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63.15% KinoMori: The StarHit of Maphina / Chapter 12: KinoMori: Memories of The Past (15+)

Chapter 12: KinoMori: Memories of The Past (15+)

"Mama, Papa. It might dumb to ask this. But what kind of demi are we?" I asked as my tail wag, mama giggled, "A marten, sweet pie"

"Ahh! I knew it! My suspicion had been confirmed!" I jumped on my bed.

"Now, Now, Anika. No jumping in the bed like I said." Mother said, "but mama!", "no buts young lady! Now get down here so I can comb your head for bed." Mama strictly said, but quickly giggled. I pouted and jumped down, I sat at the floor while mama sat on the bed.

She started to brush my hair. "All done." I stood up and looked at the mirror. Hah... Soft ginger hair with two white strands, and a soft pink eyes. I'm so adorable!!

"Now, Anika. Go to sleep and you can go play with Rafkio and Walguvia early morning~" I tensed. That's right! I should sleep early so I can play with them early too! "Understood!" I exclaimed as I went to bed excitedly.

— — — — & — — — —

"Wait for me! Rafkio! Walguvia!" I tried to match their running speed but failed. I stopped to catch my breath, "Ehh!! This isn't fair! You guys run too fast!", "Or you're just slow." Walguvia said with a smirk. Hmph!! Rude!

Rafkio and Walguvia also stopped but they both pushed me. "Hey!" I exclaimed. That hurts! My butt hurts now! The two both purposely fell down.

Now all three of us are laying in the grass watching the sky view... Rafkio, she is a marten like me! Brown hair and brown eyes. Walguvia, she may seem like a boy at first, but she's actually a girl! She is white tiger. I used to assume she's from the Byakko Clan from the K'lentheria Empire but she's not.

"Do you guys wanna hear the story of the Sovereign of Pride?" Rafkio said with a smirk on her face. "Like.. pride or.. Star Pride" Walguvia asked, a big shaken. "You guessed it right! Star Pride!"

Rafkio cleared her throat, "The Sovereign of Pride is the most powerful out there, not even four of the 7 Heavenly Grams' can defeat them. It takes all 7 Heavenly Grams' to defeat her. But one day, she all of the sudden disappeared without trace. One might say that she will arise soon. Aaaannndd..." Rafkio chuckled devilishly and turned to me. "Eh?"

"And... They will capture Anika and force her to be their companion!" Ehhhhhhhh?!!! "W-why would you say that??!"

Walguvia and Rafkio laughed. How is this a laughing matter? Hmph! "Anika, do you seriously believe it? The Star Pride disappeared centuries ago, there's no way they'll come back, in fact. I think the 7 Heavenly Grams' manage to defeat them!" I guess Rafkio is right. I'm worrying over nothing...

Destruction of One's Mental health

[ TW: Uncomfortable and Inappropriate Themes, SA, Slavery, Ect. ]

"MAMA! PAPA!" I yelled painfully as the bandits gripped my arm.. "Anika! Herticia! Let my family go!!" Papa yelled at them, but the Luktarcian bandits only laughed at the attempt. "Mhm~? This girl would be such a fine piece~" the bandits said as starts touching my body... So uncomfy... I yelped as feel one of the bandits touch my thighs. "E-eh..." I looked at mama and papa, and their expression was.. horrified. "Please! L-let.. my daughter g-go! S-she's only 10! Please! Don't do this to her!!" I hear mother yell. "Hehehehe!" I hear the bandits giggle. There were 8 of them in total... One came up to me with a.. huh? What is that? It's some kind of metal collar with a green orb in the middle... Also a bracelet one. Same kind as the collar. Mama and papa's eyes widen more.

The bandits put it on me. I didn't resist... What's the point of resisting? They're so much.. stronger than me... Mine and Mama's ears went up as we heard a loud thud. We looked over what the sound was.... "AHHH!!!!!!!!!" Mama shrieks, and I was just there... Being held by Luktarcia—... Monsters.

"DARRELLFA!!!" Mama yelled out papa's name. She was crying... But me... I wasn't crying, no tears at all. I was just looking at papa's lifeless body. I was traumatized... Why? Why does have to happen to us? We've been a peaceful and kind family? So why? Oh, right. These are Luktarcians, they have no mercy on demi-humans... They're absolute monsters. They are far worse than the Star Holders themselves.

"Shut up, B*tch!" I heard one of the bandits yell at mama as he... Why is he tearing Mama's clothes off? Mama was trying to fight back but it was all struggles, "Please, no! Let me go!! Stop!!" Mama pleaded.

The man is taking off his pants too. I don't understand. After for some minutes, they were wrestling naked. "A-Ah!" I heard mama make that noise... She sounded so pained. She was crying. But the bandits face was full pleasure, "Oh!! Now, THIS is a woman's body!" What was this man doing to mama.

After hours they were done. Mama, during the wrestling said along the lines with: "L-look away!" Or "not Infront of her!" And many more similar.

Mama was all in pain and suffering. And all I can do is be petrified... I was traumatized from what I saw. The man who wrestled with my mother went up to me and gave me a dagger, I was shaken... "Wha.."

The man smirked devilishly, "Kill your mother." .... My eyes widen in horror. Mama wasn't reacting at all... She was just there laying down while looking soulless.

"WHAT?! NO!" I tried to fight back. But the man's smirk only grew more devilishly. "That is an order!"

"HUH?!!!" My body was only of the sudden moving on its own. It's walking towards mama... No... NO!!

Once I reached Mama, my hand went up. I tried to restraint myself... "NO!! MAKE IT STOPP!!!!" I cried. Mama looked at me and smiled. "Ani... Please remember mama and papa loves you inside your heart." NO!

Mama has tears rolling down her cheeks. Than... I stabbed her... "NOOOO!!!!!!!" I shriek... Mama...

I dropped the knife and fell down on my butt... I looked at my hands... Blood... Mama's blood... I killed her...

All the bandits laughed while I was traumatized. "Let's go, Brat!" One of the bandits pulled up, and forced my to walk. I couldn't resist... Either way, I wouldn't. I feel so hopeless...

"Get in!" The bandits pushed me inside the.. cell? It was attached to a horse... They closed the cell door and looked it... I look down.

"A-... Anika?" I heard someone call my name. I turned over to it is.. my expression lit up a little. "Walguvia.. Rafkio..." Why are they here... They have same as collar and bracelet as me... They were hugging each other, shaken in fear... I teared up... "You guys are.. here. Did they.. do k..ill your family too...?" I whispered, but it was loud enough for the both of them to hear. They sadden and nodded. I crawled up to them and hugged them... We silently cried.

— * —

Whipping was heard. "NGH! PLEASE, NO MORE!!" Walguvia pleaded in the other room. Me and Rafkio was on the cell. She tried to conceal the noises from me by trying to cover my ears. We were both tearing up.

The three of us was sent to Lord Barrier. A noble from Vonlafok... The bandits gave us away to him.. and Lord Barrier paid him lots of money... It was slave trade kinda thing.

It's been here for months now... And we've been abused for his sick and twisted desires...

This went on for years... Until...

Walguvia coughed up blood... She was getting weaker and weaker... She was getting alot more skinnier and pale... "Rafkio... Anika..." She held both our hands while lying on the floor. She attempted to smile... She was sick... And Lord Barrier refused to do medical treatment on her....

"Thank.. you..." And those were her last words.... "NO!! WALGUVIA!!!" I yelled painfully. Rafkio hugged me.. "Let's.. let her rest in peace..."

Lord Barrier found out that she died but didn't do anything about it... He simply put the body in another cell... The 'Useless Cell' if that's what he calls it... Such a heartless monster...

But, I also met my unfortunate end a month later... I was lying on the ground looking at Rafkio with a tearful eye.. I gripped her hand, and said: "Please, Rafkio... Try to escape... For me... For Walguvia... So you won't meet your end like us... Live a happy life..." I smiled.

"How..? How am I going to live a happy life knowing my family is dead... So are my best friends... The amount of guilt I will have to carry..." Rafkio...

"Please..." I pleaded one last time. "... Fine... I will. For you.. for Walguvia..." She whispered. I smiled weakly but happily... Rafkio... "Tha... That's my death wish, Rafkio... Please, make it come true." She nodded.

I closed my eyes... I'm free.

— The Person I Sworn To Protect With My Entire Existence —

"Rany, you've been spacing out, lately. Is something wrong?" I snapped back to reality. "Sorry! I was thinking about something, Master! Like how much trouble you have to go through to make me these clothes, armor and this sword!" I was thinking about that too... But the memories went in to interrupt it...

"No, no. It's okay, Rany. What matters more is that you like it. I may went through all the trouble, but it was worth it." Master Maphina... I smiled warmly... I..

I'm glad... I'm glad I was given a second chance to live.. with Master Maphina too... "Master!!" I tackled-hugged her. She grunted.

I... I wanna be with Master through thick and thin. No matter what, I'll always be by her side. I'll protect her... I'm her shield, and companion. I vow to protect Master Maphina no matter the consequences. I will love Master Maphina no matter who she is. I.. will value Master Maphina as much as she valued me.

I'm... Not Anika Falwon anymore... I'm Ranyllia, Master Maphina's Loyal Companion.

Walguvia.. I hope you're in a much better now. Rafkio, I hoped you escaped. And Mama and papa. Please... Watch me...

"Master... Please... Never leave my side." I said as I snuggled into her chest.. Master smiled as she gently stroke my hair... "I'll never leave you, Rany."

Master... Please, take care of me properly...

Kinoha_JECA Kinoha_JECA

Ranyllia's backstory just proves how cruel and ruthless Luktarcians are towards demis. Despite Carloretta being a dark county. it couldn't compare to Luktarc and Vonlafok.

(Next Chapter: Slave Boy and Girl)

(A chapter where Rany and Maphina meets two slaves.)

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