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The danger

The asphalt road stretched endlessly before them. With each passing kilometer, the road appeared deserted, only deepening Bella's unsettling feeling. A cold dread settled in her gut.

"Are we lost?" she blurted with a tremor she couldn't control. "I don't think this road will lead to any workplace. Where are you taking me?" she inquired with frenzy. Her heart pounded in her chest, and a cold sweat broke out on her forehead.

The man behind the wheel offered no reply, intensifying her doubt. With a frantic sweep of her gaze, Bella took in the desolate landscape. The landscape outside was a vast expanse of wildflowers and bushes swaying gently in the wind. No houses, no people, no help.

"Stop the car," she yelled.

The man remained silent as if he had not heard her.

Driven by fear and desperation, Bella tried to unlock the car, but it was no use. Frustration morphed into a desperate roar, "Stop the car, now!"

"Didn't you want your house back?" The man snarled. "Then be quiet. Or I'll throw you out, and you'll never get anything back."

Terrified, Bella clamped her mouth shut, her mind racing with fear and uncertainty. She had no choice but to comply.

After what felt like an eternity, the car finally stopped. Bella's heart hammered against her ribs as she craned her neck, taking in their destination.

A solitary building stood in stark contrast to the sprawling emptiness that surrounded it. It was a place far removed from the comforting hum of city life. The chilling realization dawned – escape, at least for now, was an impossibility.

"Come out," the man demanded as he jumped out of the car.

Bella had no choice but to follow him; her gaze darted around her surroundings. Her fear grew with every step she took toward the building. It was a place where she wouldn't get a cab. How was she supposed to go back?

The moment she stepped inside, the hair on her nape stood on end. The air was thick with the acrid tang of stale cigarettes and spilled liquor, a haze of smoke hanging in the air.

In the corner, a group of burly men sat around a table, playing cards. Their laughter and crude jokes abruptly ceased as they noticed her presence.

Bella's stomach churned, her skin prickling under their unwavering gaze. It was as if their eyes possessed some perverse X-ray vision, penetrating the fabric of her clothes, leaving her utterly exposed and vulnerable.

Her instinct screamed at her to run, to find a place to hide, but there was nowhere to go. Every step she took felt like she was sinking deeper into a trap. She tried to steady her breathing, to calm the rising tide of panic, but it was futile.

Bella followed the man into another room. There, behind a sprawling mahogany desk, sat a middle-aged man, smoking a cigar.

"Boss," the pot-bellied man greeted him with a nod. "She wants her house back."

"Money?" the boss asked with a grave tone.

"Here it is." He put the stack of cash on the table. "The amount includes the interest."

A slow, predatory smile spread across the boss's face as he stubbed out the cigar in a crystal ashtray. "Very well, Miss Dawn," he drawled with a false sincerity. "A filial daughter indeed. Please, have a seat." He gestured towards a plush chair opposite him.

Bella was not here for the pleasantries. Every fiber of her being screamed to get the key, sign the papers, and escape this den of iniquity. "Please give me the key. I want to leave."

"You paid the money back. I wouldn't dream of keeping your property. Please sit down, and let's finish the paperwork." He gestured at the potbellied man. "Jason, bring some coffee for Miss Dawn."

Jason, his face an emotionless mask, nodded curtly.

She sank into the offered chair, but she didn't want to eat or drink anything. "Coffee isn't necessary," she mumbled.

"This is your first visit to my humble abode," the boss purred, his eyes gleaming with an unsettling intensity. "Allow me to extend my hospitality."

Jason nodded at his boss and walked out.

"Your house's documents are safe with me." The boss reached into a drawer and produced a thick file, pushing it towards her. "Sign the papers."

As Bella started checking the documents, the coffee arrived.

The boss took one cup and urged, "The coffee first, Miss Dawn. It'll help you focus."

Fighting down a wave of nausea, Bella cradled the cup between her trembling hands. The warmth seeped through the porcelain, a small comfort in the increasingly oppressive atmosphere. With a shaking hand, she lifted the cup to her lips and took a tentative sip.

As she continued to scan the documents, the letters began to dance before her eyes, blurring into an illegible mess. Panic surged through her. Blinking rapidly, she pressed her forehead against her temples, willing the dizziness to recede. But the world around her seemed to tilt and sway, the room blurring at the edges.

"Miss Dawn, are you okay?"

The world tilted further as Bella tried to focus on him. His features swam in a haze, the crisp lines of his suit replaced by a blurry watercolor painting. Her blurry gaze dropped to the cup of coffee.

"You... you drugged me," she stammered, alarm bells ringing in her ears.

The man smirked, "Naive, Miss Dawn," he drawled with condescension. "To think you could waltz in here and simply leave. Now, I can't let you get out of here so easily until we have some fun."

Before Bella could understand anything, someone yanked at her arm and dragged her away.

"Get off me," she yelled.

Weakness flooded her limbs, but a surge of desperate adrenaline spurred her on. Pushing against the burly man with all her remaining strength, she managed to shove him back momentarily. Seizing the opportunity, Bella bolted for the doorway.

To her dismay, the man was faster than her. He grabbed her arm and drew her back. A choked cry tore from her throat.

"Help, help," she cried at the top of her lungs. "Somebody – please help."

"No matter how much you cry, no one will hear you," her captor sneered, his eyes gleaming with a predatory hunger. "No one's coming to save you. You can't get out of here until we allow you."

Just then, the door swung open and two more figures materialized, their faces grim masks under the dim light. With a practiced ease, they shoved Bella onto a nearby bed, their gazes raking over her with a sickening intensity.

"Start shooting," Jason commanded.

Two men clambered onto the bed as someone began to record.

Bella's strength was rapidly waning; her limbs felt like lead, and her vision blurred even more. Panic surged through her as she felt their hands on her body. She wanted to fight them off, to scream and kick, but the drug coursing through her veins made it nearly impossible.

In the moment of despair, Bella felt as if she would be raped and killed in this place. Her cries for help grew weaker, her resistance fading as the darkness threatened to consume her. She prayed for a miracle, clinging to the hope that someone, anyone, would come to her rescue before it was too late.


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