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87.5% Writing Reality / Chapter 10: Something Fun to Do (R18+ sorta)

Chapter 10: Something Fun to Do (R18+ sorta)

Freed from what he considered his own personal hell - though knowing part of what made it so bad was his own constant complaining causing additional irritation -, Arthur and the others walked down the street to drop off their bags at the motel before heading to get some lunch. Since grocery shopping had been interrupted and they were supposed to be unwinding, Max took them to a simple restaurant.

Looking over the menu, Arthur had been surprised by the prices of the food. He recalled how prices had shot up a few years ago and figured that had not happened yet. As such, he ordered a steak and fries without hesitation - taking advantage of what looked like half the price he was used to. 

The meal had been all around pleasant. They talked about random things. A simple peaceful meal.

Afterwards, Max had wanted them to get a checkup and took them to a doctor's office. He was worried about Arthur's injury and if there were any side effects to Gwen's transformation. However, Arthur assured him he was fine and convinced him to leave him and Kim in the Rustbucket while he and Gwen went inside. 

Alone with Kim, Arthur decided to strike up a conversation. "Today was nice," he says simply. "Especially, after how today started."

"I know," Kim replied slouching in her seat opposite Arthur. "Alien watches, mad scientists, mutants; I can't believe it. I know Grandpa Max said this summer was going to be an adventure, but I'm not sure if I can handle this."

Arthur snorted.

"What's so funny?"

"Sorry," Arthur waved off, "it's just funny to hear you say that after how cool you were."

Kim blushed at the praise. "It was no big. You, Gwen, and Grandpa fought giant monsters."

"Ooooo," Arthur awed sarcastically, "we punched and hit stuff. Remind me which of us actually saved someone from getting munched by a giant hamster? Also, who is responsible for actually taking down the mad scientist? Pretty sure that was you."

Kim's face blushed even more and looked away from Arthur.

"You know, before we were talking about me using this watch to be a superhero, but from where I'm sitting, I'd say you already are one even without crazy alien technology or mutant powers."

"I didn't do that much," Kim said quietly. 

Seeing an opportunity to drive the conversation in the direction he wanted, Arthur began to speak more energetically to feign earnest excitement, "No, really, you were amazing! I wish I was even a tenth as amazing as you."

Kim suddenly turned to Arthur and incredulously asked, "What are you talking about? You fought three giant monsters with barely a scratch."

Raising his arm to show the Omnitrix, Arthur lazily said, "Yeah, thanks to this. Without it, all I- all I think I could do is run."

"Oh, yeah, well, what about Gwen? She went in there too. And Grandpa?"

"Gwen discovered she has mutant powers and Grandpa is a former secret agent who fought aliens and monsters. I'm not sure I can compare to any of you." Arthur shrugged while feigning being disheartened. 

Internally, Arthur was patting himself on the back. "If I'm not careful of how I word things, then she might 'believe' what I say and agree I suck - driving this conversation in the wrong direction. I know I'm not actually that smart or good at tricking people. And, I'm a shit liar. But I deserve some props for catching this detail and phrasing my words as 'I think' rather than something as fact."

While, Arthur praised his self-perceived moment of intelligence, Kim's eyes narrowed in displeasure. "That's not true. Even if someone else had that watch, would they have done what you did? Maybe that thing gave you the power to do it, but it was still you doing it. You're amazing."

Looking at Kim in false shock, Arthur asked, "You really think I'm amazing?"

"Of course," Kim said - relaxing. "We've known each other a long time and you're my best friend. I know just how amazing you are, Ben."

"If you really think so…Then…Will you be my girlfriend," Arthur blurted out. 

Kim reeled back in surprise and shock. "Huh!?"

Pushing forward, Arthur, slid out of the booth, stepped around the table, sat next to Kim, and took one of her hands in his. "I asked if you'd be my girlfriend."

Mistaken the determined look in Arthur's eyes as genuine passion for his request, Kim became even more flustered. "What are you talking about!? What do you mean girlfriend?"

Arthur tried to turn things over in his mind - masking his making things up as genuine embarrassment or losing his nerve. "You know…it's when a boy and girl become more than friends because they really like each other…I think you're really cool…and you said you thought I was amazing…So…I thought we could…" He let his words trail off as he waited for Kim to process them.

Believing his words, Kim was not sure what to say, "I-I see, well, um…"

"You don't mind, do you?"

"I don't know…"

"Well, why don't we just give it a try," Arthur suggested. "We'll be boyfriend and girlfriend over the summer, and if it doesn't work out, we just go back to being friends."

Relaxing somewhat, Kim was still blushing and avoided looking Arthur in the eye. "I guess, we could try. So, um, how do, I mean, what are we supposed to do now?"

Scooting closer to Kim, Arthur listed off, "Well, there's going on dates, holding hands, kissing…"

"R-Right," Kim stuttered at the thought - scarcely aware of Arthur pressing himself against her.

"I mean, if you think about it, how's it any different from how we are now," Arthur continued. "Dates are just like hanging out like we are now." He raised one hand up to Kim's cheek. "Holding hands isn't such a big deal." He turned her face toward his. "And, kissing…" Then, in one quick motion, he pressed his lips to hers. 

Caught in confusion and embarrassment, Kim did not initially react to the sudden kiss. However, she was snapped out of her stupor upon feeling Arthur's tongue try to invade her mouth. She raised her hands to his shoulders and pushed him back. "What are you doing," she asked in surprise. 

"Since we're boyfriend and girlfriend now," Arthur said simply and factually - lowering his hand from her face to her shoulder -, "I thought we should have our first kiss."

"But you tried to put your tongue in my mouth," Kim said back uncomfortably. 

"Yeah," Arthur replied with some cheer. "I know it's a bit fast, but since we've known each other so long, it's okay for us to be more intimate with each other."

"Intimate," Kim asked questioningly.

"It means we should do more grown-up stuff. Like kissing with our tongues."

Though feeling uncomfortable, Kim believed and found herself agreeing with Arthur. Thinking there might be something wrong with her to be against this, she quickly nodded, "Ye-Yeah, you're right. Sorry."

Arthur smiled kindly. "It's alright, I kinda surprised you. Is it okay if we try again?"


Arthur again leaned in to kiss Kim. This time, she did not resist when he began to stick out his tongue and allowed it into her mouth. Unsure of what to do, she held still and tried to reciprocate as he explored her mouth - inadvertently coaxing her into sliding her tongue into his mouth. He moved his hand on her shoulder to her back so he had one arm around her to pull her closer. Meanwhile, he took his other hand and put it on her leg.

Kim shook at the sudden sensation of Arthur rubbing her upper leg. However, with his arm firmly around her shoulders and unsure of what to do, she was unable to pull back. Instead, she felt she wanted some sort of support and reached around and gripped the back of his shirt. He then proceeded to slide his hand up her leg and to her rear. She froze at the sudden sensation of him groping her and he responded by kissing her more aggressively. This continued for several minutes before they parted. 

"How was that," Arthur asked as he pulled back from Kim.

"Um, well," Kim said softly - her eyes moving around as she looked for something to say.

"I really enjoyed it," Arthur decided to interject. "I'm really happy we can do this now, but maybe we should keep our relationship a secret for now. I don't know if I'm ready for Gwen and Grandpa to know."

"R-Right, a secret," Kim agreed - shuffling uncomfortably.

"Do you wanna watch something," Arthur offered as he got up to grab the TV remote.


Sitting back down beside Kim and turning on the TV, Arthur mused, "And like that we have a C-Plot. Let's see, Gwen's powers are the A-Plot, Omnitrix will be B-Plot, and Ben's relationship with Kim will be a C-Plot I can play around with. I could make the whole story revolve around my relationship with Kim and Gwen, but that would be kinda lame for something with the Omnitrix in it. B-story at most."


Max and Gwen returned after some time saying everything seemed fine for now and the day seemed to progress slowly after that. 

Max told them they would be staying for the day and leave tomorrow afternoon. For now, he went ahead and took them sightseeing around the area. 

During this time, Arthur kept some distance from Kim but also tried to foster some genuine closeness with her. It seemed somewhat successful as she continued to relax through their visits to the Washington Monument, a history museum, etc.

Night soon came and the group went to bed. Gwen shared a bed with Max while Arthur and Kim slept together again. However, Arthur did nothing that night. He was more concerned about the next day and what he was going to do with the Notebook. Thoughts circling through his head, he eventually fell asleep from an eventful day.


The following morning, everyone woke up early and Max took the kids to finish the grocery shopping that had been interrupted the day before. 

They checked out of the motel, packed everything back into the Rustbucket, and went off to find another supermarket in search for sheep's bladder and other ingredients that left the kids cringing in disgust. 

Eventually, the Rustbucket was loaded with everything they needed, and they were on their way with Max at the wheel. 

All the moving around over the last twenty-four hours had left Arthur mentally tired and lying in bed.

Gwen sat at the booth browsing the internet for more information on mutants and Kim watched TV across from her.

Sitting at the foot of the bed and playing on Arthur's phone, Aelita decided to mention, "The Notebook is ready."

"I know, I'm just tired," Arthur replied quietly to not draw attention.

Tilting her head, Aelita inquired, "How? Your 'healthy' and 'physically inclined' physique - not to mention youthful energy - should leave you capable of engaging in activity for a full day before exhaustion sets in."

"I'm mentally exhausted," Arthur clarified.

"Again, how?"

"I'm a lazy asshole who's used to doing nothing and in the last twenty-four hours, I've fought giant monsters, got a girlfriend, and been running around town. I'm not used to it…it's actually kinda irritating to feel tired but still be brimming with energy."

Aelita hummed in understanding as her attention was refocused back onto her game. "I see. You're claiming to experience some form of burnout. You seem to have an abnormally low tolerance for work. You may want to consider adding in some break periods or finding ways to adjust your mindset to avoid this. With how you're progressing, this might become a constant state if you aren't careful."

"Didn't know you cared," Arthur chuckled as he sat up. Receiving no response from the angel, he summoned the now colorful Notebook to his hands. 

Grabbing the pen he had begun keeping in his pocket, Arthur opened the Notebook to glance at the adjusted rules. The only change was to the first two stating how long the sentence had to be and its structure. These had been replaced by:

Any changes must be written within a single sentence of comprehensible structure. 

Conjoined sentences will not be recognized. 

Nodding at these changes, Arthur decided to review and organize his thoughts before writing anything, "I need to plan things out a little more before I can continue here. While I could just keep making it up as I go, I'd like a better framework to use. Plus, I need to get better, so I'm still going with my plan to switch to Pokémon and swing back here later." 

"The plot I'm working with is based on that Loud House fic. Max knows Professor Oak from his Plumber days and something, something, something agrees to Ben going on a Pokémon Journey in place of going back to school after the summer. So, I need to facilitate this before anything else…"

Putting his pen to the paper, Arthur began to write:

During his Plumber days, Max Tennyson met and befriended Pokémon Professor Samual Oak.

After the summer, Ben's mother agrees to send him on a Pokémon Journey in Kanto instead of going back to school.

In Kanto, it is culture to embark on Pokémon Journeys at the age of ten as a rite of passage.

Pokémon Journeys may be sponsored by a notable Trainer, a recognized Professor, or other noteworthy figure to fund their Journey.

Unsponsored Trainers are given a random low-level Pokémon for their Journey if they do not have one to register.

Sponsored Trainers will either receive a low-level Pokémon from their sponsor or receive one of the three special starters provided to the Professor at the start of the Pokémon League Season.

Samual Oak receives a call from Max Tennyson and agrees to sponsor his grandson Ben as a Pokémon Trainer.

Ben Tennyson arrives at Pallet Town the morning before the Pokémon League Season begins where he is greeted by Professor Oak.

Daisy Oak is Samual Oak's granddaughter and only grandchild as well as an aspiring Pokémon Professor. 

The Oak family houses Ben in their spare bedroom for the night before beginning his Pokémon Journey. 

Episode one of the Pokémon anime - "Pokémon, I Choose You!" - begins that night.

When traveling through time, I am capable of simply possessing myself of that time – effectively being able to choose whether to transport my consciousness or physically travel through time.

Arthur stopped writing and let out a breath as he felt he had covered everything. He watched as the ink was absorbed into the Notebook and a ripple was released to change reality. Turning to Aelita, he asked quietly, "Does this count as a plot point and the Notebook resets?"

"No. Since it has not happened or started yet, the Notebook has not reset," Aelita replied monotone. "However, once you arrive at that point, it will. Then, again, when beginning the first - or in your case, third - episode." 

Nodding, Arthur decided to take this chance to think of any other changes he wanted to make. Thinking over the various changes he has made already, he had a few ideas

Your average model has a beauty rating of five.

Gwen Tennyson currently has a beauty rating of three.

Kim Possible currently has a beauty rating of three. 

At puberty, girls' beauty begins to improve by two until age twenty and continues to rise by one every twenty years.

Looking up from the Notebook, he watched as Gwen and Kim's appearances changed before his very eyes. Their hair became silky and seemed to look more stylized with not a single hair unintentionally out of place. Their skin grew smooth and soft - seeming to almost glisten in the light. Their nails looked perfectly manicured, their teeth were pearly white and straight, and their eyes seemed to glisten like jewels. Even their bodies seemed to subtly change and fill out - making them look slightly older as a result. 

"I've gone and created some loli idols," Arthur mused as he looked between the soft, gentle curls of Gwen's hair to Kim's more luscious, silky ponytail. 

Krypton was destroyed due to its core becoming unstable and exploding.

Because Earth was such a dull planet that it is rarely visited by aliens, Kal'El's parents saw fit to send him there for safety.

Under Earth's yellow sun, Clark Kent would absorb solar radiation that would cause his Kryptonian physiology to begin exhibiting superpowers such as flight, super strength, heat vision, x-ray vision, super speed, and super durability around the onset of puberty.

Kara Zor'El is the only other living Kryptonian in the universe.

Kryptonian were a race of warriors and conquers led by General Zodd whose growing empire came to an end when their home world was destroyed.

Dick Grayson first becomes Batman's sidekick Robin three-years, one-month, and twenty-eight-days into Batman's superhero career.

Vilgax's quest for the Omnitrix has brought his forces toward Earth's galaxy.

Xylene escaped Vilgax's assault on her ship via escape pod and has crashed on Earth.

Tony Stark and Stark industries exists.

Kaiba Corp. exists and is currently in conflict with Stark Industries as rival weapons manufacturers.

Kaiba Corp. CEO - Gozoburo Kaiba - attends an orphanage as a publicity stunt.

Ten-year-old orphan Seto challenges Gozoburo to a chess game where if he wins, the CEO must adopt him and his brother - Mokuba.

Because the meta-gene attaches to the X-chromosome, mutants' pituitary gland is more stimulated and causes mutants to physically mature more quickly than normal.

Feeling he had done all he could, Arthur put down his pen. There was more he wanted to do, but this felt like enough for now. 

Taking a deep breath, Arthur closed his eyes and turned his focus internally. He imagined a clock-face. Trying to will his power to travel through time to activate, the clock-face began to turn rapidly forward. Under the rapidly spinning clock-hands, the date was displayed and similarly began to quickly roll by.

Soon, the clock-hands and date stopped.

Arthur slowly opened his eyes to find himself standing just inside a tall wooden fence. Behind him was a beaten path partially covered by overgrown grass. In front of him was a large grassland seemingly surrounded by a wooden fence. In the distance, he could see two houses. 

Hovering behind Arthur was Aelita who was still engrossed in her game. "And now the Notebook has reset," she said offhandedly. 

"Oh, hello, you must be Ben Tennyson, it's good to meet you my boy," called a kind, older man. 

Still adjusting to the change in scenery, Arthur took a moment to notice the older man approaching him with a smile on his slightly wrinkled face. He had a head of short gray hair and a white lab-coat over a gray polo shirt, burgundy slacks, and brown loafers. 

Arthur smiled at the man.

Nevermore101 Nevermore101

This chaptwr is more transitional, so I admit it might be a bit weak. That might be why I had so much trouble getting the motivation to finish it. I would appreciate any feedback on how to make chapters like this better

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