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Chapter 2: Death

About two thousand years ago, the peace of the human world was shattered by the invasion of the demon realm. There is no way humans, who have lived in a peaceful world, can defeat the inhabitants of a chaotic world where fighting has become a daily routine. Thus, the demons commit their relentless slaughter.

The more courageous among them died young, and all people could do was pray for salvation.

However, in response to the prayers of these humans, a single demon awakened to justice and stood against the demonic forces.

His name was Sparda, the legendary demon swordsman.

He overwhelmed the approaching demons with his immense power, sealed the Demon Emperor Mundus who led the demonic forces, and brought victory to the human world. He was hailed as a hero by the people. Though his tale has faded into legend over time.

Even after safeguarding humanity, Sparda continued to silently watch over their peaceful existence. During this period, he and his beloved, Eva, were blessed with twins.

The younger named Dante, the elder Vergil.

Sparda crafted a blissful home in the tranquil human realm. However, he vanished suddenly from his family's sight. "He will return soon," Eva assured the twins. Dante and Vergil waited eagerly for the day when the four of them could sit together at the dinner table again.

But that day never dawned.

Under the crimson moon's glow, demons dispatched by the Demon Emperor assailed them. Despite the twins' valiant efforts, they were overwhelmed.

Vergil, mortally wounded by a demon's blade, miraculously survived. Using his sword as a crutch, he staggered home, clinging to hope. Yet, instead of a joyful reunion, he found a scene of devastation — their home engulfed in flames, a grim testament to their loss.

Witnessing the inferno that consumed their once-happy abode, Vergil made a solemn vow.

"All of this happened because I was weak. Because I was foolish. Power is everything. Without power, you can't protect anything. Not even yourself. Therefore, I shall seek it. The demonic power inherited from our father, Sparda."

Vergil chose the path of a demon. All for the sake of obtaining power surpassing Sparda. He would show no mercy to anyone who got in his way. Whether they were demons or humans, children or women, allies or foes.

Even if they were his own blood brothers.

Several years later.

In pursuit of power and in a bid to halt his brother Dante, the two sons of Sparda clashed blades. It was a far cry from their childhood squabbles; it was a battle of souls, risking everything they had.

"We are the sons of Sparda. What we should inherit isn't power, but something more important: a proud and noble soul! And now... my soul is telling me it wants to stop you!" Dante passionately exclaimed.

"Unfortunately, our souls are at odds, brother. I need more power!" Vergil declared.

The souls of the two roared. Their battle, where they poured out everything they had against each other, shook not only the human world but also the demon realm. A fierce battle in which no one could intervene. Their prolonged battle finally ended with a flash of swords.

The victor was the proud and noble soul.

"I won't let this go to anyone. This is mine. It's what the true successor of Sparda should possess—"

Defeated, Vergil clutched his mother's keepsake and began to plummet into the depths of the demon realm. Dante rushed to stop him, but Vergil refused his aid.

"Leave me and go if you don't want to be trapped in the Demon World. I'm staying; this place was our father's home."

Brushing aside Dante's outstretched hand, Vergil disappeared into the demon realm.

When Vergil came to his senses, he found himself at the bottom of the earth. He stood up, clutching his wounds, and looked up at the sky of the demon realm, shrouded in black clouds. And finally, he came face to face with it: the Demon Emperor whom his father sealed away, the culprit who took his mother away from him, Mundus, the Demon Emperor.

"It wouldn't be bad to take on the Demon Emperor. If Sparda walked this path, there's no reason why I can't walk it too!" Alone, Vergil faced the Demon Emperor. However, lacking the demonic sword Sparda necessary to defeat the Demon Emperor and still bearing the wounds from his battle with Dante, there was no chance of victory in his current state. Even the Yamato, which had cut down countless demons, was broken, and Vergil was eventually defeated by the Demon Emperor.

However, the Demon Emperor did not destroy Vergil. As if to insult Sparda, the Demon Emperor manipulated him, remodeled him, and welcomed him as a new demon. He took a deep form of satisfaction in breaking the son of Sparda. Eventually, clad in jet-black armor and wielding a gigantic sword, Vergil fell under Mundus' control, becoming a Nelo Angelo.

Denied passage to the afterlife and imprisoned in his soul, Vergil, now Nelo Angelo, a pawn of the Demon Emperor, once again crossed swords with Dante on a place known as Mallet Island after several years.

Engaging in an intense battle with Dante, Vergil found himself facing an opponent who had grown since their last encounter. After the third deadly battle, the decisive moment finally arrived: Vergil was defeated by Dante once again.

With a cry, the jet-black knight vanished from Dante's sight, leaving behind only the amulet that Vergil had always carried with him, and the fading soul of Vergil, freed from the dark curse of the Demon Emperor.

In his fading consciousness, Vergil witnessed the merging of two amulets and a sword, forming the weapon that would slay the Demon Emperor—the birth of the demonic sword Sparda, and Dante, who greatly resembled their father.

As if recreating the great war of the past, Dante would surely face the Demon Emperor wielding the demonic sword. Having glimpsed his brother's future, Vergil smiled and closed his eyes.

And thus, his soul vanished completely from this world.

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