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54.92% I am Rimuru Tempest (Rewrite Version) / Chapter 35: Mjurran the Spy

Chapter 35: Mjurran the Spy

Frey listened with amusement as the plans unfolded. The true puppeteer was Rimuru, not Clayman.

"You are a scary man, Rimuru." She mused with a smile.


Accustomed to maneuvering behind the scenes, Frey now saw a true expert in action. She had monitored everything around them, expecting this meeting to discuss preparations, but Rimuru already had everything under control. All her plans and defenses seemed unnecessary now.

"What's your goal?" Frey asked, sipping tea brought by one of the Hobgoblin maids.

"Hm? To Awaken, I need to be at least that strong. Unless I show the world that I am not someone to be messed with, then people will continue to try to plot behind my back." Rimuru replied, his tone casual but firm.

Frey chuckled, standing up to gaze out the window at the bustling city below.

"That's it? You don't want to control the world? Given enough time, we could bring humanity under our control. A few kingdoms in the West might be troublesome, but we could conquer most of the West even with our current army."

Shaking his head, Rimuru laughed at the thought.

"That sounds like an absolute pain. As a former human, you should trust me when I say most of them suck. I'm happy with just Tempest. Things are already complicated enough with my plans to take over Falmuth. But I'll probably just assign someone to rule it and let them deal with it, make Falmuth a vassal nation."

"Oh?" Frey raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Why not make the rest of the world your vassals too?"

Rimuru recognized her testing him but decided to play along. 

"Right now, my only responsibility is Tempest. Taking a nation means taking on their citizens, too." He stood and joined Frey by the window, looking down at the people. "This is my standard. Any place I rule will need to live up to this. I won't have my citizens live miserable lives."

Frey observed the thriving city below, noting the unity and harmony among its diverse inhabitants. Giant Ants, usually aggressive and protective, casually strolled through the streets, helping people and assisting with construction in the distance.

"Your standards are high." She acknowledged, a hint of admiration in her voice. "I thought I was a good Queen, but ever since you sent your people to my Queendom, everyone has been noticeably happier. I actually feel like my people are living fulfilled lives now. Even my non-winged citizens working below appear to be more motivated than ever."

She turned to look at him, a soft smile on her face.

"I am glad we met," Frey muttered, shaking her head as she focused, her expression turning serious. "I want to help you more. So far, I've been leeching off you. You've helped my kingdom, and now we're going to Awaken together. Though I don't mind using people, I don't want to do that to you."

Her face was resolute as she moved over to the plans spread across the table, rereading a few of them.

"I know you have Falmuth under your hand, but let me help you conquer Jistav. That will be my wedding gift to you." She mentioned. Yet, as she looked at some of the plans, a mischievous smile appeared on her face. "Although… what about Eurazania? They aren't human, and I see you've been gathering information about them too."

"Ah, them? I can tell you what I have planned. It's not much, but I wanted at least to set up a beneficial trading agreement between us for now. In the future I wanted to have Carrion owe me a huge favor I could cash in in the future."

As he elaborated on his plans, Frey's eyes lit up with an idea. 

"I've dealt with Carrion long enough to know how his mind works. Leave it to me." She stated confidently.

They continued to work on their plans, the sun casting a warm glow as it began to set. Frey chuckled when she saw wings sprout from Rimuru's back.

"But, oh, my. You sure are forward, aren't you?" She teased.

"Can you blame me?" He asked, playing along as he saw her wings flutter slightly in excitement.

"And here I thought we were taking things slower." Frey chuckled, bringing her wings to cover her body playfully.

"I just noticed the one silverish-blue feather in your wings and thought it felt a little bit lonely." Rimuru joked, giving her a playful wink.

"You know, I was just thinking that same thing…"

[Notice. The Intrinsic Ability Union of Feathers has been activated.]

[New skills have been obtained. The Unique Skill: Reflector and the Extra Skill: Celestial Eye.]

[The Extra Skill: Celestial Eye has been synthesized with Universal Sense. The range of Universal Sense has been drastically improved. New capabilities have also been added. Souls can now be perceived with Universal Sense.]

[Notice. The Harpy Mimicry has evolved into the newly created Harpy King. A new Intrinsic Ability has been obtained: Harpy King. You will now be immune to any attacks from the following race: Harpies]

[Processing for the most suitable skills for Frey…. Processing complete.]

[Skill Great Sage incompatible. The downgraded Extra Skill: Sage has been awakened in Frey.]

[Extra Skill: Particle Manipulation incompatible. The downgraded Extra Skill: Wind Manipulation has been awakened.]

[The Extra Skill: Gravity Manipulation has been successfully transferred to Frey.]

[The Extra Skill: Ultraspeed Regeneration has been successfully transferred to Frey.]

[Frey's Extra Skill: Magic Interference has evolved into Magic Jamming]

[Frey's Celestial Eye has been synthesized with her newly awakened Universal Sense.]

— — —

As Mjurran was in the middle of giving a class, Rimuru knocked on the door, catching the class's attention with a friendly wave. He motioned to Mjurran that he needed to talk, prompting her to turn to the class.

"Alright, Lord Rimuru needs to speak with me. So, for now, practice what we learned today, okay?"

The class nodded approvingly, and Mjurran smiled as she followed Rimuru through the streets to his office. Once inside, Rimuru's smile faded, replaced by a look of concern.

"I didn't want to worry the others, but I need your opinion on something," Rimuru began, using Sage to help him craft a genuinely worried tone.

Instantly, Mjurran's eyes sharpened with focus. She knew Clayman was up to something, and this must be it.

"What is it? I'll do anything I can to help," Mjurran replied. Despite knowing she would eventually betray Tempest, she had grown attached to it. Her students, ranging from children to adults, treated her with affection she hadn't felt in centuries.

Rimuru paced nervously for a few seconds before answering.

"My reports indicate that Falmuth has gathered an army and is marching in our direction. With their numbers, it could be a massacre here. Though I believe we can win, it will likely deplete all of our supplies of the dru-" He paused, glancing at Mjurran before sighing.

"All of our supplies of the drug… I've been trying to keep it a secret, but we've developed a drug that can enhance our strength temporarily. I'm still recovering from the last dose, but I might have to take it again soon, even if it costs me my life."

Rimuru was even surprised by the words leaving his mouth. He might even convince himself by how worried and genuine his voice was if he didn't know the truth.

"I- Why me?" Mjurran asked, feeling both overwhelmed and guilty. She sensed the heart Clayman had placed on her tighten, as if he were calling her.

"Mjurran, you're smart. Judging by how much you've been able to teach, you must have spent a long time in the outside world. The truth is, I'm an otherworlder. I've been using my knowledge to get things done here, but I've never fought a war. None of my people have. I need help," Rimuru continued, his voice cracking slightly. "I just assumed you would know more than me."

Mjurran's eyes widened. It made sense that he was an otherworlder, but she had never seen one turn into a Monster, much less a Slime. However, she couldn't ignore the pull at her heartstrings as she saw his expression.

"Rimuru… I…" Mjurran struggled to find her words. "Could you give me some time… I need to think."

Rimuru looked both relieved and worried.

"Mjurran, I know it's a lot to ask, but you've seen my people. The Hobgoblins learned everything from scratch when I met them. The Kijin have fought as mercenaries, but never on this scale. My… Unique Skill is called Architect."

Mjurran felt even more guilt as she heard him. Just a few weeks ago, she would have thrown them into the fire without a second thought, but now she could feel the hesitation. She had been welcomed with open arms. She had even spent some time getting to know Rimuru as he sat down for some of her classes.

In fact, even now, she might have been able to push her feelings away, but seeing Rimuru so vulnerable made her hesitate. He had even revealed his skill to her, the biggest secret one could have.

"It lets me name monsters without expending much magicules and focuses on building a kingdom. I could share more details, but… I can't bear to see them die, Mjurran. I don't know what to do. You're the only real outsider I can contact since Shizue would be opposed to us fighting humans."

Unable to take it any longer, Mjurran excused herself and ran out of the room. Her mind raced, trying to process everything, but she felt her heart twisting, signaling Clayman's call.

Using a spell to conceal her presence, she ran until she found a safe spot and pulled out an orb to contact Clayman. The last thing she wanted was to talk to him, but not answering could mean her death.

"Mjurran…." Clayman's twisted smile appeared as he looked at her. "Things are starting to move, so I have one final job for you. After that, you can continue to play teacher."

A cold sweat formed on Mjurran's forehead. It felt as if Clayman could see right through her, and nothing she said would stop him.

"Do you have anything to report to me?" Clayman asked, his tone firm.

"I… Rimuru has revealed the secret of his Unique Skill… and… about the war." Mjurran began the guilt eating away at her as she did, but she had to. Her life was in his hands.

Clayman listened carefully, smiling and nodding as he received the report.

"Good. Good. Don't worry. I no longer plan on destroying Tempest. They have far too many uses for me to let them go to waste. But I do have a mission for you. I need you to capture the Slime…"

— — —

Returning to the meeting room a few hours later, Mjurran saw Rimuru buried in a stack of papers.

"Ah, Mjurran. I'm sorry about earlier. I shouldn't have pushed so much on you. I will take the fight to them, but… I need your help. I plan to hide my citizens. I've seen your magic firsthand and know you're strong—" Rimuru began, but was interrupted as Souei appeared behind Mjurran, strings wrapping around her and drawing blood.

"Souei! What is the meaning of this?" Rimuru demanded, feigning anger.

"Lord Rimuru, we have discovered that Mjurran is a spy for Clayman. One of our guards spotted her running away and noticed her contacting him. She revealed not only your Unique Skill but also plans to betray our nation."

"No— I…" Mjurran stammered, searching for an excuse but unable to find the right words. Everything was happening too quickly for her to process her emotions. She must have slipped up. Her concealment spells failing due to her current mental instability.

"Don't lie to me, Mjurran. I… I can't believe I trusted you." Rimuru's eyes blazed with anger and betrayal.

With a swift motion, he pierced her heart with his hand.

"I'm sorry, but I can't allow anyone who would hurt my people to live."

Mjurran's mind was rushing to process everything, but her vision was already going dark as she felt her strength leaving her.

'So… this is how it ends, huh.' These were her last thoughts as she was enveloped by darkness, far more anticlimactic than she had hoped and far more saddening.

Yet the next moment, she opened her eyes once again.

"Huh?" was all she managed as she saw Rimuru smiling.

"And that's a wrap. Sorry about that. But hey, you're lucky. If it were anyone else, I probably would have killed them for real."

"What is… what?" Mjurran asked, unable to wrap her mind around everything that had happened.

"You're free from Clayman's heart and can do whatever you want now. I'd like you to keep teaching, but I won't force you. Take the week off and relax. I need you to stay hidden for a bit; consider it a vacation." Rimuru explained, snapping his fingers. A few Hobgoblin maids entered, wrapped her in a blanket, and handed her tea to comfort her.

He had planned on using her right from the start to trick Clayman so he wouldn't hold a grudge against her for spying. If anything, he was thankful she did. 

Some might call it overkill to send Noir and Souka to Falmuth to ensure the war went as planned, or to spend so much effort tricking Mjurran into feeding Clayman false information. But Rimuru had already changed the future significantly and didn't want to rely on potentially outdated information.

He needed to make sure his enemies moved as he planned. Otherwise, he could be struck by a sudden surprise and lose everything. The appearance of another Primordial alongside Noir had already thrown him off balance.

"You… saved me?" Mjurran asked, her mind finally piecing everything together. "How long have you known?"

Her thoughts raced, but Rimuru gently chopped the top of her head, bringing her back to reality.

"You think you're sneakier than you really are." He replied, chuckling. He watched as a couple of maids entered, carrying snacks for her. 

Mjurran blinked, processing his words and actions. The warmth of the tea and the comforting atmosphere slowly melted away her earlier panic. She looked at Rimuru, her confusion giving way to a mix of gratitude and curiosity.

"Why go through all this trouble?" She asked, taking a sip of tea to calm her mind.

"There are some people whose potential is too great to throw away. I have seen your fights and training firsthand. I knew I wanted you after that." Rimuru began, causing her to choke slightly on the tea.

"You want me?" She asked, surprised, a slight blush appearing on her face.

"You're no longer a pawn, neither to me nor to Clayman. So you are free to do as you wish. But I would like it if you joined Tempest and continued to teach. I've been looking for researchers, and your mind would work perfectly for what I have planned. But ultimately, it's up to you. I've learned that having people genuinely on your side is far more valuable than forcing them."

Mjurran took a few moments, understanding appearing on her face.

"I see… I honestly never expected to be free ever again…"

Rimuru leaned back in his chair, a small smile playing on his lips. 

"Well, consider this your chance to make things right. Take the week off, get some rest, and think about what you want to do next. When you're ready, we'll talk about how you can help us moving forward if you choose to stay."

The maids placed the tray of snacks in front of Mjurran, their faces warm and welcoming. She felt a weight lift off her shoulders, a sense of relief washing over her.

"Thank you, Rimuru." She said quietly, the sincerity in her voice clear.

"Get some rest." Rimuru said with a chuckle. "The maids will take care of you while I am gone."

The two maids were spies trained by Souei. Though they looked innocent and friendly, they were capable of striking if Mjurran lowered her guard. They would supervise her while Rimuru was gone.

Although he was genuine in his invitation to Mjurran, he didn't fully trust her yet. He wanted to ensure he had some insurance.

As he walked out of the office, he headed to meet Shuna, who had been finishing all of the preparations. Falmuth would be moving soon, and once the Harvest Festival began, they would all fall unconscious. They would use the underground tunnels and Ramiris' dungeon, turning the city into a ghost town.

It would even help sell the story that they were afraid and trying to hide.

Shuna smiled brightly as she saw him approach to grab a box.

"Perfect timing. I just finished crafting your outfit, an outfit fit for a Demon Lord and a king."

Rimuru took the box, appreciating Shuna's handiwork. The outfit inside was regal and imposing, designed to command respect and fear. 

The main outfit consisted of a long, black coat with intricate dark patterns and lace-like details along the edges. The coat had a high collar and was adorned with various ornate decorations, including chains and brooches. There was also a cape with a vivid silver lining, contrasting sharply with the black outer fabric.

"You've outdone yourself, Shuna," Rimuru complimented her, smiling as he heard her cheerful giggle.

"Thank you, Rimuru. I wanted to make sure you looked the part." Shuna's eyes sparkled with pride as she watched him remove his clothes and don the new outfit. Although he could have simply absorbed it and reshaped it onto his body, he wanted to make the occasion special.

As Rimuru adjusted the high collar and fastened the intricate brooches, he felt the weight of the responsibility he bore. The regal attire wasn't just for show. It symbolized the authority and power he wielded. He turned to Shuna, his eyes meeting hers.

"Do I look intimidating enough?" He asked, a playful glint in his eyes.

Shuna's cheeks flushed slightly as she stepped closer, smoothing out an imaginary wrinkle on his coat.

"You look perfect."

— — —

Special Thanks to my Beta Readers/Editors: The one, the only, the amazing @Basilisk, the Aussie @LuluViBritania (FF.N, SB, WN and QQ)/-LuluViB|99th Britannian Emperor(Discord) and @Kiyan Tribe ( | kiyan_tribe( Discord)

Go Check out Basilisk's great story "I'm a Daemon, so what?" 

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