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Chapter 14

In the wizarding world, as rats are among the cheapest pets designated for Hogwarts students, they naturally have a wide appeal, including among many young witches.

However, most would opt for pets like hamsters, which are just as affordable but cuter and more docile, or longer-living black rats and cleaner-looking white mice.

Kain was surprised to see a young witch prefer a common rat, especially since her attire didn't suggest she was short on funds.

After eleven years in the wizarding community, Kain had developed a keen eye for detail. The girl's clothes, though not lavish, were made of fine material and exquisite craftsmanship, marked by a distinctive pattern on the cuffs indicating they were from the upscale wizarding boutique Dervish & Banges, where starting prices were around twenty Galleons.

Anyone who shopped there could certainly afford a more expensive pet, indicating her genuine fondness for the rat.

She must have had a good reason to seek Kain out.

Rat tonic from Diagon Alley? That stuff was basically sugary water, akin to an energy drink—good for a quick boost but not much else.

Remembering his own disgust upon seeing an Acromantula in Newt's case—its appearance challenging every aesthetic norm and likely to haunt any child's dreams—he figured a young witch fancying a simple field rat was hardly unusual.

Soon enough, Kain retrieved a thumb-sized bottle of tonic from his trunk and handed it to the girl. "This bottle is on the house. If it works, you can come back for more, but then I'll have to charge—one Sickle, though it's well worth it."

"Th-thank you," stammered the girl named Conner, hurriedly accepting the bottle. Yet, she lingered, her small face contorting with inner conflict.

"Is it not enough?" Kain asked, mistaking her hesitation, explaining, "It's not stinginess; it's just to try out first. Plus, the dosage for rat tonic is small—a couple of drops at a time. This bottle might seem little, but it should last a month."

"No, it's not that," Conner shook her head, then murmured under the watchful eyes of Kain and Cedric, "I was hoping for the red tonic."

The red tonic?

Cedric noticed then that the tonic Conner held was a murky orange, similar to crushed orange pudding, whereas the tonic Kain provided to Percy was a clear, impurity-free red.

Despite being the same product, their appearances were starkly different, and it was evident that the crystal-clear red tonic was far superior.

Even if it was free, this disparity seemed unfair, and Cedric's gaze towards Kain darkened, convinced of Kain's cunning nature.

At that moment, Conner fumbled through her purse, "I—I can buy it."

She gave a slight shake of her bag, and a heap of Galleons clinked onto the table—thirty-three Galleons, to be exact, plus a few Sickles.

Cedric's jaw nearly dropped; he only received ten Galleons for an entire term. Conner's display was triple his allowance.

Embarrassed yet undeterred, Conner added, "Is this all that's left? No matter, I can withdraw more from Gringotts if needed. As long as Patches lives longer, any amount of Galleons will suffice."

Cedric's mouth twitched at her words. The casualness of spending such amounts was staggering, even more so coming from a first-year.

Meanwhile, Kain was overwhelmed by the situation. He knew well that the tonic was supposed to be orange; the red tonic he gave Percy had special additives that would be harmful to a regular rat.

"It would have been better to close the door when Percy was here," Kain muttered to himself, planning a trip to Dorset during the Hogwarts break to consult with Newt. He recalled Newt had once concocted a tonic for a Murtlap that was similar to rat tonic—just needed dilution for regular use.

"I'll make sure to administer the tonic on time to Patches," Conner assured him, earnestly nodding.

"Rest assured, it will work," Kain reassured her, offering a Chocolate Frog as a parting gift. "Take this as well; chocolate always helps."

"No, I can buy my own," Conner declined, momentarily looking at the chocolate before shyly diverting her gaze, resembling a child bashfully accepting a red envelope during New Year.

"It's alright, take it," Kain smiled. "Consider it a welcome gift, and I hope we can be classmates."

"…Thank you," Conner finally accepted the chocolate, carefully storing it away without eating it.

(End of Chapter)

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