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Chapter 2: smile (edited)

Noah was eating cereal with milk while watching the morning news on TV. His mother, Emma Williams, was getting ready to go to work. She had brown hair, brown eyes, and a warm smile. Her wrinkles hinted at her mature beauty.

"See you later, I'm going to work. Be careful when you go out; it seems there was a murder nearby. Also, I left you some money in case you want to get something to eat. But be careful, understood?" said Emma as she looked at Noah with narrowed eyes. She was a protective mother towards her son. Noah looked at her and said, "Yes, Mom..."

As Noah watched his mother leave, he couldn't stop thinking about the recent murder he had committed. The news came on the TV, and Noah looked at his slightly trembling hands.

"Shit... my head hurts a bit," Noah muttered to himself as he rubbed his head in pain.

**Kill them**

Stretching lazily and ignoring those strange thoughts, Noah murmured, "Statistics."

[Name: Noah Williams 

Age: 16

Strength: Average 

Speed: Average 

Intelligence: Slightly above average

Characters: Jeff the Killer!]

Noah pondered his stats window for a moment before wondering out loud, "How the hell do I get more cards...?" Noah thought of several possibilities: killing, completing missions—there had to be a way.

Suddenly, a notification appeared in the "Characters" section, indicating a new update. Noah tapped it eagerly, revealing new information.

[Jeff the Killer:

Level 2/10! Updates: Enhanced senses, slightly improved strength, slightly improved speed.

Warning: To acquire more cards, you need to get more kills or eliminate strong beings.]

Noah absorbed the information and realized that his path forward would require more bloodshed. Noah smiled without realizing it, then frowned when he felt a grin on his face. "Shit... this is a bit problematic... it's affecting me even without using the card..."

Looking around his room, Noah took his phone and checked the time. It was early morning, and an idea began to form in his mind. It was a plan, although cruel, but Noah knew it could work. The card's influence was palpable, slowly reshaping his thoughts and mindset. Noah said, "Well... that's life."

Noah walked to a window and noticed his mother was gone since her car was already missing. He felt the urge to hit the streets, driven by the need to become stronger.

Examining his reflection in a nearby mirror, Noah smiled at his familiar features: brown hair, brown eyes, and a height of 177 cm (5'9").

"Now that I think about it... I'm in the Marvel world... so I'll have to face heroes and villains alike... I can't waste time. My card is strong, but I can't take someone like Captain America lightly... maybe if I level up my card to the max in strength and speed, I could beat him, but he has way more combat experience than I do. He would win..." Noah reflected aloud, considering the possibilities.

Noah put on a jacket and prepared to embark on his hunt, stepping out of his house into the neighborhood.


Noah left a store, having bought a white mask with a twisted smile. This could come in handy, he thought. Intrigued, he wandered into an alley, observing the sights: rats rummaging through the trash, homeless people huddled under makeshift shelters.

"Sorry, but... I want to get stronger..." Noah murmured softly and activated his card, approaching a sleeping homeless man. When the man woke up, confusion evident in his eyes, Noah's hand moved quickly, and a knife materialized in his grip. With superhuman speed, he slit the man's throat before quickly ending his life with a stab to the skull.

Noah felt no remorse; his actions were guided by the unpredictable and senseless thoughts induced by the card. Taking off the mask, he twisted the man's mouth into a semblance of a smile. Noah smiled as never before; he felt quite good.

Continuing through the alley, Noah saw a distant door and approached it, knocking repeatedly for someone to let him in.

"Fortunately, the homeless are sleeping... or they ignore it out of fear," Noah murmured with a twisted smile. Seeing a security camera fixed on the ceiling, he smiled menacingly. His grotesque expression would undoubtedly instill fear in anyone who saw it.

Setting aside his smile, Noah knocked on the door once more but received no response. Undeterred, he decided to take a risky course of action, driven by the altered mentality induced by the card.

With a firm grip, Noah grabbed the door handle and exerted immense force, feeling it begin to deform under his strength. With a satisfying crunch, the handle gave way, and Noah opened the door, revealing a small storage area.

Noah ventured into the room and found a chilling sight, though not for him. A lifeless figure lay sprawled on the floor. Intrigued, Noah approached the body and observed a young woman who appeared to be in her twenties. Looking toward a nearby door, Noah made his way to it, only to find a hallway filled with more corpses. One victim displayed the telltale signs of a gruesome attack: a chunk of their neck missing as if it had been ripped out by monstrous force.

Unfazed by the macabre scene, Noah continued forward and opened another door to reveal a reception area. The space was stained with blood—blood on the floor and walls.

"How exciting...finally something interesting..." Noah commented with a smile.

Suddenly, a door leading to another section of the building opened, and a man emerged, his face and arm covered in blood. He froze when he saw Noah, his expression one of fear. However, before he could react, his face was split in half; half of his face and mouth fell to the ground, splattering blood everywhere.

Noah's attention was drawn to the appearance of a peculiar figure: a mutant with purple skin and sharp blades for hands.

"You're another one of those bastards, right?" the mutant growled, his voice tinged with anger.

Noah responded with an indifferent smile. "Maybe?"

In a blur of motion, the mutant lunged at Noah, its sharp arms ready to attack. Noah quickly evaded the attack and retaliated by slashing the mutant's chest. The mutant roared in pain, launching a frantic assault with his deadly sharp claws, each blow leaving deep gashes in the surrounding area.

"Hahahaha!! Come here!" Noah screamed with excitement. Finally, he could release everything he had. His mind, corrupted by the card's influence, craved the thrill of killing the being before him.

Clenching the knife, Noah charged towards the mutant, skillfully evading his attacks. In one swift movement, he plunged the knife into its shoulder, causing a rush of blood. Despite the mutant's screams of agony, Noah silenced him by covering his mouth with his hand. "It's time to sleep," he whispered before quickly delivering a series of fatal stabs to its chest.

The mutant struggled futilely against Noah's superior strength, attempting to flee in terror. However, Noah left it no escape route. With a manic grin, he dealt the final blow, stabbing it in the forehead with the knife. "Go to sleep," he scoffed as the mutant fell to the ground.

As the lifeless body fell to the floor, Noah's laughter echoed throughout the room. His grotesque face twisted into a manic grin as he reveled in his victory. "Haha...haha...HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!"


Gradually, Noah's laughter subsided, leaving behind a satisfied smile and a nagging headache. "How funny..." he murmured, his eyes shining with ecstasy. He grabbed his head with his hand and said, "How annoying..."

Noah looked at the system screen that appeared in front of him.

[You have leveled up!

Jeff the Killer has reached level 4!

Acquired Skill: Sense of Madness!

Jeff the Killer 4/10]

Noah studied the information displayed on the screen and tapped on the newly acquired skill, causing another window to appear.

[Sense of Madness: This skill allows you to enter a state of madness, increasing strength and speed by 50% for 5 minutes. However, upon expiration, the body will experience significant physical fatigue, which may also be transferred to the original body.]

Noah looked at the skill and said, "It's not bad, but the fatigue is annoying..."

Turning his attention to the lifeless mutant lying on the ground, Noah said with a small smile, "Mutants... This will be complicated. Those beings are strong... the strongest are planetary level or much higher... I hope I'm strong enough to kill them in the future..."

Noah sighed as he ventured further into the building. Inside, he discovered a wide variety of computers and technology. "How come no one has stumbled across this place?" he mused out loud. "Could it be abandoned or is there something else...?"

Ignoring his questions, Noah said with a smile, "Well... Never mind... time to use my abilities..."

"I could make use of this... After all, I'm an expert hacker," Noah muttered as he walked over to a PC. It seemed normal and lacked password protection. Without hesitation, he began typing on the keyboard with practiced ease, browsing through pages and downloading files at lightning speed. In just a few minutes, Noah had accumulated a large amount of information on various topics, including some interesting things.

"It seems like they were trying to capture that mutant... And this place is soundproof, which explains why no one heard the screams. At least they were a little smart," Noah noted, his expression unchanged. From the outside, it looked like a closed store, hiding its true nature.

"Not bad," he murmured approvingly, focusing on his desire for faster progress. Noah continued to type rapidly, hacking into various systems with a bit of difficulty. The card's ability was useful in facilitating his actions for now, but later it probably wouldn't be very useful.

Rummaging through classified police records, Noah examined cases involving mutilated and murdered bodies, his demeanor unflappable. It seemed like both he and Jeff's character were used to such bleak visions. In the middle of exploring, Noah came across a folder labeled "Midtown School of Science and Technology."

"Wasn't that the school where Tom Holland's Spider-Man was...? I think so," Noah said with some interest in his voice.

Further investigation led to an unexpected revelation. "Peter Parker dies in a bathroom accident... what?" Noah exclaimed in surprise, his curiosity piqued. Looking at the information about Spider-Man's death, he wondered: "If Spider-Man is gone, who will take over?"

"This is an alternate universe, different from the MCU... But with the disappearance of Peter Parker, who will be Spider-Man? There are so many candidates... too many." Noah pondered, trying to think of a possibility, but there were too many.

Noah sighed and said, "Ah, the security cameras." He began to delete the videos from the security cameras in the place just in case.

Leaving the room, Noah firmly closed the door behind him and left the same route he had entered. Putting on his mask once more, he retreated to a secluded spot and deactivated Jeff's card, black mist enveloping him as it disappeared from sight. Noah adjusted his glasses, put the mask in his pocket, and left the alley.

"Hmm... what now?" Noah mused out loud, feeling a sense of boredom wash over him. "I guess I'll go home and look at the information I have..." he decided, heading in the direction of his house.


Noah reviewed the information on his phone, absorbing the details of Peter Parker's untimely death. "Okay... this is interesting," he commented, frowning as he delved into the report.

According to the information, Peter had been found dead at his school under... suspicious circumstances. Noah pondered the possibilities, considering whether Peter had been murdered or if he had taken his own life. "How weird...?" he muttered, confusion evident in his tone.

"Did he get Spider-Man's powers or not?" Noah questioned out loud, weighing the two possibilities. "It's hard to believe that he would die if he had the spider's powers," he reasoned, leaning toward the idea that Peter might not have been bitten by the spider. In this universe, he might not be Spider-Man—that's a good possibility.

Examining the details further, Noah noted the perfect state of the scene where Peter had met his end. "Everything seems calm... Maybe he is not the Spider-Man of this universe. It's quite possible..." he concluded, quite curious about the death of Peter Parker, and it was also a few days ago, a short time ago.

"Well... I guess I'll just stay home today," Noah decided, feeling a sense of accomplishment after leveling up twice in one day. "Time to relax with some YouTube videos," he added with a slight smile, preparing for a comedy video marathon or something similar to entertain himself.

Suddenly, Noah felt footsteps approaching. Even though he was in his room, he could hear if someone entered or left the house. His mother was not due to return at this time, so he knew that those steps did not belong to her.

Who could it be...?" Noah whispered to himself, his heart rate increasing. With a quick command, he activated the card, allowing the mist to cover him and transform. Moving cautiously, Noah listened carefully, his senses heightened to the max. He could even discern people's voices as if they were right next to him.

"Hey... are you sure no one's home?" whispered a woman's voice.

"Yes, come on Anna, it's easy money. The woman's son left a while ago, there's no one there, I think so," a man's voice responded.

"Well... I hope there's no one. I hate doing this," Anna answered nervously.

Noah strained to listen to their conversation and silently pondered his options. "I never thought of killing in my own home..." he muttered, feeling a sense of discomfort at that.

"But hey, life is about trying new things, right?" Noah commented with a grim smile, preparing for what would come next.

Noah crept out of his room, moving silently. The voices of the intruders seemed to emanate from his mother's room, and Noah could sense their presence just outside the closed door.

"You idiots... you'll see what I'll do to you when you break into my house and want to steal things from here..." Noah whispered to himself, a mischievous smile spreading across his face. He relished the opportunity to turn the tables on the intruders and play with them, feeling a surge of excitement at the prospect of a little fear.



here the author!!

another edited chapter :V

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