.

Damon noticed and said, "You'll have other females with you, and it's a good idea to make Elena and Katherine alpha bearers as well. With your type of power, but not yet. Also, you'll give me those seeds, and I'll combine my power with them so they have the combined power of both of us. Wulfe taught me how to do it, and I can do it for others too, giving them a piece of your power combined with mine, so their power won't be solely male. It'll be a pairing."

I rolled my eyes at the idea of all these changes, and Damon continued, "Wulfe and Colin have their own powers too, so we need to combine them as well and give them to everyone. The alpha power is the power of this pack, so everyone should have it."

I nodded, and a playful idea came to mind.

I said, "I have a minor variation of my decoration game, well, it's not really a game, but something everyone can participate in. It just requires a bit of preparation."

Damon agreed, "We're moving to Halifax by Thanksgiving. Could it be done there?"

I nodded again and replied, "Yes, it can. It just takes a bit of time, over a day."

Damon smiled and said, "Perfect. We'll do it there. And now, baby, go to the hamster storage, have fun, and do your thing with your pheromones."

I smiled as they had laid out their rules, and I launched my first attack, releasing a potent dose of calming and relaxing pheromones. I could see the men finding more comfortable positions on the sofas, Mariella curling up to Damon, Elena, and Katherine engaging in conversation with the wizards, and even Dresden's frown softening as he smiled.

I got up, and Wulfe was already alert.

He whispered to me, "Step up your game, unicorn."

I simply smiled as I walked away.

I overheard Wulfe casually telling everyone, "Lesson number one: my unicorn doesn't give warnings when she uses her pheromones. So have fun. You've already been affected."

Wulfe's footsteps followed me as I made my way to the hamster storage. I was excited to reach the bottom boxes, but I had to follow the order: start from the top and work my way down. Since the boxes were stacked on top of each other, getting one meant unloading everything above it. I had my own rule to not rearrange things; when I took a box, I placed it in the right spot instead of just digging for what I wanted.

It had been a while since I last did this, but I had finally found my rhythm after six weeks of practice. The hamster storage room was a huge space, a tall concrete cube with no purpose other than storing boxes. It was filled with towers of boxes, almost reaching the ceiling. Due to its size, there were hundreds of boxes at any given time. The air smelled like cardboard, with a hint of strawberry, as it was my designated area.

At the back of the room, the back wall was empty and had squares drawn into the concrete. There was a sign on the wall indicating where the magic square would send the box. It was like a magical delivery system. You placed the box into the square and the linked magic would teleport it to the storage room. Once the storage room was full, the box wouldn't teleport, and it served as a sign for me to go there, unload the boxes, and make room for the next ones.

There were several categories, such as bedding, curtains, mats and rugs, computers and phones, kitchenware, large appliances, crafts, beads, knitting and fabrics, mattresses, tools and hardware, books, games, videos, cameras, and quite a few other sections. Sometimes, my orders would include items from multiple categories, and they would be placed on the left side of this vast space. I also had miscellaneous boxes and my personal belongings there, my own treasure trove.

Wulfe walked around, searching and pondering.

He said, "This seems like something I could really enjoy. Where should we begin?"

I replied, "Take one box, identify its contents, place it in the shipping area, and move on. If there are multiple categories, put them on the left. We can go through them manually at some point. There should be a taped list of contents in that plastic pocket, but I can recognize them by the sender. I also remember some of my orders. The newer ones are easier to find as they are on top, while the older ones are at the bottom. I try to tackle one stack at a time. Once we have taken out about 40-50% of these boxes, the magic house will replenish them. So it will mostly be full."

Wulfe smiled widely and said, "I love this! It's great that it won't end too soon. By the way, why are there boxes stacked in the curtain section?"

I explained, "The curtain storage is full, so someone needs to go and empty the boxes there. They need to see what sizes the curtains are and stack them on the shelves."

Wulfe nodded, focused, and soon he had an earpiece and a microphone for me.

He said, "Alright, everyone is ready. They are in the lounge, waiting. Each of us has an earpiece and a mic. Now you get to direct us and assign members to different storage areas or wherever you want."

I smiled and thought for a moment about what would be the perfect handle for me.

I said into my mic, "This is Alpha Hamster. I need two people for the curtains, three for the main storage to handle the misc boxes, two for the big appliances, and three for the bedding. The rest can stand by."

Salvatores number one, two, and four acknowledged, saying, "Roger that, Alpha Hamster. We are coming to take care of the misc boxes. That's Hamsters Beta, Delta, and Hamster king."

I rolled my eyes.

Then, Mariella and Mimosa said to me, "This is Princess and She Wolf. We'll take care of the curtains."

Adam and Charles, known as Defender Alpha and Protector Alpha, stated, "Here we go to the big appliances."

Taylor, Tim, and Alaric, also known as Blonde, Brunette, and the Old One, informed me that they would handle the bedding. I couldn't help but chuckle.

Wulfe, who called himself Boy Wonder, said, "I'll let you know where you're needed, so be ready."

Soon, three Salvatores arrived and went to handle my misc boxes. Wulfe was getting a bit restless and soon went to see what was happening.

I released a few subtle pheromones into the air once again. It was fascinating to see how they enjoyed themselves and eagerly discussed my orders. These individuals had sharp minds, and they began brainstorming where to utilize the pheromones.

One of them, number four, remarked, "Hey, did you know that this is a fantastic way for us to assess what we have? Our memory seems to have improved since that spell, and we can remember and feel so much more." 

As I climbed up high, I teleported the ten highest boxes down to go through them. Soon, I had to send three of them into the kitchen, two into the computer and phone area, and two into the fabrics and yarns section. If these storage areas were blocked, it meant there was serious work to be done. Throughout this process, three Salvatores were close to me, receiving a good dose of the pheromones I had released into the air. However, I decided not to mention the pheromones to them just yet. I wanted to see what would happen naturally. I was definitely influencing them, but not through coercion. My methods were much more subtle, allowing my lessons to be felt rather than forced.

This complete experience was enjoyable for me as I was able to do a job that I loved while also being a bit mischievous little bitch. Soon enough, these boys would learn their lesson, and everything would be fine. I hadn't done anything wrong here; I was merely demonstrating how incredibly subtle my pheromones had become.

They didn't have a strong scent, as I had initially released relaxing strawberry-scented pheromones into the air, similar to the scent I emitted when I was in a good mood. They had no idea. As for Wulfe, I also gave him a good dose of one of my pheromones, making him slightly restless and curious. This pheromone gave him permission to explore other areas, assuring him that I was perfectly fine with it. 

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