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44.44% The Seraphic System / Chapter 28: Medusa

Chapter 28: Medusa

The Seraphic System

Chapter: 28

Note: I've noticed some people are pushing for Dxd to come around and are annoyed that I'm going through with pjo, but trust me. I'm doing it for a reason. 

Canon pjo is getting derailed very soon and we are moving towards highscool dxd at the end of this arc. Just be patient, because I'm building up for a massive ending. Also Gabriel is coming very soon. 

Hope you guys enjoy regardless. 

Pa/ t reon details at the bottom of the chapter if you're interested I'll keep posting regardless.


I read the large sign atop the building with a flat stare: "Aunty Em's Garden Gnome Emporium."

The front yard was filled with various stone statues, mostly garden gnomes but also a few other life-sized statues.

The statues were eerily lifelike, with expressions of surprise or fear frozen on their faces. The garden, with its overgrown plants and odd arrangement of statues, had an unsettling, almost haunted feel.

It was so blatantly obvious something was wrong with this place.

We had successfully escaped the crime scene of the massive split bus and the damage that had happened when I had decided to throw one of the furies into a building.

Which probably wasn't my best idea; I could have ended it by sending out three powerful light spears, but I was always a bit dramatic at heart.

I wasn't sure if the last Fury was still alive after being smashed into a building, but we hadn't seen any sight of her. I kept to my word of simply following Percy along, even if he insisted I would be much better at leading them.

It was true since I had plot advantage, but I didn't want the Greek Gods getting pissy at me for hijacking the quest. There was also the matter of the fates.

Even in PJO, there were multiple mythologies, and the Fates still managed to predict events. Are they only able to predict things related to their own pantheon? That would make sense; otherwise, those Fates would be too powerful.

I remember something about Indra being able to predict things but only within his pantheon. Maybe that's true for all pantheons.

How would their precognition handle anomalies like influences from other pantheons and factions? Did the Fates consider me when making their prophecy for Percy?

There were a lot of theories I had on them, which was what made me wary. It's why I was being so passive and simply following along. I wasn't ready to deal with that type of heat, but it certainly made me resolve to become more powerful even stronger.

While I may seem laid back. I normally did think about things. Other than my random acts of spontaneity. Like when I clicked download and nearly passed out in front of my angels.

I didn't really know if I could have done anything better. They would have seen the chains burst up and I couldn't tell them about my download ability since loose lips sink ships, I had also promised myself I would keep it a secret since it was my main power.

Maybe telling them that I was going to go through an upgrade would have been for the best?

I would keep it in mind for the future. I had been too excited and wasn't sure if I would get the same reaction as when I gained chakra, since that was an entirely different experience.

To me, gaining chakra pathways and then acquiring a bloodline that merged with my existing one was different. I was surprised to discover I had a minor bloodline to begin with, one whose name I hadn't even caught.

Getting back to the matter at hand.

Both Annabeth and Percy didn't seem to notice how obviously weird this was. They were more focused on the enticing smell of food that wafted out from Medusa's abode.

It was probably also the magic I felt coming from within; a quick activation of my Mind's Eye of Kagura showed a faint shimmer of grey energy, which was mist surrounding the Emporium.

I briefly wondered if learning Mist manipulation was worth it.

'How do I go about this?' I wondered.

The door suddenly opened, and a woman in a beautiful dress stepped out, her eyes blindfolded by a thick piece of cloth, which even then with my supernatural sight I could pick up a faint glow from.

She had pale, smooth skin and glossy full lips that were stretched into a small smile. Her body was an easy hourglass figure. Her hair was hidden under some cloth, from which I could faintly hear the sound of hissing.

It was so painfully clear she wasn't ordinary. The fact she could seemingly easily see through the blindfold was perhaps the largest indication.

"Hello, children," she greeted us kindly.

Annabeth and Percy didn't seem to notice.

"Uh, hey," Percy replied awkwardly.

{Name: Medusa}

{Title: Gorgon}

{Race: Human/Snake(Cursed)}

{Power level: 5880}

The peak of high class. Much stronger than I had expected. I wasn't really worried about her petrifying gaze due to the curse negation I got from my system.

This meant no outside influence could change my body in a way deemed as a curse. Also, the reason I hadn't fallen since becoming a fallen angel was a race change.

Wait, did that mean I couldn't be forcibly reincarnated as a devil? Would it just not work? A thought for later.

"You children look miserable out in this poor weather. How about you come inside for some food and drinks?" she asked kindly.

I felt Galadriel shift from where she hid in my clothes.

Annabeth finally had the decency to look a tad bit suspicious. That Athena intelligence was finally starting to realize that something wasn't quite right. The suspiciously real statues should have been the main hint.

When it came to the supernatural, most things that seemed off were, in fact, off.

Though she seemed to crush her suspicion down as she gave the disguised Medusa a polite smile.

"We would be grateful, ma'am," she replied, and I felt the urge to slap my forehead.

I guess I shouldn't be too surprised since this had been somewhat how it went down normally. Percy seemed to agree with Annabeth's response, so we found ourselves ushered in.

Medusa gave me a strange look for a moment as we walked past her and into the Emporium. I gave her an easygoing smile in response.

Upon entering, the store appeared cluttered but well-organized, with shelves and display tables showcasing various stone statues and garden ornaments.

The stone statues were creepy; I wasn't sure why she kept them inside too. Even if she was just an artist stone sculptor, the way she portrayed all of them with faces of terror would be cause for concern.

The interior was dimly lit, with only a few lamps providing soft, yellowish light. Shadows played across the statues, enhancing the eerie atmosphere.

There was a musty smell, and the air felt still and heavy. The silence inside contrasted with the chirping birds and rustling leaves outside, adding to the sense of unease.

An overwhelming aroma of food assaulted my senses a moment later, as the poorly-disguised Medusa led us to a dining room that was conveniently filled with freshly made food.

Percy literally drooled at the food while Annabeth eyed Medusa hesitantly.

"Don't hesitate to eat, children," Medusa said with a smile, gesturing toward the food.

She took a seat across from us as Percy didn't waste any time, picking up what looked to be a burger and scoffing it down. I didn't blame him since we hadn't eaten in a while.

Medusa rested her heart-shaped face on her delicate fist. She looked serene, which was quickly disproven as I suddenly sensed her emotions and the burning anger she felt at Percy.

So she knew…

The anger was only second to the overwhelming sadness, which was so powerful that I even felt myself starting to tear up. Cutting the connection off, I stared at Medusa analytically.

That had been intense. The sheer emotion that I felt was overwhelming.

She somehow knew Percy was the son of Poseidon, I assumed. Judging by the unreasonable hate towards my friend, maybe it was his unrestrained aura.

Annabeth had taken to eating too, as I simply observed Medusa.

Medusa seemed to notice my gaze as her facial features softened.

"Not going to eat, hun?" she asked with a cute head tilt.

I picked up a singular chip and ate it.

"You've got quite a bit of food here," I started.

There was enough food here to feed a dozen people.

"I was expecting some people around, but they didn't show up. Then I saw you poor kids in the rain and decided to not let this food go to waste," she reasoned with a lamenting sigh.

I nodded conversationally.

"I see, you must have been expecting quite a few people," I replied.

"I was," she responded, her tone holding a melancholy undertone.

"It tastes delicious, thank you," Annabeth said, Percy nodding along with the sentiment.

They must have been starving. It had been quite a while since we had eaten. I didn't really notice it anymore. Since I rarely ever ate. Turns out angels didn't need to eat, which was neat.

I ran a hand through my hair, wondering what she was playing at. I was mostly waiting for the big reveal or for the two beside me to snap out of whatever trance they were in.

I could reveal Medusa's true identity, but I was pretty sure this was a massive part of their growth. Which was why I didn't simply blow the building up and call it a day.

Being responsible was so bothersome. I was a city-destroying being, I shouldn't have to deal with this, damn it. My internal whining was cut short as Medusa decided to speak up again.

"You know, it's been so long since I've had company. I used to be quite the artist, you see. These statues are my masterpieces. Each one tells a story..." Medusa spoke, tapping one of her long nails on the table.

Poison rejected

My eyes darted over to both of my companions, who were now looking a bit closer, noticeably more sluggish. Their eyes had a slight glaze. Annabeth had stopped eating when she finally noticed.

It was funny as I could literally see her thought process step by step. Despite being a bit slow on the uptake, Annabeth wasn't stupid by any means. It was more of a lack of experience.

Her stormy grey eyes widened in horror.

Percy beside her seemed to notice something was wrong as he stopped eating. Blinking in confusion as his eyes narrowed. He became alert as his hand instinctively went to the pocket that held his sword, which was in the form of a pen.

Annabeth's head snapped around the room at the oddly placed stone statues with their eerily realistic features, then back to Medusa. She stood up, only to stumble back as the poison made its presence known.

[Poisoned Burger] [Uncommon]


This burger appears to be regular but it isn't. This burger is laced with a special paralytic.

Key Features:

- Slow Acting Paralytic: It is a slow-acting paralytic that dulls the senses and reaction speed of the victim as time passes.

"The poison's starting to work? That's good. I really do hate doing this, especially to children. It really solidifies my status as the monster I was forced to become." Medusa sighed sadly. My empathy detected that this truly was a painful experience for her.

Then why do it? I was a bit confused. Why did she feel the need to do this even though she didn't want to? It made me stay my hand for the moment.

There was also something inside of me that was stopping me from simply getting this over with, beyond wanting Percy and Annabeth to gain some experience so I didn't have to hold their hands.

"Medusa," Annabeth whispered in shock.

Percy's head snapped towards her, his eyes wide.

"Medusa as in that MEDUSA?!" he hissed.

Medusa chuckled mirthlessly, both Annabeth and Percy flinching as they looked anywhere but at her head, even though her blindfold remained on. It was good they were prepared since she could rip it off at a moment's notice.

"It gets lonely, you know, being cursed and all. People fear me and avoid me. But you children, you remind me of a time when I wasn't alone when I wasn't a monster. It's a shame that it has to be this way, but you have only your parents to blame for this," Medusa finished.

Finally, she rose from her seat, looking pained as her delicate hand went up to the blindfold she wore.

Just as she went to take off her blindfold, she paused as Annabeth and Percy were stumbling away, trying to regain their balance. Percy pulled out his sword while Annabeth drew a bronze dagger.

"You can leave, child. I sense you are not one of those dastardly God's children. I don't wish to kill those I have no need of harming," Medusa announced.

What a confused woman.

"Leave? Why even do this? I can't see this working out in any way for you beyond just pissing off the Gods even more, you know, those eternal beings that rule over your pantheon?" I questioned, staring at her.

She flinched.

"You obviously don't enjoy it. So why? Don't tell me it's something stupid like feeling the need to become a monster due to the curse," I asked lazily.

Medusa scowled, her perfect pink lips opening to reveal her slightly sharp teeth.

"You know nothing," she said, a complex amount of emotions simmering in her voice.

"Eh, I know more than you would think," I replied.

She sighed sadly.

"It seems you refuse to leave. Very well. I shall make this painless, boy, even if the poison is taking longer to affect you," Medusa said.

There was a brief pause before her hand shot to her blindfold, only slightly hesitating. Both Annabeth and Percy dropped to the ground and I was met by two glowing orbs.

She truly was beautiful, even as snakes appeared from under the cloth that covered her hair, all possessing the same coloured glowing orbs for eyes.

Medusa hissed, her orbs lighting up and seemingly piercing into my soul. Her face warped slightly and became more snake-like for a moment before she pulled back.

Why was it always the snake-related people that were always a pain?

She pulled back in pure shock and I felt Percy along with Annabeth trying to yank me down in an attempt to 'save' me. I let myself be pulled down so as to not be awkward.

"H-how?!" I heard her mumble, sadness, hope, and misery all packed into her words.

"What's the game plan?" Percy whispered, his sword out as he crouched.

That was the question, wasn't it?

Normally, I would just say kill her, but annoyingly enough, something inside of me was begging me not to.

"Run, I'll see what she wants," I said.



They both said in unison.

I sighed fondly.

"You do realize I'm stronger than you both? I'll be fine. Go outside and make sure the perimeter is clear. I'll finish up here," I reasoned.



Again they both rejected the idea.

"You do recall me throwing one of the three furies into a building, yes?" I asked with an unimpressed tone.

Percy grit his teeth in annoyance.

"Fine, but be careful. I haven't got many people left and you dying would really mess up my situation," Percy said, grabbing a protesting Annabeth and hauling ass out of there.

Medusa didn't sit idly by, getting over her shock she swiped her elongated hands. Her nails were as sharp as a sword. I stopped her as she was about to reach Percy and Annabeth.

Pushing her back with enough force that she was sent through a wall.

"No-no this isn't possible," she gritted out.

Her eyes' glow intensified again as she hissed at me.

Curse rejected

"But that can't be." She whispered, seemingly having a meltdown at the fact I could resist her cursed gaze. "You aren't a God!"

"Not yet," I replied.

Ignoring my comment, she slowly walked towards me, her eyes staring into mine as the snakes that replaced her hair hissed. I felt Galadriel hiss back and peek out from my shirt as Medusa held my face.

"You can see me, fully," she whispered.

"Yeah, and I still don't understand why you burden yourself with such a fruitless task," I said back, making no effort to remove her hands.

I was in no way letting my guard down; a peak high-class being could do some damage if she decided to abandon all hope and use all her magic to attack me. I wouldn't die since the level between high class and ultimate class was massive even if it looked small, but I didn't exactly want to be hurt either.

I had fought a few high-class beings but mostly taken them all by surprise and abused the fact they couldn't go all out due to the environment, like in Namara's mansion.

There was also the fact I truly believed she wasn't as bad as the myths portrayed her. Even if she had killed a lot of people, I wasn't in any place to talk since I had been in a similar state.

She pulled her soft hands back a moment later, a small scowl on her face.

"You must understand, the world hasn't been kind to me. Especially the so-called honourable gods who put me here. I will never be able to inflict revenge on them, so the only option I have is to target their children," she ranted.

"You wouldn't understand since you are merely a teenager. I don't want this, but I need it," she growled.

She swiped her claws, and the mist responded, swirling into five sharp slashes of energy that shot towards me. I easily created a light barrier, completely stopping the attack and making her reel back in shock.

Medusa appeared with a burst of speed, indicating she was a fast magic caster type in terms of stats.

I dodged her swing, sending a quick punch to the liver which made her hunch over in pain.

"Who are you?" she asked.

I let my power go unrestrained as I stared at her with a hint of apathy, my wings exploding out of my back and a halo appearing above my head.

The light around her dimmed as I used a new technique I had been able to finally pull off with the level requirement in light embodiment being met.

Absorbing light. I wasn't very good with it, and I didn't gain much from it yet, after all it was an extremely new technique. But it had the effect of intimidating her. As the light around her was pulled into me.

Light swirling around my body. A light spear appeared above my head. Aimed directly at her.

She dropped her fighting stance a moment later.

"I see. An angel child who is far more powerful than me. No wonder you have been so eerily calm for a child this entire time," she said, self-deprecatingly.

"I suppose this is the end for me, is it? At least it's better than one of those demigod brats killing me and using my head as some sort of weapon," she continued with a sigh of defeat.

My empathy skill activated again as I felt the mass of negative emotions coming from her. I sighed in annoyance, dropping the light spear and retracting my presence.

"No, I honestly don't care about how many demigods you've killed. At the end of the day, you provided Percy and Annabeth with a good lesson," I responded with a shrug. "But make no mistake, follow after us with the intent to harm again and I'll rip your head off."

Killing her was pointless. She would reform at some point, and it wouldn't really change anything. It was a pointless action. Other than getting rid of her for a while. There were also my angelic instincts that for some reason didn't want me too.

She looked shocked at my mercy.

"Why would you let a monster like me live?" she questioned.

I gave her another shrug.

"You're only a monster if you believe yourself to be one. I personally don't think you deserve death for attempting to get revenge. It's simply the nature of most beings to try to get revenge on those who wronged them," I said, making for the door.

It was best we start getting a move on; this quest wasn't going to finish itself. Percy's mother still needed to be saved, which would mean I would be meeting the God of Death very soon.

Which was an intimidating thought. I had no clue what kind of person he was, but I was sure we would work it out.

Just as I made my way to the door, she called out to me.


I turned around and gave her a raised eyebrow. Medusa looked conflicted, staring at me with a myriad of emotions flashing through her.

"Please take me with you," she said, bowing lowly as she stared up at me pleadingly.

I blinked in confusion.


-{Cao Cao}-

Cao Cao idly tapped his spear that he had in hand as he stared at the God Of War in front of him. Ares was sitting down across from him as they both could be seen seated in a small cafe.

They both made for quite the sight as onlookers stared at them in interest. The spear alone gave them a certain instinctual feeling of worship and submission as they looked at it.

The spear itself was the original Longinus and the spear that pierced Jesus himself. Coated with divine blood and a part of a massive mythological event meant it held quite the power.

Cao Cao was a handsome young man with short black hair and blue eyes, dressed in a blend of a Japanese school uniform and ancient Chinese hanfu attire.

Across from him, Ares leisurely sipped a cup of coffee. His fiery eyes were hidden behind stylish dark-tinted glasses, which couldn't completely obscure their red glow.

He was massive, with a physique bodybuilders could only dream of, making him an imposing figure.

Ares wore a cool leather biker jacket and leather gloves, epitomizing the look of a Greek warrior.

Despite his easy-going grin, the bloodlust and battle craving were evident in his aura, though he wasn't conventionally attractive.

"An angel, you say?" Ares' deep voice rumbled.

Cao Cao stared at the God of War with disdain. He wouldn't have stooped to this if Indra hadn't ordered him to take out the angel causing trouble.

"Yes, he's said to be in his teens with blonde hair and hazel eyes," Cao Cao responded.

Ares took another slow sip of his coffee. "Haven't heard of him," he replied dismissively.

Cao Cao frowned. "My contacts in the Khaos Brigade say he was seen close to Camp Half-Blood on their last sighting of him."

"Ya don't say," Ares said, obviously uncaring.

"Look, the agreement for our help in starting a war within your pantheon was that you help us locate this Kai," Cao Cao reasoned slowly, tensing as Ares narrowed his eyes from behind his dark glasses.

Ares took another deliberately slow sip of his coffee as Cao Cao glared.

"And what makes you think I need your help?" Ares asked, leaning forward slightly.

Cao Cao knew he couldn't beat Ares even in his mortal form, not yet at least. He was growing stronger every day but was still young and inexperienced. He decided to take a different course in the discussion.

"Perhaps you don't, but it wouldn't hurt to have extra support, would it? Plus, at the worst case, we make things slightly easier for a busy god such as yourself," Cao Cao humbly replied.

Ares smirked in amusement, baring his sharp white teeth for a second.

"Good save," he replied.

Cao Cao ignored his comment.

"All we are asking is for your help in searching for the angel while we help you with your plans," he continued.

"Why do you want to find this poor young angel?" Ares asked with an undertone of mockery.

"Let's just say he's caused a bit of a ruckus and I want him gone," Cao Cao replied, leaning back.

Ares mulled it over for a second.

"Fine. You will help me, and I shall search for this Kai while we enact my plan," Ares said, making Cao Cao nod.

Working with the unstable Greek god of war wasn't ideal in Cao Cao's mind, as he had a prejudice against all gods except the Hindu pantheon, whom he saw as an exception due to their care for humans.

Even if he chose to ignore the various other situations in which gods had been empathetic to humans since it didn't fit his idolatry. But he would make it work; this had been the first task Indra had given him, and he planned to get it done.

The angel who had annoyed his patron would find himself dead for his actions.

As Cao Cao and Ares spoke further on their plans regarding the ignition that would start a war between the big three gods of the Greek pantheon, the True Longinus hummed in disapproval, unnoticed by Cao Cao, as a long-dormant shard shifted within the spear.

A shard containing the essence of a long-gone being.


if you wish to read up to nine chapters in advance among other things please visit pa/t reon * / Snipez818, I appreciate all the support!

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