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Theodore’s support

The atmosphere crackled with a tension that snagged everyone's attention. Bella, mid-gaffe, stood frozen and watched him walk toward her, her jaws slacking apart. The annoyance that had simmered just moments ago vanished, replaced by a jolt of something far more complex.

Theodore's unwavering gaze held hers captive. His arm coiled around her waist and drew her in closer. The gesture sent a jolt through Bella, a confusing mix of emotions warring within her.

Claudia couldn't believe her eyes. The image she had witnessed earlier that night, Theodore leaving in a huff, had fueled a narrative of a brewing fight between the couple. But here he was displaying his affection to Bella as if nothing had happened.

It defied logic. If everything was truly harmonious between them, why had Theodore abandoned Bella alone earlier? The inconsistency gnawed at Claudia, her mind churning with unanswered questions. Had she misinterpreted the situation entirely?

"I just left for a while, and you started bullying my wife." Theodore threw a stern glare at Gina and Claudia.

Gina bristled. "She is the one harassing me!" she retorted, jabbing a finger accusingly at Bella.

Claudia, sensing the escalating tension, reached out and firmly grasped Gina's hand, forcing it down. "Theo," she interjected, "there's no need for that kind of accusation. I was simply reminding Bella to be more respectful towards Gina. After all, she is a part of this family."

Theodore's jaw clenched tight. "Since when did Gina become a part of this family?" he spat. "I didn't know you had adopted her."


Theodore held up his hand and silenced Claudia. "I am too worn out of all this drama here." Holding Bella's hand, he walked out of the mansion.

"Theo!" Gina screeched, lunging after him. But Claudia, quicker on her feet, snagged Gina's arm, effectively halting her pursuit.

"Aunty! Stop him!" Gina whined with petulance. "Why did you let him go? Bring him back to me!"

Claudia sighed, her shoulders slumping in defeat. "Gina, dear," she coaxed as she stroked Gina's hair in a placating gesture. "Theo will be back to you. Just have patience, alright? And I promise," she added, a glint of steel flickering in her eyes, "I'll get rid of that woman in his life."

Gina, subdued for the moment, could only sniff back her tears and nod in silent agreement. She had no choice but to trust Claudia.

As they slipped into the car, Bella couldn't help but ask, "Where were you? I thought you'd be back. I waited for you for hours."

Theodore's gloomy mood suddenly lightened a bit at her concerned tone, a flicker of amusement tugging at the corners of his lips. "Worried about me, are you?"

Bella blinked, momentarily thrown off balance by his question. Worried? Shouldn't she be?

"You were gone all night, Theodore. Of course, I was worried."

A warmth bloomed in Theodore's chest, a rare and unexpected sensation. There weren't many people in his life who genuinely cared about him, and hearing that Bella was also worried about him, filled him with a strange sweetness.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. Some urgent matters came up, and I went to deal with them." He paused, a sardonic glint flickering in his eyes. "Besides, shouldn't you be thanking me for granting you some privacy? You didn't have to share the bed with me."

Bella's temper flared. "Theodore," she snapped. "This isn't funny. Leaving me alone in that house, knowing how your stepmother feels about me? You could have at least told me where you were going before leaving."

Before Bella could finish her scathing sentence, Theodore reached out and tugged at her arm. The next instant, his lips were on hers, a sudden, searing kiss that stole her breath away. The unexpectedness of it left her stunned. Her initial instinct was to push him away, but her actions only made him hug her tightly.

Under the onslaught of his forceful kiss, Bella's resistance crumbled. Bella grew weak. Her struggles grew even weaker. The intoxicating scent of his cologne and the warmth radiating from his body were a potent combination, tugging at something deep within her. But then she remembered she was still frustrated with him for leaving her alone.

With a surge of renewed resolve, she shoved him away, breaking free from the intoxicating touch. Glaring at him, she brought a hand up to her lips. What was he doing, kissing her again?

Theodore, his lips still tingling from the kiss, smirked at her. He brushed his fingers against his mouth, a hint of amusement dancing in his eyes. "I know you're upset with me," he admitted. "I shouldn't have left without informing you."

Bella shrugged, still annoyed. This apology came a little late.

"Skyler was injured," he continued, his tone turning serious. "I went to check on him."

The sudden seriousness in his tone brought a shift to Bella's expression. "Injured?" she echoed, a tremor of worry lacing her voice. "How?"

"Uh…" Theodore shrugged, weighing his words. He knew the entire truth would likely frighten her. "It's nothing serious," he hedged, choosing his words carefully. "Just a little accident. He'll be alright."

Bella heaved a sigh of relief. "Thank goodness," she murmured, the tension momentarily dissolving. "For a moment there, I thought it was something serious."

Theodore, however, couldn't shake the image of Skyler struggling for his life. He wouldn't spare those who had tried to kill him. A dark glint flickered in his eyes.

Bella stole a glance at his grim profile, a myriad of thoughts swirling in her mind. She longed to confide in him, to seek his help in reclaiming her stolen house. But sensing the weight of his worry for Skyler, she held back.

'Maybe I'll tell him everything when the right time comes,' she thought.


Bella finally arrived at her rented house. She pushed open the door and entered the house.

Bridget materialized in the living room doorway, with a wide grin plastered on her face.

"Hey, Bella, you're back! Did you manage to get everything straightened out? Did you get your house back?"

Bella slumped onto the sofa, her energy utterly depleted. "No," she mumbled with disappointment.

Bridget's smile faltered, replaced by a frown. "No? Why not? Did they change their minds or are they trying to squeeze you for more money?" she asked, her hands instinctively going to her hips, elbows jutting out in a display of aggression.

Bella glanced up at her friend, hesitant. The memory of the day's ordeal – the drugged drink, the harrowing attempted assault – remained raw and terrifying. Confiding in Bridget, however, would unleash a torrent of worry she didn't want to burden her friend with.

"Bridget," she said with a weary sigh, "I'm just so tired. I think I need to sleep for a good long while."

Bridget's eyes softened with understanding. "Of course, sweetheart. It's Saturday. Sleep in as much as you want. No one will bother you. Joe and I are heading to meet his family. We'll be back tomorrow."

"Have fun." Bella offered a wan smile.

Bridget flashed a grin at her and walked back to her room. Her steps halted, and she turned back to her. "Hey, Bella – Almost forgot to tell you, but a guy came looking for you while you were gone."

Bella's heart sank. A visitor? Who could it be? The unsettling possibility of one of those thugs made her spine tremble.

"Really?" Bella's mind raced with various prospects.

Bridget nodded. "Yep. Said his name was Tristan."

'Tristan?' The name echoed in Bella's mind, a spark of surprise igniting within her.

"What did he say?" she asked, curious.

"That's the weird part," Bridget continued. "He claimed to have something precious for you, but wouldn't give it to me. Said he had to give it to you personally."

"I see." Bella nodded in a daze, her mind racing.

"Do you know him?" Bridget pressed, her curiosity piqued.

"Technically, no," Bella replied. "He is the secretary of the man I saved a few months ago."

"Oh! The car crash guy, right?" Bridget's memory clicked into place.

"Yes, him. I thought I'd lost my sapphire pendant in all the commotion, but apparently, it had slipped down while pulling him out of the wreckage. He wants to give me the pendant back."

Bridget's eyes widened in realization. "Wow, Bella! That guy tracked you down just to return your necklace? He must be incredibly grateful, wouldn't you say?"

Her voice was light with excitement as she bounced on the sofa, her enthusiasm infectious. "Maybe fate has a plan for you two! Imagine if he's some rich, handsome bachelor. This could be your chance to snag him!"

Bella couldn't help but smile at her friend's flights of fancy. She had the suspicion that Theodore was the man she had saved back then. Now, she had the perfect opportunity to find out. A sly smile played on her lips as a mischievous plan began to take shape.

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